589 research outputs found

    The long-term efficacy and safety of new biological therapies for psoriasis

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    Long-term therapy is often required for psoriasis. This article reviews the most recent long-term clinical data for biological agents that have been approved or for which late-stage development data have been released for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Efficacy data are available for up to five 12-week courses of alefacept (approximately 60 weeks of therapy), 36 months (144 weeks) of continuous efalizumab, 48 weeks of continuous etanercept, and 50 weeks of bimonthly infliximab. Data sources include publications, product labeling, and posters presented at recent international scientific meetings. Alefacept appears to continue to be efficacious over multiple treatment courses for some responsive patients. The efficacy of efalizumab achieved during the first 12–24 weeks of therapy appears to be maintained or improved through at least 60 weeks of continuous treatment. The efficacy of etanercept appears to be maintained through at least 48 weeks of continuous treatment. Infliximab demonstrates a high response rate soon after initiation, which appears to be maintained through 24 weeks but declines modestly with therapy out to 50 weeks. After 48 weeks, approximately 60% of efalizumab-treated and 45% of etanercept-treated patients remaining on therapy achieved ≥75% improvement from baseline in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, as did 70.5% of infliximab patients who did not miss more than two infusions. Safety data suggest that these agents may be used for long-term administration. Long-term data from psoriasis trials continue to accumulate. Recent data suggest that biological therapies have efficacy and safety profiles suitable for the long-term treatment of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis

    Self-organization of stack-up block copolymers into polymeric supramolecules

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    Polyethylene oxide –b– polypropylene oxide -b- polyethylene oxide (EO106PO70EO106) block copolymer self-organizes into polymeric supramolecules, characterized by NMR as phase transition from the isotropic stack-up block structure to the ordered cubic polymeric supramolecular structure. Its dependence on both temperature and copolymer concentration is clearly shown by the changes in line shape and chemical shift of the PO70blockβ,γresonances

    Evaluation of efalizumab using safe psoriasis control

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    BACKGROUND: Safe Psoriasis Control (SPC) is an important comprehensive measure that is validated for the assessment of benefit:risk of psoriasis treatments, combining efficacy, quality of life, and safety measures. The objective of this analysis was to assess the benefit:risk of efalizumab, a novel biologic agent indicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, by applying the SPC to data from randomized, placebo-controlled clinical studies of efalizumab. METHODS: SPC was applied to week 12 data from four placebo-controlled, Phase III studies: three retrospective and one prospective, the latter including a cohort of "high-need" patients for whom existing therapies were inadequate or unsuitable. RESULTS: In the retrospective analysis, 39.4% of patients achieved SPC after 12 weeks of treatment with efalizumab, compared with 10.4% for placebo. In the prospective analysis, 34.3% of patients achieved SPC after 12 weeks of treatment with efalizumab, compared with 7.3% on placebo. Among high-need patients, 33.0% achieved SPC, compared with 3.4% on placebo. CONCLUSION: Efalizumab has a favorable benefit:risk profile using the comprehensive outcome measure SPC

    Apraxia and motor dysfunction in corticobasal syndrome

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    Background: Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) is characterized by multifaceted motor system dysfunction and cognitive disturbance; distinctive clinical features include limb apraxia and visuospatial dysfunction. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used to study motor system dysfunction in CBS, but the relationship of TMS parameters to clinical features has not been studied. The present study explored several hypotheses; firstly, that limb apraxia may be partly due to visuospatial impairment in CBS. Secondly, that motor system dysfunction can be demonstrated in CBS, using threshold-tracking TMS, and is linked to limb apraxia. Finally, that atrophy of the primary motor cortex, studied using voxel-based morphometry analysis (VBM), is associated with motor system dysfunction and limb apraxia in CBS.   Methods: Imitation of meaningful and meaningless hand gestures was graded to assess limb apraxia, while cognitive performance was assessed using the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination - Revised (ACE-R), with particular emphasis placed on the visuospatial subtask. Patients underwent TMS, to assess cortical function, and VBM.   Results: In total, 17 patients with CBS (7 male, 10 female; mean age 64.4+/2 6.6 years) were studied and compared to 17 matched control subjects. Of the CBS patients, 23.5% had a relatively inexcitable motor cortex, with evidence of cortical dysfunction in the remaining 76.5% patients. Reduced resting motor threshold, and visuospatial performance, correlated with limb apraxia. Patients with a resting motor threshold <50% performed significantly worse on the visuospatial sub-task of the ACE-R than other CBS patients. Cortical function correlated with atrophy of the primary and pre-motor cortices, and the thalamus, while apraxia correlated with atrophy of the pre-motor and parietal cortices.   Conclusions: Cortical dysfunction appears to underlie the core clinical features of CBS, and is associated with atrophy of the primary motor and pre-motor cortices, as well as the thalamus, while apraxia correlates with pre-motor and parietal atrophy

    Apilimod Inhibits the Production of IL-12 and IL-23 and Reduces Dendritic Cell Infiltration in Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is characterized by hyperplasia of the epidermis and infiltration of leukocytes into both the dermis and epidermis. IL-23, a key cytokine that induces TH17 cells, has been found to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Apilimod is a small-molecule compound that selectively suppresses synthesis of IL-12 and IL-23. An open-label clinical study of oral administration of apilimod was conducted in patients with psoriasis. Substantial improvements in histology and clinical measurements were observed in patients receiving 70mg QD. The expression of IL-23p19 and IL-12/IL-23p40 in skin lesions was significantly reduced in this dose group, with a simultaneous increase in IL-10 observed. A decrease in the levels of TH1 and TH17 cytokines/chemokines in skin lesions followed these p19 and p40 changes. In parallel, a reduction in skin-infiltrating CD11c+ dendritic cells and CD3+ T cells was seen, with a greater decrease in the CD11c+ population. This was accompanied by increases in T and B cells, and decreases in neutrophils and eosinophils in the periphery. This study demonstrates the immunomodulatory activity of apilimod and provides clinical evidence supporting the inhibition of IL-12/IL-23 synthesis for the treatment of TH1- and TH17-mediated inflammatory diseases


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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND The prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome is increasing worldwide and both behavior modification and drug therapy have low adherence. Gastric bypass has shown effective results in both reducing weight and improving comorbidities. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery (RYGB) on both metabolic syndrome components and the use of associated drugs in obese patients. METHODS Historical cohort of patients subjected to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery (RYGB) between January 2007 and March 2014 in a private clinic. The sample consisted of 273 obese class II and III individuals, 86.4% of whom were female, with age ≥20 years, followed up for 2 months after surgery. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, and drug-use data were collected from patients’ medical records. RESULTS Significant differences were found in weight, body mass index and waist circumference, after 60 postoperative days. Components for metabolic syndrome diagnosis (hypertension P=0.001; hyperglycemia P<0.001; hypertriglyceridemia P=0.006) were reduced after 60 days of postoperative, with the exception HDL-c (P=0.083). There was a significant reduction in the use of antihypertensive (P<0.001), hypoglycemic (P=0.013), lipid lowering (P<0.001), and antiobesity (P=0.010) drugs and increased use of gastroprotective drugs, vitamins, and minerals (P<0.001) after 60 postoperative days. CONCLUSION Patients subjected to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery exhibited both weight loss and significant improvement not only in metabolic syndrome components (except for HDL-c) but in the use of drugs associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome

    Manifestation of palmoplantar pustulosis during or after infliximab therapy for plaque-type psoriasis: report on five cases

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    Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody directed against TNF-α. It has been approved for use in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis and plaque-type psoriasis. In case reports, positive effects on pustular variants of psoriasis have also been reported. However, paradoxically, manifestation of pustular psoriasis and plaque-type psoriasis has been reported in patients treated with TNF antagonists including infliximab for other indications. Here, we report on 5 patients with chronic plaque-type psoriasis who developed palmoplantar pustulosis during or after discontinuation of infliximab therapy. In two of the five cases, manifestation of palmoplantar pustulosis was not accompanied by worsening of plaque-type psoriasis. Possibly, site-specific factors or a differential contribution of immunological processes modulated by TNF inhibitors to palmoplantar pustulosis and plaque-type psoriasis may have played a role

    Off-Label Biologic Regimens in Psoriasis: A Systematic Review of Efficacy and Safety of Dose Escalation, Reduction, and Interrupted Biologic Therapy

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    Objectives: While off-label dosing of biologic treatments may be necessary in selected psoriasis patients, no systematic review exists to date that synthesizes the efficacy and safety of these off-label dosing regimens. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate efficacy and safety of off-label dosing regimens (dose escalation, dose reduction, and interrupted treatment) with etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab, ustekinumab, and alefacept for psoriasis treatment

    Defects in ErbB-Dependent Establishment of Adult Melanocyte Stem Cells Reveal Independent Origins for Embryonic and Regeneration Melanocytes

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    Adult stem cells are responsible for maintaining and repairing tissues during the life of an organism. Tissue repair in humans, however, is limited compared to the regenerative capabilities of other vertebrates, such as the zebrafish (Danio rerio). An understanding of stem cell mechanisms, such as how they are established, their self-renewal properties, and their recruitment to produce new cells is therefore important for the application of regenerative medicine. We use larval melanocyte regeneration following treatment with the melanocytotoxic drug MoTP to investigate these mechanisms in Melanocyte Stem Cell (MSC) regulation. In this paper, we show that the receptor tyrosine kinase, erbb3b, is required for establishing the adult MSC responsible for regenerating the larval melanocyte population. Both the erbb3b mutant and wild-type fish treated with the ErbB inhibitor, AG1478, develop normal embryonic melanocytes but fail to regenerate melanocytes after MoTP-induced melanocyte ablation. By administering AG1478 at different time points, we show that ErbB signaling is only required for regeneration prior to MoTP treatment and before 48 hours of development, consistent with a role in establishing MSCs. We then show that overexpression of kitla, the Kit ligand, in transgenic larvae leads to recruitment of MSCs, resulting in overproliferation of melanocytes. Furthermore, kitla overexpression can rescue AG1478-blocked regeneration, suggesting that ErbB signaling is required to promote the progression and specification of the MSC from a pre–MSC state. This study provides evidence that ErbB signaling is required for the establishment of adult MSCs during embryonic development. That this requirement is not shared with the embryonic melanocytes suggests that embryonic melanocytes develop directly, without proceeding through the ErbB-dependent MSC. Moreover, the shared requirement of larval melanocyte regeneration and metamorphic melanocytes that develops at the larval-to-adult transition suggests that these post-embryonic melanocytes develop from the same adult MSC population. Lastly, that kitla overexpression can recruit the MSC to develop excess melanocytes raises the possibility that Kit signaling may be involved in MSC recruitment during regeneration

    Activation of PyMT in β Cells Induces Irreversible Hyperplasia, but Oncogene-Dependent Acinar Cell Carcinomas When Activated in Pancreatic Progenitors

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    It is unclear whether the cellular origin of various forms of pancreatic cancer involves transformation or transdifferentiation of different target cells or whether tumors arise from common precursors, with tumor types determined by the specific genetic alterations. Previous studies suggested that pancreatic ductal carcinomas might be induced by polyoma middle T antigen (PyMT) expressed in non-ductal cells. To ask whether PyMT transforms and transdifferentiates endocrine cells toward exocrine tumor phenotypes, we generated transgenic mice that carry tetracycline-inducible PyMT and a linked luciferase reporter. Induction of PyMT in β cells causes β-cell hyperplastic lesions that do not progress to malignant neoplasms. When PyMT is de-induced, β cell proliferation and growth cease; however, regression does not occur, suggesting that continued production of PyMT is not required to maintain the viable expanded β cell population. In contrast, induction of PyMT in early pancreatic progenitor cells under the control of Pdx1 produces acinar cell carcinomas and β-cell hyperplasia. The survival of acinar tumor cells is dependent on continued expression of PyMT. Our findings indicate that PyMT can induce exocrine tumors from pancreatic progenitor cells, but cells in the β cell lineage are not transdifferentiated toward exocrine cell types by PyMT; instead, they undergo oncogene-dependent hyperplastic growth, but do not require PyMT for survival