58 research outputs found

    Generation of Terahertz Pulsed Radiation with Photoconductive Antennas Based of Low-Temperature-Grown Gallium Arsenide and Its Applications

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    The design and technological conditions for manufacturing photoconductive antennas based on low-temperature-grown gallium arsenide (LT-GaAs) have been developed. An optimized photoconductive THz antenna based on LT-GaAs with flag geometry of the contacts was fabricated. LT-GaAs samples were obtained by molecular-beamepitaxy at temperatures of 230 ∘C on GaAs (100) substrates. On an optical setup with a femtosecond titanium-sapphire laser, a volt (watt)-ampere characteristics and photocurrent efficiency of the photo-conductive antenna measured by the pyroelectric sensor. The optimum annealing temperature of LT-GaAs was determined for generation of intense THz radiation. PCA have been tested in the terahertz radiation generation. The substantial effect of water vapor in the air and the environment of transparent objects is THz. The useful terahertz bandwidth extends from 0.1 to 2.7 THz and the source of terahertz wave is the most commonly used nonlinear crystal ZnTe in the biomedicine applications. However, in comparison PCA on LT-GaAs with ZnTe have better results in the intensity and the power of the THz response. Therefore, it will be possible to detect a lower concentration of biological objects. Keywords: Photoconductive antennas; low-temperature grown gallium arsenide

    Development and Approbation of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching Methodology

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    В исследовании описываются процесс и результаты разработки и апробации методологии когнитивно-поведенческого коучинга. Уточняется понятие коучинга и определяются его границы с близкими видами профессиональной деятельности, анализируются основные ожидания от коучинга как вида профессиональной деятельности.The report describes process and results of development and approbation of cognitive behavioral coaching methodology. The concept of coaching is clarified and its boundaries with similar types of professional activities are defined, general expectations from coaching as a type of professional activity are analyzed

    Preparation of copper electrical engineering alloy strip with high service properties

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    Output is organized for industrial batches of electrical engineering strip with improved service properties, i.e., copper bus bars of rectangular section (σu determination is simplified and surface quality evaluation after bend testing is improved), commutator copper-cadmium strip of trapezoidal section (hardness increased, strip camber reduced, bulges and scratches absent from basic profile), and commutator copper-silver strip (electrical conductivity increased and stable mechanical properties achieved). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    A netron halo in 8He

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    The structure of 8^8He is investigated within a three-cluster microscopic model. The three-cluster configuration α+2n+2n\alpha+^2n+^2n was used to describe the properties of the ground state of the nucleus. The obtained results evidently indicate the existence of a neutron halo in 8^8He.Comment: 14 pages, 6 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Atom. Nuc


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    Gastric leak is the most dangerous postoperative complication of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Traditional surgical treatment options and endoscopic stent placement are not always successful. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) has shown itself like a new successful and feasible treatment option for leaks of different etiology after gastro-esophageal surgery.The initial body mass index (BMI) of the patient was 46 and co-morbidity was represented: arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia. NPWT was initiated in 14 days after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. The abdominal part of the system were changed 3 times for14 days. The patient was discharged from the hospital in 14 days after the secondary sutures to the wound. No relevant complications related to the procedure were observed during the course of the vacuum therapy. It combines defect closure, effective drainage and allows doing a periodic inspection of the wound cavity. NPWT is a successful, safety and effective treatment option for the leaks after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy Несостоятельность культи желудка является наиболее опасным послеоперационным осложнением лапароскопической продольной резекции желудка. Традиционные варианты хирургического лечения и эндоскопическая установка стентов не всегда успешны. Терапия отрицательным давлением (NPWT) показала, что это новый возможный эффективный метод лечения несостоятельности различной этиологии после операций на желудке и пищеводе.Исходный индекс массы тела пациентки составлял 46 кг/м2 , а сопутствующие заболевания были представлены артериальной гипертензией, сахарным диабетом 2-го типа, дислипидемией. Терапия отрицательным давлением была начата через 14 суток после лапароскопической продольной резекции желудка. В течение 14 дней было произведено 3 смены абдоминальной части системы. Через 14 дней после наложения вторичных швов на рану пациентка была выписана из стационара. За время применения вакуум-терапии не наблюдалось никаких осложнений, связанных с соответствующей методикой. Она сочетает в себе закрытие дефектов и эффективное дренирование, а также позволяет проводить периодический осмотр полости раны. NPWT – успешный, безопасный и эффективный способ лечения несостоятельностей после лапароскопической продольной резекции желудка.

    Potent New Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A Endopeptidase Developed by Synthesis-Based Computer-Aided Molecular Design

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    Botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNTA) causes a life-threatening neuroparalytic disease known as botulism. Current treatment for post exposure of BoNTA uses antibodies that are effective in neutralizing the extracellular toxin to prevent further intoxication but generally cannot rescue already intoxicated neurons. Effective small-molecule inhibitors of BoNTA endopeptidase (BoNTAe) are desirable because such inhibitors potentially can neutralize the intracellular BoNTA and offer complementary treatment for botulism. Previously we reported a serotype-selective, small-molecule BoNTAe inhibitor with a Kiapp value of 3.8±0.8 µM. This inhibitor was developed by lead identification using virtual screening followed by computer-aided optimization of a lead with an IC50 value of 100 µM. However, it was difficult to further improve the lead from micromolar to even high nanomolar potency due to the unusually large enzyme-substrate interface of BoNTAe. The enzyme-substrate interface area of 4,840 Å2 for BoNTAe is about four times larger than the typical protein-protein interface area of 750–1,500 Å2. Inhibitors must carry several functional groups to block the unusually large interface of BoNTAe, and syntheses of such inhibitors are therefore time-consuming and expensive. Herein we report the development of a serotype-selective, small-molecule, and competitive inhibitor of BoNTAe with a Ki value of 760±170 nM using synthesis-based computer-aided molecular design (SBCAMD). This new approach accounts the practicality and efficiency of inhibitor synthesis in addition to binding affinity and selectivity. We also report a three-dimensional model of BoNTAe in complex with the new inhibitor and the dynamics of the complex predicted by multiple molecular dynamics simulations, and discuss further structural optimization to achieve better in vivo efficacy in neutralizing BoNTA than those of our early micromolar leads. This work provides new insight into structural modification of known small-molecule BoNTAe inhibitors. It also demonstrates that SBCAMD is capable of improving potency of an inhibitor lead by nearly one order of magnitude, even for BoNTAe as one of the most challenging protein targets. The results are insightful for developing effective small-molecule inhibitors of protein targets with large active sites

    Оценка инвестиционной привлекательности компаний нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности Российской Федерации

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    This publication reflects the results of the authors’ research aimed at finding ways to reduce the complexity of appraising the investment attractiveness of potential recipients of investments. The purpose of the research is to create a methodology that will effectively manage not only the process of determining the recipients of investments but also the development of organizations to increase their investment attractiveness. The authors provide an overview of the most significant publications that consider existing methods for appraising investment attractiveness, based on both financial statements and the market value of a business. In the main part of the article, the authors conclude that data envelopment analysis (DEA) may be used to aggregate several different criteria of the investment attractiveness appraising in one number. The section that presents the empirical results of the study contains a description of a number of indicators of Russian oil refining companies and their aggregation based both on the method of expert assessments and a formal approach using the DEA. The examples only apply criteria calculated based on organizations’ financial statements. It is emphasized that in real practice the first method is a very expensive and time-consuming procedure in comparison with the second, which provides a formalized agreement of the criteria used in the former method, and takes into account the situation in the entire market segment under study. It is shown that the calculations made based on these two methods give approximately the same results. This indicates that the methodology proposed by the authors can be considered as an effective alternative to existing expert approaches to appraising investment attractiveness. In the final part of the article, recommendations are formulated for improving the proposed methodological approach by including a number of market indicators that characterize the activities of potential recipients of investments.Данная публикация отражает результаты исследований авторов, направленных на поиск путей уменьшения трудоемкости и сложности оценки инвестиционной привлекательности потенциальных получателей инвестиций. Цель исследования – создание методологии, которая позволит эффективно управлять не только процессом определения получателей инвестиций, но и развитием организаций для повышения их инвестиционной привлекательности. Авторы приводят обзор наиболее значимых публикаций, в которых рассматриваются существующие методы оценки инвестиционной привлекательности, основанные как на финансовой отчетности, так и на определении рыночной стоимости бизнеса. В основной части статьи авторы приходят к выводу о том, что технология оболочечного анализа данных (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA) может быть использована для агрегирования нескольких различных критериев оценки инвестиционной привлекательности в одном номере. Раздел, в котором представлены эмпирические результаты исследования, содержит характеристику ряда показателей российских нефтеперерабатывающих компаний и их агрегирование как на основе метода экспертных оценок, так и на базе формального подхода с применением DEA. В примерах применяются исключительно критерии, рассчитанные на основе финансовой отчетности организаций. Подчеркивается, что в реальной практике первый метод - весьма дорогостоящая и трудоемкая процедура по сравнению со вторым, который обеспечивает формализованное согласование критериев, использованных в уже применявшихся ранее методах оценки, и учитывает ситуацию, сложившуюся во всем изучаемом сегменте рынка. Показано, что расчеты, произведенные на основе двух указанных методов, дают приблизительно одни и те же результаты. Это свидетельствует о том, что предлагаемая авторами методология может рассматриваться как эффективная альтернатива существующим экспертным подходам к оценке инвестиционной привлекательности. В заключительной части статьи формулируются рекомендации по совершенствованию предлагаемого методологического подхода за счет включения в число критериев ряда рыночных показателей, характеризующих деятельность потенциальных получателей инвестиций