400 research outputs found

    Изучение консорций жесткокрылых и трутовых грибов

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    Рассматриваются результаты изучения взаимосвязи между трутовыми грибами и популяциями жуков. В западной части Венгрии с апреля по декабрь 2013 г. собрано 94 экземпляра трутовых грибов, которые относятся к 22 видам. Самыми распространенными видами являются трутовик настоящий Fomes fomentarius (56 экз.) и окаймленный трутовик Fomitopsis marginata (8 экз.). Среди хвойных пород наиболее уязвимым видом оказалась ель обыкновенная Picea abies , поврежденная 8 видами трутовых грибов. Обнаружено 35 видов жуко

    Плодовитость перезимовавшего поколения тополевого листоеда (Chrysomela populi L.) в лабораторных условиях

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    Тополевый листоед (Chrysomela populi L. 1758) – один из наиболее опасных вредителей в тополевых питомниках и в различных видах плантаций тополей по всей Европе. В работе была исследована плодовитость перезимовавшего поколения в лабораторных условиях. Перезимовавшие имаго были собраны в марте 2014 г. перед наступлением сезона спаривания. Парочки содержались при температуре 20 ºС и фотопериоде 16:8 и выкармливались листьями гибридного тополя Popolus x euramericana cv. Pannonia. В процессе исследования подсчитывалось количество яиц от каждой самки и их вес до и после яйцекладки. Представлены данные о количестве яиц и размере каждой яйцекладки, времени между яйцекладками и плодовитости имаг

    Comparative study of the Fomes fomentarius and Trametes gibbosa beetle communities in Hidegvíz Valley, Sopron Mts., Hungary

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    The forest, which is exposed to fewer anthropogenic impacts, has a rich and complex community. In Hungary, the quantity of dead wood has an ever-increasing significance in the forests. The decomposition of wood starts with the xylophagous insects, followed by the appearance tinder fungus, which transforms the wood into a form suitable for decomposers. Fungus beetles decompose most of the fungus. Therefore, besides consumer organizations, demolition organizations also play an essential role in building the forest ecosystem. In Central Europe, we have a little information about the beetle communities of tinder fungi. During our research, we investigated the beetle communities of Fomes fomentarius and Trametes gibbosa, which were collected from the Sopron-mountains in West Hungary. In F. fomentarius, the most common beetle species that we found was Bolitophagus reticulatus with about 100 individuals in four fruiting bodies, while in T. gibbosa, Cis boleti had the largest number of individuals with more than 5300 in four specimens. The beetle communities in the two tinder fungi were different, the difference probably caused by the structure and the nutritional value of the fungi

    Comparative study of ground beetle and ground-dwelling spider assemblages of artificial gap openings

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    Artificial gap openings cause significant changes in vegetation structure (in every forest level), thereby greatly influencing arthropod communities. Our study compared the data of two common forest floor arthropod groups, ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) from two artificial gaps situated in a turkey oak forest. Our surveys were carried out in the Gyöngyös-plain, in Hungary. Sampling of the arthropod communities was done with pitfall traps arranged in two 70 m long transects, along the longitudinal axis of the gaps, with 15 traps in each transect, 5 m from each other. We measured the quantity and quality of the deadwood lying around within a radius of 2.5 m of each trap. We observed that the species and numbers of spider specimens were higher in the inner parts of the transects (in the gaps), while the numbers of ground beetle specimens declined in the same traps. Furthermore, the Shannon and Simpson diversity values of the ground beetles were generally lower than those of the spiders. The ordinations showed a distinct influence of the gaps on the communities. The numbers of specimens of exclusively edge-associated species were also higher in the gaps. The correlation analysis indicated significant positive correlations between the number of ground beetles and spiders and the quantity of deadwood. In addition, there were significant negative correlations between the numbers of species of both groups and the rate of decay of deadwood

    Magnetic resonance imaging of the quadriceps fat pad oedema pattern in relation to patellofemoral joint pathologies

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    Purpose: Quadriceps fat pad is located posterior to the quadriceps tendon. Increased signal intensity of this fat pad is seen on routine knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations, but the exact mechanism and related pathologies are not clear. In this study we aimed to evaluate the relationship between MRI signal intensity and morphological features of quadriceps fat pad, as well as various pathologies of the patellofemoral joint. Material and methods: Sixty-one knees with quadriceps fat pad oedema out of 457 knee MRI examinations were included. Quadriceps fat pad signal intensity, dimensions, posterior indentation, and various parameters related to patellofemoral joint such as trochlear facet asymmetry, trochlear depth and sulcus angle, and the Insall-Salvati ratio were evaluated. Results: There was no statistically significant correlation between quadriceps fat pad oedema intensity and its dimensions, but it was significant when compared to posterior indentation. There was no correlation between fat pad oedema and each of the pathologies. However, there was a significant correlation between the presence of fat pad oedema and the presence of at least one of the pathologies related to patellofemoral joint. Conclusions: Quadriceps fat pad oedema detected in MRI examinations should warn the radiologist against the presence of various pathologies related to the patellofemoral joint

    On centralizer algebras for spin representations

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    We give a presentation of the centralizer algebras for tensor products of spinor representations of quantum groups via generators and relations. In the even-dimensional case, this can be described in terms of non-standard q-deformations of orthogonal Lie algebras; in the odd-dimensional case only a certain subalgebra will appear. In the classical case q = 1 the relations boil down to Lie algebra relations

    Monetary values of increasing life expectancy: sensitivity to shifts of the survival curve

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    Individuals’ monetary values of decreases in mortality risk depend on the magnitude and timing of the risk reduction. We elicited stated preferences among three time paths of risk reduction yielding the same increase in life expectancy (decreasing risk for the next decade, subtracting a constant from or multiplying risk by a constant in all future years) and willingness to pay (WTP) for risk reductions differing in timing and life-expectancy gain. Respondents exhibited heterogeneous preferences over the alternative time paths, with almost 90 percent reporting transitive orderings. WTP is statistically significantly associated with life-expectancy gain (between about 7 and 28 days) and with respondents’ stated preferences over the alternative time paths. Estimated value per statistical life year (VSLY) can differ by time path and averages about $500,000, roughly consistent with conventional estimates obtained by dividing estimated value per statistical life by discounted life expectancy

    Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding of a Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Infant -Case Report

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    The objective of presurgical nasoalveolar molding is to reduce the severity of the initial cleft deformity and to achieve better and more stable results in cleft lip and palate infants. This enables the surgeon to operate a cleft deformity that is of minimal severity with a better treatment outcome. In this case report, a bilateral cleft lip and palate infant who was treated with nasoalveolar molding prior to his primary lip and nose closure surgery is presented

    Effect of W substitutions on the phase stability and oxidation behaviour of Mo-Si-B alloys

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    Mo-Si-B alloys are potential candidate materials for extreme environments, especially at temperature regimes beyond the operating limits of superalloys. Metal rich compositions show excellent creep resistance and fracture toughness, but the oxidation resistance is poor due to low Si and B content. Intermetallic rich compositions show excellent oxidation resistance, but poor fracture toughness. Therefore, the inherent challenge in this system is designing an alloy with excellent prime reliance on its intrinsic oxide scale, with excellent creep and adequate fracture toughness. We address this conundrum by attempting to destabilize the brittle phase A15 Mo3Si in the intermetallic phase field. In the current work, ab-initio calculations were used to evaluate the thermodynamic phase stability of the A15 phase. Experiments indicated that this phase becomes unstable beyond a critical W content (~ 10 atom%). Single crystal studies revealed the site occupancies with W addition to be in accordance with the thermodynamic models. Following studies on phase stability, a series of oxidation experiments were carried out at different temperatures and time intervals with sintered as well as cast alloys. The microstructural length scales and morphologies changed significantly with processing conditions. Transient oxidation studies reveal a strong microstructure dependence of oxidation in this alloy. In addition to transient oxidation studies at 1100 and 1400°C, we shall also present isothermal oxidation behavior of this alloy in the 1100 – 1500°C range. Tungsten additions modify the pesting range of this material, due to the higher volatilization temperature of (WO3)3. The lower vapor pressure of (WO3)3, in comparison to (MoO3)3 also results in a lower initial metal recession, especially in alloys with finer microstructures. The oxidized cross-sections revealed the formation of a continuous borosilicate scale that covers the alloy surface completely resulting in excellent high temperature oxidation resistance