22,929 research outputs found

    Uncovering hidden biodiversity in the Cryptophyta: New picoplanktonic clades from clone library studies at the Helgoland time series site in the southern German Bight.

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    Cryptophyceae are important group in marine phytoplankton, but little is known about the occurrence and distribution of individual species. Recently, with use of molecular probes and microarray technology, it has been shown that species related to Teleaulax spp. or Chroomonas spp. (clades 4 and 6) contributed most to cryptophyceam biomass in the North Sea. The probe for clades 4 and 6 cannot separate them and the single probe recognises members of both clades. Here, we increase the genetic diversity of our investigations of cryptophycean diversity in the North Sea by sequencing 18S rRNA clone libraries made from fractionated water samples to examine specifically the picoplanktonic fraction and to determine whether clade 4 or 6 were the dominant cyrptophytes. We focused on samples from the spring phytoplankton bloom in 2004 because the microarray signals were the strongest at this time. Excluding chimeric sequences, we detected nine cryptophycean OTUs, seven of which fell into the Teleaulax/ Plagioselmis branch, whereas two grouped with Geminigera spp. Our results indicate that these OTUs, affiliated with clade 4, may be an important component of cryptophyte community during spring bloom in the North Sea

    Sustainability of Sustainable Real Property Development

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    The paper investigates commercial buildings users' perception of the benefits of green buildings and how this perception influences their decision to occupy and/or invest in them. A survey of 400 commercial real estate users in Singapore reveals that they are aware of, and appreciate the benefits of green buildings. However, they are not willing to occupy and/or invest in green buildings as they are concerned with monetary returns. Price, reliability, and effectiveness of green features, as well as apathy towards environmental issues, are impeding the sustainability of sustainable commercial real estate in Singapore. Notwithstanding, since it was found that cost saving and higher property value benefits statistically influence respondents' willingness to invest in, or occupy green buildings, turning the sustainability advocacy into realistic economic advocacy could ensure sustainability of sustainable real estate development

    Placental Homing Peptide-microRNA Inhibitor Conjugates For Targeted Enhancement Of Intrinsic Placental Growth Signalling

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    Suboptimal placental growth and development are the underlying cause of many pregnancy complications. No treatments are available, primarily due to the risk of causing fetal teratogenicity. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short, non-coding RNA sequences that regulate multiple downstream genes; miR-145 and miR675 have previously been identified as negative regulators of placental growth. In this proof of principle study, we explored the feasibility of delivering miRNA inhibitors to the placentas of pregnant mice and developed novel placental homing peptide-microRNA inhibitor conjugates for targeted enhancement of intrinsic placental growth signalling. Scrambled-, miR-145- or miR-675 inhibitor sequences were synthesised from peptide nucleic acids and conjugated to the placental homing peptide CCGKRK. Intravenous administration of the miR-145- and miR-675 conjugates to pregnant C57BL/6J mice significantly increased fetal and placental weights compared to controls; the miR-675 conjugate significantly reduced placental miR-675 expression. When applied to human first trimester placental explants, the miR-145 conjugate significantly reduced placental miR-145 expression, and both conjugates induced significant enhancement of cytotrophoblast proliferation; no effect was observed in term placental explants. This study demonstrates that homing peptide-miRNA inhibitor conjugates can be exploited to promote placental growth; these novel therapeutics may represent an innovative strategy for targeted treatment of compromised placental development

    Understanding students’ instrumental goals, motivation deficits and achievement: Through the Lens of a Latent Profile Analysis

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    Building on the future oriented and regulated nature of instrumental goals, Lens and colleagues developed a 2 (proximal-distal) x 2 (internal-external) motivational framework. The current study aimed to test this framework from a person-centred perspective, while equally taking into account students’ lack of motivation as to extend the empirical and theoretical borders of the model. Latent Profile Analyses were used to test the viability of two to five motivational profiles among Japanese second-year students (N = 781). A solution with three latent subgroups fitted the sample best, explaining 6% to 62% of the variance in the measured variables. The profiles were labelled “low future oriented motivational profile”, “average motivated profile”, and “highly motivated profile”. The highly motivated subgroup reported the most adaptive pattern of motivation and highest levels of deep level learning, while few differences were found for surface learning and GPA. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.published_or_final_versio

    The ocrelizumab phase II extension trial suggests the potential to improve the risk: Benefit balance in multiple sclerosis.

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    OBJECTIVE: Ocrelizumab inhibits relapsing multiple sclerosis when administered every six months. Based on potential similar memory B cell depletion mechanisms with cladribine and alemtuzumab, we hypothesised that CD20-depletion of B cells by ocrelizumab may exhibit a duration of response exceeding the current licenced treatment interval. METHODS: Internet-located information from regulatory submissions and meeting reports relating to the unpublished open-label, phase II ocrelizumab extension trial (NCT00676715) were reviewed. This followed people (54-55/arm) with MS, who switched from placebo or interferon-beta to ocrelizumab for three 600 mg treatment cycles (week 24, 48, 72) or people treated with ocrelizumab for four 600 mg treatment cycles (week 0-72), followed by an 18 month treatment-free period. RESULTS: CD19+ B cells were rapidly depleted within 2 weeks and slow CD19+ B cell repopulation began about 6 months after the last infusion with median-repletion of over 15 months. The reduced annualized relapse rate during the published efficacy study appeared to be maintained in the extension study and there were no new T1 gadolinium-enhancing or T2 lesions detected in the treatment-free period. Importantly, within these extension cohorts, there appeared to be fewer adverse events and infections events. CONCLUSIONS: Ocrelizumab appears to induce durable relapsing disease inhibition, within 3 treatment cycles Therefore, it may be possible to reduce the frequency of dosing to maintain efficacy, whilst limiting infection and other risks associated with continuous immunosuppression and could allow more effective vaccination against new pathogens. Further studies are now clearly required to determine whether this data is robust

    Effet antihypertensif de BpF2, une fraction d\'extrait aqueux de feuilles de Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae) chez le lapin

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    Les feuilles de Bidens pilosa L. sont largement utilisées dans la pharmacopée traditionnelle. Nous avons cherché à mettre en évidence les effets antihypertensifs de ces feuilles. L'analyse phytochimique révÚle que la fraction 2, dénommée BpF2, de l\'extrait aqueux des feuilles de Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae), contient des flavonoïdes, des polyphénols et des tanins catéchiques. Pour des doses comprises entre 1 et 25 mg/kg de poids corporel, cette fraction chromatographique induit une hypotension dose-dépendante chez le lapin. Cet effet explique le potentiel antihypertenseur de cette fraction. Ces effets ressemblent à ceux bien connus de l\'acétylcholine (ACh). Toutefois, alors que l\'atropine inhibe totalement l\'hypotension induite par l\'ACh, elle ne reverse que partiellement l\'hypotension provoquée par BpF2. Ces résultats suggÚrent fortement la présence de deux types de principes actifs dans cette fraction active BpF2: - les principes actifs cholinomimétiques de type muscarinique, - les principes actifs non cholinomimétiques dont la nature reste à déterminer. La présence de ces substances dans la fraction active pourrait justifier, au moins en partie, l\'utilisation traditionnelle de Bidens pilosa L. contre l\'hypertension artérielle.The fraction 2, called BpF2, of the aqueous extract from Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae) leaves, contained flavonoids, polyphenols and catechic tannins. For doses ranging from 1 to 25 mg/kg of body weight, this chromatographic fraction induced a dose-dependent hypotension in the rabbit. This effect explained the antihypertensive potential of the fraction. These effects resembled those well-known of acetylcholine (ACh). However, whereas atropine completely inhibited the effect induced by ACh, its action remained partial on that caused by BpF2. These results suggested the presence of two types of active components in BpF2 fraction. - muscarinic and cholinomimetic activity, - non cholinomimetic activity to be clarified. The study showed at least two hypotensive activities in BpF2 fraction, justifying the traditional use of Bidens pilosa L. against hypertension. Keywords: Bidens pilosa L., acetylcholine, muscarinic cholinomimetic activity, non cholinomimetic activity.Sciences & Nature Vol. 5 (1) 2008: pp. 29-3

    Serial Flaring in an Active Region: Exploring Why Only One Flare Is Eruptive

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    Over a four hour period between 2014 June 12–13 a series of three flares were observed within AR 12087. This sequence of flares started with a non-eruptive M-class flare, followed by a non-eruptive C-class flare, and finally ended with a second C-class flare that had an associated filament eruption. In this paper we combine spectroscopic analysis of Interface Region Imaging Spectrometer observations of the Si iv line during the three flares along with a series of nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolations in order to investigate the conditions that lead the final flare to be eruptive. From this analysis it is found to be unlikely that the eruption was triggered by either kink instability or by tether-cutting reconnection, allowing the flux rope to rise into a region where it would be susceptible to the torus instability. The NLFFF modeling does, however, suggest that the overlying magnetic field has a fan-spine topology, raising the possibility that breakout reconnection occurring during the first two flares weakened the overlying field, allowing the flux rope to erupt in the subsequent third flare

    Il tema del “doppio” nel romanzo di A. Skaldin Stranstvia i priključenija Nikodima Starơego

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    L’«inspiegabile divisione» (ĐœĐ”ĐžĐ·ŃŠŃŃĐœĐžĐŒĐŸĐ” Ń€Đ°Đ·ĐŽĐ”Đ»Đ”ĐœĐžĐ”) psicofisica della personalitĂ  sperimentata dal giovane barin Nikodim Michajlovič Ipat’ev, protagonista del romanzo filosofico di Aleksej Skaldin Stranstvija i priključenija Nikodima StarĆĄego [Peregrinazioni e avventure di Nikodim il Vecchio]4, va certamente letta come un tributo dell’ultimo (in ordine cronologico) dei simbolisti russi ad un tema di antica memoria, caro alla mitologia e alla classicitĂ  – quello del “doppio” –, che, a partire da Pogorel’skij, passando per PuĆĄkin, Odoevskij, Gogol’ e Dostoevskij, aveva imperversato nell’Ottocento russo e, prima ancora, nell’ambiente letterario europeo barocco e romantico, confermandosi nel Novecento, secolo del relativismo e della crisi dell’io, come il tratto distintivo della modernitĂ . Eppure lo sdoppiamento, a detta di Pasolini «la piĂč grande delle invenzioni letterarie», se ricollega Skaldin alla grande tradizione culturale otto-novecentesca, Ăš un Leitmotiv che l’autore desume non da fonti esterne ma dall’intimo della propria esperienza personale. La mia analisi della scissione identitaria del Nikodim skaldiniano si basa appunto sull’ipotesi di una totale o parziale identificazione dello scrittore con il suo personaggio, nella convinzione che solo un accurato esame del substratum autobiografico dell’opera ci possa restituire il significato e la funzione che in essa riveste il topos della destrutturazione e moltiplicazione dell’io
