2,673 research outputs found

    Structural and physical processes in accretionary complexes: the role of fluids in convergent margin development

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    Accretionary complexes that form at subduction zones develop a spectrum of styles of deformation that range between coherent forms in which the processes of thrusting predominate and incoherent forms in which melanges, formed by such processes as mud diapirism, are the dominant constituent. This thesis examines processes that control the development of these accretionary styles by comparing geophysical observations of the modern Barbados Ridge accretionary complex, with ancient subaerially exposed examples in Sabah, N. Borneo and W. Timor.A structural and lineament map of the offshore regions of the Barbados Ridge complex has been constructed using GLORIA. Seabeam and seismic data. It reveals marked changes in the surface structure of the accretionary wedge, particularly where basement ridges associated with oceanic fracture zones underthrust it. It also documents the presence of large numbers, of mud diapirs in its southern regions. The mud diapirs appear to be associated with the accretion of thick sequences of turbidites and their distribution is proposed to relate to the subcretion or underplating of underconsolidated material to the base of the complex. Fieldwork in Sabah and Timor concentrated on describing features associated with currently active mud diapirs, and potential ancient examples. A classification of the various forms of diapiric activity has been erected as part of a general discussion on the importance, genesis and emplacement of mud diapirs. In addition, the general structural development of the accretionary complex in W. Sabah was found to broadly resemble that of the frontal regions of a particularly thin part of the Barbados Ridge complex studied during DSDP Leg 78A and ODP Leg 110.A series of principal controls or boundary factors appear to control the general development of accretionary complexes. During the course of this study the importance of the sedimentary input, critical taper (or balance between boundary stresses and gravitational body forces) and subducting basement topography has been made particularly clear

    Histopathological analysis and in situ localisation of Australian tiger snake venom in two clinically envenomed domestic animals

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    Objective: To assess histopathological changes in clinically envenomed tiger snake patients and identify tissue specific localisation of venom toxins using immunohistochemistry. Samples: One feline and one canine patient admitted to the Murdoch Pet Emergency Centre (MPEC), Murdoch University with tiger snake (Notechis sp.) envenoming. Both patients died as a result of envenomation. Non-envenomed tissue was also collected and used for comparison. Methodology: Biopsy samples (heart, lung, kidney andskeletal muscle tissue) were retrieved 1-2 h post death and processed for histopathological examination using Haemotoxylin and Eosin, Martius Scarlet Blue and Periodic Acid Schiff staining. Tissues were examined by light microscopy and tissue sections subjected to immunohistochemical staining using in-house generated monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against Notechis venoms. Results: Venom-induced pathological changes were observed in the lungs, kidneys and muscle tissue of both patients. Evidence, not previously noted, of procoagulant venom effects were apparent, with formed thrombi in the heart, lungs (small fibrillar aggregates and larger, discrete thrombi) and kidneys. Immunohistochemical assays revealed venom present in the pulmonary tissue, in and around the glomerular capsule and surrounding tubules in renal tissue and scattered throughout the Gastrocnemius muscle tissue. Conclusion: This work has shown pathological evidence of procoagulant venom activity supporting previous suggestions that an initial thrombotic state occurs in envenomed patients. We have shown that venom toxins are able to be localised to specific tissues, in this case, venom was detected in the lung, kidney and muscle tissues of clinically envenomed animals. Future work will examine specific toxin localisation using monoclonal antibodies and identify if antivenom molecules are able to reach their target tissues

    QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions at ÎČ=5.5\beta=5.5

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    We study QCD with two flavors of dynamical Wilson fermions at ÎČ=5.5\beta = 5.5 and three values of Îș\kappa. The corresponding pion masses are 0.375, 0.324 and 0.262 in lattice units, with pion to rho mass ratios of 0.76, 0.71 and 0.62, respectively. We use the configurations to compute the heavy quark potential, leading to lattice spacings of 0.110, 0.105 and 0.099 fm, and to compute spectroscopy for several different valence quark Îș\kappa's.Comment: LaTex 4 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum

    Synchronization Based Approach for Estimating All Model Parameters of Chaotic Systems

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    The problem of dynamic estimation of all parameters of a model representing chaotic and hyperchaotic systems using information from a scalar measured output is solved. The variational calculus based method is robust in the presence of noise, enables online estimation of the parameters and is also able to rapidly track changes in operating parameters of the experimental system. The method is demonstrated using the Lorenz, Rossler chaos and hyperchaos models. Its possible application in decoding communications using chaos is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Inviscid dynamical structures near Couette flow

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    Consider inviscid fluids in a channel {-1<y<1}. For the Couette flow v_0=(y,0), the vertical velocity of solutions to the linearized Euler equation at v_0 decays in time. At the nonlinear level, such inviscid damping has not been proved. First, we show that in any (vorticity) H^{s}(s<(3/2)) neighborhood of Couette flow, there exist non-parallel steady flows with arbitrary minimal horizontal period. This implies that nonlinear inviscid damping is not true in any (vorticity) H^{s}(s<(3/2)) neighborhood of Couette flow and for any horizontal period. Indeed, the long time behavior in such neighborhoods are very rich, including nontrivial steady flows, stable and unstable manifolds of nearby unstable shears. Second, in the (vorticity) H^{s}(s>(3/2)) neighborhood of Couette, we show that there exist no non-parallel steadily travelling flows v(x-ct,y), and no unstable shears. This suggests that the long time dynamics in H^{s}(s>(3/2)) neighborhoods of Couette might be much simpler. Such contrasting dynamics in H^{s} spaces with the critical power s=(3/2) is a truly nonlinear phenomena, since the linear inviscid damping near Couette is true for any initial vorticity in L^2

    Appendiceal malignancy: The hidden risks of nonoperative management for acute appendicitis

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    One potential harm of nonoperative management for acute appendicitis is missed appendiceal cancer, a rare and often aggressive malignancy due to the frequency of late stage of diagnosis. Previous studies have reported an increasing incidence of appendiceal neoplasms in the population. This is a retrospective case-control study of 1007 adult patients, who presented to the University of North Carolina-Memorial Hospital (UNC-MH) between 2011 and 2015 with clinical signs and symptoms of appendicitis. We evaluated the incidence of primary appendiceal cancer in this population and determined factors that predict appendiceal cancer diagnosis using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The overall incidence of appendiceal neoplasm for adult patients presenting to UNC-MH with appendicitis from 2011 to 2015 was 2.3 per cent (23/1007). The incidence in patients without appendiceal perforation on pathology was 1.9 per cent (16/832). Age (odds ratio (OR) 1.03), number of days of abdominal pain (OR 1.16), self-reported fever (OR 2.08), appendiceal width (OR 1.95), and appendiceal wall thickness (OR 1.30) were predictors of appendiceal neoplasm diagnosis in patients that present with acute appendicitis. We recommend that an operative approach to acute appendicitis should remain the standard of care because operative management may not only be diagnostic but potentially therapeutic

    Agency as the Acquisition of Capital: the role of one-on-one tutoring and mentoring in changing a refugee student's educational trajectory

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    Current research into the experiences of refugee students in mainstream secondary schools in Australia indicates that for these students, schools are places of social and academic isolation and failure. This article introduces one such student, Lian, who came to Australia as a refugee from Burma, and whom the author tutored and mentored intensively during his final year of schooling. The article provides an empirically derived understanding of how one-on-one tutoring and mentoring became a platform through which this student was able to succeed in a structure which systematically tried to exclude him. Here, agency is conceptualised in terms of Bourdieu's concept of capital. The analysis highlights the ways in which one-on-one tutoring and mentoring provided the necessary platform by which this refugee student was able to acquire the necessary capital that effected a positive change in his educational trajectory

    Laser Magnetic Resonance Measurement Of The 3p1-3p0 Fine-structure Separation Of P+

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    The far-infrared laser magnetic resonance spectrum associated with the J = 1 ← 0 fine-structure transition of 31P+ in its ground 3P state has been recorded. This is the first laboratory observation of this magnetic dipole transition, and its frequency has been measured 2 orders of magnitude more accurately than the previous, indirect determination from optical spectroscopy. The frequency is ΔE10 = 4944433.0 ± 1.7 MHz. A small nuclear hyperfine splitting was also observed for the J = 1 level.4642 PART IIL203L206Brown, J.M., Evenson, K.M., Zink, L.R., (1993) Phys. Rev. A, 48, p. 3761(1994) ApJ, 431, pp. L147Brown, J.M., Varberg, T.D., Evenson, K.M., Zink, L.R., (1994) ApJ, 428, pp. L37Brown, J.M., Zink, L.R., Evenson, K.M., (1994) ApJ, 423, pp. L151Cooksy, A.L., Hovde, D.C., Saykally, R.J., (1986) J. Chem. Phys., 84, p. 6101GuĂ©lin, M., Cernicharo, J., Paubert, G., Turner, B.E., (1990) A&A, 230, pp. L9Haas, M.R., Hollenbach, D.J., Erickson, E.F., (1991) ApJ, 374, p. 555Lugten, J.B., Genzel, R., Crawford, J.K., Townes, C.H., (1986) ApJ, 306, p. 691Martin, W.C., Zalubas, R., Musgrove, A., (1985) J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 14, p. 751Moore, C.E., (1949) Atomic Energy Levels as Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra, 1. , (Circ. Natl. Bur. Stand. 467) (Washington: NBS)Svendenius, N., Magnusson, C.E., Zetterberg, P.O., (1983) Phys. Scr., 27, p. 339Tielens, A.G.G.M., Hollenbach, D.J., (1983) ApJ, 291, p. 722Turner, B.E., Bally, J., (1987) ApJ, 321, pp. L75Varberg, T.D., Brown, J.M., Evenson, K.M., (1994) J. Chem. Phys., 100, p. 2487Vasconcellos, E.C.C., Zerbetto, S.C., Holecek, J.C., Evenson, K.M., (1995) Opt. Lett., 20, p. 1Veseth, L., (1980) Phys. Rev. A, 22, p. 803Wright, E.L., (1991) ApJ, 381, p. 200Ziurys, L.M., (1987) ApJ, 321, pp. L8

    The Cost of Jointness and How to Manage It

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    Although joint programs are typically formed to reduce costs, recent studies have suggested that joint programs experience larger cost growth than non-joint programs. To explain this phenomenon, we present a model that attributes joint program cost growth to agencies’ actions to maintain or regain their autonomy. We use this model to motivate principles for architecting joint programs and outline a process that can be used to identify opportunities for reforming current joint programs or for establishing new ones. Finally, we apply our approach to analyze joint program options for NOAA’s low-earth orbiting weather satellite program and in doing so, identify several risks facing NOAA’s current program and strategies for mitigating them.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sandia Corporation Excellence in Engineering Graduate Fellowship)Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technolog
