1,850 research outputs found

    Design of master and slave modules on battery management system for electric vehicles

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    Nowadays, electric vehicle usage and the use of LiFePO4 batteries in electric vehicles gradually increase. However, there are important features to be considered to use these batteries safely and efficiently. Incorrect use of these batteries can lead to burning, explosion or shortening of the life of batteries. In this paper, a Battery Management System (BMS) for lithium based batteries is designed that operates more efficiently and communicates with UART between master and slave modules and can communicate via CAN protocol with external devices. Micro controller based control and protection equipment is designed that help to measure and monitor the voltage, temperature and current values of the batteries. They protect the battery cells from the conditions such as over charge, over discharge, high current, high temperature. BMS balances battery cell voltages during charging process with passive cell voltage balancing. In addition to the main controller module in the BMS, slave controller modules have been added to provide high resolution voltage and temperature tracking. A modular BMS has been devised which can be used in groups of batteries of different voltage values thanks to electrically isolated slave control modules

    Consumer loan rate dispersion and the role of competition : evidence from Turkish banking industry

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    This paper investigates the degree of dispersion in the loan pricing of commercial banks and its association with competitive conditions in the banking industry of a large emerging economy. To quantify the lending rate variability in consumer loans, we utilize a new indexation mechanism exploiting a detailed bank-level dataset for the period January 2007–April 2020. With panel convergence methods, we show the existence of heterogeneity in long-term co-movements among banks' loan pricing, while periods following the tightening in financial conditions display short-term deviations from general tendencies as demonstrated by dispersion indices. Our empirical design also entails the construction of competition indicators for aggregated and consumer segment-based credit market developments. Quantile regression results validate that the improvements in industry competition are related to the lower level of lending rate dispersion in housing and vehicle segments in a statistically significant manner, whereas an opposite relationship is evident for general-purpose loans.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Sanctuary and the Cold War: The US Versus The Sanctuary Movement in Texas and Arizona 1981-1986

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    In the 1980s, the Reagan Administration launched a campaign against the American Solidarity and sanctuary movements, which were highly critical of US support for right-wing dictatorships in Central America. The US sought to discredit these movements by branding their members criminals. The government used many different tactics, some legitimate and others illegal. None were successful, however, and the government was ultimately forced to leave the movements alone. This thesis examines three different hotspots in the Reagan Administration’s war against these groups. It examines the different tactics employed and analyzes their effectiveness. It also explains why the government was unsuccessful in its prosecution

    Early extubation and weaning with bilevel positive airway pressure ventilation after cardiac surgery (Weaning with BiPAP ventilation after cardiac surgery)

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    Objective(s): To evaluate the use of bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilation in early extubation after fast-track cardiac surgery.Design: Prospective observational study.Setting: Postoperative intensive care.Patients: Sixty consecutive patients eligible for early extubation after cardiac surgery. Patients were predominantly male (42 men [70%]) and middle aged (54.62 ± 10.66 years).Interventions: Patients were randomly assigned to continuous pressure or BiPAP (Group I or Group II, respectively) and were extubated as soon as possible.Measurements: Blood gases and haemodynamics were determined on arrival in the ICU (baseline, or T0) and 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 hours later. All data were expressed as (±SD) and analysed using the Student t-test and Mann-Whitney test (continuous data) or χ2 test (categorical data). P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Main results: PaCO2 levels were statistically significantly higher in Group II than in Group I at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 hours (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Within each group, PaCO2 levels were statistically significantly higher at 4, 6, 8, and 12 hours than at baseline (P < 0.01 ).Extubation time was significantly longer in Group I than in Group II 7.90 (7.90 [2.13] vs 3.83 [1.20], P=0.001). Respiratory rates were significantly higher in Group II than in Group I after 2, 4, and 6 hours (P < 0.01). Pmax was higher in Group I than in Group II after 1 hour but similar up to 4 hours.Conclusions: Early extubation and weaning to BiPAP ventilation after cardiac surgery is safe and effective

    Pulsed Beam Tests at the SANAEM RFQ Beamline

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    A proton beamline consisting of an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source, two solenoid magnets, two steerer magnets and a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) is developed at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority's (TAEA) Saraykoy Nuclear Research and Training Center (SNRTC-SANAEM) in Ankara. In Q4 of 2016, the RFQ was installed in the beamline. The high power tests of the RF power supply and the RF transmission line were done successfully. The high power RF conditioning of the RFQ was performed recently. The 13.56 MHz ICP source was tested in two different conditions, CW and pulsed. The characterization of the proton beam was done with ACCTs, Faraday cups and a pepper-pot emittance meter. Beam transverse emittance was measured in between the two solenoids of the LEBT. The measured beam is then reconstructed at the entrance of the RFQ by using computer simulations to determine the optimum solenoid currents for acceptance matching of the beam. This paper will introduce the pulsed beam test results at the SANAEM RFQ beamline. In addition, the high power RF conditioning of the RFQ will be discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of the International Particle Accelerator Conference 2017 (IPAC'17), May 14-19, 2017, TUPAB015, p. 134

    The role of stethoscopes in the transmission of hospital infections

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    Stethoscopes are one of the most commonly used medical devices and have been reported to be potential sources of hospital acquired infections. In this study, we aimed to find out the bacterial contamination of stethoscopes used by health-care staff. Swab samples were taken from the surface of the diaphragm of the stethoscopes used by health personnel in four hospitals including three secondline and one third-line health care institution in Turkey. The samples were inoculated onto bacteriological and mycological media. For identification of the microorganisms, conventional methods and Vitek2 (Biomérieux) were performed. Swab samples were taken from 121 stethoscopes. We found bacterial and fungal contamination on 92 (76%) of the stethoscopes. 15 out 90 (16.3%) had potential pathogens including methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (5), methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus (4), Escherichia coli (3), Acinetobacter baumannii, Acinetobacter haemolyticus and Enterococcus spp. Of the 121 health-care persons, only 61 regularly cleaned their stethoscopes by various disinfectants. The statistical difference between the two groups in terms of pathogen and microorganism isolation was not determined (p&gt;0.05). Although stethoscopes are uncritical medical devices, they could contain pathogen microorganisms and they might be a potential source of hospital acquired infections.Key words: Stethoscopes, hospital infections, Staphylococcus aureus