1,622 research outputs found

    Ocular experimental leishmaniasis in C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice induced by Leishmania amazonensis infection

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    AbstractThere are few studies on human ocular leishmaniasis found in the literature. The purpose of this study was to describe experimental ocular leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania amazonensis evaluating two different infection routes: intravitreal and instillation in C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice. In this work all animals presented low anti-Leishmania IgM and IgG titers regardless of the infection route or mouse strain. The histopathological eye analysis showed that the mice inoculated by the intravitreal route developed more severe lesions, presenting parasites in the anterior region of the eye 60days after infection. The C57BL/10 mice presented cells containing parasitophorous vacuoles associated with pigmented cells and inflammatory infiltrate, which included mast cells. Ninety days after infection no parasites could be found in either mouse strain, which led us to hypothesize that parasites had been eliminated. In this context, we show that both intravitreal and instillation routes were effective in promoting ocular leishmaniasis infections in C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice. There were no differences in the parasite infection between the two mouse models and it mimicked the ocular lesions described in symptomatic dogs in endemic areas of visceral leishmaniasis

    Synergistic effect of mycophenolate mofetil and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in patients with chronic allograft nephropathy

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    Experimental data and few clinical non-randomized studies have shown that inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) associated or not with the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) could delay or even halt the progression of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). In this retrospective historical study, we investigated whether ACE inhibition (ACEI) associated or not with the use of MMF has the same effect in humans as in experimental studies and what factors are associated with a clinical response. A total of 160 transplant patients with biopsy-proven CAN were enrolled. Eighty-one of them were on ACE therapy (G1) and 80 on ACEI_free therapy (G2). Patients were further stratified for the use of MMF. G1 patients showed a marked decrease in proteinuria and stabilized serum creatinine with time. Five-year graft survival after CAN diagnosis was more frequent in G1 (86.9 vs 67.7%; P < 0.05). In patients on ACEI-free therapy, the use of MMF was associated with better graft survival. The use of ACEI therapy protected 79% of the patients against graft loss (OR = 0.079, 95%CI = 0.015-0.426; P = 0.003). ACEI and MMF or the use of MMF alone after CAN diagnosis conferred protection against graft loss. This finding is well correlated with experimental studies in which ACEI and MMF interrupt the progression of chronic allograft dysfunction and injury. The use of ACEI alone or in combination with MMF significantly reduced proteinuria and stabilized serum creatinine, consequently improving renal allograft survival.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão Disciplina de NefrologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PatologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas IV Departamento de ImunologiaUNIFESP, Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão Disciplina de NefrologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PatologiaSciEL

    Electric charge quantization and the muon anomalous magnetic moment

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    We investigate some proposals to solve the electric charge quantization puzzle, which simultaneously explain the recent measured deviation on the muon anomalous magnetic moment. For this we assess extensions of the Electro-Weak Standard Model spanning modifications on the scalar sector only. It is interesting to verify that one can have modest extensions which easily account for the solution for both problems.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figures, needs macro axodraw.st

    Teleparallel Version of the Levi-Civita Vacuum Solutions and their Energy Contents

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    In this paper, we find the teleparallel version of the Levi-Civita metric and obtain tetrad and the torsion fields. The tensor, vector and the axial-vector parts of the torsion tensor are evaluated. It is found that the vector part lies along the radial direction only while the axial-vector vanishes everywhere because the metric is diagonal. Further, we use the teleparallel version of Mo¨\ddot{o}ller, Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz and Bergmann-Thomson prescriptions to find the energy-momentum distribution of this metric and compare the results with those already found in General Relativity. It is worth mentioning here that momentum is constant in both the theories for all the prescriptions. The energy in teleparallel theory is equal to the corresponding energy in GR only in Mo¨\ddot{o}ller prescription for the remaining prescriptions, the energy do not agree in both theories. We also conclude that Mo¨\ddot{o}ller's energy-momentum distribution is independent of the coupling constant λ\lambda in the teleparallel theory.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Canadian J. Physic

    Estimativa da área foliar do pepino em ambiente protegido por medidas lineares sob salinidade e enxertia

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    The measurement of leaf area by linear parameters is a useful tool when plants cannot be destroyed for direct measurement. The objectives of this study were to establish equations to estimate the leaf area of greenhouse-cucumber and to evaluate the effects of salinity and grafting on this estimative. Non-grafted cucumber seedlings, cv. 'Hokushin', were transplanted in a greenhouse and were irrigated with water of different salinities (1.0, 3.2 and 5.0 dS m-1). In the second growing period, the same cultivar was grafted on Cucurbita spp. and the plants were irrigated with water of 1.4, 3.0 and 5.3 dS m-1. Leaves of different sizes were collected from both experiments and leaf area was determined by an integrating area meter. Leaf length (L) and width (W) were also recorded. An equation for estimating the leaf area from L and W was developed for a given salinity level or grafting condition and estimated well the area of leaves collected in the other treatments. The leaf area (LA) of cucumber 'Hokushin' could be estimated using the equation LA = 0.88LW - 4.27, for any grafting and salinity conditions.A determinação da área foliar por medidas lineares é uma ferramenta útil quando as plantas não podem ser destruídas para que a medição direta seja realizada. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram definir equações para a estimativa da área foliar do pepino em ambiente protegido e avaliar os efeitos da salinidade e da a enxertia nessa estimativa. Mudas de pepino, cv. 'Hokushin', não enxertadas, foram transplantadas em um ambiente protegido e irrigadas com água de diferentes salinidades (1,0, 3,2 e 5,0 dS m-1). No segundo período de cultivo, a mesma cultivar foi enxertada sobre Cucurbita spp., sendo as plantas irrigadas com água de 1,4, 3,0 e 5,3 dS m-1. Foram coletadas folhas de diferentes tamanhos dos dois cultivos e dos três tratamentos e a área foliar foi determinada por um medidor de área foliar. O comprimento (C) e a largura (L) da folha também foram registrados. Desenvolveram-se equações pelas quais a área foliar pôde ser estimada a partir de medidas de C e L. A equação desenvolvida para um dado nível de salinidade ou condição de enxertia estimou bem a área das folhas coletadas nos demais tratamentos. A área foliar (AF) do pepino 'Hokushin' pode ser estimada pela função AF = 0,88CL - 4,27, para qualquer condição de enxertia e salinidade

    Constant Curvature Coefficients and Exact Solutions in Fractional Gravity and Geometric Mechanics

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    We study fractional configurations in gravity theories and Lagrange mechanics. The approach is based on Caputo fractional derivative which gives zero for actions on constants. We elaborate fractional geometric models of physical interactions and we formulate a method of nonholonomic deformations to other types of fractional derivatives. The main result of this paper consists in a proof that for corresponding classes of nonholonomic distributions a large class of physical theories are modelled as nonholonomic manifolds with constant matrix curvature. This allows us to encode the fractional dynamics of interactions and constraints into the geometry of curve flows and solitonic hierarchies.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 27 pages, the variant accepted to CEJP; added and up-dated reference

    On the thickness of a mildly relativistic collisional shock wave

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    We consider an imperfect relativistic fluid which develops a shock wave and discuss its structure and thickness, taking into account the effects of viscosity and heat conduction in the form of sound absorption. The junction conditions and the non linear equations describing the evolution of the shock are derived with the corresponding Newtonian limit discussed in detail. As happens in the non relativistic regime, the thickness is inversely proportional to the discontinuity in the pressure, but new terms of purely relativistic origin are present. Particularizing for a polytropic gas, it is found that the pure viscous relativistic shock is thicker than its nonrelativistic counterpart, while the opposite holds for pure heat conduction.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, title changed, improved introduction and discussion. New author adde

    Signals of Supersymmetric Flavour Models in B Physics

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    If the mechanism of Supersymmetry breaking is not flavour blind, some flavour symmetry is likely to be needed to prevent excessive flavour changing neutral current effects. We discuss two flavour models (based respectively on a U(2) and on a SU(3) horizontal symmetry) providing a good fit to fermion masses and mixings and particularly constraining the supersymmetry soft breaking terms. We show that, while reproducing successfully the Standard Model fit of the unitarity triangle, it is possible to obtain sizable deviations from the Standard Model predictions for three very clean B-physics observables: the time dependent CP asymmetries in BdJ/ψK0B_d \to J/\psi K^0 and in BsJ/ψϕB_s \to J/\psi \phi and the BsBˉsB_s-\bar{B}_s mass difference. Our analysis exhibits with two explicit realizations that in supersymmetric theories with a new flavour structure in addition to the Yukawa matrices there exist concrete potentialities for revealing supersymmetry indirectly in theoretically clean BB-physics observables.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 3 of which in colo

    Dengue type 1 viruses circulating in humans are highly infectious and poorly neutralized by human antibodies

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    The four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes are mosquito-borne flaviviruses of humans. The interactions between DENVs and the human host that lead to asymptomatic, mild, or severe disease are poorly understood, in part, because laboratory models are poor surrogates for human DENV disease. Virologists are interested in how the properties of DENVs replicating in people compare with virions propagated on laboratory cell lines, which are widely used for research and vaccine development. Using clinical samples from a DENV type 1 epidemic in Sri Lanka and new ultrasensitive assays, we compared the properties of DENVs in human plasma and after one passage on laboratory cell lines. DENVs in plasma were 50- to 700-fold more infectious than cell culture-grown viruses. DENVs produced by laboratory cell lines were structurally immature and hypersensitive to neutralization by human antibodies compared with DENVs circulating in people. Human plasma and cell culture-derived virions had identical genome sequences, indicating that these phenotypic differences were due to the mature state of plasma virions. Several dengue vaccines are under development. Recent studies indicate that vaccine-induced antibodies that neutralized DENVs in cell culture assays were not sufficient for protecting people from DENV infections. Our results about structural differences between DENVs produced in humans versus cell lines may be key to understanding vaccine failure and developing better models for vaccine evaluation