18 research outputs found


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    Göç, insanlık tarihi kadar eski bir olgudur. İnsanoğlu çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı kitlesel ya da bireysel mekândeğişikliği yapmıştır. Göç doğal bir süreçtir. Çünkü yaşamın bir parçasıdır. Göçün sebepleri, farklılık gösterir.Kültürel, ekonomik ya da siyasi nedenlerden olabilir. Göç aynı zamanda toplumun yapısını da değiştirir. Farklıkültürden insanların bir araya gelmesini sağlar. Bir araya gelmek olumlu olabileceği gibi olumsuz sonuçlar dadoğurabilir. Bireylerin birbirine uyumu, uyumsuzluklarını ortaya çıkarır. Bu durum göçü, farklı yönlerdenincelemeyi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Göçün nedenlerinin farklı olması, zamana, topluma göre farklılık arz etmesifarklı göç kuramlarının doğmasına sebep olmuştur. Göç, nedenlerine, biçimlerine bakılarak farklı kuramlarlaaçıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Sadece sosyolojinin konusu değil, edebiyatın da en çok işlenen temalarından biri olduğubir gerçektir. Türk Edebiyatında romanlarda, hikâyelerde en fazla göçü işleyen yazarlardan biri de OrhanKemal’dir. Kırdan kente göçü, yoksulluğu, kültürel yozlaşmayı işleyen yazar Gurbet Kuşları adlı eserinde 1950’liyıllardaki köyden kente göçü konu edinir. Çalışmamızda Gurbet Kuşları adlı eser, Ravenstein Kuramı, İtme ÇekmeKuramı İlişkiler Ağı (Network) Kuramı, Kesişen Fırsatlar Kuramı ve Petersen’in Beş Göç Kuramına göreincelenecektir.Migration is a phenomenon as old as human history. Mankind has made mass or individual location changes for various reasons. Migration is a natural process because it is a part of life. The reasons for migration differ; it can be cultural, economic or political. At the same time, migration also changes the structure of society. It allows people from different cultures to come together, and coming together can be positive, but it also has negative consequences as it exposes harmony or disharmony among individuals. Different reasons for migration have led to the examination of migration from different perspectives. The fact that migration has different reasons, relative to time and society, results in different theories about migration. The theme of migration is not only confined to the field of sociology, but it is one of the most popular subjects of literature as well. In Turkish literature, Orhan Kemal is one of the writers who frequently take up the theme of migration in his novels. In his novel, Gurbet Kuşları, he deals with the subject of migration from the rural areas to the city during the 1950s as well as the subjects of poverty and cultural degeneration. Our study will be conducted in accordance with Ravenstein’s theory of migration, migration network theory, migration systems theory, centre-periphery theory, theory of intervening opportunities, Petersen’s five immigration theories, push and pull theory of migration

    Fruit juice drink production containing hydrolyzed collagen

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    WOS: 000364500000056Fruit juice drinks containing hydrolyzed collagen were formulated and produced as a new functional drink from orange, apple and white grape juice blends containing ingredients such as hydrolyzed fish collagen, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and natural mint flavour. Difference and preference sensory tests were conducted to select the most preferred formulation containing an addition of 1-3% hydrolyzed collagen. The results indicate that the formulation with the addition of 2.5% hydrolyzed collagen was significantly preferred. Drinks at pH 3.96-4.04 were pasteurized at 95 degrees C until reaching P value necessary for 3D decimal reduction of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. Addition of hydrolyzed collagen increased the protein content of the drinks from 0.56 to 2.22-2.48 g/100 mL. The in vitro bioavailability results indicated that the orange (95.37%) and apple (90.71%) drinks showed a higher bioavailability (5-14%) than the white grape juice blends. The ascorbic acid content (81.39-113.5 mg/100 mL), total phenolic content (86.93-117.43 mg GAE/100 mL), and antioxidant capacity ABTS assay results (104-127 umol TEAC/100 mL) varied widely in the drinks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Rebuplic of flukey Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB)Ministry of Science, Industry & Technology - Turkey [2010/04/DEO]This work was financially supported by the Rebuplic of flukey Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB, Grant No. 2010/04/DEO)

    Altered Transcriptional Profile of Mitochondrial DNA-Encoded OXPHOS Subunits, Mitochondria Quality Control Genes, and Intracellular ATP Levels in Blood Samples of Patients with Parkinson's Disease

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    Mitochondrial dysfunctions are significant contributors to neurodegeneration. One result or a cause of mitochondrial dysfunction might be the disruption of mtDNA transcription. Limited data indicated an altered expression of mtDNA encoded transcripts in Alzheimer's disease (AD) or Parkinson's disease (PD). The number of mitochondria is high in cells with a high energy demand, such as muscle or nerve cells. AD or PD involves increased risk of cardiomyopathy, suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction might be systemic. If it is systemic, we should observe it in different cell types. Given that, we wanted to investigate any disruption in the regulation of mtDNA encoded gene expression in addition to PINK1, PARKIN, and ATP levels in peripheral blood samples of PD cases who are affected by a neurodegenerative disorder that is very well known by its mitochondrial aspects. Our results showed for the first time that: 1) age of onset > 50 PD sporadic (PDS) cases: mtDNA transcription and quality control genes were affected; 2) age of onset <50 PDS cases: only mtDNA transcription was affected; and 3) PD cases with familial background: only quality control genes were affected. mtDNA copy number was not a confounder. Intracellular ATP levels of PD case subgroups were significantly higher than those of healthy subjects. We suggest that a systemic dysregulation of transcription of mtDNA or mitochondrial quality control genes might result in the development of a sporadic form of the disease. Additionally, ATP elevation might be an independent compensatory and response mechanism. Hyperactive cells in AD and PD require further investigation