12 research outputs found

    Determining Critical Thinking Dispositions of Nursing: A Comperative Study

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    Giriş: Hemşirelik mesleği doğası gereği sürekli problem çözmek ve profesyonel kararlar almak durumunda olan bir meslektir. Bu nedenlehemşirelerin kliniksel alanda eleştirel düşünme becerilerini kullanmaları beklenmektedir. Amaç: Bu çalışma hemşirelerin eleştirel düşünmebecerilerinin bazı değişkenlerle ilişkisini incelemek amacı ile karşılaştırmalı ve tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırmanınevrenini bir üniversite hastanesi ve bir devlet hastanesi servislerinde çalışan hemşireler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada herhangi bir örneklemeyöntemine başvurulmayıp çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden hemşirelerin tamamı çalışma kapsamına alınmıştır. Çalışmaya katılmayı kabuletmeyen, ulaşılamayan ve ölçek sorularına eksik cevap veren kişiler olması nedeni ile bu çalışmanın örneklemini 166 (n: 166) hemşireoluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak Facione tarafından geliştirilen ve Kökdemir tarafından Türkçe'ye uyarlanan California EleştirelDüşünme Eğilimi Ölçeği ve sosyodemografik özellikler anket formu kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Örneklemi oluşturan hemşirelerin; yaş, eğitimdurumu, medeni durum hastane ve çalışma yılına göre eleştirel düşünme puan ortalamaları arasında fark olmadığı (p > 0.05) örneklemineleştirel düşünme beceri puan ortalamalarının orta düzeyde olduğu, yaş ve çalışma yılı ile eleştirel düşünme becerisi arasında ilişkibulunmadığı (p > 0.05) belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Hemşirelik eğitim müfredatlarına beceri temelli eleştirel düşünme derslerinin konulması,üniversite hastanesi ve devlet hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin eleştirel düşünme becerilerini inceleyen başka çalışmaların yapılması,eleştirel düşünmeyi etkileyen ve geliştiren demografik ve eğitimsel değişkenlerin (öğretim yöntemleri) araştırmacılar tarafından araştırılmasıönerilmiştir. Therefore, nurses are expected to use their critical thinking skills in the clinical practice. Aim: This descriptive and comparative study wasconducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking skills of the nurses and some variables. Method: Nurses working invarious services of a university hospital and a state hospital constituted the study group. Without any special sampling, all the nurses whoagreed to participate were included in the study. Due to nurses who refused to participate in the study or could not be reached, or whosequestionnaires were incomplete, the final sample group consisted of 166 (n = 166) nurses. The California Critical Thinking DispositionInventory and Social and Demographic Questionnaire, developed by Facione and adapted to Turkish by Kökdemir, was used as a datacollection tool. Results: Nurses make up the sample; age, education level, marital status, compared to working in hospitals and there is nodifference between critical thinking scores (p > 0.05) also moderate sample scores of critical thinking skills. No correlation was detectedbetween variables such as age, total working years, marital status, educational status and critical thinking skills (p > 0.05). Conclusion:Introduction of critical thinking skills-based curriculum of nursing education courses, university hospitals and public hospital nurses workingin other studies investigating critical thinking skills, critical thinking and develops affecting the demographic and educational variables(teaching methods) are proposed by researchers to investigate

    Depression and perceived social support from family in Turkish patients with chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis

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    Background: Dialysis patients experience psychosocial problems, such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, loneliness, helplessness, and hopelessness. All of these psychosocial problems can increase patients′ need for holistic care, including attention to the person′s environment and receiving support from family. If dialysis patients are better supported and cared for, these negative consequences might be prevented or at least decreased. This study was performed to determine the perceived social support from family and depression level of hemodialysis patients. Methods: In this study, descriptive design was used. Data were collected during structured interviews in an outpatient clinic using a questionnaire. The questionnaire aimed to determine the patients′ descriptive characters and the scores of Beck Depression Inventory and Perceived Social Support from Family Scales. In data evaluation, descriptive statistics, Student′s t tests, Kruskal Wallis tests, Mann-Whitney U tests and Pearson product moment correlations were used. Results: The mean depression score was very high (23.2 ± 10.5). Significant differences were found between employment status and level of depressive symptoms. The mean level of perceived social support from family was 15.23 ± 5.37. There were no statistically significant differences between all the variables for the level of perceived social support from family. Perceived social support from family was negatively correlated with depression. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that Turkish hemodialysis patients experience depression. However, patients who were dissatisfied with their social relationships had higher depression scores

    First do no harm - interventions during labor and maternal satisfaction: a descriptive cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Interventions can be lifesaving when properly implemented but can also put the lives of both mother and child at risk by disrupting normal physiological childbirth when used indiscriminately without indications. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate the effect of frequent interventions during labor on maternal satisfaction and to provide evidence-based recommendations for labor management decisions. Methods The study was performed in descriptive design in a state hospital in Kars, Turkey with 351 pregnant women who were recruited from the delivery ward. The data were collected using three questionnaires: a survey form containing sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics, the Scale for Measuring Maternal Satisfaction in Vaginal Birth, and an intervention observation form. Results The average satisfaction scores of the mothers giving birth in our study were found to be low, at 139.59 ± 29.02 (≥150.5 = high satisfaction level, < 150.5 = low satisfaction level). The percentages of the interventions that were carried out were as follows: 80.6%, enema; 22.2%, perineal shaving; 70.7%, induction; 95.4%, continuous EFM; 92.3%, listening to fetal heart sounds; 72.9%, vaginal examination (two-hourly); 31.9%, amniotomy; 31.3%, medication for pain control; 74.9%, intravenous fluids; 80.3%, restricting food/liquid intake; 54.7%, palpation of contractions on the fundus; 35.0%, restriction of movement; 99.1%, vaginal irrigation with chlorhexidine; 85.5%, using a “hands on” method; 68.9%, episiotomy; 74.6%, closed glottis pushing; 43.3%, fundal pressure; 55.3%, delayed umbilical cord clamping; 86.0%, delayed skin-to-skin contact; 60.1%, controlled cord traction; 68.9%, postpartum hemorrhage control; and 27.6%, uterine massage. The satisfaction levels of those who experienced the interventions of induction, EFM, restriction of movement, two-hourly vaginal examinations, intravenous fluid, fundal pressure, episiotomy, palpation of contractions on the fundus, closed glottis pushing, delayed umbilical cord clamping, delayed skin-to-skin contact, fluid/food restriction, and of those who were not provided pharmacological pain control were found to be lower (p < 0.05). Conclusion Medical interventions carried out at high rates had a negative impact on women’s childbirth experience. Therefore, a proper assessment in the light of medical evidence should be made before deciding that it is absolutely necessary to intervene in the birthing process and the interdisciplinary team should ensure that intrapartum caregivers will “first do no harm.

    The effect of maternal obesity on self-esteem and body image

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    Abstract stress, dissatisfaction and the feeling of inadequacy experienced as a result of the change in appearance caused by weight gain affects self -esteem and body image of pregnant women negatively. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal obesity, self-esteem and body image. The study was performed through a questionnaire in a state hospital in Trabzon, Turkey with 300 unselected pregnant women who were recruited from the delivery unit. As data collection tools, Body Image Scale (BAS) and Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale (GIS) were used between April and May 2016. According to BMI variables, 12.3%, 57.0% and 30.7% of the pregnant women were normal, overweight and obese respectively and gained an average of 12.11 ± 3.03 kg during pregnancy. Accordingly, the majority of pregnant women who participated in this study were found to be overweight and obese. While the body image of pregnant women surveyed in this study was at a high level (158.84 ± 21.34), their average self-esteem was found at a moderate level (64.01 ± 15.88). Based on BMI, 56.8% of the women with normal weight perceived themselves as normal, 48.0% of overweight women perceived themselves as normal and 53.3% of obese women perceived themselves as overweight. There was a positive significant relationship between participants' body image and their BMI (r = 0.119 p < 0.05). The pregnant women with normal BMI were more likely to feel satisfied. While 56.8% of the pregnant women at normal weight based on BMI were found to feel satisfied and 43.3% of those overweight felt satisfied, 54.3% of obese ones did not feel satisfied. A weak positive significant correlation was found between body image and self-esteem (r = 0.172; p = 0.003 < 0.05). As the self-esteem increases, body image increases, too. It was found that the majority of pregnant women were overweight and obese according to BMI and their average body image and self-esteem were high and medium level respectively. Keywords: BMI, Body image, Maternal obesity, Self-esteem, Turke

    Male Participation in Contraception in an Eastern Province of Turkey

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine men’s knowledge, attitudes and practice towards family planning in a province of north-eastern Turkey. Materials and Methods: This descriptive research was carried on 801 volunteers amongst men of reproductive age living in a city with a total population of 80,000 men. Data were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire that addressed men’s roles, attitudes and behaviors towards family planning. Results: The most commonly used contraceptives were condom (36.8%) and withdrawal (27.3%) methods in single men. Married men reported relying more on female methods and they were more satisfied with the method they used. The idea of shared responsibility in family planning was more appreciated by single men. The role of family as a source of knowledge about family planning was low in both groups. Married men were more against vasectomy and condom while single men had more negative attitudes towards using hormone pills for men if produced in the future. Conclusion: Comprehensive projects are needed to improve male participation in family planning, especially in male dominant cultures. This must be seen as a golden key in the reproductive health programs

    Infekcje HPV – wiedza studentów pielęgniarstwa na przykładzie Polski i Turcji

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    Introduction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are the diseases caused by germs transmitted during sex, starting with easy to treat inflammations, ending up with serious deadly infections. Aim. The aim of the study was to compare the knowledge among nursing students in Poland and Turkey about HPV, its etiology and diagnostics. Material and method. The survey was conducted in an academic year 2009/2010. The questionnaire was completed by nursing students from the University of Rzeszów in Poland and nursing students from Ataturk University, in Erzurum, Turkey. The choice of the research population was purposeful. The studies were conducted among the total number of 224 respondents, 120 in Poland and 124 in Turkey. Results. Nursing students have high self-rated knowledge about STD (93.0%). Books and journals (63.5%) were mentioned as the most common source of knowledge about sexual health. Among sexually transmitted diseases the respondents mentioned: AIDS (93.0%), gonorrhea (80.8%), HPV (56.5%), HSV (54.9%). Among the respondents 11.9% have never heard of HPV. Every third student does not have any knowledge about vaccinations against HPV (30.4%). Above 40% of respondents are not aware of the recommended frequency of cytological examinations (43,0%) and nearly 60% of them do not know what a colposcopy is. Conclusions. Students have high self-rated knowledge about STD. Students from Erzurum, Turkey had better knowledge about HPV diagnostics. Students from both countries showed unsatisfactory knowledge about cervical cancer diagnostics. The level of nursing students’ knowledge as future health educators, both in Poland and Turkey about HPV is insufficient, therefore it is necessary to add supplements about STD to nursing education programs in both countries .Wstęp. Według Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia infekcje przenoszone drogą płciową są to choroby/infekcje wywoływane przez drobnoustroje przekazywane podczas kontaktów intymnych, od łatwo wyleczalnych zapaleń do śmiertelnie groźnych infekcji. Cel. Celem pracy było porównanie wiedzy studentów pielęgniarstwa w Polsce i w Turcji na temat infekcji HPV ich etiologii i diagnostyki. Materiał i metoda. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono w roku akademickim 2009/2010 wśród studentów pielęgniarstwa, w Polsce na Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim oraz w Turcji na Uniwersytecie Atatürka w Erzurum. Dobór próby badawczej był celowy. Przebadano łącznie 224 osoby – 120 w Polsce i 124 w Turcji. Wyniki. Samoocena wiedzy studentów na temat STD jest wysoka (93.0%). Jako źródła wiedzy o zdrowiu seksualnym ankietowani najczęściej wskazywali: książki i czasopisma (63.5%). Wśród chorób przenoszonych drogą płciową ankietowani wskazali: AIDS (93.0%), rzeżączka (80.8%), HPV (56.5%), HSV (54.9%). Wśród badanych studentów 11.9% nigdy nie słyszało o HPV. Co trzeci student nie posiada wiedzy o szczepieniach przeciwko HPV (30.4%). Ponad 40% badanych nie zna zalecanej częstotliwości wykonywania badań cytologicznych (43.0%), a blisko 60% nie wie co to jest kolposkopia. Wnioski. Studenci mają wysoką samoocenę wiedzy na temat STD. Lepszą wiedzą na temat diagnostyki HPV wykazali się studenci z Erzurum. Studenci z obu krajów wykazują się niezadowalającą wiedzą na temat diagnostyki raka szyjki macicy. Poziom wiedzy studentów pielęgniarstwa jako przyszłych edukatorów zdrowia zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Turcji na temat infekcji HPV nie jest satysfakcjonujący. Niezbędne jest uzupełnienie programów kształcenia pielęgniarek w obu krajach o treści na temat STD

    Determining the coronavirus awareness of the Turkish society and the anxiety stress levels

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    The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the Turkish society in COVID-19, and determine the anxiety stress levels. Research two months after the start of the outbreak in Turkey has reached 2163 individuals completed the online platform. The Integrated Anxiety Stress Scale significantly changed according to age, gender, marital status and working status after the pandemic. According to the results of multiple binary logistic regression analysis, individuals aged 50 and over, female gender, being single and not working after the pandemic for anxiety; female gender, being married, and post-pandemic study were found to be risk factors for Covid awareness. It is recommended that epidemic awareness studies and information sharing on controlled healing measures are planned considering the anxiety levels