2 research outputs found

    „Meat Should Be Prescribed in Very Small Doses, Arsenic-like”. How Josephine Joteyko and Varia Kipiani Pioneered Medical Research to Improve Vegetarianism in 1906: « Il faut prescrire l’usage de la viande en petite quantité, comme on prescrit l’arsenic » Josephine Joteyko et Varia Kipiani: la recherche médicale pionnière en faveur du végétarisme en 1906

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    This compilation is based on the original report on a clinical survey conducted in Brussels (1905-1906) by Josephine Joteyko and Varia Kipiani with 43 vegetarians. Having advanced expertise in physiology and experimentalism, Joteyko (with Lithuanian and Polish origins) and Kipiani (with Georgian origins) discussed their findings at the Congress of the Belgian Society for Vegetarianism in 1906. For both children and adults, females and males, regardless of age, the findings demonstrated vegetarian dietary habits to be beneficiary for human development, the subjects’ physical and mental health, welfare, and physical and intellectual efficiency. Surprisingly, Joteyko and Kipiani confirmed C. Darwin’s observation across various nutritional cultures that vegetarian food would increase the energetic balance of the human body. Additionally, their focus on the moteur humain shows affinities with Taylorism, the modernist utopias of labor, the enhancement of human faculties, the protection of workers and their rights from automation, and applied social science represented by Joteyko and Kipiani as multidisciplinary investigators. The compilation was made on: J. Joteyko & V. Kipiani, Enquête scientifique sur les Végétariens de Bruxelles, Conférence donnée à la Société végétarienne de Belgique, le 4 décembre 1906, pp. 1–77, with no further correction

    Elementos para uma história da neuroascese Elements for a history of neuroascese

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    O espetacular progresso das neurociências e o intenso processo de popularização, via mídia, de imagens e informações que associam a atividade cerebral a praticamente todos os aspectos da vida produzem, no imaginário social, crescente percepção do cérebro como detentor das propriedades e autor das ações que definem o que é ser alguém. Nesse contexto sociocultural, aumenta o interesse pela neuroascese, isto é, discursos e práticas a respeito de como agir sobre o cérebro para maximizar sua performance. Com o objetivo de traçar alguns elementos da história da ascese cerebral, resgatam-se momentos históricos do século XIX em que práticas neuroascéticas eram comuns. O artigo problematiza a continuidade dessas práticas na atualidade, levando em conta os diferentes contextos socioculturais e históricos nos quais se originam.<br>The spectacular progress of the neurosciences, as well as the intense process of popularization by the media of images and information that associate cerebral activity with practically every aspect of life, have produced a growing perception of the brain as the site and agent of all the properties and actions that define us as human beings. Today's socio-cultural context has seen increased interest in 'neuroascese', that is, discourses and practices aimed at maximizing brain performance. Tracing elements of the history of 'brain ascese' back to historical moments of the nineteenth century in which neuroascetic practices were commonplace, the article examines their continued use today, taking into account the social, cultural, and historical contexts in which they originated