982 research outputs found

    Neurobiology of Stress

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    The neurobiology of stress and the neurobiology of social behavior are deeply intertwined. The social environment interacts with stress on almost every front: social interactions can be potent stressors; they can buffer the response to an external stressor; and social behavior often changes in response to stressful life experience. This review explores mechanistic and behavioral links between stress, anxiety, resilience, and social behavior in rodents, with particular attention to different social contexts. We consider variation between several different rodent species and make connections to research on humans and nonhuman primates

    First Stellar Abundances in the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Sextans A

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    We present the abundance analyses of three isolated A-type supergiant stars in the dwarf irregular galaxy Sextans A from high-resolution spectra the UVES spectrograph at the VLT. Detailed model atmosphere analyses have been used to determine the stellar atmospheric parameters and the elemental abundances of the stars. The mean iron group abundance was determined from these three stars to be [(FeII,CrII)/H]=-0.99+/-0.04+/-0.06. This is the first determination of the present-day iron group abundances in Sextans A. These three stars now represent the most metal-poor massive stars for which detailed abundance analyses have been carried out. The mean stellar alpha element abundance was determined from the alpha element magnesium as [alpha(MgI)/H]=-1.09+/-0.02+/-0.19. This is in excellent agreement with the nebular alpha element abundances as determined from oxygen in the H II regions. These results are consistent from star-to-star with no significant spatial variations over a length of 0.8 kpc in Sextans A. This supports the nebular abundance studies of dwarf irregular galaxies, where homogeneous oxygen abundances are found throughout, and argues against in situ enrichment. The alpha/Fe abundance ratio is [alpha(MgI)/FeII,CrII]=-0.11+/-0.02+/-0.10, which is consistent with the solar ratio. This is consistent with the results from A-supergiant analyses in other Local Group dwarf irregular galaxies but in stark contrast with the high [alpha/Fe] results from metal-poor stars in the Galaxy, and is most clearly seen from these three stars in Sextans A because of their lower metallicities. The low [alpha/Fe] ratios are consistent with the slow chemical evolution expected for dwarf galaxies from analyses of their stellar populations.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Multi-periodic photospheric pulsations and connected wind structures in HD64760

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    We report on the results of an extended optical spectroscopic monitoring campaign on the early-type B supergiant HD64760 (B0.5Ib) designed to probe the deep-seated origin of spatial wind structure. This new study is based on high-resolution echelle spectra obtained with the FEROS instrument at ESO La Silla. 279 spectra were collected over 10 consecutive nights in 2003. From the period analysis of the line-profile variability of the photospheric lines we identify three closely spaced periods around 4.810 hrs and a splitting of +/-3%. The velocity - phase diagrams of the line-profile variations for the distinct periods reveal characteristic prograde non-radial pulsation patterns of high order corresponding to pulsation modes with l and m in the range 6-10. The three pulsation modes have periods clearly shorter than the characteristic pulsation time scale and show small horizontal velocity fields and hence are identified as p-modes. The beating of the three pulsation modes leads to a retrograde beat pattern with two regions of constructive interference diametrically opposite on the stellar surface and a beat period of 162.8hrs (6.8days). This beat pattern is directly observed in the spectroscopic time series of the photospheric lines. The wind-sensitive lines display features of enhanced emission, which appear to follow the maxima of the photospheric beat pattern.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures (reduced resolution

    High spatial resolution monitoring of the activity of BA supergiant winds

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    There are currently two optical interferometry recombiners that can provide spectral resolutions better than 10000, AMBER/VLTI operating in the H-K bands, and VEGA/CHARA, recently commissioned, operating in the visible. These instruments are well suited to study the wind activity of the brightest AB supergiants in our vicinity, in lines such as Hα\alpha or BrGamma. We present here the first observations of this kind, performed on Rigel (B8Ia) and Deneb (A2Ia). Rigel was monitored by AMBER in two campaigns, in 2006-2007 and 2009-2010, and observed in 2009 by VEGA; whereas Deneb was monitored in 2008-2009 by VEGA. The extension of the Halpha and BrGamma line forming regions were accurately measured and compared with CMFGEN models of both stars. Moreover, clear signs of activity were observed in the differential visibility and phases. These pioneer observations are still limited, but show the path for a better understanding of the spatial structure and temporal evolution of localized ejections using optical interferometry.Comment: Proceedings of conf. IAUS272 - Active OB stars - Paris, July 19-23, 201

    Chemical Composition of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    Chemical abundances of six extremely metal-poor ([Fe/H]<-2.5) stars in the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy are determined based on high resolution spectroscopy (R=40,000) with the Subaru Telescope High Dispersion Spectrograph. (1) The Fe abundances derived from the high resolution spectra are in good agreement with the metallicity estimated from the Ca triplet lines in low resolution spectra. The lack of stars with [Fe/H]=<-3 in Sextans, found by previous estimates from the Ca triplet, is confirmed by our measurements, although we note that high resolution spectroscopy for a larger sample of stars will be necessary to estimate the true fraction of stars with such low metallicity. (2) While one object shows an overabundance of Mg (similar to Galactic halo stars), the Mg/Fe ratios of the remaining five stars are similar to the solar value. This is the first time that low Mg/Fe ratios at such low metallicities have been found in a dwarf spheroidal galaxy. No evidence for over-abundances of Ca and Ti are found in these five stars, though the measurements for these elements are less certain. Possible mechanisms to produce low Mg/Fe ratios, with respect to that of Galactic halo stars, are discussed. (3) Ba is under-abundant in four objects, while the remaining two stars exhibit large and moderate excesses of this element. The abundance distribution of Ba in this galaxy is similar to that in the Galactic halo, indicating that the enrichment of heavy elements, probably by the r-process, started at metallicities [Fe/H] < -2.5, as found in the Galactic halo.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, A&A, in pres

    Laser interferometry with translucent and absorbing mechanical oscillators

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    The sensitivity of laser interferometers can be pushed into regimes that enable the direct observation of quantum behaviour of mechanical oscillators. In the past, membranes with subwavelength thickness (thin films) have been proposed as high-mechanical-quality, low-thermal-noise oscillators. Thin films from a homogenous material, however, generally show considerable light transmission accompanied by heating due to light absorption, which typically reduces the mechanical quality and limits quantum opto-mechanical experiments in particular at low temperatures. In this work, we experimentally analyze a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer including a translucent silicon nitride (SiN) membrane with subwavelength thickness. We find that such an interferometer provides an operational point being optimally suited for quantum opto-mechanical experiments with translucent oscillators. In case of a balanced beam splitter of the interferometer, the membrane can be placed at a node of the electro-magnetic field, which simultaneously provides lowest absorption and optimum laser noise rejection at the signal port. We compare the optical and mechanical model of our interferometer with experimental data and confirm that the SiN membrane can be coupled to a laser power of the order of one Watt at 1064 nm without significantly degrading the membrane's quality factor of the order 10^6, at room temperature

    VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy of red giant branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Fornax is one of the most massive dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group. The Fornax field star population is dominated by intermediate age stars but star formation was going on over almost its entire history. It has been proposed that Fornax experienced a minor merger event. Despite recent progress, only the high metallicity end of Fornax field stars ([Fe/H]>-1.2 dex) has been sampled in larger number via high resolution spectroscopy. We want to better understand the full chemical evolution of this galaxy by better sampling the whole metallicity range, including more metal poor stars. We use the VLT-FLAMES multi-fibre spectrograph in high-resolution mode to determine the abundances of several alpha, iron-peak and neutron-capture elements in a sample of 47 individual Red Giant Branch stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We combine these abundances with accurate age estimates derived from the age probability distribution from the colour-magnitude diagram of Fornax. Similar to other dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the old, metal-poor stars of Fornax are typically alpha-rich while the young metal-rich stars are alpha-poor. In the classical scenario of the time delay between SNe II and SNe Ia, we confirm that SNe Ia started to contribute to the chemical enrichment at [Fe/H] between -2.0 and -1.8 dex. We find that the onset of SNe Ia took place between 12-10 Gyrs ago. The high values of [Ba/Fe], [La/Fe] reflect the influence of SNe Ia and AGB stars in the abundance pattern of the younger stellar population of Fornax. Our findings of low [alpha/Fe] and enhanced [Eu/Mg] are compatible with an initial mass function that lacks the most massive stars and with star formation that kept going on throughout the whole history of Fornax. We find that massive stars kept enriching the interstellar medium in alpha-elements, although they were not the main contributor to the iron enrichment.Comment: Resubmitted to A&A (18/09/2014) after Referee's comment

    Interferometer readout-noise below the Standard Quantum Limit of a membrane

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    Here we report on the realization of a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer whose purpose is the precise characterization of the motion of membranes showing significant light transmission. Our interferometer has a readout noise spectral density (imprecision) of 3E-16 m/sqrt(Hz) at frequencies around the fundamental resonance of a SiN_x membrane at about 100 kHz, without using optical cavities. The readout noise demonstrated is more than 16 dB below the peak value of the membrane's standard quantum limit (SQL). This reduction is significantly higher than those of previous works with nano-wires [Teufel et al., Nature Nano. 4, 820 (2009); Anetsberger et al., Nature Phys. 5, 909 (2009)]. We discuss the meaning of the SQL for force measurements and its relation to the readout performance and conclude that neither our nor previous experiments achieved a total noise spectral density as low as the SQL

    Wind structure of late B supergiants I. Multi-line analyses of near-surface and wind structure in HD 199 478 (B8 Iae)

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    We provide a quantitative analysis of time-variable phenomena in the photospheric, near-star, and outflow regions of the late-B supergiant (SG) HD 199478. The analysis is based primarily on optical spectroscopic datasets secured between 1999 and 2000 from the Bulgarian NAO, Tartu, and Ritter Observatories. The temporal behaviour of HD 199478 is characterised by three key empirical properties: (i) systematic central velocity shifts in the photospheric absorption lines, including C II and He I, over a characteristic time-scale of abou 20 days; (ii) extremely strong, variable H alpha emission with no clear modulation signal, and (iii) the occurrence in 2000 of a (rare) high-velocity absorption (HVA) event in H alpha, which evolved over about 60 days, showing the clear signature of mass infall and outflows. In these properties HD 199478 resembles few other late-B SGs with peculiar emission and HVAs in H alpha (HD 91619, HD 34085, HD 96919). Non-LTE line synthesis modelling is conducted using FASTWIND for these late-B SGs to constrain and compare their fundamental parameters within the context of extreme behaviour in the H alpha lines. Our analysis indicate that at the cooler temperature edge of B SGs, there are objects whose wind properties, as traced by H alpha, are inconsistent with the predictions of the smooth, spherically symmetric wind approximation. This discordance is still not fully understood and may highlight the role of a non-spherical, disk-like, geometry, which may result from magnetically-driven equatorial compression of the gas. Ordered dipole magnetic fields may also lead to confined plasma held above the stellar surface, which ultimately gives rise to transient HVA events.Comment: 12 pages. To be published in Astronomy and AStrophysic
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