113 research outputs found

    Physical and human capital complementarity and worker effort level by nutritional level within labor-augmenting Solow type model

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    Whether the convergence occurs is one of the important issues in economic growth. Besides occurrence of convergence, another important issue in the theory of economic growth is whether the growth of per-capita income depends on the ratio of physical to human capital (K/H) where human capital is defined by the education and the worker effort level calculated by per capita dietary energy supply (DES). This study provides evidence for imbalance effects of (K/H) on growth rate besides convergence issue in a sample of 36 countries. This dependence causes the change in size of convergence rate where with the conditions on (K/H) ratio, convergence rate increases.peer-reviewe

    The Anthropocene and Disasters: Near Future, Will It Come?

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    The Anthropocene Epoch can be characterized not as the increasing effect of humans/cities on the continental soil but as a temporal section in which the planet’s surface, the atmosphere, oceans, and nutrient cycle systems began to be changed/dominated by humans/urban. Together with the urbanization trend, the impact of cities and people is the driving force that started the Anthropocene Epoch. Global problems began to emerge with increasing trends, and irreversible disaster scenarios such as climate change, sixth mass extinction, biological destruction, and disasters were brought to the agenda. The increase in the diversity, frequency, and intensity of disasters increases the vulnerability and exposure of cities and people to different hazards, triggering disasters or making them worse. Events resulting from the Anthropocene Epoch "will the near future come?" also raises questions. For this reason, this study was created based on the assumption that the "Anthropocene Epoch includes disasters and cities play the main role here". In the context of this study, the historical process of the Anthropocene Epoch will be discussed, and the role of cities in this process will be determined. Finally, it will be investigated what will await humanity and cities shortly and which issues should be addressed in cities will be focused on

    Evaluation of left ventricular systolic function with pulsed wave tissue Doppler in rheumatic mitral stenosis

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    Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is still the most common complication of acute rheumatic fever in Turkey. Rheumatic carditis affects not only cardiac valves but also myocardium. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the subclinical left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction and contraction of short and long axial circumferential and longitudinal fibers by pulsed wave tissue Doppler in rheumatic MS patients who have preserved LV systolic function in 2D echocardiography.Methods: Fifteen severe, 20 moderate rheumatic MS patients hospitalized for mitral balloon valvuloplasty, and 15 patients who had normal echocardiographic findings were included in the study. After routine conventional transthoracic echocardiographic examination, LV myocardial systolic velocities were evaluated with pulsed wave tissue Doppler in the short and long axis with simultaneous electrocardiographic monitoring.Results: Long axis first systolic velocity (SW1) of mild-moderate and severe MS was much lower than normal group (10.7 ± 2.3 in normal group vs. 7.9 ± 1.3 in mild-moderate MS group vs. 6.2 ± 1.4 in severe MS group, p < 0.001). Long axis Q-SW1 duration was longer in mild-moderate MS group (145 ± 32 in normal group vs. 199 ± 43 in mild-moderate MS group, p = 0.001). Short axis Q-SW2 duration was longer in normal group compared to mild-moderate and severe MS groups (298 ± 41 in normal group vs. 245 ± 37 in mild-moderate MS group vs. 234 ± 26 in severe MS group, p < 0.001). Significant correlation between mitral valve area and SW1, Q-SW1 was determined (p = 0.01).Conclusions: Even if LV functions are normal with conventional 2D echocardiography, subclinical systolic dysfunction exists in MS. Also, there is a dyssynchrony between contraction of longitudinal and circumferential myofibrils

    Akut Tonsillit ve Peritonsiller Apseli Hastalarda Yeni Bir Prognostik Faktör; C-Reaktif Protein / Albumin Oranı

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    Amaç: Peritonsiller apse, tonsil dokusunun ciddi bir enfeksiyon hastalığıdır. Tedavisinde genellikle semptomları hafifletmek için hem tıbbi hem de cerrahi yaklaşımlar gerekir. Son zamanlarda, klinik takibe ek olarak C-reaktif protein (CRP) ve albumin gibi bazı parametrelerin, ek enflamatuar izleme belirteçleri olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı akut tonsillitli hastaların peritonsiller apseye dönüşümünü tahmin etmek için CRP / albumin oranının kullanılıp kullanılamayacağını araştırmaktır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma Ocak 2003 ile Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında Konya Şehir Hastanesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Kliniği’nde yatış yapılarak takip edilen 138 akut tonsillitli ve 106 peritonsiller apseli hastanın retrospektif olarak CRP/albumin oranları değerlendirilerek gerçekleştirildi. Aynı zamanda lökosit, nötrofil ve lenfosit sayıları ile CRP, albümin ve nötrofil / lenfosit (NLO) oranı değerleri de retrospektif olarak analiz edildi ve hasta grupları arasında karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: CRP / albumin oranı düzeyleri peritonsiller apse grubunda, akut tonsillit grubuna göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (p<0.05). Peritonsiller apse ile akut tonsillit grubu arasında NLO düzeylerinde anlamlı bir fark yoktu (p>0.05). Peritonsiller apse grubunda albümin oranı anlamlı olarak düşük bulunurken (p<0.05). lenfosit sayısı anlamlı oranda yüksek bulundu. (p<0.05). Beyaz küre sayısı, nötrofil sayısı, C-reaktif protein değerlerinde gruplar arasında anlamlı olarak fark yoktu (p>0.05). Sonuç: CRP / albümin oranının, akut tonsillitli hastalarda peritonsiler apse dönüşümünü tahmin etmek için kullanılabilecek ölçülmesi kolay, tekrarlanabilir, invaziv olmayan ve inflamasyona dayalı prognostik bir skor olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Comparison of subclinical neuronal injury by measuringneuron-specific enolase in patients with severeaortic stenosis treated with transcatheter aortic valvereplacement or sutureless aortic valve replacement

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    Aim: Severe aortic valve stenosis (SAVS) which causes angina pectoris, syncope, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death, may be treated with transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) or sutureless aortic valve replacement (SU-AVR). We aimed to predict subclinical neuronal injury (SNI) by measuring neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in patients who underwent the TAVR and the SU-AVR. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was carried out between January 2015 and January 2017. A total of 53 patients who had severe aortic valve stenosis (SAVS) and underwent TAVR and SU-AVR were included. The Serum NSE level was measured just before and 24 hours after the procedure. Demographic variables, neurologic assessment findings, clinical and echocardiographic data, carotid ultrasounds reports, and laboratory findings were recorded. Results: A total of 53 patients were included the study. The mean age was 78.4±8.6 and 20 were man (37.7%). The mean age of the TAVR group was significantly higher than the SU-AVR group (82.9±4.7 vs 71.5±8.7, p<0.001). The NSE level was significantly higher in the SUAVR group compared to the TAVR group after the procedure (21.15±10.25 vs 35.32±12.64, p<0.001). Differences between before and after the procedure the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), demographic and echocardiographic variables were similar between the two groups. Conclusion: Serum NSE level was significantly higher in the SU-AVR group than the TAVR group Therefore, we may consider the SNI rate is higher as well. In patients who are at higher risk for neurological damage or have neurologic disease, TAVR may be a better treatment option instead of SUAVR

    Comparison of Anastomosis Safety in Colonic Dissections Using Scalpel, Scissors and Cautery in Rats: Experimental Study

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    Objective:Postoperative anastomotic leakage is still an issue in modern surgery. Re-hospitalization due to postoperative anastomosis leakage prolongs hospital stay and re-operations increase the cost. There is still no consent on how to dissect the intestines. The objective of the present study is to analyze the safety of colonic anastomoses after dissections using scalpel, scissors and cautery in rats.Method:There were 4 groups of 32 Wistar Hannover adult rodents. Each group consisted of 8 animals: group 1: sham, group 2: scalpel, group 3: scissors, group 4: cautery. Anastomosis was done over a single layer. Bursting pressure (BP) was measured at day 7. Tissue and blood samples were taken for the evaluation of biochemical and histopathological parameters.Results:Statistically significant disparity was seen among the sham, scalpel, scissors and cautery groups regarding the mean BP average, mean hydroxyproline levels and fibrosis distributions.Conclusion:Cautery is the best choice for hemostasis; however, when considering tissue healing, scalpel and the scissors were found to be safest alternatives

    Dynamic temporary blood facility location-allocation during and post-disaster periods

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    The key objective of this study is to develop a tool (hybridization or integration of different techniques) for locating the temporary blood banks during and post-disaster conditions that could serve the hospitals with minimum response time. We have used temporary blood centers, which must be located in such a way that it is able to serve the demand of hospitals in nearby region within a shorter duration. We are locating the temporary blood centres for which we are minimizing the maximum distance with hospitals. We have used Tabu search heuristic method to calculate the optimal number of temporary blood centres considering cost components. In addition, we employ Bayesian belief network to prioritize the factors for locating the temporary blood facilities. Workability of our model and methodology is illustrated using a case study including blood centres and hospitals surrounding Jamshedpur city. Our results shows that at-least 6 temporary blood facilities are required to satisfy the demand of blood during and post-disaster periods in Jamshedpur. The results also show that that past disaster conditions, response time and convenience for access are the most important factors for locating the temporary blood facilities during and post-disaster periods

    İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası’nda Tesadüfi Yürüyüş Testi(Testing for Random Walks in the Istanbul Stock Exchange)

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    Random walk model is one of the models that are used to test weak-form efficiency. If changes in stock prices follow a random walk model, the price changes will not have serial correlation. In this study, the Istanbul Stock Exchange 100 Index closing price changes for one, five, nine, and sixteen day differencing intervals for 1.1.1996-27.10.2004 period and three non-overlapping sub periods are tested for serial correlation. Since the results verify that the Istanbul Stock Exchange 100 Index does not follow a random walk model during any of the periods tested, investors may be able to profit from some carefully designed trading rules

    Nutritional Level Physical and Human Capital Complemantarity within Labor Augmenting Solow Type Model

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    One of important issue in economic growth is whether the convergence occurs. Besides occurrence of convergence, another important problem in the theory of economic growth is whether the growth of output per capita depends on the ratio of physical to human capital (K/H). This paper provides evidence for imbalance effects of (K/H) on growth rate besides convergence issue in a sample of 36 countries. This dependence tends to change in size of convergence rate where with the conditions on (K/H) ratio, convergence rate increases