415 research outputs found

    Estudio etnomatemático en la confección de muebles típicos de la vela de coro

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    La investigación parte de la interrogante: ¿está presente conocimiento matemático en la confección de muebles típicos de artesanía veleña? y más específicamente, ¿es posible encontrar aspectos geométricos en la fabricación de estos muebles? Teóricamente se sustentó en House, Trentacosta y Burke (citados por Shirley, 2001) quienes asumen que la diversidad cultural puede ser incorporada en la pedagogía. Metodológicamente atiende a un estudio etnomatemático (D´Ambrosio, 1990) con enfoque crítico/interpretativo, dividido en cuatro fases: marco teórico, escenario, trabajo de campo y análisis.Resultados permitieron evidenciar que artesanos muestran habilidades en construcción de muebles donde están presentes elementos geométricos: circunferencia, polígonos rectangulares, simetría, rectas paralelas y medidas de ángulos. Partiendo de ello, se diseña propuesta pedagógica que recrea la enseñanza matemática con utilidad social

    Impact of school facilities on working behavior of teachers

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    From 1998–99 to 2003–04, the Hong Kong government increased investment in education by 20%. A number of primary schools have been rehoused in new millennium school buildings that have innovative facilities as well as a new design quite different from the design of traditional school buildings. However, whether the money was spent appropriately and cost‐effectively as a way of improving education in Hong Kong remains a debatable point. To investigate the facilities management (FM) of new millennium primary schools, a study was conducted of teachers who had worked in old traditional school buildings and then moved to new millennium school buildings. Since staff rooms are the major working areas for teachers, the study focused on the levels of satisfaction with the performance of FM in the staff rooms of primary schools and on the working behavior of primary teachers. Two questionnaire surveys were conducted of 113 teachers who had worked in both types of school buildings. Independent‐sample T‐tests were employed to evaluate the quantitative data that was collected from the teachers at the two stages in order to investigate the enhancement of FM in millennium school staff rooms and its impact on the working behavior of teachers. The results showed that FM in the staff rooms of the new millennium schools in Hong Kong was remarkably different from FM in the old schools. However, the teachers did not consider that their working behavior were significantly better in the millennium schools. The governmental investment is considered a success to a certain extent, but there are still a lot of areas where construction professionals and facilities managers of primary schools should improve millennium primary school projects in order to achieve the requirements of end‐users. Mokyklos materialinės bazės įtaka mokytijų elgsenai darbe Santruka 1998–1999 ir 2003–2004 metais Honkongo vyriausybe investicijas į švietimą padidino 20 %. Nemažai pradiniu mokyklų buvo perkelta į naujojo tūkstantmečio naujoviškai įrengtus pastatus su nauju dizainu, kuris gerokai skiriasi nuo tradicinių mokyklų. Tačiau ar tobulinant švietimą Honkonge, pinigai buvo išleisti tinkamai ir efektyviai ‐ vis dar diskutuotina tema. Siekiant ištirti pastatų ūkio valdymo (PŪV) veiksningumą naujojo tūkstantmečio pradinėse mokyklose, buvo apklausti mokytojai, dirbę senosiose tradicinėse mokyklose, o paskui persikėlę į naujojo tūkstantmečio mokyklas. Kadangi mokytojai dažniausiai dirba mokytojų kambariuose, tiriant daugiausia dėmesio skirta pasitenkinimui, kurį sukelia PŪV efektyvumas pradinių mokyklų mokytojų kambariuose, ir pradinių klasių mokytojų elgsenai darbe. Pagal anketas apklausta 113 mokytojų, dirbusių abiejų tipų mokyklose. Siekiant įvertinti dviem etapais iš mokytojų surinktus kiekybinius duomenis, skirtus PŪV sustiprinti tūkstantmečio mokyklos mokytojų kambariuose ir jo įtakai mokytojų elgsenai darbe tirti, panaudoti nepriklausomu imčių T‐testai. Rezultatai parodė, kad PŪV Honkongo naujojo tūkstantmečio mokyklų mokytojų kambariuose gerokai skyrėsi nuo PŪV senosiose mokyklose. Tačiau mokytojai nemanė, kad jų elgsena darbe buvo daug geresnė tūkstantmečio mokyklose. Vyriausybės investicijos laikomos sėkmingomis iki tam tikro lygio, bet vis dar yra daugybė sričių, kurias statybų profesionalai ir pradinių mokyklų pastatų ūkio valdytojai turėtų patobulinti, kad būtų patenkinti galutiniai vartotojų reikalavimai. First Published Online: 18 Oct 201

    Compromising building regulations and user expectations in the design of high-rise domestic kitchens

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    Purpose ??? The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significance and relevance of social and habitual behaviours of home occupants to the building design process. It argues that introducing quantitative measures such as daylight level alone may not result in a ???healthy and functional??? kitchen without appreciating or factoring-in the impacts of the social roles and user expectations of kitchens in high-rise and compact urban situations.\ud Design/methodology/approach ??? The study investigated three common types of apartment buildings in Hong Kong. Case studies suggested that it is crucial to include in a design process proper considerations of human behaviours byway of preferred approaches andmodes of living, space usage, and weightings of end-user responses that would influence architectural design in a direct and crucial way.\ud Findings ??? The study noted that daylight quality of a kitchen is perceived by most families to be not as important as building control officials and designers thought it would. Instead, it is found that social and cultural factors are more important parameters for users. The study observed that designers rely on physical and quantitative approaches such as daylight factor, window size and window-to-room area ratio to qualify a design solution and ignore the socio-cultural parameters.\ud Originality/value ??? The paper calls for designers and building control officials to incorporate the study of functionality and socio-cultural preferences of users groups in the building design process. The study envisages that an integrated design methodology would enhance the living environment

    Fecal Viral Concentration and Diarrhea in Norovirus Gastroenteritis

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    Fecal viral concentrations of 40 patients infected with norovirus genogroup GII.4 correlated with diarrhea duration and frequency of vomiting. Higher viral concentration and older age were independently associated with prolonged diarrhea (>4 days). These findings provide information on the pathogenesis and transmission of norovirus infections

    Specific Heat of Liquid Helium in Zero Gravity very near the Lambda Point

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    We report the details and revised analysis of an experiment to measure the specific heat of helium with subnanokelvin temperature resolution near the lambda point. The measurements were made at the vapor pressure spanning the region from 22 mK below the superfluid transition to 4 uK above. The experiment was performed in earth orbit to reduce the rounding of the transition caused by gravitationally induced pressure gradients on earth. Specific heat measurements were made deep in the asymptotic region to within 2 nK of the transition. No evidence of rounding was found to this resolution. The optimum value of the critical exponent describing the specific heat singularity was found to be a = -0.0127+ - 0.0003. This is bracketed by two recent estimates based on renormalization group techniques, but is slightly outside the range of the error of the most recent result. The ratio of the coefficients of the leading order singularity on the two sides of the transition is A+/A- =1.053+ - 0.002, which agrees well with a recent estimate. By combining the specific heat and superfluid density exponents a test of the Josephson scaling relation can be made. Excellent agreement is found based on high precision measurements of the superfluid density made elsewhere. These results represent the most precise tests of theoretical predictions for critical phenomena to date.Comment: 27 Pages, 20 Figure

    Effective interventions in preventing gestational diabetes mellitus:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Lifestyle choices, metformin, and dietary supplements may prevent GDM, but the effect of intervention characteristics has not been identified. This review evaluated intervention characteristics to inform the implementation of GDM prevention interventions. Methods: Ovid, MEDLINE/PubMed, and EMBASE databases were searched. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) framework was used to examine intervention characteristics (who, what, when, where, and how). Subgroup analysis was performed by intervention characteristics. Results: 116 studies involving 40,940 participants are included. Group-based physical activity interventions (RR 0.66; 95% CI 0.46, 0.95) reduce the incidence of GDM compared with individual or mixed (individual and group) delivery format (subgroup p-value = 0.04). Physical activity interventions delivered at healthcare facilities reduce the risk of GDM (RR 0.59; 95% CI 0.49, 0.72) compared with home-based interventions (subgroup p-value = 0.03). No other intervention characteristics impact the effectiveness of all other interventions. Conclusions: Dietary, physical activity, diet plus physical activity, metformin, and myoinositol interventions reduce the incidence of GDM compared with control interventions. Group and healthcare facility-based physical activity interventions show better effectiveness in preventing GDM than individual and community-based interventions. Other intervention characteristics (e.g. utilization of e-health) don’t impact the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions, and thus, interventions may require consideration of the local context.</p

    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Sarcopenia as Comorbid Chronic Diseases in Older Adults: Established and Emerging Treatments and Therapies

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and sarcopenia (low skeletal muscle mass and function) share a bidirectional relationship. The prevalence of these diseases increases with age and they share common risk factors. Skeletal muscle fat infiltration, commonly referred to as myosteatosis, may be a major contributor to both T2DM and sarcopenia in older adults via independent effects on insulin resistance and muscle health. Many strategies to manage T2DM result in energy restriction and subsequent weight loss, and this can lead to significant declines in muscle mass in the absence of resistance exercise, which is also a first-line treatment for sarcopenia. In this review, we highlight recent evidence on established treatments and emerging therapies targeting weight loss and muscle mass and function improvements in older adults with, or at risk of, T2DM and/or sarcopenia. This includes dietary, physical activity and exercise interventions, new generation incretin-based agonists and myostatin-based antagonists, and endoscopic bariatric therapies. We also highlight how digital health technologies and health literacy interventions can increase uptake of, and adherence to, established and emerging treatments and therapies in older adults with T2DM and/or sarcopenia