3,681 research outputs found

    Morbidity Profile of Inmates of Selected Old Age Homes of Bangalore City

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    Aging is an inevitable phenomenon in the life of all living beings. With the increase of life expectancy, the numbers of people who are attaining old age are increasing throughout the globe.1 By the year 2025, the number of elderly people is expected to rise to more than 1.2 billion all over the world.2 In 2011, the share of older persons aged 60 years and above was 8.6% which has placed India in the “aged” category as per United Nations Classification. Undoubtedly, the process of health transition has accelerated in India, and consequently India has to confront rapid aging of population.3 Old age is associated with deterioration of health and increase in morbidity. Health status among elderly is a serious problem for health service utilization in India due to increase in elderly population

    Lærerstudenters refleksjoner over undervisning og mangfold i norsk grunnskole

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate how preservice teachers reflect on diversity and on teaching pupils from diverse backgrounds. Following a qualitative research design, the empirical data were constructed through focus group interviews with pre-service teachers attending a 4-year initial teacher education programme for compulsory school in Norway. The thematic analysis of focus group interviews yielded three main results, namely differences are individual and considered natural, diversity as a value and challenge, and belief in practice rather than theory. Results suggest that despite their appreciative views towards diversity, the preservice teachers seem to be having a dilemmatic position regarding whether they should treat every pupil the same or differently. Moreover, the results point to the significance of establishing coherence between theory and practice in initial teacher education regarding the preparation of preservice teachers for their work with diverse pupils.Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan lærerstudenter i den fireårige grunnskolelærerutdanningen reflekterer over mangfold og undervisning av elever som har ulik bakgrunn. Studien er basert på et kvalitativt forskningsdesign, og data er kon-struert ved hjelp av fokusgruppeintervjuer med lærerstudenter i den fireårige grunn-skolelærerutdanningen. Den tematiske analysen ledet fram til tre hovedresultater: Forskjeller er individuelle og forstås som noe naturlig, mangfold som en verdi og utfordring, og vektlegging av praksis heller enn teori. Resultatene viser at til tross for deltakernes verdsetting av mangfold, opplever lærerstudentene dilemma når det gjelder hvordan de skal handle i praksis. Resultatene peker videre på betydningen av å etablere koherens mellom praksis og teori i lærerutdanningen for å forberede lærerstudentene for arbeidet med mangfoldige elevgrupper.publishedVersio

    Clinico-histopathological analysis of orbito-ocular lesions: a hospital-based study

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    Introductions: Preoperative diagnosis of orbital and ocular lesions is necessary for optimum treatment. The study aims to analyze the histomorphological spectrum of orbito-ocular lesions and to evaluate the need of ancillary techniques for confirmation of diagnosis. Methods: A cross sectional hospital based study of orbito-ocular surgical biopsy samples obtained in the Department of Pathology, at Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital, Nepal during one-year period was analysed for clinical and histopathological findings. Demographic data, site and tissue type, benign or malignant, recommendations for special stains and immunohistochemistry panel study were analysed.    Results: Out of 185 total samples, male to female ratio of 1.1:1, age ranged from ten month to 82 years, 11-20 year age group had 39 (21.1%) orbito-ocular lesions and cornea-conjunctiva was involved in 104 (56.2%). Clinical diagnosis correlated well with histopathological diagnosis, p<0.001. The non-neoplastic, benign and malignant lesions were 36.7%, 33.5% and 29.7% respectively. Squamous cell carcinoma was seen in 28 (50.9%) of malignant lesions followed by sebaceous carcinoma 7 (12.7%). The special stains and immunohistochemistry panel was recommended in 38 (20.5% and 21 (11.3%) cases respectively. Conclusions: Findings suggest the clinical and histopathological diagnosis correlated well in diagnosis of a wide spectrum of orbito-ocular lesions. Keywords: ancillary techniques, clincio-pathological correlation, immunohistochemistry, orbito-ocular lesions, squamous cell carcinom

    Prospect of Protected Agricultural Structure and its Constraints for Utilizing in Nepal

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    Protected agricultural structures have been adopted by commercial farmers throughout the world including Nepal to cope with climate change and its adverse effects on agriculture. Technology based production system is important for sustainable agricultural development. It could be the tool for low-income countries like Nepal where agriculture is the priority of income generation for the rural people. A field study was conducted in 2021 and 2022 to understand the prospects of protected agriculture structures adaptation by farmers and agricultural entrepreneur in Nepal. The study was traversed with both physical observation and the user’s interviews. The opportunities and the constraints have been critically analysed based on these field study along with the review of different policy documents and success stories published. This study found that the protected cultivation practice has been rapidly increased with increasing number of protected structures like plastic house or tunnel framed with bamboo or GI pipe, Agri-net house, naturally ventilated poly house and semi or hi-tech green house. In contrary, the import of horticulture products has also been increased more than 200% in last 10 years. This study finds the gap mismatching between technology enhancement, production and import of horticulture crops

    Distribution of hydro-biological parameters in coastal waters off Rushikulya Estuary, East Coast of India: A premonsoon case study

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    The hydro-biological parameters of coastal waters off Rushikulya estuary was investigated during premonsoon 2011. Important hydro-biological parameters such as water temperature, salinity, pH, DO, NO2, NO3, NH4, PO4, SiO4, TSM, Chl-α, phytoplankton and zooplankton were measured during the present study. Temperature established a strong positive correlation with salinity and pH during the present study. Chl-α found in positive relation with NO3, SiO4 and TSM. Analysis of variance revealed significant monthly variation in pH, salinity and TSM. Significant station wise variation was observed in DO and most of the nutrients i.e., NO3, NH4, PO4, SiO4. A total of 119 species of phytoplankton were identified of which 84 species are of diatoms, 22 species of dinoflagellates, 7 species of green algae, 5 species of cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and 1 species of cocolithophore. Phytoplankton abundance varied between 25543 (Nos. L-1) and 36309 (Nos. L-1). Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community followed by dinoflagellates in all the months. Diatoms contributed to 82-89 of the total phytoplankton population density whereas dinoflagellates contributed to 6-12. The regression between Chl-α and phytoplankton abundance resulted with weak relation (R2 = 0.042). Zooplankton fauna composed of 134 species of holoplankton and 20 types of meroplankton were encountered during the study period. Zooplankton population dominated by copepod during all months and accounted for 74 to 85 to the total zooplankton. The population density ranged from 6959 to 35869 Nos./10 m3. Analysis of variance explained no significant variation in total zooplankton abundance and also for different groups of zooplankton

    Thyroid Dysfunction and Associated Risk Factors among Nepalese Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Objectives. To assess thyroid function and associated risk factors in Nepalese diabetes mellitus patients. Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 419 diabetes mellitus patients at B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal. Information on demographic and anthropometric variables and risk factors for thyroid dysfunction was collected. Blood samples were analysed to measure thyroid hormones, blood sugar, and lipid profile. Results. Prevalence rate of thyroid dysfunction was 36.03%, with subclinical hypothyroidism (26.5%) as the most common thyroid dysfunction. Thyroid dysfunction was much common in females (42.85%) compared to males (30.04%) p=0.008 and in type 1 diabetes (50%) compared to type 2 diabetes mellitus (35.41%) p=0.218. Diabetic patients with thyroid dysfunction had higher total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol in comparison to patients without thyroid dysfunction. Significant risk factors for thyroid dysfunction, specifically hypothyroidism (overt and subclinical), were smoking (relative risk of 2.56 with 95% CI (1.99–3.29, p<0.001)), family history of thyroid disease (relative risk of 2.57 with 95% CI (2.0–3.31, p<0.001)), and female gender (relative risk of 1.44 with 95% CI (1.09–1.91, p=0.01)). Conclusions. Thyroid dysfunction is common among Nepalese diabetic patients. Smoking, family history of thyroid disease, and female gender are significantly associated with thyroid dysfunction


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The growth promoting effects of AYU-707 was investigated in 1 and 2 months immature rats.Methods: The AYU-707 was administered orally at a dose of 5 (1-month-old rats) and 6.5 g/kg body weight (BW) (2-month-old rats) for 45 days.During and end of the study, BW, tail length, body circumference, and feed efficiency were determined. After 24 hrs of the last treatment, the bloodwas withdrawn by retro-orbital puncture and blood, hemoglobin, serum alkaline phosphatase, serum glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, serumglutamic-pyruvic transaminase, calcium, total protein, and amylase were estimated. Then, the rats were sacrificed by overdose ketamine and thefemur weight, tibial density, bone hydroxyproline content, and epiphyseal plate width were determined. Then, the spleen, lung, liver, kidney, heart,and uterus weights were determined.Results: The preliminary phytochemical investigation confirms the presence of carbohydrate, amino acid, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins in AYU707powder.The ratstreatedwith AYU-707haveshownsignificantdifferencesin most of the growthenhancementparameterswhencomparedtothenormal rats.Conclusion: From the results of the present study, it is concluded that AYU-707 formulated by M/s Ayurwin Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, possessessuperior anabolic and growth promotion properties that may serve to promote the growth in children associated with growth-related disorders.Keywords: Body circumference, Tibial density, Flavonoids, Hydroxyproline, Epiphyseal plate

    Biological implications of cyclone Hudhud in the coastal waters of northwestern Bay of Bengal

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    A very severe cyclonic storm, Hudhud, equivalent to a category-4 hurricane on the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS), originated in the Andaman Sea on 6 October 2014. The cyclone propagated west-northwestward and made landfall near Visakhapatnam, northern coast of Andhra Pradesh on 12 October 2014. The study area, Gopalpur (southern coast of Odisha) was in the active influence zone of Hudhud and in close proximity (~260 km north) to the landfall point (Figure 1). This region is an important mass nesting rookery for vulnerable olive ridley sea turtles, which aggregate for breeding in the coastal waters off Odisha from November to May1. This region is also identified as a time-series station under the SATellite Coastal and Oceanographic REsearch (SATCORE) programme coordinated by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS); it is being monitored since 2009

    Fermentation process for alcoholic beverage production from mahua (Madhuca indica J. F. Mel.) flowers

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    Mahua flowers are rich in sugar (68-72%), in addition to a number of minerals and one of the most important raw materials for alcohol fermentation. The present investigation was for the development of a non-distilled alcoholic beverage from Mahua flowers. Eighteen (18) treatment combinations consisting of two temperatures (25 and 30°C), three pH (4.0, 4.5 and 5.0) and three period of fermentation (7, 14 and 21 days) were used in the fermentation conditions. The maximum yield of ethanol (9.51 %) occurred at 25°C with pH 4.5 after 14 days of  fermentation of Mahua flower juice. The fermented non-distilled alcoholic beverage contained total sugar (8.83 mg/ml), reducing sugar (0.82 mg/ml), total soluble solids (6.37°Brix) titrable acidity (0.65 %), and volatile acidity (0.086%). Methanol was not detected at any stage of fermentation. The developed fermented alcoholic beverage had characteristic flavor and aroma of Mahua flowers with about 7 to 9% alcohol.Keywords: Madhuca indica, ethanol, reducing sugar, fermentation.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(39), pp. 5771-577

    Electronic structure and estimation of Curie temperature in Ca\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eBIrO\u3csub\u3e6\u3c/sub\u3e(B = Cr, Fe) double perovskites

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    We investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of Ca 2 CrIrO 6 and Ca 2 FeIrO 6 by means of density functional theory. These materials belong to a family of recently synthesized Ca 2 CrOsO 6 whose properties show possible applications in a room temperature regime. Upon replacement of Os by Ir in Ca 2 CrOsO 6, we found the system to exhibit a stable ferrimagnetic configuration with a bandgap of ∼0.25 eV and an effective magnetic moment of ∼2.58 μ B per unit cell. Furthermore, when chemical doping is considered by replacing Cr with Fe and Os with Ir, the material retains the insulating state but with a reduced bandgap of 0.13 eV and large increment in the effective magnetic moment of ∼6.68 μ B per unit cell. These observed behaviors are noted to be the consequence of the cooperative effect of spin-orbit coupling; Coulomb correlations from Cr-3d, Fe-3d, and Ir-5d electrons; and the crystal field effect of the materials. These calculations suggest that by chemical tuning, one can manipulate the bandgap and their effective magnetic moment, which may help in material fabrication for device applications. To check further the suitability and applicability of Ca 2 CrIrO 6 and Ca 2 FeIrO 6 at higher temperatures, we estimate the Curie temperature (T C) by calculating the spin-exchange coupling. We found that our findings are in a valid T C trend similar to other perovskites. Our findings are expected to be useful in experimental synthesis and transport measurement for potential applications in modern technological devices