3,381 research outputs found

    Instability Heating of Sympathetically-Cooled Ions in a Linear Paul Trap

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    Sympathetic laser cooling of ions stored within a linear-geometry, radio frequency, electric-quadrupole trap has been investigated using computational and theoretical techniques. The simulation, which allows 5 sample ions to interact with 35 laser-cooled atomic ions, revealed an instability heating mechanism, which can prevent ions below a certain critical mass from being sympathetically cooled. This critical mass can however be varied by changing the trapping field parameters thus allowing ions with a very large range of masses to be sympathetically cooled using a single ion species. A theoretical explanation of this instability heating mechanism is presented which predicts that the cooling-heating boundary in trapping parameter space is a line of constant quq_u (ion trap stability coefficient), a result supported by the computational results. The threshold value of quq_u depends on the masses of the interacting ions. A functional form of this dependence is given

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sympathetic Crystallization of Molecular Ions

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    It is shown that the translational degrees of freedom of a large variety of molecules, from light diatomic to heavy organic ones, can be cooled sympathetically and brought to rest (crystallized) in a linear Paul trap. The method relies on endowing the molecules with an appropriate positive charge, storage in a linear radiofrequency trap, and sympathetic cooling. Two well--known atomic coolant species, 9Be+{}^9{\hbox{Be}}^+ and 137Ba+{}^{137}{\hbox{Ba}}^+, are sufficient for cooling the molecular mass range from 2 to 20,000 amu. The large molecular charge required for simultaneous trapping of heavy molecules and of the coolant ions can easily be produced using electrospray ionization. Crystallized molecular ions offer vast opportunities for novel studies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Heavy metals bioaccumulation in tissues of Tilapia zilli as indicators of water pollution in kafinchiri reservoir, Kano - Nigeria

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    This study assessed the levels of heavy metals accumulation in water, gills and liver of Tilapia zilli fish collected from Kafinchiri water Reservoir for a period of four months with the aim of predicting health risk effect on consumers. Water and Tilapia zilli samples were collected from three different sites along the course of the dam; upstream, midstream and downstream. The concentration of copper, lead, chromium and cadmium in water and their accumulation in the liver and gills of the sampled fishes were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results revealed that concentration of dissolved heavy metals in the water ranges from Cu (0.4mg/L- 0.6mg/L), Pb (0.9 mg/L – 1.4mg/L), Cr (undetected - 0.1mg/L) and Cd (0.01mg/L – 0.02mg/L). Accumulation in the gills of tilapia fish ranges from Cu (0.8μg/g – 0.85μg/g), Pb (0.3μg/g -0.9μg/g), Cr (≤0.1μg/g) and Cd was not detected. The accumulation of heavy metals in the liver were Cu (3.0μg/g – 5.4μg/g), Pb (2.7μg/g – 9.6μg/g) and Cr (0.1μg/g – 0.15μg/g) and Cd not detected. Water content chemical analysis indicated that; sampling point B (midstream) had the highest concentration of the heavy metals in which Pb recorded had the highest Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of 5.76. The mean range of physicochemical parameters studied were temperature (25.90 – 27.37 °C), pH (7.60 – 8.52), DO (6.27 – 7.47mg/L), BOD (2.02 – 3.02mg/L), turbidity (28.05 - 34.00 NTU), electrical conductivity(187.60 – 361.17μS/cm), TDS (211 - 363mg/L), Total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, turbidity and nitrate recorded significant difference between sites (P<0.05). It was believed that domestic activities around the reservoir is the major contributing factor to the accumulation of toxic heavy metals in fish examined. It is recommended that intervention by relevant authorities is needed curtail potential long term effect of this pollutants in the reservoir.Key words: Heavy metals Pollution, Tilapia zilli, Bioaccumulation, Kafinchiri Reservoi

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Deteksi Dini Tumbuh Kembang pada Anak di Paud Lab School UNPGRI Kediri

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    Perkembangan anak usia dini memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan seorang individu. Agar seorang anak memiliki perkembangan yang baik, maka perlu ada deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak yang memiliki tujuan tercapainya optimalisasi perkembangan seorang anak. Sangat disayangkan masih sedikit orang tua yang memiliki kesadaran untuk melakukan deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak ini. Melalui metode penyuluhan tentang deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak orang tua diharapkan memiliki kesadaran dan keahlian dalam melakukan deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan pertumbuhan status gizi ( 87,5 % ), lingkar kepala ( 100 % ), perkembangan menggunakan  KPSP dengan hasil ( 100 %), perkembangan mental emosional ( 77,8 % ), tes daya dengar ( 100% ), tes daya lihat ( 100 % ) bahwa pasca penyuluhan, orang tua  dan guru memiliki kesadaran yang lebih baik tentang pentingya melakukan deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak sebagai upaya optimalisasi perkembangan anak

    On open-closed extension of boundary string field theory

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    We investigate a classical open-closed string field theory whose open string sector is given by boundary string field theory. The open-closed interaction is introduced by the overlap of a boundary state with a closed string field. With the help of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, the closed string sector is determined to be the HIKKO closed string field theory. We also discuss the gauge invariance of this theory in both open and closed string sides.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, comments and a reference added, typos correcte