397 research outputs found

    Optimization of cascaded regenerative links based on phase sensitive amplifiers

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    We develop an analytical method for optimizing phase sensitive amplifiers for regeneration in multilevel phase encoded transmission systems. The model accurately predicts the optimum transfer function characteristics and identifies operating tolerances for different signal constellations and transmission scenarios. The results demonstrate the scalability of the scheme and show the significance of having simultaneous optimization of the transfer function and the signal alphabet. The model is general and can be applied to any regenerative system

    Reduced Self-Reactivity of an Autoreactive T Cell After Activation with Cross-reactive Non–Self-Ligand

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    Autoreactive CD4+ T lymphocytes are critical to the induction of autoimmune disease, but because of the degenerate nature of T cell receptor (TCR) activation such receptors also respond to other ligands. Interaction of autoreactive T cells with other non–self-ligands has been shown to activate and expand self-reactive cells and induce autoimmunity. To understand the effect on the autoreactivity of naive cross-reactive T cells of activation with a potent nonself ligand, we have generated a TCR transgenic mouse which expresses a TCR with a broad cross-reactivity to a number of ligands including self-antigen. The activation of naive transgenic recombination activating gene (Rag)2−/− T cells with a potent non–self-ligand did not result in a enhancement of reactivity to self, but made these T cells nonresponsive to the self-ligand and anti-CD3, although they retained a degree of responsiveness to the non–self-ligand. These desensitized cells had many characteristics of anergic T cells. Interleukin (IL)-2 production was selectively reduced compared with interferon (IFN)-γ. p21ras activity was reduced and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) was relatively spared, consistent with known biochemical characteristics of anergy. Surprisingly, calcium fluxes were also affected and the anergic phenotype could not be reversed by exogenous IL-2. Therefore, activation with a hyperstimulating non–self-ligand changes functional specificity of an autoreactive T cell without altering the TCR. This mechanism may preserve the useful reactivity of peripheral T cells to foreign antigen while eliminating responses to self

    Long‐Term Responses Of The Kuparuk River Ecosystem To Phosphorus Fertilization

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/117218/1/ecy2004854939.pd

    Technische Grundlagen der Beschallung von RĂ€umen

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    Jegliche Form der Beschallung, von kleinen Einbaulautsprechern im Auto bis zu großvolumigen Line Array Systemen in Sportstadien oder bei Open Air Events mit 100.000 Zuhörern, benötigt ein elektroakustisches Wandlersystem, d. h. ein GerĂ€t, das elektrische Energie in Schallwellen verwandelt. Die Eigenschaften des damit aufgebauten Lautsprechers hĂ€ngen vom physikalischen Prinzip und von der Konstruktion des Wandlers (auch als Treiber bezeichnet) ebenso ab wie von seinem Einbau in ein GehĂ€use und der vorgeschalteten Elektronik. Sobald mehr als ein einzelner Lautsprecher betrieben wird, ergeben sich die Eigenschaften der Beschallungsanlage als Ganzes daraus, wie verschiedene Lautsprecher zusammenwirken, um in einem mehr oder weniger ausgedehnten Hörbereich einen gut ausbalancierten Höreindruck zu erreichen. Dies reicht von der zweikanaligen Stereo-Wiedergabe bis zu Systemen mit mehreren Hundert Lautsprechern und entsprechend komplexer Signalverteilung. Dieser Systematik folgt der Aufbau des Kapitels, das zunĂ€chst den Aufbau eines einzelnen Lautsprechers behandelt, um in einem zweiten Abschnitt auf Prinzipien beim Zusammenwirken mehrerer Lautsprecher einzugehen, die man je nach Anwendung als Wiedergabeverfahren oder als Beschallungstechnik bezeichnen kann

    Simple geometric interpretation of signal evolution in phase-sensitive fibre optic parametric amplifier

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    Visualisation of complex nonlinear equation solutions is a useful analysis tool for various scientific and engineering applications. We have re-examined the geometrical interpretation of the classical nonlinear four-wave mixing equations for the specific scheme of a phase sensitive one-pump fiber optical parametric amplification, which has recently attracted revived interest in the optical communications due to potential low noise properties of such amplifiers. Analysis of the phase portraits of the corresponding dynamical systems provide valuable additional insight into field dynamics and properties of the amplifiers. Simple geometric approach has been proposed to describe evolution of the waves, involved in phase-sensitive fiber optical parametric amplification (PS-FOPA) process, using a Hamiltonian structure of the governing equations. We have demonstrated how the proposed approach can be applied to the optimization problems arising in the design of the specific PS-FOPA scheme. The method considered here is rather general and can be used in various applications

    Evaluation of merbarone (NSC 336628) in disseminated malignant melanoma

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    Merbarone, NSC 336628, is an investigational anticancer drug with activity against experimental animal tumors including melanoma. This paper presents results of a Phase II clinical study of merbarone in patients with biopsy proven stage IV malignant melanoma without prior chemotherapy and with no evidence of CNS involvement. Thirty-five patients with median age 58 (range 27–81), with performance status 0–2 were treated with merbarone 1000 mg/m 2 /day for five days by intravenous continuous infusion repeated every 3 weeks. All patients (21 males and 14 females) were evaluable for toxicity. Two patients were not evaluable for response having been removed from protocol treatment due to toxicity and received other treatment during the first course of chemotherapy. Among the evaluable patients there was one complete response in a supraclavicular lymph node lasting four months and one partial liver response lasting three months. The remaining thirty-one patients were non-reponders. Of these one had a stable disease lasting 21 months. The overall objective response rate was 6% (2/35) with a 95% confidence interval of 1%–19%. Twenty-six of the 35 patients have died. The estimated median survival of the entire group was 9 months with a 95% confidence interval of six to eleven months. Renal toxicity was dose-limiting and manifested as increasing serum creatinine (54% of patients), proteinuria (51%) and hematuria (9%). One patient experienced grade 4 creatinine increase, proteinuria and acute renal failure. Other toxicities included nausea (71%), vomiting (51%), malaise (23%), weakness (20%), alopecia (17%), diarrhea (17%), anorexia (14%), transaminase (SGOT, SGPT) increase (14%), constipation (14%), alkaline phosphatase or 5â€Čnucleotidase increase (9%), and fever (9%). Hematologictoxicity (granulocytopenia, leukopenia, and anemia) was generally mild and infrequent (29%, only one patient had grade 4 granulocytopenia). Overall 9 patients (26%) had at least one grade 3 toxicity. We conclude that merbarone at this dose and schedule has detectable but minimal activity in the treatment of metastatic malignant melanoma and given the significant renal toxicity this schedule does not merit further evaluation in this disease.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45186/1/10637_2004_Article_BF00872863.pd

    Influence of organic versus inorganic dietary selenium supplementation on the concentration of selenium in colostrum, milk and blood of beef cows

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Selenium (Se) is important for the postnatal development of the calf. In the first weeks of life, milk is the only source of Se for the calf and insufficient level of Se in the milk may lead to Se deficiency. Maternal Se supplementation is used to prevent this.</p> <p>We investigated the effect of dietary Se-enriched yeast (SY) or sodium selenite (SS) supplements on selected blood parameters and on Se concentrations in the blood, colostrum, and milk of Se-deficient Charolais cows.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cows in late pregnancy received a mineral premix with Se (SS or SY, 50 mg Se per kg premix) or without Se (control – C). Supplementation was initiated 6 weeks before expected calving. Blood and colostrum samples were taken from the cows that had just calved (Colostral period). Additional samples were taken around 2 weeks (milk) and 5 weeks (milk and blood) after calving corresponding to Se supplementation for 6 and 12 weeks, respectively (Lactation period) for Se, biochemical and haematological analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Colostral period. Se concentrations in whole blood and colostrum on day 1 <it>post partum </it>and in colostrum on day 3 <it>post partum </it>were 93.0, 72.9, and 47.5 ÎŒg/L in the SY group; 68.0, 56.0 and 18.8 ÎŒg/L in the SS group; and 35.1, 27.3 and 10.5 ÎŒg/L in the C group, respectively. Differences among all the groups were significant (<it>P </it>< 0.01) at each sampling, just as the colostrum Se content decreases were from day 1 to day 3 in each group. The relatively smallest decrease in colostrum Se concentration was found in the SY group (<it>P </it>< 0.01).</p> <p>Lactation period. The mean Se concentrations in milk in weeks 6 and 12 of supplementation were 20.4 and 19.6 ÎŒg/L in the SY group, 8.3 and 11.9 ÎŒg/L in the SS group, and 6.9 and 6.6 ÎŒg/L in the C group, respectively. The values only differed significantly in the SS group (<it>P </it>< 0.05). The Se concentrations in the blood were similar to those of cows examined on the day of calving. The levels of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity were 364.70, 283.82 and 187.46 ÎŒkat/L in the SY, SS, and C groups, respectively. This was the only significantly variable biochemical and haematological parameter.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Se-enriched yeast was much more effective than sodium selenite in increasing the concentration of Se in the blood, colostrum and milk, as well as the GSH-Px activity.</p

    Nonlinearity-free Coherent Transmission in Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber

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    We demonstrate the first multi-terabit/s WDM data transmission through hollow-core antiresonant fiber (HC-ARF). 16 channels of 32-GBd dual-polarization (DP) Nyquist-shaped 256QAM signal channels were transmitted through a 270-m long fiber without observing any power penalty. In a single-channel high power transmission experiment, no nonlinearity penalty was observed for up to 1 W of received power, despite the very low chromatic dispersion of the fiber (<2 ps/nm/km). Our simulations show that such a low level of nonlinearity should enable transmission at 6.4 Tb/s over 1200 km of HC-ARF, even when the fiber attenuation is significantly greater than that of SMF-28. As signals propagate through hollow-core fibers at close to the speed of light in vacuum such a link would be of interest in latency-sensitive data transmission applications

    Regeneration limit of classical Shannon capacity

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    Since Shannon derived the seminal formula for the capacity of the additive linear white Gaussian noise channel, it has commonly been interpreted as the ultimate limit of error-free information transmission rate. However, the capacity above the corresponding linear channel limit can be achieved when noise is suppressed using nonlinear elements; that is, the regenerative function not available in linear systems. Regeneration is a fundamental concept that extends from biology to optical communications. All-optical regeneration of coherent signal has attracted particular attention. Surprisingly, the quantitative impact of regeneration on the Shannon capacity has remained unstudied. Here we propose a new method of designing regenerative transmission systems with capacity that is higher than the corresponding linear channel, and illustrate it by proposing application of the Fourier transform for efficient regeneration of multilevel multidimensional signals. The regenerative Shannon limit -the upper bound of regeneration efficiency -is derived

    First demonstration of 2ÎŒm data transmission in a low-loss hollow core photonic Bandgap fiber

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    The first demonstration of a hollow core photonic bandgap fiber suitable for high-rate data transmission at 2”m is presented. Using a custom built Thulium doped fiber amplifier, error-free 8Gbit/s transmission in an optically amplified data channel at 2008nm is reported for the first time
