12 research outputs found

    Interferon Production and Signaling Pathways Are Antagonized during Henipavirus Infection of Fruit Bat Cell Lines

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    Bats are natural reservoirs for a spectrum of infectious zoonotic diseases including the recently emerged henipaviruses (Hendra and Nipah viruses). Henipaviruses have been observed both naturally and experimentally to cause serious and often fatal disease in many different mammal species, including humans. Interestingly, infection of the flying fox with henipaviruses occurs in the absence of clinical disease. The extreme variation in the disease pattern between humans and bats has led to an investigation into the effects of henipavirus infection on the innate immune response in bat cell lines. We report that henipavirus infection does not result in the induction of interferon expression, and the viruses also inhibit interferon signaling. We also confirm that the interferon production and signaling block in bat cells is not due to differing viral protein expression levels between human and bat hosts. This information, in addition to the known lack of clinical signs in bats following henipavirus infection, suggests that bats control henipavirus infection by an as yet unidentified mechanism, not via the interferon response. This is the first report of henipavirus infection in bat cells specifically investigating aspects of the innate immune system

    Direct infection of primary endothelial cells with human cytomegalovirus prevents angiogenesis and migration

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    Human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) is a beta herpesvirus that establishes lifelong infection. Although the virus does not usually cause overt clinical symptoms in immunocompetent individuals it can have deleterious effects in immunocompromised patients, such as those on post-transplant medication or with HIV infection. hCMV is the most common congenital infection and can lead to serious fetal sequelae. Endothelial cells (ECs) are natural hosts for hCMVin vivo, therefore, investigations of how this cell type is modulated by infection are key to understanding hCMV pathogenesis. Previous studies have examined the effect of secretomes from hCMV-infected cells on EC angiogenesis, whereas the effect of direct infection on this process has not been so well investigated. Here, we show that placental ECs are viral targets during congenital infection and that vessels in infected tissue appear morphologically abnormal. We demonstrate that the clinical hCMV strain VR1814 impaired EC tube assembly inin vitroangiogenesis assays and inhibited wound healing ability in scratch assays. Secretomes from infected cultures did not impair angiogenesis of uninfected ECs, suggesting that cell-intrinsic changes, as opposed to secreted factors, were responsible. We observed viral gene transcription dependent downregulation of the expression of angiogenesis-associated genes, including angiopoietin-2, TEK receptor and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors. An alternative clinical hCMV stain, TB40E showed similar effects on EC angiogenesis. Together, our data indicate that direct infection with hCMV can induce an anti-migratory and anti-angiogenic EC phenotype, which could have a detrimental effect on the vasculature development in infected tissues.</jats:p