146 research outputs found

    Relaxation under outflow dynamics with random sequential updating

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    In this paper we compare the relaxation in several versions of the Sznajd model (SM) with random sequential updating on the chain and square lattice. We start by reviewing briefly all proposed one dimensional versions of SM. Next, we compare the results obtained from Monte Carlo simulations with the mean field results obtained by Slanina and Lavicka . Finally, we investigate the relaxation on the square lattice and compare two generalizations of SM, one suggested by Stauffer and another by Galam. We show that there are no qualitative differences between these two approaches, although the relaxation within the Galam rule is faster than within the well known Stauffer rule.Comment: 9 figure

    How effective is advertising in duopoly markets?

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    A simple Ising spin model which can describe the mechanism of advertising in a duopoly market is proposed. In contrast to other agent-based models, the influence does not flow inward from the surrounding neighbors to the center site, but spreads outward from the center to the neighbors. The model thus describes the spread of opinions among customers. It is shown via standard Monte Carlo simulations that very simple rules and inclusion of an external field -- an advertising campaign -- lead to phase transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; v2: cosmetic change

    Continuous Opinions and Discrete Actions in Opinion Dynamics Problems

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    A model where agents show discrete behavior regarding their actions, but have continuous opinions that are updated by interacting with other agents is presented. This new updating rule is applied to both the voter and Sznajd models for interaction between neighbors and its consequences are discussed. The appearance of extremists is naturally observed and it seems to be a characteristic of this model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, minor changes for improved clarit

    Irrelevance of information outflow in opinion dynamics models

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    The Sznajd model for opinion dynamics has attracted a large interest as a simple realization of the psychological principle of social validation. As its most salient feature, it has been claimed that the Sznajd model is qualitatively different from other ordering processes, because it is the only one featuring outflow of information as opposed to inflow. We show that this claim is unfounded by presenting a generalized zero-temperature Glauber-type of dynamics which yields results indistinguishable from those of the Sznajd model. In one-dimension we also derive an exact expression for the exit probability of the Sznajd model, that turns out to coincide with the result of an analytical approach based on the Kirkwood approximation. This observation raises interesting questions about the applicability and limitations of this approach.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Outflow Dynamics in Modeling Oligopoly Markets: The Case of the Mobile Telecommunications Market in Poland

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    In this paper we introduce two models of opinion dynamics in oligopoly markets and apply them to a situation, where a new entrant challenges two incumbents of the same size. The models differ in the way the two forces influencing consumer choice -- (local) social interactions and (global) advertising -- interact. We study the general behavior of the models using the Mean Field Approach and Monte Carlo simulations and calibrate the models to data from the Polish telecommunications market. For one of the models criticality is observed -- below a certain critical level of advertising the market approaches a lock-in situation, where one market leader dominates the market and all other brands disappear. Interestingly, for both models the best fits to real data are obtained for conformity level p(0.3,0.4)p \in (0.3,0.4). This agrees very well with the conformity level found by Solomon Asch in his famous social experiment

    Time dependence of the survival probability of an opinion in a closed community

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    The time dependence of the survival probability of an opinion in a closed community has been investigated in accordance with social temperature by using the Kawasaki-exchange dynamics based on previous study in Ref. [1]. It is shown that the survival probability of opinion decays with stretched exponential law consistent with previous static model. However, the crossover regime in the decay of the survival probability has been observed in this dynamic model unlike previous model. The decay characteristics of both two regimes obey to stretched exponential.Comment: Revised version of the paper (9 page, 5 Figures). Submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Majority versus minority dynamics: Phase transition in an interacting two-state spin system

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    We introduce a simple model of opinion dynamics in which binary-state agents evolve due to the influence of agents in a local neighborhood. In a single update step, a fixed-size group is defined and all agents in the group adopt the state of the local majority with probability p or that of the local minority with probability 1-p. For group size G=3, there is a phase transition at p_c=2/3 in all spatial dimensions. For p>p_c, the global majority quickly predominates, while for p<p_c, the system is driven to a mixed state in which the densities of agents in each state are equal. For p=p_c, the average magnetization (the difference in the density of agents in the two states) is conserved and the system obeys classical voter model dynamics. In one dimension and within a Kirkwood decoupling scheme, the final magnetization in a finite-length system has a non-trivial dependence on the initial magnetization for all p.ne.p_c, in agreement with numerical results. At p_c, the exact 2-spin correlation functions decay algebraically toward the value 1 and the system coarsens as in the classical voter model.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, revtex4 2-column format; minor revisions for publication in PR

    Ferromagnetic fluid as a model of social impact

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    The paper proposes a new model of spin dynamics which can be treated as a model of sociological coupling between individuals. Our approach takes into account two different human features: gregariousness and individuality. We will show how they affect a psychological distance between individuals and how the distance changes the opinion formation in a social group. Apart from its sociological aplications the model displays the variety of other interesting phenomena like self-organizing ferromagnetic state or a second order phase transition and can be studied from different points of view, e.g. as a model of ferromagnetic fluid, complex evolving network or multiplicative random process.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Chaotic, staggered and polarized dynamics in opinion forming: the contrarian effect

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    We revisit the no tie breaking 2-state Galam contrarian model of opinion dynamics for update groups of size 3. While the initial model assumes a constant density of contrarians a for both opinions, it now depends for each opinion on its global support. Proportionate contrarians are thus found to indeed preserve the former case main results. However, restricting the contrarian behavior to only the current collective majority, makes the dynamics more complex with novel features. For a density a<a_c=1/9 of one-sided contrarians, a chaotic basin is found in the fifty-fifty region separated from two majority-minority point attractors, one on each side. For 1/9<a< 0.301 only the chaotic basin survives. In the range a>0.301 the chaotic basin disappears and the majority starts to alternate between the two opinions with a staggered flow towards two point attractors. We then study the effect of both, decoupling the local update time sequence from the contrarian behavior activation, and a smoothing of the majority rule. A status quo driven bias for contrarian activation is also considered. Introduction of unsettled agents driven in the debate on a contrarian basis is shown to only shrink the chaotic basin. The model may shed light to recent apparent contradictory elections with on the one hand very tied results like in US in 2000 and in Germany in 2002 and 2005, and on the other hand, a huge majority like in France in 2002.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Some new results on one-dimensional outflow dynamics

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    In this paper we introduce modified version of one-dimensional outflow dynamics (known as a Sznajd model) which simplifies the analytical treatment. We show that simulations results of the original and modified rules are exactly the same for various initial conditions. We obtain the analytical formula for exit probability using Kirkwood approximation and we show that it agrees perfectly with computer simulations in case of random initial conditions. Moreover, we compare our results with earlier analytical calculations obtained from renormalization group and from general sequential probabilistic frame introduced by Galam. Using computer simulations we investigate the time evolution of several correlation functions to show if Kirkwood approximation can be justified. Surprisingly, it occurs that Kirkwood approximation gives correct results even for these initial conditions for which it cannot be easily justified.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure