16 research outputs found

    イチ カンゴケイダイガク ノ チイキコウケンカツドウ ニ オケル キャリアアップ コウザ ノ ブンセキ : - イリョウ ジュウジシャ ノ ジュコウシャ ジコヒョウカ アンケート カラ -

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    背景 A大学看護学部附属看護キャリアアップセンターでは, 平成23年の開設以来, 地域貢献の一つとして, "キャリアアップ講座 (主に臨床看護師への研究支援)" を開講している. 年々, 受講者が増加し, 研究への関心が高まっている. 目的 キャリアアップ講座において, 受講者の受講動機及び本講座の学習効果について, 受講後にアンケート調査を行うことにより, "キャリアアップ講座" の有用性を確認する. 同時に今後の課題についても検討する. 方法 「平成25年度 "キャリアアップ講座"」 に参加した38名を調査対象とし, 講座内容について独自に作成した無記名自記式質問紙調査票を用いて回答を得た. データの集計・分析は表計算ソフトMicrosoft office Excel 2007を使用し, 記述統計を行った.結果 分析対象となった受講者は3回の研修を通じて計94名であった. 職種では病院勤務の看護師が多かった. 受講背景は, 職場の上司からの薦めで受講した者が多かった. 多くの受講者が, 研究の意義や目的, 方法がわかったと回答した一方で, データ処理が不得手という傾向も確認できた.結論 アンケート結果から, 受講者の研究への関心の高さや学習効果に肯定的な結果を得た. これらの結果を, 今後のキャリアアップ講座内容の充実に反映させていきたい.Background Since the establishment of the Nursing Career-advancement Center affiliated with the Department of Nursing of A University in 2011, career-advancement classes have been held as a regional contribution activity. These classes are provided primarily to support clinical nurses with research activities, and there have been increases in the number of participants and their interests in research.Aim Following the career-advancement classes, questionnaire surveys were conducted to examine their utility and future challenges. Participants were asked to describe their motivation for participating in career-advancement classes and their learning effects.Methods The subjects were 38 health care professionals who participated in the "2013 Career-advancement Class", and they were asked to complete an originally developed, anonymous survey form including questions regarding the class. Descriptive statistical data were aggregated and analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - spreadsheet software.Discussion The total number of subjects who participated in one of the three sessions was 94. The majority of the subjects were hospital nurses. A large number of health care professionals attended the class on the recommendation of their superiors. Although many participants stated that the class helped them learn research purposes and methods, some had difficulty processing data.Conclusions The survey results, which suggest that participants in the class became more interested in research and it had positive learning effects, can be used to improve the career-advancement class

    シンリョウジョ シュッサン シタ ジョセイ ノ ニンシン リスクスコアヲ モチイタ リスク ヒョウカ ノ ケントウ

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    目的 平成16年に開発された妊娠リスクスコア自己評価表(以下,スコア)を用いて診療所で出産した女性の得点を算出し,リスクレベルの傾向とスコアの特徴,分娩帰結との関連を検討する.方法 対象はA診療所で平成20年1月~ 12月に分娩し協力が得られた124名である.診療録よりスコアの評価項目と分娩帰結の情報を収集し,スコアA(初診時評価点)とスコアB(妊娠後半期評価点),合計スコア(スコアAとスコアBの総合得点)を算出した.次に,スコアA,スコアB,合計スコアそれぞれについて早産,分娩時異常出血(1,000ml以上),低出生体重児,吸引分娩,帝王切開分娩の5項目と低リスク群(0-1点)・中リスク群(2-3点)・高リスク群(4点以上)間の関連をみた.結果 平均年齢30.5±3.45歳,初産婦4割,経産婦6割であった.スコア別リスク群別割合は,スコアAで1点が37.9%と最も多く,低リスク群が半数(58.9%)を占めた.スコアBでは0点が80.6%と最も多く,同群が8割以上(83.1%)を占めた.合計スコアをみると中・高リスク群合わせて全体の50.1%を占めた.分娩帰結に異常がなかった事例は全体の78.2%で,うち診療所が単独で扱えない中・高リスク群は37.1%であった.一方早産,分娩時異常出血,低出生体重児,吸引分娩,帝王切開の帰結をとった事例は全体の21.8%あり,うち低リスク群は3.2%(4件)あった.スコアBで加点された事例を概観すると分娩帰結に大きな影響を及ぼす事例であった.χ2独立性の検定の結果,特に,Bスコアで骨盤位,IUGR,低位胎盤,双胎により2点以上の得点が付いた場合と,帝王切開や低出生体重児である傾向に関連があった.結論 1.スコアAは容易に加点されるが分娩帰結に影響を与える項目は少なく,スコアBは容易に加点されないが加点されると分娩帰結に直結する項目が多かった.2.妊産婦らが忠実にスコアの評価基準を守れば,約半数が二次・三次医療施設での健診・分娩が適切であると判断される.3.リスク得点が分娩帰結を反映していない事例が一部存在した.4.妊婦の後半期の評価において2点以上のリスク得点が付く場合には,帝王切開と低出生体重児などの異常帰結を取る傾向があり,スコアBの有用性が示唆された.Aim To use the pregnancy risk score self-assessment form developed in 2004 to examine the relationship between the risk level of women who delivered at a clinic and the birth result.Method The subjects were 124 women who gave birth from January~December 2008 at Clinic A and from whom consent was obtained.Birth results and scored items were collected from medical records to calculate Score A(first medical examination),Score B(latter half of pregnancy),and the Total Score(A and B).Next, with regard to each score,correlations were sought between five items(premature delivery,intrapartum abnormal bleeding(1,000ml or more),low birth weight infant,vacuum extraction and caesarean delivery) and the low(0-1 points),intermediate(2-3 points)and high(4 or more points)risk groups. Results Subjects\u27 mean age was 30.5±3.45 years with 40% primipara and 60% multipara.Inspection showed a correlation tending toward caesarean section(r=0.506)or low birth weight infant(r=0.409),particularly when two or more points were assigned for breech presentation, IUGR,low lying placenta or twin fetus to Score B. Conclusion When two or more points were assigned to the risk score during the latter half of pregnancy, there was a tendency toward caesarean operation,lower birth weight infant or other abnormal results, suggesting the utility of Score B

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Escherichia coli Isolates from Wild Mice in a Forest of a Natural Park in Hokkaido, Japan

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    To reveal the antimicrobial susceptibilities of Escherichia coli isolates from wild mice, 81 E. coli isolates were obtained from 109 voles (Clethrionomys spp.), 52 large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) and 19 small Japanese field mice (A. argenteus) captured in a forest of a natural park in Hokkaido, Japan. Seventy-eight of the 81 E. coli isolates were susceptible to all 10 antimicrobial agents tested. One E. coli isolate was resistant to ampicillin, dihydrostreptomycin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol and oxytetracycline. Two isolates were resistant to oxytetracycline. A low prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was maintained among wild mice that inhabited the forest

    Truncated product of the bifunctional DLST gene involved in biogenesis of the respiratory chain

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    Dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase (DLST) is a subunit enzyme of the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of the Krebs cycle. While studying how the DLST genotype contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), we found a novel mRNA that is transcribed starting from intron 7 in the DLST gene. The novel mRNA level in the brain of AD patients was significantly lower than that of controls. The truncated gene product (designated MIRTD) localized to the intermembrane space of mitochondria. To investigate the function of MIRTD, we established human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells expressing a maxizyme, a kind of ribozyme, that specifically digests the MIRTD mRNA. The expression of the maxizyme specifically eliminated the MIRTD protein and the resultant MIRTD-deficient cells exhibited a marked decrease in the amounts of subunits of complexes I and IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, resulting in a decline of activity. A pulse-label experiment revealed that the loss of the subunits is a post-translational event. Thus, the DLST gene is bifunctional and MIRTD transcribed from the gene contributes to the biogenesis of the mitochondrial respiratory complexes