456 research outputs found

    Electrical detection of 31P spin quantum states

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    In recent years, a variety of solid-state qubits has been realized, including quantum dots, superconducting tunnel junctions and point defects. Due to its potential compatibility with existing microelectronics, the proposal by Kane based on phosphorus donors in Si has also been pursued intensively. A key issue of this concept is the readout of the P quantum state. While electrical measurements of magnetic resonance have been performed on single spins, the statistical nature of these experiments based on random telegraph noise measurements has impeded the readout of single spin states. In this letter, we demonstrate the measurement of the spin state of P donor electrons in silicon and the observation of Rabi flops by purely electric means, accomplished by coherent manipulation of spin-dependent charge carrier recombination between the P donor and paramagnetic localized states at the Si/SiO2 interface via pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance. The electron spin information is shown to be coupled through the hyperfine interaction with the P nucleus, which demonstrates the feasibility of a recombination-based readout of nuclear spins

    Silicon Atomic Quantum Dots Enable Beyond-CMOS Electronics

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    We review our recent efforts in building atom-scale quantum-dot cellular automata circuits on a silicon surface. Our building block consists of silicon dangling bond on a H-Si(001) surface, which has been shown to act as a quantum dot. First the fabrication, experimental imaging, and charging character of the dangling bond are discussed. We then show how precise assemblies of such dots can be created to form artificial molecules. Such complex structures can be used as systems with custom optical properties, circuit elements for quantum-dot cellular automata, and quantum computing. Considerations on macro-to-atom connections are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure

    Electro-optically tunable microring resonators in lithium niobate

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    Optical microresonators have recently attracted a growing attention in the photonics community. Their applications range from quantum electro-dynamics to sensors and filtering devices for optical telecommunication systems, where they are likely to become an essential building block. The integration of nonlinear and electro-optical properties in the resonators represents a very stimulating challenge, as it would incorporate new and more advanced functionality. Lithium niobate is an excellent candidate material, being an established choice for electro-optic and nonlinear optical applications. Here we report on the first realization of optical microring resonators in submicrometric thin films of lithium niobate. The high index contrast films are produced by an improved crystal ion slicing and bonding technique using benzocyclobutene. The rings have radius R=100 um and their transmission spectrum has been tuned using the electro-optic effect. These results open new perspectives for the use of lithium niobate in chip-scale integrated optical devices and nonlinear optical microcavities.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Coherent control of macroscopic quantum states in a single-Cooper-pair box

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    A small superconducting electrode (a single-Cooper-pair box) connected to a reservoir via a Josephson junction constitutes an artificial two-level system, in which two charge states that differ by 2e are coupled by tunneling of Cooper pairs. Despite its macroscopic nature involving a large number of electrons, the two-level system shows coherent superposition of the two charge states, and has been suggested as a candidate for a qubit, i.e. a basic component of a quantum computer. Here we report on time-domain observation of the coherent quantum-state evolution in the two-level system by applying a short voltage pulse that modifies the energies of the two levels nonadiabatically to control the coherent evolution. The resulting state was probed by a tunneling current through an additional probe junction. Our results demonstrate coherent operation and measurement of a quantum state of a single two-level system, i.e. a qubit, in a solid-state electronic device.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Natur

    Universal Quantum Computation with the Exchange Interaction

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    Experimental implementations of quantum computer architectures are now being investigated in many different physical settings. The full set of requirements that must be met to make quantum computing a reality in the laboratory [1] is daunting, involving capabilities well beyond the present state of the art. In this report we develop a significant simplification of these requirements that can be applied in many recent solid-state approaches, using quantum dots [2], and using donor-atom nuclear spins [3] or electron spins [4]. In these approaches, the basic two-qubit quantum gate is generated by a tunable Heisenberg interaction (the Hamiltonian is Hij=J(t)SiSjH_{ij}=J(t){\vec S}_i\cdot{\vec S}_j between spins ii and jj), while the one-qubit gates require the control of a local Zeeman field. Compared to the Heisenberg operation, the one-qubit operations are significantly slower and require substantially greater materials and device complexity, which may also contribute to increasing the decoherence rate. Here we introduce an explicit scheme in which the Heisenberg interaction alone suffices to exactly implement any quantum computer circuit, at a price of a factor of three in additional qubits and about a factor of ten in additional two-qubit operations. Even at this cost, the ability to eliminate the complexity of one-qubit operations should accelerate progress towards these solid-state implementations of quantum computation.Comment: revtex, 2 figures, this version appeared in Natur

    Quiet SDS Josephson Junctions for Quantum Computing

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    Unconventional superconductors exhibit an order parameter symmetry lower than the symmetry of the underlying crystal lattice. Recent phase sensitive experiments on YBCO single crystals have established the d-wave nature of the cuprate materials, thus identifying unambiguously the first unconventional superconductor. The sign change in the order parameter can be exploited to construct a new type of s-wave - d-wave - s-wave Josephson junction exhibiting a degenerate ground state and a double-periodic current-phase characteristic. Here we discuss how to make use of these special junction characteristics in the construction of a quantum computer. Combining such junctions together with a usual s-wave link into a SQUID loop we obtain what we call a `quiet' qubit --- a solid state implementation of a quantum bit which remains optimally isolated from its environment.Comment: 4 pages, 2 ps-figure

    Double quantum dot with integrated charge sensor based on Ge/Si heterostructure nanowires

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    Coupled electron spins in semiconductor double quantum dots hold promise as the basis for solid-state qubits. To date, most experiments have used III-V materials, in which coherence is limited by hyperfine interactions. Ge/Si heterostructure nanowires seem ideally suited to overcome this limitation: the predominance of spin-zero nuclei suppresses the hyperfine interaction and chemical synthesis creates a clean and defect-free system with highly controllable properties. Here we present a top gate-defined double quantum dot based on Ge/Si heterostructure nanowires with fully tunable coupling between the dots and to the leads. We also demonstrate a novel approach to charge sensing in a one-dimensional nanostructure by capacitively coupling the double dot to a single dot on an adjacent nanowire. The double quantum dot and integrated charge sensor serve as an essential building block required to form a solid-state spin qubit free of nuclear spin.Comment: Related work at http://marcuslab.harvard.edu and http://cmliris.harvard.ed

    Silicon-based spin and charge quantum computation

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    Silicon-based quantum-computer architectures have attracted attention because of their promise for scalability and their potential for synergetically utilizing the available resources associated with the existing Si technology infrastructure. Electronic and nuclear spins of shallow donors (e.g. phosphorus) in Si are ideal candidates for qubits in such proposals due to the relatively long spin coherence times. For these spin qubits, donor electron charge manipulation by external gates is a key ingredient for control and read-out of single-qubit operations, while shallow donor exchange gates are frequently invoked to perform two-qubit operations. More recently, charge qubits based on tunnel coupling in P2+_2^+ substitutional molecular ions in Si have also been proposed. We discuss the feasibility of the building blocks involved in shallow donor quantum computation in silicon, taking into account the peculiarities of silicon electronic structure, in particular the six degenerate states at the conduction band edge. We show that quantum interference among these states does not significantly affect operations involving a single donor, but leads to fast oscillations in electron exchange coupling and on tunnel-coupling strength when the donor pair relative position is changed on a lattice-parameter scale. These studies illustrate the considerable potential as well as the tremendous challenges posed by donor spin and charge as candidates for qubits in silicon.Comment: Review paper (invited) - to appear in Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Science

    Scanning-probe spectroscopy of semiconductor donor molecules

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    Semiconductor devices continue to press into the nanoscale regime, and new applications have emerged for which the quantum properties of dopant atoms act as the functional part of the device, underscoring the necessity to probe the quantum structure of small numbers of dopant atoms in semiconductors[1-3]. Although dopant properties are well-understood with respect to bulk semiconductors, new questions arise in nanosystems. For example, the quantum energy levels of dopants will be affected by the proximity of nanometer-scale electrodes. Moreover, because shallow donors and acceptors are analogous to hydrogen atoms, experiments on small numbers of dopants have the potential to be a testing ground for fundamental questions of atomic and molecular physics, such as the maximum negative ionization of a molecule with a given number of positive ions[4,5]. Electron tunneling spectroscopy through isolated dopants has been observed in transport studies[6,7]. In addition, Geim and coworkers identified resonances due to two closely spaced donors, effectively forming donor molecules[8]. Here we present capacitance spectroscopy measurements of silicon donors in a gallium-arsenide heterostructure using a scanning probe technique[9,10]. In contrast to the work of Geim et al., our data show discernible peaks attributed to successive electrons entering the molecules. Hence this work represents the first addition spectrum measurement of dopant molecules. More generally, to the best of our knowledge, this study is the first example of single-electron capacitance spectroscopy performed directly with a scanning probe tip[9].Comment: In press, Nature Physics. Original manuscript posted here; 16 pages, 3 figures, 5 supplementary figure