149 research outputs found

    Three-Form Flux with N=2 Supersymmetry on AdS_5 x S^5

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    In the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence the general form of a three-form flux perturbation to the AdS_5 x S^5 solution in the type IIB supergravity which preserves N=2 supersymmetry is obtained. The arbitrary holomorphic function appearing in the N=1 case studied by Grana and Polchinski is restricted to a quadratic function of the coordinates transverse to the D3-branes.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Boundary Ground Ring in 2D String Theory

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    The 2D quantum gravity on a disc, or the non-critical theory of open strings, is known to exhibit an integrable structure, the boundary ground ring, which determines completely the boundary correlation functions. Inspired by the recent progress in boundary Liouville theory, we extend the ground ring relations to the case of non-vanishing boundary Liouville interaction known also as FZZT brane in the context of the 2D string theory. The ring relations yield an over-determined set of functional recurrence equations for the boundary correlation functions. The ring action closes on an infinite array of equally spaced FZZT branes for which we propose a matrix model realization. In this matrix model the boundary ground ring is generated by a pair of complex matrix fields.Comment: sect. 5 extended, appendix adde

    Kundt spacetimes as solutions of topologically massive gravity

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    We obtain new solutions of topologically massive gravity. We find the general Kundt solutions, which in three dimensions are spacetimes admitting an expansion-free null geodesic congruence. The solutions are generically of algebraic type II, but special cases are types III, N or D. Those of type D are the known spacelike-squashed AdS_3 solutions, and of type N are the known AdS pp-waves or new solutions. Those of types II and III are the first known solutions of these algebraic types. We present explicitly the Kundt solutions that are CSI spacetimes, for which all scalar polynomial curvature invariants are constant, whereas for the general case we reduce the field equations to a series of ordinary differential equations. The CSI solutions of types II and III are deformations of spacelike-squashed AdS_3 and the round AdS_3, respectively.Comment: 30 pages. This material has come from splitting v1 of arXiv:0906.3559 into 2 separate papers. v2: minor changes

    The Gaugings of Maximal D=6 Supergravity

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    We construct the most general gaugings of the maximal D=6 supergravity. The theory is (2,2) supersymmetric, and possesses an on-shell SO(5,5) duality symmetry which plays a key role in determining its couplings. The field content includes 16 vector fields that carry a chiral spinor representation of the duality group. We utilize the embedding tensor method which determines the appropriate combinations of these vectors that participate in gauging of a suitable subgroup of SO(5,5). The construction also introduces the magnetic duals of the 5 two-form potentials and 16 vector fields.Comment: 34 pages, latex, reference added, typo's corrected and minor improvements mad

    CP^{N-1} models and the Quantized 2D Black Holes

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    We have examined the coupled system of the dilaton gravity and the CPN−1CP^{N-1} theory known as a model of the confinement of massive scalar quarks. After the quantization of the system, we could see the quantum effect of the gravitation on the coupling constant of CPN−1CP^{N-1} model and how the coupling constant of dynamically induced gauge field changes near the black hole configuration.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Epsilon-expansion in quantum field theory in curved spacetime

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    We discuss epsilon-expansion in curved spacetime for asymptotically free and asymptotically non-free theories. The esistence of stable and unstable fixed points is investigated for fϕ4f \phi^4 and SU(2) gauge theory. It is shown that epsilon-expansion maybe compatible with asymptotic freedom on special solutions of the RG equations in a special case (supersymmetric theory). Using epsilon-expansion RG technique the effective Lagrangian for covariantly constant gauge SU(2) field and effective potential for gauged NJL-model are found in 4-epsilon- dimensional curved space (in linear curvature approximation). The curvature- induced phase transitions from symmetric phase to asymmetric phase (chromomagnetic vacuum and chiral symmetry broken phase, respectively) are discussed for the above two models.Comment: Latex file, 22 pages, July 1997 preprin

    Timelike Boundary Liouville Theory

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    The timelike boundary Liouville (TBL) conformal field theory consisting of a negative norm boson with an exponential boundary interaction is considered. TBL and its close cousin, a positive norm boson with a non-hermitian boundary interaction, arise in the description of the c=1c=1 accumulation point of c<1c<1 minimal models, as the worldsheet description of open string tachyon condensation in string theory and in scaling limits of superconductors with line defects. Bulk correlators are shown to be exactly soluble. In contrast, due to OPE singularities near the boundary interaction, the computation of boundary correlators is a challenging problem which we address but do not fully solve. Analytic continuation from the known correlators of spatial boundary Liouville to TBL encounters an infinite accumulation of poles and zeros. A particular contour prescription is proposed which cancels the poles against the zeros in the boundary correlator d(\o) of two operators of weight \o^2 and yields a finite result. A general relation is proposed between two-point CFT correlators and stringy Bogolubov coefficients, according to which the magnitude of d(\o) determines the rate of open string pair creation during tachyon condensation. The rate so obtained agrees at large \o with a minisuperspace analysis of previous work. It is suggested that the mathematical ambiguity arising in the prescription for analytic continuation of the correlators corresponds to the physical ambiguity in the choice of open string modes and vacua in a time dependent background.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, v2 reference and acknowledgement adde

    Witten-Nester Energy in Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We formulate topologically massive supergravity with cosmological constant in the first order formalism, and construct the Noether supercurrent and superpotential associated with its local supersymmetry. Using these results, we construct in ordinary topologically massive gravity the Witten-Nester integral for conserved charges containing spinors which satisfy a generalized version of Witten equation on the initial value surface. We show that the Witten-Nester charge, represented as an integral over the boundary of the initial value surface produces the Abbott-Deser-Tekin energy for asymptotically anti de Sitter spacetimes. We consider all values of the Chern-Simons coupling constant, including the critical value known as the chiral point, and study the cases of standard Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions, as well as their weaker version that allow a slower fall-off. Studying the Witten-Nester energy as a bulk integral over the initial value surface instead, we find a bound on the energy, and through it the sufficient condition for the positivity of the energy. In particular, we find that spacetimes of Petrov type N that admit globally well defined solutions of the generalized Witten equation have positive energy.Comment: 43 page
