7,743 research outputs found

    Behind the rainbow, "Tongqi" wives of men who have sex with men in China: a systematic review

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    open access articleBackground: Due to the restrictions and stigmatization of homosexuality in China, there has emerged the “Tongqi,” or the wives of men who have sex with men (MSM). There are around 14 million Tongqi wives whose needs for support are often overshadowed. This phenomenon has been largely under researched, this review is the first to address the current data on the Tongqi. The aim of this systematic review is to begin to provide insight into the pre-existing data and the further support that is needed for the wives of MSM. Methods: The researchers searched PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CNKI, Sinomed and WangFang databases from their inception date until June 7, 2019. Handsearching was also completed to provide a rich data set. Results: The articles were summarized and analyzed for thematic clusters. From the selected article, five themes emerged, including Sexual Health Issues, Intimate Partner Violence, Mental Health Status, Marriage Dissatisfaction, and Coping Strategies. These themes often intersected to provide a complex understanding of the current gaps in support provided to Tongqi. Conclusion: Tongqi wives remain a hidden population in Chinese mainstream society, who deserves a sensitive approach to support. The study revealed that the MSM wives suffer severe mental, physical, health, and life related harms. However, instead of situating them into the victim roles, many women take on an identity of empowerment and are working together, aiming to make social changes. In order to address the Tongqi phenomenon, it is also essential to reduce the discrimination toward homosexuality. Tongqi are a special group of Chinese women, they require further intensive research attention

    A temperature independent driver for Mach-Zehnder modulators

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    This paper describes a fully differential inductorlesstemperature independent laser driver for a Mach-Zehndermodulator (MZM). The laser driver in this work exhibits robustnessin bandwidth and gain across the temperature range27oC to 135oC. This driver (fabricated using a 130nm CMOSprocess) can achieve a differential output voltage swing of up to4Vpp when driving a 50 Ohm Load at speeds of up to 12.5Gb/sacross a temperature range 27oC to 135oC

    Analysis and Implementation of an Ultra-Wide Tuning Range CMOS Ring-VCO With Inductor Peaking

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    A novel ring voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) topology is proposed which uses monolithic inductors as a peaking load. Four design examples have been fabricated and tested to verify the proposed circuit structure. The highest measured oscillation frequency is 25.07 GHz, with a tuning range of more than four octaves, and the active area is 0.0085 mm2. The design has the highest combined frequency and tuning range with the best figure of merit (≈ 195) comparable to previously published work

    Plio-Pleistocene reconstruction of East African and Arabian Sea palaeoclimate

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    Superimposed upon a long-term trend of aridification, the climate history of Africa was punctuated by episodes of extreme climate variability, characterised by the precessionally-forced appearance and disappearance of large lake systems within the East African Rift Valley. In order to investigate the nature of low-latitude climate variability during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene, this thesis combines high-resolution analyses from one of the lake phases in the Central Kenyan Rift with the reconstruction of long-term changes in the transport of wind-borne terrigenous dust to the Arabian Sea. Climate in both regions is strongly influenced by relative changes in the strength of the Indian Ocean monsoons, which determine rainfall distribution in equatorial East Africa and generate the low-level winds which transport dust offshore from the Arabian Peninsula. In the Baringo-Bogoria basin in the Central Kenyan Rift, a well-dated package of fluvio-lacustrine sediments and diatomite units documents a major humid phase between 2.7 and 2.55 million years ago (Ma), coincident with the intensification of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. Stable oxygen isotope measurements of diatom silica, combined with the XRF analysis of whole-sample geochemistry, reveal that the deep lake phase was characterised by wet-dry cycles lasting, on average, 1,400 years. Over longer timescales, variations in the aeolian delivery of lithogenic matter to the Arabian Sea, reflected in normalised flux of titanium, show that monsoonal circulation prior to 2.6 Ma was highly variable and primarily driven by orbitally-forced changes in tropical summer insolation, modulated by the 400,000 year cycle of orbital eccentricity. Millennial-scale fluctuations in the dust record also support the evidence of abrupt wet-dry cycles in East Africa. Such high-resolution cycles are rarely found in older records, thus giving a valuable insight to the nature of short-term fluctuations in Plio-Pleistocene climate

    Absorbate-Induced Piezochromism in a Porous Molecular Crystal

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    Atmospherically stable porous frameworks and materials are interesting for heterogeneous solid–gas applications. One motivation is the direct and selective uptake of pollutant/hazardous gases, where the material produces a measurable response in the presence of the analyte. In this report, we present a combined experimental and theoretical rationalization for the piezochromic response of a robust and porous molecular crystal built from an extensively fluorinated trispyrazole. The electronic response of the material is directly determined by analyte uptake, which provokes a subtle lattice contraction and an observable bathochromic shift in the optical absorption onset. Selectivity for fluorinated absorbates is demonstrated, and toluene is also found to crystallize within the pore. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of electronic structure calculations to predict a physicochemical response, providing the foundations for the design of electronically tunable porous solids with the chemical properties required for development of novel gas-uptake media

    Three and half million year history of moisture availability of South West Africa: Evidence from ODP site 1085 biomarker records

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    Ocean Drilling Program Site 1085 provides a continuous marine sediment record off southern South West Africa for at least the last three and half million years. The n-alkane ∂13 C record from this site records changes in past vegetation and provides an indication of the moisture availability of SW Africa during this time period. Very little variation, and no apparent trend, is observed in the n-alkane δ13C record, suggesting stable long-term conditions despite significant changes in East African tectonics and global climate. Slightly higher n-alkane δ13C values occur between 3.5 and 2.7 Ma suggesting slightly drier conditions than today. Between 2.5 and 2.7 Ma there is a shift to more negative n-alkane δ13C values suggesting slightly wetter conditions during a ~ 0.2 Ma episode that coincides with the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (iNHG). From 2.5 to 0.4 Ma the n-alkane δ13C values are very consistent, varying by less than ± 0.5‰ and suggesting little or no long-term change in the moisture availability of South West Africa over the last 2.5 million years. This is in contrast to the long-term drying trend observed further north offshore from the Namib Desert and in East Africa. A comparison of the climate history of these regions suggests that Southern Africa may have been an area of long-term stability over the last 3.5 Myrs

    Climate change impacts and adaptive strategies: lessons from the grapevine

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe cultivation of grapevines for winemaking, known as viticulture, is widely cited as a climate-sensitive agricultural system that has been used as an indicator of both historic and contemporary climate change. Numerous studies have questioned the viability of major viticulture regions under future climate projections. We review the methods used to study the impacts of climate change on viticulture in the light of what is known about the effects of climate and weather on the yields and quality of vineyard harvests. Many potential impacts of climate change on viticulture, particularly those associated with a change in climate variability or seasonal weather patterns, are rarely captured. Key biophysical characteristics of viticulture are often unaccounted for, including the variability of grapevine phenology and the exploitation of microclimatic niches that permit successful cultivation under suboptimal macroclimatic conditions. We consider how these same biophysical characteristics permit a variety of strategies by which viticulture can adapt to changing climatic conditions. The ability to realize these strategies, however, is affected by uneven exposure to risks across the winemaking sector, and the evolving capacity for decision-making within and across organizational boundaries. The role grape provenance plays in shaping perceptions of wine value and quality illustrates how conflicts of interest influence decisions about adaptive strategies within the industry. We conclude by considering what lessons can be taken from viticulture for studies of climate change impacts and the capacity for adaptation in other agricultural and natural systems

    The application of Bayesian change point detection in UAV fuel systems

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    AbstractA significant amount of research has been undertaken in statistics to develop and implement various change point detection techniques for different industrial applications. One of the successful change point detection techniques is Bayesian approach because of its strength to cope with uncertainties in the recorded data. The Bayesian Change Point (BCP) detection technique has the ability to overcome the uncertainty in estimating the number and location of change point due to its probabilistic theory. In this paper we implement the BCP detection technique to a laboratory based fuel rig system to detect the change in the pre-valve pressure signal due to a failure in the valve. The laboratory test-bed represents a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) fuel system and its associated electrical power supply, control system and sensing capabilities. It is specifically designed in order to replicate a number of component degradation faults with high accuracy and repeatability so that it can produce benchmark datasets to demonstrate and assess the efficiency of the BCP algorithm. Simulation shows satisfactory results of implementing the proposed BCP approach. However, the computational complexity, and the high sensitivity due to the prior distribution on the number and location of the change points are the main disadvantages of the BCP approac

    A 30 Gb/s CMOS driver integrated with silicon photonics MZM

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    A voltage mode modulator driver is proposed in the TSMC 65nm low power CMOS process. In the electrical testing, the driver itself can achieve a bit rate of 40Gb/s with the single-ended output swing of 1.65V. Unlike equivalent CML modulator drivers, when the proposed driver is integrated with the silicon photonic MZM, it does not require an additional biasing network. The integrated electro-optic transmitter can achieve 30Gb/s with an extinction ratio of 4.05dB, with the power consumption of main driver being 323mW