430 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Training Online Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Upt Lab. Komputer STMIK Prabumulih)

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    Lembaga kursus yang ada pada Upt Lab. Komputer STMIK Prabumulih adalah sebuah lembaga yang bergerak dalam jasa training (kursus) komputer, yang diselenggarakan secara tatap muka, dimana pusat training STMIK Prabumulih menyediakan tempat serta sarana dan prasarana untuk menyelenggarakan training secara tatap muka. training adalah usaha pengembangan keterampilan mahasiswa yang dilakukan oleh UPT Lab Komputer untuk mencapai standar tertentu khususnya di bidang pemrograman. Aplikasi adalah perangkat lunak yang menggabungkan beberapa fitur tertentu dengan cara yang dapat diakses oleh pengguna. Perkembangan internet dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan dari sisi pengguna aktifnya. Setiap orang tentu mengakses internet dengan menggunakan berbagai perangkat, mulai dari desktop, mobile, hingga tablet. Dan website adalah salah satu media yang paling sering untuk diakses dan digunakan dalam mencari berbagai informasi dan sarana komunikasi. Web adalah kumpulan halaman dalam suatu domain yang memuat tentang berbagai informasi agar dapat dibaca dan dilihat oleh pengguna internet melalui sebuah mesin pencari. Informasi yang dapat dimuat dalam sebuah website umumnya berisi mengenai konten gambar, ilustrasi, video, dan teks untuk berbagai macam kepentingan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkannya sebuah aplikasi berbasis web training online yang dapat digunakan untuk megakses media pembelajaran secara online dan dapat dilakukan kapanpun dan dimanapun. Meskipun pembelajaran dilakukan secara online, masih ada biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh peserta untuk membeli paket training dan mengakses media pembelajaran secara online. Dengan dirancangnya sistem informasi training online ini maka akan dapat membantu instruktur dalam memberikan materi kepada peserta, sehingga peserta dan instruktur dapat dengan mudah melakukan interaksi jarak jauh


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    This study aims to examine the factors of Receivable Turnover, Current Ratio and Debt To Equity Ratio to Return On Assets in Trade, Services and Investment Sector Companies. The research approach used in this research is quantitative research. The population that will be used in this research is the Trade, Service and Investment companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange totaling 111 companies with 60 observational data. The results of the research show that Receivable Turnover has no significant effect, Current Ratio has a significant positive effect, Debt to Equity Ratio has a significant positive effect partially. Receivable Turnover, Current Ratio, and Debt to Equity Ratio simultaneously affect Return On Asset in Trade, Service and Investment sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is 15.9%


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    Perpustakaan Berperan penting dalam memajukan lebaga pendidikan karena perpustakaan merupakan tempat untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan bagi siswa. Pada perpustakaan SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang proses yang sedang berjalan seperti pendaftaran anggota,  penginputan data calon anggota, peminjaman dan pengembalian buku, penginputan data buku dan katalog buku masih ditulis dalam buku besar. Menghindari keterlambatan dalam sistem pelayanan perpustakaan SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang, maka sangat diperlukan sistem informasi perpustakaan yang dapat membantu dan mempermudah kegiatan sirkulasi buku. Pada sistem informasi perpustakaan SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang inimenggunakan metode UCD (User Centered Design) dan UML (Unified Modeling Language) serta untuk bahasa pemrograman menggunak PHP dengan database MySQL

    Jemubhai's hybrid way of life in Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss

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    Kiran Desai’s novel The Inheritance of Loss mainly describes cultural issues. The issue is represented in Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life. Therefore, this thesis aims to describe Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life that is depicted in the novel The Inheritance of Loss. Moreover, it also discusses the effect of Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life towards Jemubhai and the other characters. Furthermore, it also examines the reaction of colonizer and colonized society towards Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life. This study is a qualitative study. Furthermore, this study uses Post- Colonial theory to reveal those issues. Specifically, this study uses Homi K Bhabha’s theory such as; hybridity, mimicry and ambivalence. The findings in this research are Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life happens in some process; Jemubhai lives as Indian before he goes to study abroad to England, then the process of Jemubhai’s way of life hybridity happens when Jemubhai mimes British way of life. Then, Jemubhai’s way of life after hybridity happens after he has done his study and returns to India. Furthermore, Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life makes him denies his existence and identity. It also gives negative effects towards his interaction with the other characters. Moreover, the colonizer’s society (British) cannot accept Jemubhai’s hybrid way of life. It makes Jemubhai isolated himself from British society. In the other hand, the colonized society (Indian) can accept him. However, Jemubhai alienates himself from Indian society


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses were overwhelmed to deal with sick patients and patients who were positively affected by the COVID-19 virus. Especially in sick patients with infusion needs in COVID-19 positive patients, which is not controlled due to the large number of patients. Along with that, the need for technology is needed in the medical world. With extensive hospital conditions, large patient numbers and limited medical personnel and the demands of good patient care are always a problem in every hospital. To solve the problem can be solved by creating a system of control and monitoring in real time by nurses without having to do a check manually. The system uses Arduino Uno microcontroller and Node MCU ESP 8266 with photodiode and photogate sensor, 2.4" LCD as control display, Blynk as mobile application to controlling and monitoring, servo motor as infusion hose suppressor. The system provides information through display controls and blynk applications. The information obtained is the volume of infusions, the percentage of infusions, the rate of infusion, the regulation of doses through the servo motor as well as warnings if the infusion will run out and if the blood rises to the infusion hose

    Prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis by using direct wet mount among students in college of Nursing / University of Kirkuk.

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    The current study carried out to reveal the prevalence of  Entamoeba gingivalis among students  of college of Nursing/ University of Kirkuk  for period from April to June 2016, this study included (135) students (45 males and 90 females) using direct wet mount,  their aged between(18- 22) years old. The result showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis among students was 63% (85 of 135),  According to the sex, the study showed that the prevalence of  Entamoeba gingivalis among males was 82% (37 0f 45) while among females was 53%(48 of 90) , According to the smoking the result showed that the incidence of parasite among smokers was  60 % (27 of 45) while among non – smokers was 22% (10 of 45). Regarding to the residence place of students, The study showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis among  students whom lived in university residence was 59% ( 50 of 85) while among  students whom lived in their home was 41% (35 of 85) and according  to the number of brushing per day  the study showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis among students whom brushed their teeth twice daily and after each meal  was lower than students whom brushing their teeth once daily

    Constituents of talisia nervosa with potential utility against metabolic syndrome

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    © 2019, The Author(s). As coral cover has declined on Caribbean reefs, space has become occupied by other benthic taxa, including sponges, which may affect the recruitment of new corals, thereby affecting the ability of reefs to recover to coral-dominated states. Sponges may inhibit coral recruitment by pre-empting potential recruitment space, overgrowing recruits, or through allelopathy. This study examined coral recruitment across six coral reef sites surrounding St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, and the impact of one species of sponge and the sponge community as a whole on coral recruitment. To test the effect of a single species of sponge on coral recruitment, fragments of living or non-living Aplysina cauliformis were attached to terracotta recruitment tiles and deployed at all six sites, along with unoccupied tiles as controls. At two of the sites, a community-level experiment consisted of deploying recruitment tiles in 1 m2 plots that were either cleared of the entire sponge community or control plots where no sponges were removed. Recruitment rates showed a consistent difference among sites over multiple years and experiments. Results of the species-specific experiment showed that the proximity of live or dead A. cauliformis did not affect coral recruitment. However, results of the community-level experiment found greater coral recruitment rates in plots cleared of sponges, suggesting that the presence of the sponge community negatively affected coral recruitment. This study is one of the first to experimentally test and find a significant impact of sponges on coral recruitment, and highlights the need for additional research in this area
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