908 research outputs found

    Cooling curves for neutron stars with hadronic matter and quark matter

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    The thermal evolution of isothermal neutron stars is studied with matter both in the hadronic phase as well as in the mixed phase of hadronic matter and strange quark matter. In our models, the dominant early-stage cooling process is neutrino emission via the direct Urca process. As a consequence, the cooling curves fall too fast compared to observations. However, when superfluidity is included, the cooling of the neutron stars is significantly slowed down. Furthermore, we find that the cooling curves are not very sensitive to the precise details of the mixing between the hadronic phase and the quark phase and also of the pairing that leads to superfluidity.Comment: 19 pages, 25 figure

    Impacts of governance styles on river restoration in NW Europe

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    Item does not contain fulltext28th Annual Conference of IAIA - The Art and Science of Impact Assessment, 4 mei 200

    Tensions bows as a tool to assess the impacts of institutional change: an example from Dutch floodplain management

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    Contains fulltext : 72499.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)IAIA2008, 4 mei 200

    Perfil característico das atividades 17-hidroxilase e 17,20-liase reveladas por meio do metaboloma de esteroides urinários de pacientes com deficiência de CYP17

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    OBJECTIVES: (1) Characterize serum (S) and urinary (U) steroid metabolites in complete CYP17 deficiency (cCYP17D); (2) analyze the relative 17α-hydroxylase (17OH) and 17,20-lyase (17,20L) activities in vivo; and (3) comparedata from the two most prevalent mutations in Brazil. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 20 genotyped cCYP17D patients from a previously reported cohort were homozygous for W406R or R362C; 11 controls were CYP17 wild types (WT). WT and cCYP17D patients had S and U samples drawn to measure: cortisol (F), corticosterone (B), deoxycorticosterone (DOC), 18OH-B, 18OH-DOC, and 17OHP; and tetrahydro (TH)-B, THA, THDOC, THF+5α-THF, TH-cortisone, androsterone, etiocholanolone, 5-pregnenediol, 17OH-pregnenolone and pregnanetriol. RESULTS: Compared to WT, cCYP17D patients had marked elevations of B, DOC, 18OH-B and 18OH-DOC, whereas 17OHP, F and adrenal androgens (AA) were reduced; U steroids parallel S findings. Metabolite ratios revealed that both 17OH and 17,20L activities were impaired in cCYP17D. There were nodifferences between W406R andR362C mutations. CONCLUSIONS: cCYP17D patients show parallel overproduction/overexcretion of 17-deoxysteroids, and marked reduction of F and AA. In addition to 17OH, 17,20-L activity was also impaired in cCYP17D. W406 and R362C mutations disclose similar Sand U patterns.OBJETIVOS: (1) Caracterizar os esteroides séricos (S) e urinários (U) na deficiência completa da CYP17 (DcCYP17); (2) analisar as atividades da 17α-hidroxilase (17OH) e 17,20-liase (17, 20 L) in vivo; e (3) comparar as duas mutações mais prevalentes no Brasil. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: 20 pacientes genotipados para a DcCYP17, de uma coorte anterior, eram homozigotos para W406R ou R362C (8 cada); 11 controles eram CYP17 wild types (WT). Amostras de S e U foram colhidas dos WT e pacientes para dosagem de: cortisol (F), corticosterona (B), deoxicorticosterona (DOC), 18-OH-B, 18OH-DOC e 17OHP; e tetraidro(TH)-B, THA, TH-DOC, THF+5α-THF, THE, androsterona, etiocolanolona, 5-pregnenediol, 17OH-pregnenolona e pregnanetriol. RESULTADOS: Comparados aos WT, os pacientes com DcCYP17 revelaram elevações acentuadas de B, DOC, 18OHB e 18OHDOC, enquanto 17OHP, F e andrógenos adrenais (AA) estavam reduzidos. Os esteroides na U acompanham os achados no S. As relações de metabólitos mostraram que as atividades de 17OH e 17,20L estavam reduzidas em pacientes com DcCYP17. Não houve diferenças entre pacientes com as mutações W406R e R362C. CONCLUSÕES: Na DcCYP17, a produção e a excreção dos 17-deoxiesteroides estão aumentadas em paralelo, em contraste com a reduzida produção/excreção de F e AA. As atividades da 17OH e 17,20-L estão diminuídas na DcCYP17. As mutações W406 e R362C apresentam achados semelhantes em S e U.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Medicine Division of Endocrinology and MetabolismUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Department of Clinical SciencesUniversity of Birmingham Division of Medical SciencesUNIFESP, Department of Medicine Division of Endocrinology and MetabolismSciEL

    Deficiência combinada de 17α-hidroxilase/17,20 liase devido à mutação p.R96W no gene CYP17 em um paciente brasileiro

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) resulting from 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disease and the second most common form of CAH in Brazil. We describe the case of a Brazilian patient with CYP17 deficiency (17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency) caused by a homozygous p.R96W mutation on exon 1 of the CYP17 gene, an unusual genotype in Brazilian patients with this form of CAH. The patient, raised as a normal female, sought medical care for lack of pubertal signs and primary amenorrhea at the age of 16 years. At evaluation, the presence of a 46,XY karyotype, hypertension and hypokalemia were observed. We emphasize the recognition of CYP17 deficiency in the differential diagnosis of cases of hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism and hypertension in young patients who need specific treatment for both situations.A hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC), em razão da deficiência de 17α-hidroxilase/17,20-liase, é uma doença autossômica recessiva rara e a segunda causa mais comum de HAC no Brasil. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente brasileiro portador da deficiência 17α-hidroxilase/17,20- liase (CYP17) em homozigose para a mutação p.R96W no éxon 1 do gene da CYP17A1, uma mutação incomum entre os casos brasileiros descritos com essa forma de HAC. Esse paciente, criado como um indivíduo normal do sexo feminino, procurou atendimento por ausência de sinais puberais e amenorreia primária aos 16 anos de idade. Durante a avaliação, constataram-se um cariótipo 46,XY e a presença de hipertensão e hipocalemia. Enfatizamos o reconhecimento da deficiência da CYP17 dentre os possíveis diagnósticos em um paciente jovem com hipogonadismo hipergonadotrófico e hipertensão, os quais necessitam de tratamento particularizado para ambas as situações.Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of MedicineUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Department of Internal MedicineUNIFESP, EPM, Department of MedicineSciEL