29 research outputs found

    Human Rights Education at Primary Schools : a Case Study of the Czech Republic

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    The obligation to provide human rights education (HRE) at primary schools is established in the Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Even though the States are aware of this obligation human rights education at primary schools is not adequate. The reasons for this situation are many, for example the lack of evaluation of existing human rights education, the lack of training of teachers in human rights education or the ignorance of the authors of school educational programmes in human rights and HRE

    Effect of sleep on trauma processing

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    Tématem bakalářské práce je vliv spánku na zpracování traumatu. Práce se zaměřuje na zmapování aktuálních poznatků o traumatu a faktorech, které ovlivňují rozvoj poruch spojených s traumatem, zejména pak posttraumatickou stresovou poruchu, mechanismy jejího fungování, a to především z hlediska kognitivních modelů poruchy. Představuje také dosavadní možnosti léčby a jejich efektivitu, přičemž největší prostor je věnován metodě desenzibilizace a přepracování pomocí očních pohybů. Práce dále představuje problematiku posttraumatické stresové poruchy v kontextu spánku a popisuje procesy, které se během něj odehrávají, obousměrný vztah mezi spánkem a zdravím, a také to jakým způsobem se tento vztah projevuje v posttraumatické stresové poruše. Dále se práce zaměřuje na problematiku konsolidace paměti a metodu cílené reaktivace paměti. Cílem práce je také navrhnout výzkumný projekt, který poznatků z teoretické části využívá. Cílem návrhu výzkumu je ověřit efektivitu cílené reaktivace paměti pro pacienty s PTSD a diskutovat potenciální přínosy a limity takové intervence. Klíčová slova: Posttraumatická stresová porucha; kognitivní modely; spánek; konsolidace paměti; cílená reaktivace pamětiThe topic of this bachelor's thesis is to explore the impact of sleep on trauma processing. The thesis focuses on mapping the current knowledge about trauma and the factors that influence the development of trauma-related disorders, especially post-traumatic stress disorder, and the mechanisms of its functioning, especially in terms of cognitive models of the disorder. It also presents the current treatment options and their effectiveness, with most attention given to the method of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The thesis also presents the problematic of post-traumatic stress disorder in the context of sleep, describing the processes that take place during sleep, the bidirectional relationship between sleep and health, and how this relationship manifests itself in post-traumatic stress disorder. The thesis also focuses on the problematic of memory consolidation and the method of targeted memory reactivation. The thesis also aims to design a research project that uses findings from the theoretical part. The aim of the research design is to test the effectiveness of targeted memory reactivation for patients with PTSD and to discuss the potential benefits and limitations of such intervention. Key words: post-traumatic stress disorder; cognitive models; sleep; memory consolidation;...Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Burnout Syndrome In The Clergy

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    Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Forebrain Ischemic Stroke and the Phenomenon of Ischemic Tolerance: Is Homocysteine Foe or Friend?

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia (hHCy) is a recognized comorbid risk factor of human brain stroke. We overview here the recent data on the homocysteine (Hcy) metabolism and on the genetic and metabolic causes of hHCy‐related neuropathologies. In context of our results which detected an increased oxidative stress in hyperhomocysteinemic rats, we discuss here the role of free radicals in this disorder. Brain ischemia‐reperfusion causes delayed neuronal death. Ischemic tolerance evoked by preconditioning (IPC) represents a phenomenon of central nervous system (CNS) adaptation to any subsequent ischemia. The paper describes changes in the mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPKs) protein pathways, and apoptotic markers were used to follow the degeneration process. Our studies provide evidence for the interplay and tight integration between extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 MAPKs signaling mechanisms in response to the hHCy and also in association with brain ischemia/IPC challenge. Recognition of the effects of risk factors in the ischemic tolerance would lead to improved therapeutics, especially the brain tissue

    Dendritic cells and their role in the regulation of the immune system

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    Dep. of Physiology and Develop. Biology (obsolete)Katedra fyziol. živočichů a vývoj. biol. (zrušena)Přírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Case report of a patient with total knee joint replacement

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    Title: Case report of a patient with a TEP left syndrome diagnosis Objective: The aim of this bachelor thesis is focused on the processing of case reports of the patient after TEP of the left knee joint during the continuous professional practice and the introduction of the theoretical background of the diagnosis of TEP implantation of the knee joint. Abstract: This bachelor thesis was performed as a case study during the period of 15. 1. to 9. 2. 2018. This artickle is divided into a general part and a special part. The general part is focused on anatomy, kinesiology and knee joint biomechanics. Further, the general issue of gonarthrosis and indications for the implantation of total knee joint endoprosthesis, its types, indications and contraindications and possible complications are elaborated. In a special section, there is processed the patient's case report. There is listed analysis, suggestions for therapy with a rehabilitation plan. In conclusion, a special part of this bachelor's thesis is an outcomes analysis of the patient and evaluation of the whole therapy. Key words: total endoprosthesis, knee joint, physiotherapy, case repor

    Evaluation of remuneration system

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    Import 08/09/2008Prezenční115 - Katedra managementuNeuveden

    Forgotten authors from Podkrkonoší (J. N. Lhota, J. N. Vřesnický)

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    V této bakalářské práci jsou popsané životy a díla dvou zapomenutých autorů z Podkrkonoší. Jan Nepomuk Lhota a Jan Nálevka Vřesnický nepatří mezi známé autory 19. století, ale i tak svou činností přispěli hlavně do regionální literatury. Dobrý vztah k rodnému Podkrkonoší není patrný pouze z jejich děl Miletín nad Bystřicí od Lhoty nebo Cestou lopotnou od Vřesnického, ale i z příspěvků do časopisů, ve kterých Lhota popisoval zvyky a tradice typické pro oblast Podkrkonoší a Vřesnický ve svých příspěvcích kladl důraz hlavně na vlasteneckou výchovu dětí a oblast Pojizeří, kde strávil mnoho let. Součástí práce je i literárně historický kontext obou autorů. U Lhoty 30. - 40. léta 19. století a u Vřesnického 80. léta 19. století, během kterých publikovali nejvíce textů.This bachelor thesis describes lives and works of two forgotten authors from Podkrkonoší. Jan Nepomuk Lhota and Jan Nálevka Vřesnický are not among the famous authors of the 19th century, but they contributed mainly to regional literature. Their good relationship with their native Podkrkonoší can be seen not only form their works Miletín nad Bystřicí by Lhota or Cestou lopotnou by Vřesnický, but also from their contributions to magazines in which Lhota described the customs and traditions typical of the region of Podkrkonoší and Vřesnický in his contributions he emphasized mainly the patriotic education of children and the region of Pojizeří. Part of the work is the literary-historical context of both authors. Lhota published the most text at 30th - 40th years of 19th century and Vřesnický published the most text at 80th years od 19th century

    The Right to Education of Members of Ethnic Minorities in the European System of the Human Rights Protection

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    v anglickém jazyce The thesis deals with the right to education in the European system of the protection of human rights. It examines theoretical approaches to judicial protection of the right to education. It compares the right to education in the European system of the protection of human rights with the United Nations' human rights protection and the human rights protection system with the system of the Organization of American States. The thesis shows the development of the right to education through the general commends and recommendations and views of the UN human rights committees and through judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The thesis analysis six cases of violation of the right to education of ethnic minorities, namely the D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic, Sampanis v. Greece, Oršuš v. Croatia, Sampani v. Greece, Horváth and Kiss v. Hungary and Lavida v. Greece. These cases show that the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights stating the violation of the right to education and the award of the symbolic just satisfaction are not sufficient for the effective protection of the right to education of ethnic minorities. The paper shows that violation of the right to education of ethnic minorities are always related to racial discrimination. This fact must be taken..