62 research outputs found

    Infancias diversas : redes sociales de los niños y las niñas en Ámsterdam

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    El artículo compara las redes sociales de los niños y las niñas en tres barrios de Ámsterdam, la capital multicultural de los Países Bajos. El objetivo es ver cómo los niños y las niñas que crecen en unos determinados barrios desarrollan amistades y construyen su red social y hasta qué punto pueden encontrarse con otras criaturas de orígenes culturales diferentes. Nos centraremos en las condiciones relacionadas con la escuela y el barrio, teniendo en cuenta que las redes sociales (cruzadas) no son dadas de forma natural, sino construidas sobre unas condiciones espaciales y sociales determinadas. Se han escogido tres barrios que difieren en las condiciones sociales y físicas en las que crecen los niños y las niñas: Tuindorp Nieuwendam, Indische Buurt y Museumkwartier, y se han distinguido dos dimensiones sociales: la composición de clase y de etnia. Queda claro que la infancia cambia a través del espacio y que se dan más las amistades homogéneas entre niños y niñas que relaciones sociales que atraviesen la edad, la clase y la etnia.L'article compara les xarxes socials dels nens i les nenes en tres barris d'Àmsterdam, la capital multicultural dels Països Baixos. L'objectiu és veure com els nens i les nenes que creixen en uns barris determinats desenvolupen amistats i construeixen la seva xarxa social i fins a quin punt poden trobar-se amb altres nens i nenes d'orígens culturals diferents. Ens centrarem en les condicions relacionades amb l'escola i el barri, tenint en compte que les xarxes socials (creuades) no són donades de forma natural, sinó construïdes sobre unes condicions espacials i socials determinades. Pel que fa a les condicions socials i físiques, s'han escollit tres barris diferents: Tuindorp Nieuwendam, Indische Buurt i Museumkwartier, i s'han distingit dues dimensions socials: la composició de classe i d'ètnia. Queda clar que la infància canvia a través de l'espai i que es donen més les amistats homogènies entre nens i nenes que les relacions socials que travessen l'edat, la classe i l'ètnia.L'article compare les réseaux sociaux des garçons et des filles dans trois quartiers d'Amsterdam, la capitale multiculturelle des Pays-Bas. L'objectif est de voir comment les garçons et les filles qui grandissent dans certains quartiers développent des amitiés et construisent leurs réseaux sociaux et dans quelle mesure ils peuvent rencontrer d'autres enfants de differentes origines culturelles. Nous mettrons l'accent sur les conditions des écoles et des quartiers, étant donné que (croiser) les résaux sociaux ne sont pas des conditions naturelles, mais bâties sur des conditions sociales et spatiales données. Nous avons choisi trois quartiers différents en ce qui concerne les conditions sociales et spatiales: Tuindorp Nieuwendam, Indische Buurt et Museumkwartier, et nous avons distingué deux dimensions sociales différentes : la composition par classe et par ethnie. Il est clair que l'enfance change à travers l'espace et on trouve plus frequentment des amitiés homogènes que des relations sociales qui traversent l'âge, la classe et l'ethnie. Mots clé: enfance; réseaux sociaux; quartiers;In this paper we compare the social networks of children growing up in three different neighbourhoods in contemporary Amsterdam, the multicultural capital of the Netherlands. Central question is how children growing up in specific neighbourhoods develop friendships and build on their social network and to what extent they are able to meet children with a different social background. We focus on conditions related to school and neighbourhood, taking into account that (crossed) social networks are not naturally given, but are constructed under certain spatial and social conditions. Three neighbourhoods are selected that differ in social and physical conditions for growing up: Tuindorp Nieuwendam, Indische Buurt i Museumkwartier. We distinguished two social dimensions: class and ethnic composition. It becomes clear that childhood varies across space and that homogeneous friendships are more at stake in children's lives than social relationships that cross age, class and ethnicity

    El paper actiu de les dones en la creació de llocs d'esbarjo : sobre la identitat, les xarxes de relació i el canvi

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    Des de fa temps es considera que l'ús dels espais públics per part de les dones és limitat per qüestions de temps, distancia, mobilitat i seguretat. Malgrat que les dades varïin d'una regió a l'altra, molts estudis presenten una imatge semblant: les dones no tenen la mateixa llibertat al carrer que els homes. De tota manera, les dones no estan excloses de l'àmbit públic. En aquest article l'autora posa atenció en l'actuació de les dones davant les limitacions amb què es troben i en els seus intents per aconseguir temps i espai per a elles. Es deixara clar que les dones no formen una categoria homogènia. Es dibuixaran, amb l'ajut de la teoria de l'estructuració de Giddens, tres tipus de comportaments espacials: els tipus de família tradicional, la família moderna i la individualista. Contrastant amb la documentació existent, el criteri de treball remunerat no és suficient per determinar l'ús d'espai públic per part de les dones.Actualmente se considera que el uso de los espacios públicos por parte de la mujeres es limitado por cuestiones de tiempo, distancia, mobilidad y sepridad. A pesar de que los datos varían de una región a otra, muchos estudios presentan una imagen parecida: las mujeres no tienen la misma libertad en la calle que los hombres. De todas formas, las mujeres no están excluidas del ámbito público. En este articulo la autora pone atención en la actuación de las mujeres ante las limitaciones con las que se encuentran y en sus intentos para conseguir tiempo y espacio para ellas. Se dejará claro que las mujeres no forman una categoria homogénea. Se dibujarán, con la apda de la teoria de la estructuración de Giddens, tres tipos de comportamiento espaciales: el tipo de familia tradicional, la familia moderna y la individualista. Contrastando con la documentación existente, el criterio de trabajo remunerado no es suficiente para determinar el uso del espacio público por parte de la mujeres.Jusqu'à present, on a admis et documenté que l'usage de l'espace public par les femmes est limité en termes de temps, de distance, de mobilité et de sécurité. Même si les données exactes présentent dtimportantes différences selon les régions, la plupart des études montrent la même image: Les femmes n'ont pas la même liberté de la rue que les hommes. Malgré tout, les femmes ne sont pas absentes du domaine public. Dans cet article, l'auteur attire l'attention sur des femmes agissant contre les contraintes et essayant de dégager du temps et de l'espace pour elles mêmes. Ces exemples montrent clairement que les femmes ne forment pas une catégorie homogène. En partant de la théorie de la structuration de Giddens, nous distinguerons trois types différents de comportement en relation à l'espace: le type de famille traditionnel, le type de la famille moderne et le type individuel. Contrairement A ce qui est généralement documenté, le crithe de travail salarié n'est pas suffisant pour comprendre le comportement public des femmes. Le critère identitaire est par contre crucial pour cette compréhensionUntil now, it has generally been accepted that women's use of public space is constrained in terms of time, distance, mobility and social safety. Although the exact figures differ from region to region, most studies show the same picture: women don't have the same freedom of the street as men do. However, women are not absent from public domains. In this paper the author throws light on how women react to these constraints and try to carve out some time and space for themselves. It offers clear proof that women do not form a homogeneous category. With the help of Gidden's structuration theory, three different types of spatial behaviour are distinguished: the traditional family type, the modern family type and the individualistic type. In contrast to available literature, it is shown that women's paid work in itself, however, is not crucial in defining women's use of public space

    Young Families and High-Rise: Towards Inclusive Vertical Family Housing

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    In the near future, the vertical dimension of housing will become increasingly important. But high-rise housing is still being seen as not only inconvenient but also as inappropriate for young family households. This article aims to contribute to the vertical turn in the urbanism debate from a family point of view. The focus is on large western-industrialized cities. This literature-based article consists of two parts. The first part starts with the deconstructing of families' position in urban high-rises. It is argued that young families have an "uneasy" relationship with urban high-rises due to the neglected presence of children. The dichotomous ways in which we define children and cities ultimately define city children and vertical living families as out-of-place. The second part of the article searches for ways to reconstruct families’ relationships with high-rises. Based on an analysis of the literature, problems of vertical family living are identified, and possible solutions are discussed on both the geographical scale level of the apartment and the building. The summarized conclusion from the literature is that vertical apartment living and happy family life are not necessarily at odds. The building of family-inclusive high-rises is both in the benefit of urban-oriented families and cities

    La geografia del género : sobre visibilidad, identidad y relaciones de poder

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    Cet article essaie d'offrir un panorama du développement conceptuel le plus recent de la géographie du genre tout en soulignant les différentes approches théoriques, conceptuelles et méthodologiques. Dans la diversité croissante on peut tout de même y apercevoir certains signes de convergence. On peut ainsi trouver des éléments communs dans le développement des études sur les femmes lesquels, en devenant des études du genre, ont été amenés i définir le genre comme une construction spécifique temporelle-spatiale. Dans le processus continu de cette construction du genre les «femmes-acteur» et les structures sociales définissent dans leur mutuelle influence les lignes de changement.This article deals with the state of the art in geographical women's studies. In a short ovewiew we try to highlight the different theoretical approaches, concepts and methods. In the growing diversity we can discover some signs of convergence. Common elements can be found in the development of women's studies into gender studies while defining gender as a time and space specific construction. In the continuing process of gender construction women actors and society structures define in mutual influence the direction of change.En este articulo nos proponemos ofrecer un panorama del mas reciente desarrollo conceptual de la geografia del género, un àrea teórica que reviste gran dinamismo y rapida evolución de enfoques y conceptos. Al superarse la primera fase de consolidación, donde reinaba el ambiente pionero, el compromiso con «la causa» y el anhelo de la unidad, se vislumbra ahora una tendencia creciente de diversidad de posiciones. Sin embargo, en medio de ella, encontramos también sefiales de convergencia en torno al concepto de género. La construcción de género es un proceso social, con especificidad temporal y espacial, cuyos resultados se definen y redefinen con la permanente interacción de mujeres y hombres entre sí y con las estructuras de la sociedad.En aquest article ens proposem d'oferir un panorama del més recent desenvolupament conceptual de la geografia del genere, una àrea teórica que revesteix un gran dinamisme i una ràpida evolució d'enfocaments i conceptes. En superar-se la primera fase de consolidació, on regnava l'ambient pioner, el compromís amb «la causa», i l'anhel d'unitat, es trasllueix ara una tendencia creixent de diversitat de posicions. Tanmateix, hi trobem també senyals de convergencia al voltant del concepte de gènere. La construcció de genere és un procés social, amb especificitat temporal i espacial, els resultats del qual es defineixen i redefineixen amb la permanent interacció de dones i homes entre si i amb les estructures de la societat

    Quo Vadis Architectura? 7. Mixing the Private and the Public in the City

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    In this book, experts from different fields discuss the changing boundaries between private and public city life, both from historical as well as contemporary perspectives. The publication is based on the 13th Quo Vadis Architectura? Nils Erik Wickberg Lectures, held at Aalto University in 2017. The seminar was organized by the chairs of History of Architecture, Housing and Urban and Regional Planning

    Combination Early-Phase Trials of Anticancer Agents in Children and Adolescents

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    PURPOSEThere is an increasing need to evaluate innovative drugs for childhood cancer using combination strategies. Strong biological rationale and clinical experience suggest that multiple agents will be more efficacious than monotherapy for most diseases and may overcome resistance mechanisms and increase synergy. The process to evaluate these combination trials needs to maximize efficiency and should be agreed by all stakeholders.METHODSAfter a review of existing combination trial methodologies, regulatory requirements, and current results, a consensus among stakeholders was achieved.RESULTSCombinations of anticancer therapies should be developed on the basis of mechanism of action and robust preclinical evaluation, and may include data from adult clinical trials. The general principle for combination early-phase studies is that, when possible, clinical trials should be dose- and schedule-confirmatory rather than dose-exploratory, and every effort should be made to optimize doses early. Efficient early-phase combination trials should be seamless, including dose confirmation and randomized expansion. Dose evaluation designs for combinations depend on the extent of previous knowledge. If not previously evaluated, limited evaluation of monotherapy should be included in the same clinical trial as the combination. Randomized evaluation of a new agent plus standard therapy versus standard therapy is the most effective approach to isolate the effect and toxicity of the novel agent. Platform trials may be valuable in the evaluation of combination studies. Patient advocates and regulators should be engaged with investigators early in a proposed clinical development pathway and trial design must consider regulatory requirements.CONCLUSIONAn optimized, agreed approach to the design and evaluation of early-phase pediatric combination trials will accelerate drug development and benefit all stakeholders, most importantly children and adolescents with cancer.</p

    Combination Early-Phase Trials of Anticancer Agents in Children and Adolescents

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    PURPOSEThere is an increasing need to evaluate innovative drugs for childhood cancer using combination strategies. Strong biological rationale and clinical experience suggest that multiple agents will be more efficacious than monotherapy for most diseases and may overcome resistance mechanisms and increase synergy. The process to evaluate these combination trials needs to maximize efficiency and should be agreed by all stakeholders.METHODSAfter a review of existing combination trial methodologies, regulatory requirements, and current results, a consensus among stakeholders was achieved.RESULTSCombinations of anticancer therapies should be developed on the basis of mechanism of action and robust preclinical evaluation, and may include data from adult clinical trials. The general principle for combination early-phase studies is that, when possible, clinical trials should be dose- and schedule-confirmatory rather than dose-exploratory, and every effort should be made to optimize doses early. Efficient early-phase combination trials should be seamless, including dose confirmation and randomized expansion. Dose evaluation designs for combinations depend on the extent of previous knowledge. If not previously evaluated, limited evaluation of monotherapy should be included in the same clinical trial as the combination. Randomized evaluation of a new agent plus standard therapy versus standard therapy is the most effective approach to isolate the effect and toxicity of the novel agent. Platform trials may be valuable in the evaluation of combination studies. Patient advocates and regulators should be engaged with investigators early in a proposed clinical development pathway and trial design must consider regulatory requirements.CONCLUSIONAn optimized, agreed approach to the design and evaluation of early-phase pediatric combination trials will accelerate drug development and benefit all stakeholders, most importantly children and adolescents with cancer

    UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Middle-class childhood and parenting culture in high-rise Hong Kong: on scheduled lives, the school trap and a new urban idyll Middle-class childhood and parenting culture in high-rise Hong Kong: on scheduled lives,

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    Middle-class childhood and parenting culture in high-rise Hong Kong: on scheduled lives, the school trap and a new urban idyll Karsten, C.J.M. Published in: Children&apos;s Geographies DOI: 10. 1080/14733285.2014.915288 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Karsten, L. (2015). Middle-class childhood and parenting culture in high-rise Hong Kong: on scheduled lives, the school trap and a new urban idyll. Children&apos;s Geographies, 13(5), 556-570. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2014.915288 General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor &amp; Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the &quot;Content&quot;) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor &amp; Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor &amp; Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms &amp; Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/termsand-conditions This exploratory study seeks to understand childhood in Hong Kong in relation to the high-rise living environment and dominant parenting culture among middle-class professionals. The empirical results suggest that it is parenting culture rather than the built environment that creates children&apos;s busy, scheduled lives, high levels of adult supervision and limited outdoor play. Building on a strong portfolio is considered to be both necessary to enter the popular British educational system and to counterbalance a curriculum that is supposed to offer less structured learning compared to the local Cantonese schools. It is argued that this paradoxical situation must be understood in the context of parents&apos; personal childhood histories and the highly competitive global labour market in Hong Kong. The paper ends with a reflection on new discourses of childhood that creates cities and its many consumption spaces as urban idylls for raising children