699 research outputs found

    Karakterizacija rotavirusa izdvojenih iz bivola, peradi i čovjeka u Zapadnoj Indiji.

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    The present investigation describes the detection of rotaviruses among buffalo, poultry and humans. A total of 83 buffalo, 54 poultry faecal and 81 human stool samples were screened by RNA-PAGE for the presence of rotavirus, of which 6 buffalo (12.5%), 4 poultry (7.84%) and 16 human (20.25%) samples were detected positive. All the buffalo and human rotavirus PAGE positive samples depicted a characteristic group A rotavirus migration pattern (4:2:3:2) of RNA segments, whereas a group D like migration pattern (5:2:2:2) was observed in poultry samples. Out of 26 rotavirus positive samples, all the buffalo (23.07%) rotavirus positive samples showed a long electropherotype, while a short migration pattern was revealed in avian samples (15.38%). Among human samples, the majority of the samples (60%) were long electropherotypes followed by short electropherotypes (40%). Hence, a total of 10 different electropherotypes were identified among the three host species, of which four belonged to buffaloes, one poultry, five human, and one human sample was of mixed infection. RNA-PAGE positive samples were further confirmed for the presence of rotavirus by VP4 & VP7 gene specific RT-PCR. The partial length amplification of the VP4 gene of buffalo and human rotaviruses yielded 856bp and 876bp products, respectively. The VP7 gene of both buffalo and human rotaviruses yielded 1062 bp products. On G genotyping of RT-PCR positive buffalo rotavirus samples, none of the samples revealed any G6, G8, and G10 type specific products. However, P genotyping of the same samples revealed the P[11] genotype in only 2 (33.33%) of the buffalo samples. Among the human rotaviruses, 6 (37.5%) were typed as G[1] genotype but remained untypeable for P genotypes. The VP4 and VP7 genes of avian rotavirus could not be amplified. However, the VP6 gene of all avian rotavirus yielded an amplicon of 493bp . The study reports probably the first ever detection of the group D avian rotavirus in Western India.Istraživani su rotavirusa u bivola, peradi i čovjeka. Ukupno su na prisutnost rotavirusa bila pretražena 83 uzorka fecesa bivola, 54 peradi i 81 uzorak stolice čovjeka probirnim RNA-PAGE testom, od čega je pozitivnih bilo šest (12,5%) uzoraka bivola, četiri (7,84%) uzorka peradi i 16 (20,25%) uzoraka stolice čovjeka. Svi bivolji i ljudski uzorci rotavirusa pozitivni poliakrilamid gel elektroforezom pokazivali su profil RNA segmenata karakterističan za skupinu A rotavirusa (4:2:3:2), dok su uzorci karakteristični za rotaviruse skupine D (5:2:2:2) bili dokazani u peradi. Svi pozitivni uzorci iz bivola (23,07%) pokazivali su dugi elekroferotip, dok je kratak elekroferotip ustanovljen u uzorcima peradi (15,38%). Većina (60%) ljudskih uzoraka rotavirusa imala je dugi elektroferotip, a preostalih 40% kratki. Ukupno je 10 različitih elektroferotipova bilo dokazano u trima pretraživanima domaćinima od čega su četiri pripadala bivolu, jedan peradi i pet čovjeku, a jedan uzorak iz čovjeka dokazan je kod mješovite infekcije. Prisutnost rotavirusa u RNA-PAGE pozitivnim uzorcima bila je dodatno potvrđena RT-PCR-om specifičnim za gene VP4 i VP7. Djelomično umnožen odsječak gena za VP4 bivoljih rotavirusa sadržavao je 856 bp, a ljudskih rotavirusa 876 bp. Proizvod gena za VP7 i bivoljih i ljudskih rotavirusa sadržavao je 1062 bp. Genotipizacijom G RT-PCR-om pozitivnih uzoraka ni u jednom uzorku nije bio dokazan proizvod specifičan za ikoji od tipova G6, G8 i G10. Genotipizacijom P istih uzoraka ustanovljen je genotip P[11] samo u dvjema (33,33%) uzorcima bivola. Šest ljudskih rotavirusa (37,5%) bilo je tipizirano kao genotip G[1], ali se nisu mogli tipizirati na osnovi genotipa P. Geni za VP4 i VP7 ptičjih rotavirusa nisu se mogli umnožiti. Međutim gen za VP6 svih ptičjih rotavirusa dao je fragment od 493 bp. Ovo je prvi dokaz skupine D rotavirusa u Zapadnoj Indiji

    Synthesis and characterization of hardened Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy

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    In the manufacturing industry of electrical contacts, the prohibition of the use of toxic metals (Cd, Be), and desire to avoid the alloying with precious metals (Ag) has created a need for new alloys with good electrical conductivity and high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. As a potentially useful material for this purpose, we have analyzed the continuously cast Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy in various heat treatment conditions. Sequence of phase transformations during heat treatment was followed by 4 point D.C. electrical resistivity measuring method, and analyzed by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. Measurements of Vickers hardness and electrical conductivity after various heat treatment procedures indicate on high potential of Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloys as a material for electrical contacts

    Učinkovitost i kvaliteta indukcijskog zagrijavanja i kaljenja osovina startera dizel motora

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    Presented work discusses a complex process of inductive heating and quenching of carbon steel planetary shafts for diesel engine starters. On the measurements base of temperature fields on the surface of the planetary shafts by thermographic camera and theoretical knowledge, a mathematical model for temperature conditions determination in the shaft during the entire process of heating and quenching was carried out. On the basis of developed mathematical model a computer program was developed, and used for analyses and induction hardening process optimization of planetary shafts.U ovom se radu raspravlja o složenom procesu indukcijskog zagrijavanja i kaljenja osovina iz ugljičnog čelika za pokretanje dizelskih motora. Na temelju rezultata mjerenja temperaturnih polja na površini osovina termografskom kamerom i teorijskih spoznaja, razvijen je matematički model temperaturnih uvjeta tijekom procesa zagrijavanja i kaljenja osovina. Na temelju postavljenog matematičkog modela razvijen je računalni program koji je korišten za analizu i optimizaciju procesa zagrijavanja osovina

    Genome-wide association scan meta-analysis identifies three Loci influencing adiposity and fat distribution.

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    To identify genetic loci influencing central obesity and fat distribution, we performed a meta-analysis of 16 genome-wide association studies (GWAS, N = 38,580) informative for adult waist circumference (WC) and waist-hip ratio (WHR). We selected 26 SNPs for follow-up, for which the evidence of association with measures of central adiposity (WC and/or WHR) was strong and disproportionate to that for overall adiposity or height. Follow-up studies in a maximum of 70,689 individuals identified two loci strongly associated with measures of central adiposity; these map near TFAP2B (WC, P = 1.9x10(-11)) and MSRA (WC, P = 8.9x10(-9)). A third locus, near LYPLAL1, was associated with WHR in women only (P = 2.6x10(-8)). The variants near TFAP2B appear to influence central adiposity through an effect on overall obesity/fat-mass, whereas LYPLAL1 displays a strong female-only association with fat distribution. By focusing on anthropometric measures of central obesity and fat distribution, we have identified three loci implicated in the regulation of human adiposity

    Phenomena in penetrating piercing bullets in armored steel plate

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    The presented work studied the response of new generation armored steel plates PROTAC 500 to the ballistic testing with armored piercing bullets with a core of tungsten carbide, charge 7,62 mm, and interactions between the piercing bullets and the armored steel plate were also investigated. The most obvious and significant phenomena in penetrating of the piercing bullets Nammo AP8 in steel target PROTAC 500 are strain hardening of steels, the appearance of cracks and local failure, adiabatic shear bands (ASB) with related phase transformations, and melting as well as alloying at the border of the bullet / the steel plate