31 research outputs found

    Honey bees and climate explain viral prevalence in wild bee communities on a continental scale

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    Viruses are omnipresent, yet the knowledge on drivers of viral prevalence in wild host populations is often limited. Biotic factors, such as sympatric managed host species, as well as abiotic factors, such as climatic variables, are likely to impact viral prevalence. Managed and wild bees, which harbor several multi-host viruses with a mostly fecal-oral between-species transmission route, provide an excellent system with which to test for the impact of biotic and abiotic factors on viral prevalence in wild host populations. Here we show on a continental scale that the prevalence of three broad host viruses: the AKI-complex (Acute bee paralysis virus, Kashmir bee virus and Israeli acute paralysis virus), Deformed wing virus, and Slow bee paralysis virus in wild bee populations (bumble bees and solitary bees) is positively related to viral prevalence of sympatric honey bees as well as being impacted by climatic variables. The former highlights the need for good beekeeping practices, including Varroa destructor management to reduce honey bee viral infection and hive placement. Furthermore, we found that viral prevalence in wild bees is at its lowest at the extreme ends of both temperature and precipitation ranges. Under predicted climate change, the frequency of extremes in precipitation and temperature will continue to increase and may hence impact viral prevalence in wild bee communities

    Honey bees and climate explain viral prevalence in wild bee communities on a continental scale

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    Viruses are omnipresent, yet the knowledge on drivers of viral prevalence in wild host populations is often limited. Biotic factors, such as sympatric managed host species, as well as abiotic factors, such as climatic variables, are likely to impact viral prevalence. Managed and wild bees, which harbor several multi-host viruses with a mostly fecal–oral between-species transmission route, provide an excellent system with which to test for the impact of biotic and abiotic factors on viral prevalence in wild host populations. Here we show on a continental scale that the prevalence of three broad host viruses: the AKI-complex (Acute bee paralysis virus, Kashmir bee virus and Israeli acute paralysis virus), Deformed wing virus, and Slow bee paralysis virus in wild bee populations (bumble bees and solitary bees) is positively related to viral prevalence of sympatric honey bees as well as being impacted by climatic variables. The former highlights the need for good beekeeping practices, including Varroa destructor management to reduce honey bee viral infection and hive placement. Furthermore, we found that viral prevalence in wild bees is at its lowest at the extreme ends of both temperature and precipitation ranges. Under predicted climate change, the frequency of extremes in precipitation and temperature will continue to increase and may hence impact viral prevalence in wild bee communities.https://www.nature.com/srepdm2022Zoology and Entomolog

    Evaluation of performance work on bocce, dart and speedstack education supported by peer education

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    The purpose is to evaluate performance homework on bocce, darts and speed stack education supported by peer education. In research, the performance homework, prepared by teacher, has been given to 11th-grade students, 120 of which completed. Students were requested to teach their bocce, darts and speed stack abilities to their peers and were granted four-weeks’ time to complete this task. Applied courses were given twice a week for 60 minutes a day. In research, quantitative data collection tools, performance evaluation, peer evaluation and ability evaluation forms have been used. For qualitative data, half-structured interview questions were asked. As a result, between the pre and final test assessments related to darts, bocce and speed stack there was a significant increase (p< 0.05). According to peer assessment, students learnt the abilities in a good manner from their peers and attending the implementation completed homework successfully. In qualitative data, peer teachers said that “they liked to teach the ability, took responsibility, communication and self-confidence improved.” Peer learners emphasized “they liked learning from peers and communication improved and they became a team.

    Investigation of participation motivation in exercies of students participation in archery in extra curricular activities

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    The aim of this research is to investigate Investigation of Participation Motivations in Exercises of Students Participating in Archery in Extra Curricular Activities. While the study's universe consists of all 11th graders studying at High school, the sample includes 32 of the 11th grade students who participated in arrow shooting activities in extracurricular activities. These students have not participated in arrow shooting activities before, and do not know how to shoot arrows. In the qualitative part of the research, a total of 18 students including 9 female and 9 male volunteers participated. In this study, the arrow shooting activity covers a total of 12 weeks, once a week, two lesson hours. Exercise Participation Motivation Inventory was used as the quantitative data collection tool in the research and it was applied to the students at the end of 12 weeks. Also, skills assessment test prepared by teacher and trainer were applied before and after 12 weeks to evaluate the skill of archery and semi-structured interview questions (8 questions) were applied for qualitative data. According to the quantitative results of the research, "Skill Development" is the most important motivational factor that motivates students to participate in exercise before 12 weeks of activity and afterwards Students' average scores related to the subscales in the Participation Motivations of Exercise before 12 weeks of activity were found to be "Health", "Competition", "Appearance", "Social and Entertainment" and "Skill Development". After 12 weeks of activity, it is found that students' average scores show increase in "Health", "Competition", "Appearance", "Social and Entertainment", and "Skill Development" sub-dimensions. A t-test was performed on the related samples to determine whether this increase was significant or not and it was found to be statistically significant. A t-test was conducted between students' pre-test and post-test averages of the students' shooting arrow skill test before and after 12 weeks of the activity and a statistically significant difference was determined (P=0.00). According to the results of the qualitative analysis of the study, these students were very pleased with arrow shooting, their attention to these spores and concentration increased, and most importantly, they stated that their opinion regarding physical education course changed positively

    Is there a perfect way for food security measurement? Evaluation for Turkey

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    Even though food security is not a new topic, it is currently a global issue which is a matter of great concern especially in underdeveloped and developing countries. Discussions are ongoing as to how food security can be measured effectively due to the multidimensionality of the issue. The main objective of this study was to review the major methods used to measure food security and evaluate their applicability for Turkey. In this study, case studies in which these methods were applied as well as the possibilities for using these in Turkey were discussed. Although Turkey is among upper-middle income countries, it is a criti-cal country for food security measurement due to the inequity in income distribution and socio-economic differences between the regions. For this reason, instead of applying solitary macro measurements, such as FAO method, using them along with a variety of micro measurements is considered to be more effective for Turkey. This study provides recommendations for governments and social organizations for developing policies and programs focused on solving public problems related to food security both in Turkey and other similar countries

    Developments arised in poultry meat sector in Turkey: Problems and precautions

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    Türkiye’de kırmızı et arzının ve fiyatlarının istikrarsızlığı, kanatlı eti sektörünü ön plana çıkarmış ve son yıllarda sektör büyük bir gelişme kaydetmiştir. Üretim ve tüketimde ortaya çıkan artışa rağmen; sektörün önemli bazı sorunları da mevcuttur. Bunlardan en önemlileri maliyetlerin yüksekliği ve sektörün girdi temininde büyük ölçüde dışa bağımlı olmasıdır. Özellikle kanatlı yemlerinde kullanılan mısır, soya ve balık ununun büyük oranda ithal edilmesi sektörün rekabet gücünü azaltmaktadır. Üretim maliyetlerini düşürebilmek ve damızlık materyal teminindeki dışa bağımlılığı ortadan kaldırabilmek için uygulanacak politikaların sektöre faydalı olması ve sektörün gelişimini hızlandırması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kırmızı et fiyatlarında süregelen artışlarla birlikte hayvansal protein temini açısından stratejik bir önem kazanan kanatlı eti sektörünün Türkiye’deki gelişimini ve sektörü ilgilendiren politikaları incelemektir. Çalışmada sektörün sorunları ortaya konularak bu sorunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri de tartışılacaktır.Turkish poultry meat sector has developed in the last years because of the instability of red meat prices and red meat supplies. Despite increasing production and consumption, poultry sector has some problems. High costs and dependency to the foreign countries in input supply sector are the most important problems. Especially imports in the poultry feed such as corn, soy and fish meal reduce the competitiveness of the sector. It is expected that poultry meat sector will develop further by implementing policies to reduce production costs and eliminating dependency to the foreign countries in breeding materials. The aim of this study is to review developments and the policies of the poultry sector which has a strategical importance for supplying animal protein in Turkey due to increasing prices in red meat. Also, the problems in poultry sector and precautions will be discussed in this study

    Türkiye'de kanatlı eti sektöründe ortaya çıkan gelişmeler: Sorunlar ve öneriler

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    Turkish poultry meat sector has developed in the last years because of the instability of red meat prices and red meat supplies. Despite increasing production and consumption, poultry sector has some problems. High costs and dependency to the foreign countries in input supply sector are the most important problems. Especially imports in the poultry feed such as corn, soy and fish meal reduce the competitiveness of the sector. It is expected that poultry meat sector will develop further by implementing policies to reduce production costs and eliminating dependency to the foreign countries in breeding materials. the aim of this study is to review developments and the policies of the poultry sector which has a strategical importance for supplying animal protein in Turkey due to increasing prices in red meat. Also, the problems in poultry sector and precautions will be discussed in this study.Türkiye’de kırmızı et arzının ve fiyatlarının istikrarsızlığı, kanatlı eti sektörünü ön plana çıkarmış ve son yıllarda sektör büyük bir gelişme kaydetmiştir. Üretim ve tüketimde ortaya çıkan artışa rağmen; sektörün önemli bazı sorunları da mevcuttur. Bunlardan en önemlileri maliyetlerin yüksekliği ve sektörün girdi temininde büyük ölçüde dışa bağımlı olmasıdır. Özellikle kanatlı yemlerinde kullanılan mısır, soya ve balık ununun büyük oranda ithal edilmesi sektörün rekabet gücünü azaltmaktadır. Üretim maliyetlerini düşürebilmek ve damızlık materyal teminindeki dışa bağımlılığı ortadan kaldırabilmek için uygulanacak politikaların sektöre faydalı olması ve sektörün gelişimini hızlandırması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kırmızı et fiyatlarında süregelen artışlarla birlikte hayvansal protein temini açısından stratejik bir önem kazanan kanatlı eti sektörünün Türkiye’deki gelişimini ve sektörü ilgilendiren politikaları incelemektir. Çalışmada sektörün sorunları ortaya konularak bu sorunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri de tartışılacaktır

    Faunistic, geographical and biological contributions to the bee genus Andrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae, Andreninae) from Turkey

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    A survey of the bee genus Andrena Fabricius, 1775 was conducted between 2004 and 2011 in Turkey. A total of 2271 bee specimens, including 1721 females and 550 males, were identified at the subgenus and species level. As a result of morphological studies, 165 species belonging to 45 subgenera were identified. Subgenus of Truncandrena had the highest number of species observed in this survey. Two species were determined as a first record in Turkey. Geographical distribution of the species are given in Turkey. Common and rare species are assigned. Flight periods of the species are determined