212 research outputs found

    Free-space subcarrier wave quantum communication

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    We experimentally demonstrate quantum communication in 10 dB loss outdoor atmospheric channel with 5 kbit/s bitrate using subcarrier wave coding method. Free-space link was organized by telescoping system with symmetric fiber-optic collimators

    Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer Using Raman Spectroscopy

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    The aim of the study was to develop a method of detecting cervical cancer using Raman spectroscopy in the examination of biopsy and surgical material. Significant differences in the spectral characteristics between the tissues of the intact cervix and tissues with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix have been revealed. Intensity of fluorescence in cervical cancer was higher than in intact cervical tissue.     Keywords: cervical cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, diagnosis of cervical cancer, fluorescence in cervical cancer, Raman spectroscopy for the diagnosis of cervical cance

    Neoglycolipids Micelle-like Structures as a Basis for Drug Delivery Systems

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    Targeted drug delivery is one of the most promising tasks of nanomedicine, as this is a real way to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic effects against many diseases. In this regard, the development of new inexpensive highly effective stimulating and non-immunogenic drug delivery systems (DDS) is of great importance. In this work new molecular candidates were proposed and studied for the creation of such systems based on the use of new compounds, neoglycolipids. It is shown that these compounds are capable of self-association in aqueous solutions and can serve as potential carriers of drug compounds with targeted delivery determined by their terminal groups (in particular, glycans). The processes of their associates formation and features of their structure are investigated. The results show that these selforganizing nanoscale systems can be used as a basis for developing new drug delivery systems. Keywords: neoglycolipids, micelle-like structures, small-angle X-ray scattering, molecular dynamics simulatio

    Fine-tuning of Silica Coating Procedure for Preparation of Biocompatible and Bright Pbs/Sio2 Qds

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    Near-infrared semiconductor PbS quantum dots (QDs) with emission in biological transparency window are promising material for in vivo biolabelling and deep-tissue imaging of biological specimen. Among various approaches that render initially hydrophobic and toxic QDs biocompatible, the growth of a silica shell on the QD surface represents an efficient method to minimize QD toxicity. Nevertheless, it is important to preserve QDs emission properties after the silica coating procedure. Here we report on the optimal parameters of this procedure which allow to obtain a stable silica shell and maintain the optical properties of initial PbS QDs. Furthermore, we show that PbS QDs with the optimal SiO2 shell retain their luminescence quantum yield even after condensation into a solid film. Thus, our procedure can become a basis in development of bright, receptor-targeted NIR fluorescent probes for in vivo tumor imaging. Keywords: quantum dot, SiO2 shell, bioimagin

    Preliminary study of video-based respiratory rate assessment

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    This paper presents the results of comparative study in physiological monitoring of human respiration rate between electrocardiography-based (ECG) method and video-based method of chest motion detection. The study involved 4 subjects aged from 30 to 70 years. During the study each subject lied on back. Total duration of the study conduct 1.5 hours. The results show that video-based and ECG-based respiration monitoring methods shows similar average respiration rate values. The outcome of the present work incites that video-based respiration assessment can be used as alternative or additional method of human respiration monitoring or diagnosingВ работе представлены результаты сравнительного анализа определения средней частоты дыхания человека полученной по данным сигнала электрокардиограммы (ЭКГ) и видеоизображений движений грудной клетки. В исследовании приняло участие 4 человека в возрасте от 30 до 70 лет. В ходе исследования испытуемые лежали на спине. Суммарная длительность исследований составила 1,5 часа. Показано, что оценки средней частоты дыхания по данным видеоизображений сопоставимы с оценками получаемыми по данным ЭКГ. Таким образом, метод определения дыхания по видеоизображениям может быть использован как альтернативный или дополнительный способ мониторинга или диагностики дыхания человека

    Assessment of the prevalence of harmful habits of smoking among high school students

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    In this issue there are represented the results of monitoring the views of high school students on smoking tobacco cigarettes, hookahs, and electronic cigarettes and vapes that became so popular nowadays. The reason for this research was one case that happened to a ninthgrader from Ekaterinburg. His vape exploded in his mouth while boy was smoking it. It was required comprehensive rehabilitation provided by dentist of the various profiles: surgeon, therapist, orthopedist.В статье рассмотрены результаты мониторинга мнения старшеклассников о вопросах курения табачных сигарет, кальянов и ставших модными в последнее время электронных сигарет и вейпинге. Поводом для проведения данной работы стал случай с девятиклассником средней школы г. Екатеринбурга, у которого во время парения вейп взорвался в полости рта. Потребовалась комплексная реабилитация у стоматологов разного профиля: хирурга (в стационаре), терапевта и ортопеда

    Современное состояние и динамика нивально-гляциальных систем массивов Монгун-Тайга и Таван-Богдо-Ола

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    Climate-induced variations of glacio-nival systems (snow patches, glaciers, stone-ice formations) of the high-mountain massifs Mongun-Taiga and Tavan-Bogdo-Ola (north slope) were investigated for 1966-2013 period using results of field observations and analysis of aerial photos. Regional 25-year climatic cycles of the variations have been determined. Characteristics of response of glacio-nival objects to the climate changes were obtained. Results of preliminary mass balance calculations made for the 2012/13 glaciological year and values of the mass balance index calculated for the period 1966-2013 for the Seliverstov Glacier together with recorded climate cooling, increase of snow accumulation, and slowing down of glacier snout retreats give evidence to beginning of new 25-year cycle that is expected to be more favorable phase for existence of the above glacio-nival systems. Five-phase scheme of retreats of the valley glaciers happened after the LIA maximum was constructed on the basis of results of field observations performed for many years. Each phase is characterized by different retreat mechanisms as well as by different response to the same climate change that can be used as a basis for forecasting of future glacial dynamics. Rates of the thermokarst processes determined from observations and general mechanisms of dynamics of stone-ice formations are also discussed in the paper.Исследуются современная динамика параметров климата юго-восточного Алтая и реакция на них элементов нивально-гляциальных систем: снежников, ледников и каменно-ледовых образований. Установлено замедление отступания концов ледников в 1967–1981 и 2008–2013 гг., согласующееся с периодами относительного похолодания и увеличения осадков. Выполнены предварительные балансовые расчёты для 2012/13 гляциологического года и вычислены значения индекса баланса массы для периода 1966–2013 гг. для ледника Селиверстова. Приведены результаты измерений скоростей термокарстовых процессов на моренах малой ледниковой эпохи, ядро которых сложено погребённым ледниковым льдом

    How Neanderthals gripped retouchers: experimental reconstruction of the manipulation of bone retouchers by Neanderthal stone knappers

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    When studying bone retouchers, researchers pay close attention to the morphological characteristics of the tool’s active zone, and the lithic raw material processed. In our research, we found that the orientation of the bone retoucher in the hand and the grip employed to retain and manipulate it are crucial factors that affect the morphological characteristics of the retoucher’s active zone. By examining two alternative grips for manipulating bone retouchers ((1) Using all the fingers of one hand in a power grip; (2) Using only the first three digits of one hand in a pinch grip), we found that when the retoucher is held in the first manner, the active area is larger, as is the amount of bone removed by the retoucher. When the retoucher was pinched with only three fingers in a precision grip, retouch damage was more densely concentrated and less bone was removed. The orientation of the retoucher in the hand and the grip employed have a greater influence on the active area than the extent of retoucher use, which we assessed by measuring the number of stone tool edges processed. By gripping the retoucher with all the fingers of one hand, the knapper automatically applies greater force, which results in the removal of more bone. Comparison of experimental bone retouchers with those recovered from Middle Paleolithic archaeological contexts in Chagyrskaya Cave (Altai, Russia) revealed that Altai Neanderthals practiced two methods of grasping bone retouchers, with a three-finger pinch grip being dominant. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Изотопно-геохимические исследования нивально-гляциальных систем горного массива Табын-Богдо-Ола (Западная Монголия)

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    Results of investigation of glacio-nival systems made in the Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola mountains (Western Mongolia) are presented in the paper. Average content of δ18О in the Tsagan-Us river water amounts to 17.44‰ that is almost equal to the isotope content in the clear glacier runoff near the edge of the Kozlov Glacier (−17.43‰). It means that the isotope content in water doesn’t significantly change over a distance of 30 km along the Tsagan-Us river. Hence, it appears that for this distance the river has no additional non-glacial feed. The magnitude 17.4±0.1‰ can be considered as the average content of isotopes in the glacio-nival system in the Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola mountain massif. This value can also be the precipitation-weighted average isotope content in the solid precipitations which are accumulated in glaciers of this massif. Seasonal isotope fluctuations are partly preserved in the snow-firn mass in the accumulation area of the Kozlov Glacier. A rate of annual accumulation was estimated by multiplying the apparent thickness (160 cm) of an annual layer into the snow density. According to our observations, it is equal to 800 mm w.e./year during 2013–2014. Accumulation is increased due to the wind and avalanche transportation of snow. During the ablation season, summer and spring snowfalls over the Kozlov Glacier area melt. Thus, it is possible to suppose that the autumn snowfalls play the important role in the accumulation. We may also suppose that the main source of the moisture for the Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola massif is located somewhere in the Inner Asia.По результатам полевых работ 2013 и 2014 г. выполнен анализ изотопных характеристик образцов речной воды, снега и осадков. Оценена степень сохранности сезонного изотопного сигнала в снежно-фирновой толще, а также показана возможность использования изотопно-геохимического метода в гидрологических исследованиях. В области питания ледника Козлова получены оценки годовой аккумуляции в 800 мм. в.э. Показано, что основной источник осадков, питающих массив, – Внутренняя Азия

    Trends in the epidemiology of diabetic retinopathy in Russian Federation according to the Federal Diabetes Register (2013–2016)

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    Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most common causes of blindness in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) that is why its necessary to study the epidemiological characteristics of this complication. Aims: The aim of the study was to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of DR and blindness in adult patients with type 1 (T1) and 2 (T2) diabetes in Russian Federation (RF) for period 201316years. Materials and methods: Database of Federal Diabetes register, 81st regions included in the online register. Indicators were estimated per 10,000 adult DM patients (18years). Results: In 2016 the DR prevalence in RF was T1 38,3%, T2 15,0%, with marked interregional differences: 2,666,1%, 1,146,4%, respectively. The DR prevalence within 20132016 years was: T1 3830,93805,6; T2 1586,01497,0. Trend of new DR cases/per year increased: T1 153,2187,8; T2 99,7114,9. The structure of new cases of DR in 2016: non-proliferative stage (T1 71,4%, T2 80,3%), pre-proliferative stage 16,4%, 13,8%, proliferative 12,1%, 5,8%, terminal 0,2%, 0,1%, respectively, these data indicated the earlier detection of DR. The mean age of DR diagnosis increased: T1 by 1,2 years, T2 by 2,6. The average DM duration of DR determine increased T1 9,613,1 years, T2 6,09,1. The prevalence of blindness tends to decrease: T1 92,390,8; T2 15,415,2/10.000 DM adults. The amount of new cases of blindness/per year increased: T1 4,34,6; T2 1,21,4. The mean age of blindness increased: T1 39,141,6 years, T2 64,467,4; the mean duration of diabetes before blindness occur (from the time of DM diagnosis) increased: T1 20,221,2 years, in T2 10,711,3. We observed growth of DR treatment (laser surgery, vitrectomy, anti-VEGF medication) but the frequency of use in T2 patients is about 2 times less than in T1. Conclusions: There was a decrease in the overall incidence of eye damage in diabetes (DR and blindness) in the analyzed period in RF. DR and blindness develops at advanced age and with a longer duration of diabetes. As the main directions of eye care development in diabetes it is necessary to standardize primary care in the regions, to unify the examination algorithms and methods of early diagnostic, to increase the continuity and interaction of endocrinologists and ophthalmologists in managing patients with diabetes in order to prevent the development of new cases of vision loss