523 research outputs found

    "Man of No Party": Tzvetan Tdorov and intellectual engagement

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    Quantum cloning with an optical fiber amplifier

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    It has been shown theoretically that a light amplifier working on the physical principle of stimulated emission should achieve optimal quantum cloning of the polarization state of light. We demonstrate close-to-optimal universal quantum cloning of polarization in a standard fiber amplifier for telecom wavelengths. For cloning 1 --> 2 we find a fidelity of 0.82, the optimal value being 5/6 = 0.83.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental Test of Relativistic Quantum State Collapse with Moving Reference Frames

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    An experimental test of relativistic wave-packet collapse is presented. The tested model assumes that the collapse takes place in the reference frame determined by the massive measuring detectors. Entangled photons are measured at 10 km distance within a time interval of less than 5 ps. The two apparatuses are in relative motion so that both detectors, each in its own inertial reference frame, are first to perform the measurement. The data always reproduces the quantum correlations and thus rule out a class of collapse models. The results also set a lower bound on the "speed of quantum information" to 0.66 x 10^7 and 1.5 x 10^4 times the speed of light in the Geneva and the background radiation reference frames, respectively. The very difficult and deep question of where the collapse takes place - if it takes place at all - is considered in a concrete experimental context.Comment: 4 pages + 2 ps figure

    Security of distributed-phase-reference quantum key distribution

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    Distributed-phase-reference quantum key distribution stands out for its easy implementation with present day technology. Since many years, a full security proof of these schemes in a realistic setting has been elusive. For the first time, we solve this long standing problem and present a generic method to prove the security of such protocols against general attacks. To illustrate our result we provide lower bounds on the key generation rate of a variant of the coherent-one-way quantum key distribution protocol. In contrast to standard predictions, it appears to scale quadratically with the system transmittance.Comment: 4 pages + appendix, 4 figure

    Pulsed energy-time entangled twin-photon source for quantum communication

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    A pulsed source of energy-time entangled photon pairs pumped by a standard laser diode is proposed and demonstrated. The basic states can be distinguished by their time of arrival. This greatly simplifies the realization of 2-photon quantum cryptography, Bell state analyzers, quantum teleportation, dense coding, entanglement swapping, GHZ-states sources, etc. Moreover the entanglement is well protected during photon propagation in telecom optical fibers, opening the door to few-photon applications of quantum communication over long distances.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Estimates for practical quantum cryptography

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    In this article I present a protocol for quantum cryptography which is secure against attacks on individual signals. It is based on the Bennett-Brassard protocol of 1984 (BB84). The security proof is complete as far as the use of single photons as signal states is concerned. Emphasis is given to the practicability of the resulting protocol. For each run of the quantum key distribution the security statement gives the probability of a successful key generation and the probability for an eavesdropper's knowledge, measured as change in Shannon entropy, to be below a specified maximal value.Comment: Authentication scheme corrected. Other improvements of presentatio

    Model‐based control of mechanical ventilation: design and clinical validation

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    Background. We developed a model‐based control system using end‐tidal carbon dioxide fraction (FE′CO2) to adjust a ventilator during clinical anaesthesia. Methods. We studied 16 ASA I-II patients (mean age 38 (range 20-59) yr; weight 67 (54-87) kg) during i.v. anaesthesia for elective surgery. After periods of normal ventilation the patients were either hyper‐ or hypoventilated to assess precision and dynamic behaviour of the control system. These data were compared with a previous group where a fuzzy‐logic controller had been used. Responses to different clinical events (invalid carbon dioxide measurement, limb tourniquet release, tube cuff leak, exhaustion of carbon dioxide absorbent, simulation of pulmonary embolism) were also noted. Results. The model‐based controller correctly maintained the setpoint. No significant difference was found for the static performance between the two controllers. The dynamic response of the model‐based controller was more rapid (P<0.05). The mean rise time after a setpoint increase of 1 vol% was 313 (sd 90) s and 142 (17) s for fuzzy‐logic and model‐based control, respectively, and after a 1 vol% decrease was 355 (127) s and 177 (36) s, respectively. The new model‐based controller had a consistent response to clinical artefacts. Conclusion. A model‐based FE′CO2 controller can be used in a clinical setting. It reacts appropriately to artefacts, and has a better dynamic response to setpoint changes than a previously described fuzzy‐logic controller. Br J Anaesth 2004; 92: 800-

    Enabling semantic queries across federated bioinformatics databases

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    MOTIVATION: Data integration promises to be one of the main catalysts in enabling new insights to be drawn from the wealth of biological data available publicly. However, the heterogeneity of the different data sources, both at the syntactic and the semantic level, still poses significant challenges for achieving interoperability among biological databases. RESULTS: We introduce an ontology-based federated approach for data integration. We applied this approach to three heterogeneous data stores that span different areas of biological knowledge: (i) Bgee, a gene expression relational database; (ii) Orthologous Matrix (OMA), a Hierarchical Data Format 5 orthology DS; and (iii) UniProtKB, a Resource Description Framework (RDF) store containing protein sequence and functional information. To enable federated queries across these sources, we first defined a new semantic model for gene expression called GenEx. We then show how the relational data in Bgee can be expressed as a virtual RDF graph, instantiating GenEx, through dedicated relational-to-RDF mappings. By applying these mappings, Bgee data are now accessible through a public SPARQL endpoint. Similarly, the materialized RDF data of OMA, expressed in terms of the Orthology ontology, is made available in a public SPARQL endpoint. We identified and formally described intersection points (i.e. virtual links) among the three data sources. These allow performing joint queries across the data stores. Finally, we lay the groundwork to enable nontechnical users to benefit from the integrated data, by providing a natural language template-based search interface

    Quantum Cryptography using entangled photons in energy-time Bell states

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    We present a setup for quantum cryptography based on photon pairs in energy-time Bell states and show its feasability in a laboratory experiment. Our scheme combines the advantages of using photon pairs instead of faint laser pulses and the possibility to preserve energy-time entanglement over long distances. Moreover, using 4-dimensional energy-time states, no fast random change of bases is required in our setup : Nature itself decides whether to measure in the energy or in the time base.Comment: 4 pages including 2 figure

    Low secondary attack rate after prolonged exposure to sputum smear positive miliary tuberculosis in a neonatal unit

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    BACKGROUND Several neonatal intensive care units (NICU) have reported exposure to sputum smear positive tuberculosis (TB). NICE guidelines give support regarding investigation and treatment intervention, but not for contact definitions. Data regarding the reliability of any interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) in infants as a screening test for TB infection is scarce. We report an investigation and management strategy and evaluated the viability of IGRA (T-Spot) in infants and its concordance to the tuberculin skin test (TST). METHODS We performed an outbreak investigation of incident TB infection in a NICU after prolonged exposure to sputum smear positive miliary TB by an infant's mother. We defined individual contact definitions and interventions and assessed secondary attack rates. In addition, we evaluated the technical performance of T-Spot in infants and compared the results with the TST at baseline investigation. RESULTS Overall, 72 of 90 (80%) exposed infants were investigated at baseline, in 51 (56.7%) of 54 (60%) infants, follow-up TST at the age of 6 months was performed. No infant in our cohort showed a positive TST or T-Spot at baseline. All blood samples from infants except one responded to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), which was used as a positive control of the T-Spot, demonstrating that cells are viable and react upon stimulation. 149 of 160 (93.1%) exposed health care workers (HCW) were investigated. 1 HCW was tested positive, having no other reason than this exposure for latent TB infection. 5 of 92 (5.5%) exposed primary contacts were tested positive, all coming from countries with high TB incidences. In total, 1 of 342 exposed contacts was newly diagnosed with latent TB infection. The secondary attack rate in this study including pediatric and adult contacts was 0.29%. CONCLUSION This investigation highlighted the low transmission rate of sputum smear positive miliary TB in a particularly highly susceptible population as infants. Our expert definitions and interventions proved to be helpful in terms of the feasibility of a thorough outbreak investigation. Furthermore, we demonstrated concordance of T-Spot and TST. Based on our findings, we assume that T-Spot could be considered a reliable investigation tool to rule out TB infection in infants