3,866 research outputs found

    Conservative Policy Construction Using Variational Autoencoders for Logged Data With Missing Values

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    In high-stakes applications of data-driven decision-making such as healthcare, it is of paramount importance to learn a policy that maximizes the reward while avoiding potentially dangerous actions when there is uncertainty. There are two main challenges usually associated with this problem. First, learning through online exploration is not possible due to the critical nature of such applications. Therefore, we need to resort to observational datasets with no counterfactuals. Second, such datasets are usually imperfect, additionally cursed with missing values in the attributes of features. In this article, we consider the problem of constructing personalized policies using logged data when there are missing values in the attributes of features in both training and test data. The goal is to recommend an action (treatment) when ~X, a degraded version of Xwith missing values, is observed. We consider three strategies for dealing with missingness. In particular, we introduce the conservative strategy where the policy is designed to safely handle the uncertainty due to missingness. In order to implement this strategy, we need to estimate posterior distribution p(X|~X) and use a variational autoencoder to achieve this. In particular, our method is based on partial variational autoencoders (PVAEs) that are designed to capture the underlying structure of features with missing values

    Ground state correlations and structure of odd spherical nuclei

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    It is well known that the Pauli principle plays a substantial role at low energies because the phonon operators are not ideal boson operators. Calculating the exact commutators between the quasiparticle and phonon operators one can take into account the Pauli principle corrections. Besides the ground state correlations due to the quasiparticle interaction in the ground state influence the single particle fragmentation as well. In this paper, we generalize the basic QPM equations to account for both mentioned effects. As an illustration of our approach, calculations on the structure of the low-lying states in 131^{131}Ba have been performed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Supergravity Higgs Inflation and Shift Symmetry in Electroweak Theory

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    We present a model of inflation in a supergravity framework in the Einstein frame where the Higgs field of the next to minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) plays the role of the inflaton. Previous attempts which assumed non-minimal coupling to gravity failed due to a tachyonic instability of the singlet field during inflation. A canonical K\"{a}hler potential with \textit{minimal coupling} to gravity can resolve the tachyonic instability but runs into the η\eta-problem. We suggest a model which is free of the η\eta-problem due to an additional coupling in the K\"{a}hler potential which is allowed by the Standard Model gauge group. This induces directions in the potential which we call K-flat. For a certain value of the new coupling in the (N)MSSM, the K\"{a}hler potential is special, because it can be associated with a certain shift symmetry for the Higgs doublets, a generalization of the shift symmetry for singlets in earlier models. We find that K-flat direction has Hu0=Hd0.H_u^0=-H_d^{0*}. This shift symmetry is broken by interactions coming from the superpotential and gauge fields. This direction fails to produce successful inflation in the MSSM but produces a viable model in the NMSSM. The model is specifically interesting in the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) limit of the NMSSM. In this limit the model can be confirmed or ruled-out not just by cosmic microwave background observations but also by axion searches.Comment: matches the published version at JCA

    Silent professionalization: EU integration and the professional socialization of public officials in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This paper applies theories of international socialization to examine the impact of European Union contact on the professional socialization of public officials in Central and Eastern Europe. Based on a survey of officials in seven new member states, the paper finds that daily work on European Union issues is associated with favourable attitudes towards merit-based civil service governance. The distinction between types of European Union contact shows that officials dealing with ‘reception’-related European Union activities such as the transposition and implementation of European Union policies develop more meritocratic attitudes. By contrast, ‘projection’-related activities that involve personal contact with European Union officials have no effect. The paper concludes that the small but consistent impact of European Union contact on professional socialization promotes the silent professionalization of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe

    Viperin interacts with PEX19 to mediate peroxisomal augmentation of the innate antiviral response.

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    Peroxisomes are recognized as significant platforms for the activation of antiviral innate immunity where stimulation of the key adapter molecule mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) within the RIG-I like receptor (RLR) pathway culminates in the up-regulation of hundreds of ISGs, some of which drive augmentation of multiple innate sensing pathways. However, whether ISGs can augment peroxisome-driven RLR signaling is currently unknown. Using a proteomics-based screening approach, we identified Pex19 as a binding partner of the ISG viperin. Viperin colocalized with numerous peroxisomal proteins and its interaction with Pex19 was in close association with lipid droplets, another emerging innate signaling platform. Augmentation of the RLR pathway by viperin was lost when Pex19 expression was reduced. Expression of organelle-specific MAVS demonstrated that viperin requires both mitochondria and peroxisome MAVS for optimal induction of IFN-β. These results suggest that viperin is required to enhance the antiviral cellular response with a possible role to position the peroxisome at the mitochondrial/MAM MAVS signaling synapse, furthering our understanding of the importance of multiple organelles driving the innate immune response against viral infection

    Phase-Induced (In)-Stability in Coupled Parametric Oscillators

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    We report results on a model of two coupled oscillators that undergo periodic parametric modulations with a phase difference θ\theta. Being to a large extent analytically solvable, the model reveals a rich θ\theta dependence of the regions of parametric resonance. In particular, the intuitive notion that anti-phase modulations are less prone to parametric resonance is confirmed for sufficiently large coupling and damping. We also compare our results to a recently reported mean field model of collective parametric instability, showing that the two-oscillator model can capture much of the qualitative behavior of the infinite system.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures; a version with better quality figures can be found in http://hypatia.ucsd.edu/~mauro/English/publications.htm

    Protocol for the CUPIDO trials; multicenter randomized controlled trials to assess the value of combining prolapse surgery and incontinence surgery in patients with genital prolapse and evident stress incontinence (CUPIDO I) and in patients with genital prolapse and occult stress incontinence (CUPIDO II)

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    Background: About 40% of all patients with genital prolapse report stress-incontinence. In about half of the 60% patients that do not report stress-incontinence, occult urinary stress-incontinence can be detected. In these patients stress-incontinence is masked due to kinking or compression of the urethra by the prolapse. In case surgical correction is indicated there are two strategies to manage patients with combined prolapse and (occult) stress incontinence. This strategy is either (i) a combination of prolapse surgery and stress-incontinence surgery or (ii) to correct the prolapse first and evaluate afterwards whether additional stress-incontinence surgery is indicated. The advantage of combining prolapse and stress-incontinence surgery is that only few patients report stress-incontinence following such combination. However, this combination has been associated with an increased risk on complications, of which the development of obstructive micturition symptoms, overactive bladder symptoms and bladder retention are the most important ones. Furthermore, combining two procedures may be unnecessary as performing only prolapse surgery may cure stress-incontinence In the randomized CUPIDO trials both strategies are compared in patients with prolapse and evident stress incontinence (CUPIDO I trial) and in patients with prolapse and occult stress incontinence (CUPIDO II trial). Methods/Design: The CUPIDO trials are two multicenter randomized controlled trials in which women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) or occult stress urinary incontinence (OSUI) are randomized to prolapse surgery combined with anti incontinence surgery (concomitant surgery) or to prolapse surgery only. Patients with at least stage 2 POP are eligible, women with evident SUI are randomized in CUPIDO I. Patients without SUI are eligible for CUPIDO II and will have urodynamic evaluation or a standardized redression test. Women with OSUI are randomized, women without OSUI are followed up but not randomized. The primary outcome measure is absence of SUI twelve months after surgery. Furthermore, economic evaluations are conducted, and the effectiveness of urodynamic investigation is evaluated against a non-invasive way to determine SUI in women with POP. A total of 450 women will be included in the study

    The Hall Technique 10 years on: its effect and influence

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    Dental caries in early childhood can have a very significant effect not only on the oral health of young children but on their quality of life and that of their families. Added to this are the long-term infective risks to the host of untreated caries in primary teeth but also the risk of damage to successor permanent teeth. Traditional restoration of damaged primary teeth has been shown to have only moderate outcomes depending on the techniques and materials used and the ability of children to cooperate because of age or other factors. The Hall technique has outperformed other techniques in randomised clinical trials. In this Opinion Article I will take a look back at the Innes et al. paper, first published in this Journal in 2006, that introduced the Hall Technique and the subsequent scientific literature which provided us with high quality scientific evidence of the efficacy of the technique. I will evaluate how this new technique has affected the management of early childhood caries and hence its influence on wider oral and general health