12 research outputs found

    Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimi ve Problem Çözme Becerileri

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine critical thinking dispositions and problem solving skills of nursing studentsat Dokuz Eylül University, School of Nursing and compare the changes in these variables through the four years of nursingeducation.Methods: This descriptive study included 267 students from Dokuz Eylül University, Nursing of School. Data were collectedusing two instruments, California Critical Thinking Disposition Scale and Problem Solving Skills Inventory. An additionalquestionnaire was used to collect demographic data. One Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyzedata. Tukey HSD test was employed as Post Hoc test. Level of significance was set at p < .05.Results: Students had moderate critical thinking dispositions and problem solving skills. There was an increase in problemsolving skills from the first to the fourth year and there was a negative significant relationship between critical thinking andproblem solving skills showing a positive relationship between these two variables.Conclusion: Although increased scores in critical thinking dispositions and decreased scores of problem solving skills may beconsidered positive, results indicate a need for students' continuous development in these areas. Incorporation of criticalthinking and problem solving skills into nursing school curricula can be a beneficial strategy. Amaç: Bu çalışma Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme eğilimleri ve problemçözme becerilerini belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu çalışma, İzmir Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulunda 267 öğrenci üzerindeyapılmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde SPSS 11.0 paket programında One Way Anova, Post Hoc test olarak Tukey HSDtesti ile Pearson korelasyon analizi kullanılmış ve p < .05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir.Bulgular: Öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme ve problem çözme becerileri orta düzeyde bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin problemçözme becerilerinde birinci sınıftan dördüncü sınıfa doğru artış bulunmuştur. Eleştirel düşünme ve problem çözme arasındanegatif yönde güçlü ve çok anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır.Sonuç: Bu araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme puan ortalamalarındaki artış ve problem çözme puanortalamasındaki azalma olumlu olarak değerlendirilmesine rağmen bu alanda öğrencilerin devamlı geliştirilmesine gereksinimolduğunu göstermektedir. Hemşire eğitimciler tarafından müfredat programlarına eleştirel düşünme ve problem çözme beceriderslerinin entegre edilmesi yararlı bir strateji olabilir

    Could the Early Diagnosis Behaviours of Breast Cancer be Increased in Older Women? Responsibilities of Healthcare Professionals

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    Pek çok çalışmada meme kanseri erken tanı davranışlarının arttırılması için sağlık davranış modellerinin kavramsal temellerikullanılmıştır. Bu derlemede yaşlı kadınların meme kanseri erken tanı davranışlarını artırmada en sık kullanılan iki modelin (Sağlık İnançModeli ve Transteorik Model) etkisi incelenmektedir. Derleme özellikle sağlığı geliştirme modelleri ile meme kanseri erken tanıdavranışlarında azalmaya neden olan engeller ve taramalara katılımı artırmada kullanılan yöntemlerin etkinliği hakkında görüş sağlayacaktır. In many studies, the conceptual bases of health behaviour models were used in an attempt to increase the early diagnosis behaviours ofbreast cancer. This review article uses the effect of the two models being frequently used in increasing the early diagnosis behaviours ofbreast cancer in old women (Health Belief Model and Transtheoretical Model). The review article will bring a view especially about theobstacles that cause a decrease in health development models and early diagnosis behaviours of breast cancer, and the efficiency of methodsthat are used in increasing the participation in screenings

    Abuse and neglect among elderly people living in a primary health care center area in izmir and evaluation of factors associated with elder abuse

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    Bu araştırma Esentepe Sağlık Ocağı Bölgesinde yakınları ile birlikte yaşayan 65 yaş ve üstü bireylerin istismar durumları ile etkili olan etmenlerin belirlenmesi amacı ile yapılmış, tanımlayıcı bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 331 yaşlı birey oluşturmuştur. Veriler Temmuz - Ekim 2007 tarihleri arasında toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak yaşlı bireyin son 6 ay içinde yaşadığı istismarı belirlemeye yönelik soru formu, sosyodemografik özellikler soru formu, Katz'ın Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri İndexi (ADL) ve Standardize Mini Mental Test (SMMT) formu kullanılmıştır. Veriler ki kare testi ve lojistik regresyon analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Yaşlı bireylerin %9,4'ü psikolojik istismar, %8,2'si ihmal, %4,2'si fiziksel istismar, %2,1'i ekonomik istismar, %0,9'u ise cinsel istismar ile karşılaşmıştır. İstismar tiplerinden birini ya da birkaçını aynı anda yaşayan yaşlı bireyler %13,3'tür. Kadın olma, düşük eğitim seviyesi, eş ve çocukları ile birlikte yaşama, aile ilişkilerini "orta ve ortanın altında" olarak algılama istismarı artırmakta iken (p 0.05). İstismarınæ kadınlarda 3,36(p 0.05), eşi ve çocukları ile birlikte yaşayanlarda 3,94(p Sonuç olarak yaşlı istismarı koruyucu önlemlerin alınması gereken, yaşlı bireyin yaşam kalitesini bozan önemli bir sorundur. Bu nedenle hemşirelik eğitiminin müfredatına ve mezuniyet sonrası hizmet içi eğitim programlarına yaşlı istismarının entegre edilmesi, özellikle birinci basamakta çalışan hemşirelerin istismar açısından riskli yaşlıları belirlemeleri, bu yaşlıları sık izlemeleri ve istismarı önlemeye yönelik çalışmalar yapmaları ve toplumsal bilinci artırmak için kitle iletişim araçlarının kullanılması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hemşirelik, Yaşlı, İstismar, İhmal. This study is a descriptive study and has been carried out to determine whether 65 aged and older elderly people, living with their relative in Esentepe primary health care center area, had experienced abuse and neglect and to evaluate factors associated with elder abuse. Research sample was consist of 331 older people. Data collection was carried out on July through September, 2007. As a data collection instrument, questionary, intented for determining abuse and neglect which older people had experinced during the past six months, socio-demographic characteristic questionary, Katz Activities of Daily Living (ADL) İndex, The Standardized Mini Mental State Examination (SMMSE) were used. Chi-square test and logistic regression analyses were used in evaluation of data. It was found that elder adults who had experienced psychologicaly abuse was 9,4%, neglect was 8,2%, physical abuse was 4,2%, economic abuse was 2,1%, sexual abuse was 0,9%. It was determined that the ratio of older adults experiencing one or more of all types of abuse at the same time was 13,3 %. While being woman, having low education, living with spouse and his/her children, perceiving the family relation as fair or worse than fair were increasing abuse (p 0.05). It was determined that abuse was respectively 3,36(p 0.05), 3,94(p In conclusion, elder abuse is an significant problem which preventive precautions should be taken. For this reason, It is suggested that elder abuse should be entegrated in nursing education curriculum and in-service trainings, especially primary health care nurses should identify elders at risk, frequently observe this elders and carry out works to prevent elder abuse and mass communication means should be used to increase the awereness of public. Key words: Nursing, Elder people, Abuse, Neglect

    Effects of nursing interventions planned with the health promotion models on the breast and cervical cancer early detection behaviors in the older women

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma 60-75 yaş arasındaki kadınların meme ve serviks kanserini erken dönemde tanılamaya yönelik davranışa geçmelerinde engelleyici faktörleri belirlemek, meme ve serviks kanseri erken tanı davranışlarına katılımı artırmak (Kendi Kendine Meme Muayenesi (KKMM), Klinik Meme Muayenesi (KMM), Mamografi ve Pap Smear Test), Sağlığı koruma ve geliştirme davranışları üzerinde hemşirelik girişimlerinin etkinliğini belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk aşama, yaşlı kadınların erken tanı davranışlarında engelleri belirlemek için kalitatif olarak yürütülmüştür. Meme kanseri erken tanı davranışları için 46 kadın, serviks kanseri için 21 kadın ile görüşülmüştür. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanmış ve içerik analizi ile analizi yapılmıştır. İkinci aşamayı kantitatif bölüm oluşturmuştur. Deneysel tipteki çalışmada 50 deney ve 50 kontrol grubu kadın örneklemde yer almıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında; Sosyo-demografik özellikler bilgi formu, Standardize Mini Mental Test, Katz Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri İndexi, önceki davranışlarla ilgili bilgi formu, tarama davranışları izlem formu, Kendi Kendine Meme Muayenesi Kontrol Listesi, Sağlık İnanç Modeli Ölçeği (SİMÖ), Öz-Etkililik Ölçeği, Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışları Ölçeği II-Sağlık Sorumluluğu alt boyutu kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda yaşlı kadınların meme ve serviks kanseri ve erken tanı davranışlarını engelleyen faktörlerden meme kanseri için, ?bilgi yetersizliği, korku, ihmal/erteleme, utanma/dini inanç ve randevu alamama, doktor önerisinin olmaması ve sağlık personelinin yaklaşımı? serviks kanseri için ?bilgisizlik, utanma/mahremiyet, önceki sağlık hizmeti deneyimi, korku, yaşlı olma, sağlık personelinin önerisinin olmaması? bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada yaşlı kadınların KKMM yapma beceri puanlarının arttığı, sağlık algılarının geliştiği, KMMM yapma, mamografi, Pap smear test yaptırma oranlarını arttığı ancak KMM yaptırmada girişimlerin etkili olmadığı saptanmıştır. 2 Sonuç: Bu araştırmanın sonuçları SİM ve SGM?ne dayalı grup sağlık eğitimi, broşür, film gösterisi, meme maketi ve telefonla hatırlatma kullanılarak uygulanan hemşirelik girişimlerinin yaşlı kadınlarda meme ve serviks kanseri erken tanı davranışlarında olumlu değişimler yaptığını göstermektedir. Meme ve serviks kanseri taramalarına katılımı artırmada ulusal ve bölgesel düzeyde birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü basamakta çalışan hemşireler tarafından Sağlık İnanç Modeli ve Sağlığı Geliştirme Modeli?ne dayalı meme ve serviks kanseri eğitimi yapılması, farklı yaş ve kültür özelliklerine sahip yaşlı bireyler üzerinde etkilerini değerlendirmek için benzer çalışmaların yapılması yararlı olabilir. Objective: This study was conducted in an attempt to determine the preventing factors for women aged 60-75 regarding the behaviour aimed at early diagnosis of breast and cervix cancer, increase the participation in behaviours of early diagnosis of breast and cervix cancer (Breast Self Examination (BSE), Clinical Breast Examination (CBE), mammography and Pap smear test) and determine the efficiency of nursing interventions over the behaviours of protecting and developing the health. Method: The study was implemented in two phases. The first phase was conducted qualitatively in order to determine the obstacles in early diagnosis behaviours of elderly women. Regarding the early diagnosis behaviours, 46 women were interviewed for the breast cancer and 21 women were interviewed for the cervix cancer. The data were collected with the semi-structured interview form and analysed with the content analysis. The second phase was consisted of the quantitative section. In this experimental study, 50 women from the experimental group and 50 women from the control group were involved in the sample. Information form of socio-demographic features, Standardized Mini Mental State Test, Katz Index Activities of Daily Living, information form regarding the previous behaviours, screening behaviours monitoring form, Self Breast Examination Control List, Scale of Health Belief Model (HBMS), Self-Efficacy Scale, the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale II-Health Responsibility Subscale were used for the collection of the data. Findings: As a result of the obtained findings, regarding breast and cervix cancer and the factors preventing early diagnosis behaviour of elderly women, it was found that ?lack of information, anxiety, neglect/delay, shame/religious belief and being unable to get an appointment, lack of doctor?s advice and approach of healthcare personnel? were effective upon the breast cancer and ?ignorance, shame/privacy, experience of the previous healthcare service, anxiety, old age and lack of healthcare personnel?s advice? were effective upon the cervix cancer. In this study, it was determined that aged women increasingly perform 4 sufficient and effective Breast Self Examination, mammography, Pap smear test, their health perceptions develop; however, their intervention of performing Clinical Breast Examination is not effective. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the nursing interventions, which are performed by using the group health education based on Health Belief Model and the Health Promotion Model, as well as the brochure, film display, breast model and telephone reminder, cause positive changes on early diagnosis behaviours of breast and cervix cancer in of elderly women. It would be profitable for nurses who work in the first, second and third grades to perform the training of breast and cervix cancer nationally and regionally based on Health Belief Model and Health Development Model, and perform similar studies to assess their effects on old individuals with different age and cultural features in order to increase the participation in breast and cervix cancer screening

    The Reliability and Validity of Prostate Cancer Fatalism Inventory in Turkish Language

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    This study aimed to conduct the reliability and validity study of the Prostate Cancer Fatalism Inventory in Turkish language. The study carried out in methodological type and consisted of 171 men. The ages of the participants ranged between 40 and 82. The content validity index was determined to be 0.80, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value 0.825, Bartlett's test X (2) = 750.779 and p = 0.000. Then the principal component analysis was applied to the 15-item inventory. The inventory consisted of one dimension, and the load factors were over 0.30 for all items. The explained variance of the inventory was found 33.3 %. The Kuder-Richardson-20 coefficient was determined to be 0.849 and the item-total correlations ranged between 0.335 and 0.627. The Prostate Cancer Fatalism Inventory was a reliable and valid measurement tool in Turkish language. Integrating psychological strategies for prostate cancer screening may be required to strengthen the positive effects of nursing education

    Nursing interventions in the prevention of needlestick and sharps injuries: The case of a University hospital in Turkey

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    © Kamla-Raj 2017.This study aimed to create an occupational safety program by reducing the rates of needlestick and sharps injuries in nurses. The universe of this experimental study was made up of nurses working in a university hospital and they were involved in a preliminary study before administering the sampling method. The data were collected through “Needlestick and Sharp Injuries Form” and “Clinical Observation and Evaluation Form”. As a result of this study, while the rate of needlestick and sharp injuries in nurses before the intervention was 31.2 percent, it was found to be 24.3 percent in the 9th month monitoring following the intervention, which yielded a significant difference. Needlestick and sharp injuries continued to occur. These results should be considered in the design of occupational safety programs to reduce the NSIs at the Hospital Center. It is also necessary to establish a monitoring system of needlestick and sharp injuries at a hospital level and a reporting system at the national level in Turkey

    Healthcare students' vaccination status, knowledge, and protective behaviors regarding hepatitis B: a cross-sectional study in Turkey

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    Aim We aimed to determine the vaccination status, knowledge, and protective behaviors of healthcare students related to hepatitis B and to examine the related factors. Method This cross-sectional study was conducted in seven universities from seven geographical regions of Turkey. The study group included 5451 healthcare students. Data were collected with a questionnaire including items on sociodemographic characteristics, vaccination status, knowledge and protective behaviors related to hepatitis B. Data were analyzed with Pearson's chi-square and logistic regression analyses. Results 86.0% of the students had hepatitis B vaccine while 7.6% did not. Vaccination was higher in nursing and midwifery students (aOR = 1.87, CI 95%: 1.26-2.77; aOR = 3.87, CI 95%: 2.14-7.02, respectively). Vaccination was 1.28 times higher in females (CI 95% 1.03-1.60). The >= 23 age group had 1.79 times higher vaccination rate than those in the <= 19 (CI 95%: 1.26-2.53). Vaccination was higher in students whose family's economic status is middle and high (aOR = 1.53, CI 95%: 1.07-2.19; aOR = 1.47, CI 95%: 1.03-2.19, respectively). Vaccination was higher in those living in towns and cities during childhood (aOR = 1.36, CI 95%: 1.06-1.74; aOR = 1.79, CI 95%: 1.34-2.38, respectively). Females had more knowledge of hepatitis B and protective behaviors. Both knowledge and protective behavior scores of vaccinated participants were significantly higher (p < .05). Conclusion We found that the vaccination rate in healthcare students was high, but lower than the country's targets. The students were sensitive about the protective behaviors from hepatitis B infection and had sufficient knowledge of HBV contamination