283 research outputs found
Viscosity and thermal conductivity effects at first-order phase transitions in heavy-ion collisions
Effects of viscosity and thermal conductivity on the dynamics of first-order
phase transitions are studied. The nuclear gas-liquid and hadron-quark
transitions in heavy-ion collisions are considered. We demonstrate that at
non-zero thermal conductivity, , onset of spinodal instabilities
occurs on an isothermal spinodal line, whereas for instabilities
take place at lower temperatures, on an adiabatic spinodal.Comment: invited talk at 6th International Workshop on Critical Point and
Onset of Deconfinment (CPOD2010), Dubna, August 22-28, 201
Charge fluctuations in chiral models and the QCD phase transition
We consider the Polyakov loop-extended two flavor chiral quark--meson model
and discuss critical phenomena related with the spontaneous breaking of the
chiral symmetry. The model is explored beyond the mean-field approximation in
the framework of the functional renormalisation group. We discuss properties of
the net-quark number density fluctuations as well as their higher cumulants. We
show that with the increasing net-quark number density, the higher order
cumulants exhibit a strong sensitivity to the chiral crossover transition. We
discuss their role as probes of the chiral phase transition in heavy-ion
collisions at RHIC and LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Quark Matter
2011, 23-28 May 2011, Annecy, Franc
Non-perturbative dynamics and charge fluctuations in effective chiral models
We discuss the properties of fluctuations of the electric charge in the
vicinity of the chiral crossover transition within effective chiral models at
finite temperature and vanishing net baryon density. The calculation includes
non-perturbative dynamics implemented within the functional renormalization
group approach. We study the temperature dependence of the electric charge
susceptibilities in the linear sigma model and explore the role of quantum
statistics. Within the Polyakov loop extended quark-meson model, we study the
influence of the coupling of quarks to mesons and to an effective gluon field
on charge fluctuations. We find a clear signal for the chiral crossover
transition in the fluctuations of the electric charge. Accordingly, we stress
the role of higher order cumulants as probes of criticality related to the
restoration of chiral symmetry and deconfinement.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
Vacuum fluctuations and the thermodynamics of chiral models
We consider the thermodynamics of chiral models in the mean-field
approximation and discuss the relevance of the (frequently omitted) fermion
vacuum loop. Within the chiral quark-meson model and its Polyakov loop extended
version, we show that the fermion vacuum fluctuations can change the order of
the phase transition in the chiral limit and strongly influence physical
observables. We compute the temperature-dependent effective potential and
baryon number susceptibilities in these models, with and without the vacuum
term, and explore the cutoff and the pion mass dependence of the
susceptibilities. Finally, in the renormalized model the divergent vacuum
contribution is removed using the dimensional regularization.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
The renormalization group and quark number fluctuations in the Polyakov loop extended quark-meson model at finite baryon density
Thermodynamics and the phase structure of the Polyakov loop-extended two
flavors chiral quark--meson (PQM) model is explored beyond the mean-field
approximation. The analysis of the PQM model is based on the functional
renormalization group (FRG) method. We formulate and solve the renormalization
group flow equation for the scale-dependent thermodynamic potential in the
presence of the gluonic background field at finite temperature and density. We
determine the phase diagram of the PQM model in the FRG approach and discuss
its modification in comparison with the one obtained under the mean-field
approximation. We focus on properties of the net-quark number density
fluctuations as well as their higher moments and discuss the influence of
non-perturbative effects on their properties near the chiral crossover
transition. We show, that with an increasing net-quark number density the
higher order moments exhibit a peculiar structure near the phase transition. We
also consider ratios of different moments of the net-quark number density and
discuss their role as probes of deconfinement and chiral phase transitions
Mapping the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter
We employ a conformal mapping to explore the thermodynamics of strongly
interacting matter at finite values of the baryon chemical potential .
This method allows us to identify the singularity corresponding to the critical
point of a second-order phase transition at finite , given information
only at . The scheme is potentially useful for computing thermodynamic
properties of strongly interacting hot and dense matter in lattice gauge
theory. The technique is illustrated by an application to a chiral effective
model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published versio
Net-proton probability distribution in heavy ion collisions
We compute net-proton probability distributions in heavy ion collisions
within the hadron resonance gas model. The model results are compared with data
taken by the STAR Collaboration in Au-Au collisions at sqrt(s_{NN})= 200 GeV
for different centralities. We show that in peripheral Au-Au collisions the
measured distributions, and the resulting first four moments of net-proton
fluctuations, are consistent with results obtained from the hadron resonance
gas model. However, data taken in central Au-Au collisions differ from the
predictions of the model. The observed deviations can not be attributed to
uncertainties in model parameters. We discuss possible interpretations of the
observed deviations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Fluctuations as probe of the QCD phase transition and freeze-out in heavy ion collisions at LHC and RHIC
We discuss the relevance of higher order moments of net baryon number
fluctuations for the analysis of freeze-out and critical conditions in heavy
ion collisions at LHC and RHIC. Using properties of O(4) scaling functions, we
discuss the generic structure of these higher moments at vanishing baryon
chemical potential and apply chiral model calculations to explore their
properties at non-zero baryon chemical potential. We show that the ratios of
the sixth to second and eighth to second order moments of the net baryon number
fluctuations change rapidly in the transition region of the QCD phase diagram.
Already at vanishing baryon chemical potential they deviate considerably from
the predictions of the hadron resonance gas model which reproduce the second to
fourth order moments of the net proton number fluctuations at RHIC. We point
out that the sixth order moments of baryon number and electric charge
fluctuations remain negative at the chiral transition temperature. Thus, they
offer the possibility to probe the proximity of the thermal freeze-out to the
crossover line.Comment: 24 pages, 12 EPS files, revised version, to appear in EPJ
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