525 research outputs found

    Abramski v. United States134 S. Ct. 2259 (2014)

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    Observations of the habitats and biodiversity of the submarine canyons at Sodwana Bay

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    The discovery of coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae, in Jesser Canyon off Sodwana Bay in northern KwaZulu-Natal in 2000 triggered renewed interest in the deep subtidal habitats associated with submarine canyons. Information stemming from three recreational Trimix diving expeditions in Wright and Jesser canyons between April 1998 and June 2001 revealed distinct and diverse invertebrate and fish communities in the canyons of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park (GSLWP). In total, 69 invertebrate taxa were collected from Wright Canyon, including at least 15 new records for South Africa plus 11 potential new species and 16 range or depth extensions. Divers documented the first five coelacanth specimens and obtained information on fish distribution and abundance. Five different habitat types were recognized supporting distinct biological communities; the sandy plains outside of the canyons, scattered rock outcrops within the sandy plains, the canyon margin, canyon walls and caves and overhangs. The canyon margin is the richest habitat and supports dense communities of invertebrate suspension feeders, as well as a diverse and abundant fish fauna. Dominant canyon invertebrates included sponges, black corals, gorgonians, alcyonarian soft corals and stylasterine lace corals. These invertebrates support a diverse epifauna including basket- and brittlestars, winged oysters and other molluscs. The canyons within the GSLWP protect large populations of commercially important linefish species including the sparids, Chrysoblephus puniceus, C. anglicus, Polysteganus praeorbitalis and P. caeruleopunctatus, as well as several species of serranids and lutjanids. Additional biological sampling and standardized quantitative sampling within the canyons and deep reefs is required to develop a better understanding of their biological communities and the factors that shape them

    Interactions of fishes with particular reference to coelacanths in the canyons at Sodwana Bay and the St. Lucia Protected Area of South Africa

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    The deep demersal fish fauna at depths of 100–400min canyons off the St Lucia Marine Protected Area along the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal is compared with similar fish communities at the Comoro Islands and in the Indo-Pacific region. Fifty-four fish species were seen or photographed from the submersible Jago or by the discovery team of scuba divers in the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, habitat of the canyons off Sodwana Bay. An additional 94 fish species known from depths of 100–200 m along the coast of northern KwaZulu-Natal are likely to occur in the canyon habitat. The fish fauna of the Sodwana canyons shares at least 18 species with the deep demersal fish community off tropical coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. Thirty-seven of the Sodwana canyon fishes are also known from the coelacanth habitat in the Comoros

    The South African coelacanths - an account on what is known after three submersible expeditions

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    Using the manned submersible Jago, the habits, distribution and number of coelacanths within all main submarine canyons of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park were studied during 47 survey dives, with a total bottom time of 166 hours at depths ranging from 46 to 359 m, between 2002 and 2004. Twenty-four individuals were positively identified from three of the canyons, primarily from inside caves at or close to the canyon edges at depths of 96-133 m with water temperatures between 16 and 22.5oC. The population size of coelacanths within the canyons is assumed to be relatively small; coelacanths are resident but not widespread nor abundant within the park

    The asymptotic iteration method for the angular spheroidal eigenvalues with arbitrary complex size parameter c

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    The asymptotic iteration method is applied, to calculate the angular spheroidal eigenvalues λm(c)\lambda^{m}_{\ell}(c) with arbitrary complex size parameter cc. It is shown that, the obtained numerical results of λm(c)\lambda^{m}_{\ell}(c) are all in excellent agreement with the available published data over the full range of parameter values \ell, mm, and cc. Some representative values of λm(c)\lambda^{m}_{\ell}(c) for large real cc are also given.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Asymmetry sum rule for molecular predissociation

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    © 2000 American Physical SocietyIn the case of weak diatomic molecular predissociation by noninteracting, optically inactive continuum states, it is demonstrated that the predissociation line shape is more accurately represented by a Beutler-Fano profile than by a Lorentzian. The weak asymmetry that is found to occur is due principally to interactions with neighboring vibrational resonances. For this type of predissociation in the case of multiple continua, a sum rule for the corresponding line-shape asymmetry is derived. This sum rule is verified numerically using single-channel and multichannel coupled Schrödinger-equation calculations for the Schumann-Runge band system of O2. Similar results are presented for the case of optically active continua.F. T. Hawes, L. W. Torop, B. R. Lewis and S. T. Gibso

    Lost in translation? Standardising the terminology used in marine invasion biology and updating South African alien species lists

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    Confusion between terms and ambiguities among definitions have long plagued the field of invasion biology. One result is disruption in flow of information from researchers to policy-makers and managers who rely on science to inform regulatory frameworks and management actions. We reviewed the South African marine biology literature to quantify the current usage of terminology describing marine invasions and found a variety of terms in use, few of which are defined when used. In response, we propose standard terminology that aligns with international practice. We then interpreted the Blackburn unified framework for biological invasions within the marine context and used this as a transparent way to apply the standardised terms to an updated list of marine alien species for the country. This resulted in the recognition of 36 alien and 53 invasive species within South Africa. Most notably, follow-up research is required to confirm the status of at least 11 listed species, the majority of which have been recorded only once, or not in the past 25 years. It is hoped that by standardising terminology, marine science in South Africa will better support authorities charged with managing the threat posed by marine alien species


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    The E-Area Low-Level Waste Facility (ELLWF) consists of a number of disposal units described in the Performance Assessment (PA)(WSRC, 2008b) and Composite Analysis (CA)(WSRC, 1997; WSRC, 1999): Low-Activity Waste (LAW) Vault, Intermediate Level (IL) Vault, Trenches (Slit Trenches [STs], Engineered Trenches [ETs], and Component-in-Grout [CIG] Trenches), and Naval Reactor Component Disposal Areas (NRCDAs). This annual review evaluates the adequacy of the approved 2008 ELLWF PA along with the Special Analyses (SAs) approved since the PA was issued. The review also verifies that the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 low-level waste (LLW) disposal operations were conducted within the bounds of the PA/SA baseline, the Savannah River Site (SRS) CA, and the Department of Energy (DOE) Disposal Authorization Statement (DAS). Important factors considered in this review include waste receipts, results from monitoring and research and development (R&D) programs, and the adequacy of controls derived from the PA/SA baseline. Sections 1.0 and 2.0 of this review are a summary of the adequacy of the PA/SA and CA, respectively. An evaluation of the FY2010 waste receipts and the resultant impact on the ELLWF is summarized in Section 3.1. The results of the monitoring program, R&D program, and other relevant factors are found in Section 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. Section 4.0 contains the CA annual determination similarly organized. SRS low-level waste management is regulated under DOE Order 435.1 (DOE, 1999a) and is authorized under a DAS as a federal permit. The original DAS was issued by the DOE-Headquarters (DOE-HQ) on September 28, 1999 (DOE, 1999b) for the operation of the ELLWF and the Saltstone Disposal Facility (SDF). The 1999 DAS remains in effect for the regulation of the SDF. Those portions of that DAS applicable to the ELLWF were superseded by revision 1 of the DAS on July 15, 2008 (DOE, 2008b). The 2008 PA and DAS were officially implemented by the facility on October 31, 2008 and are the authorization documents for this FY2010 Annual Review. Department of Energy Headquarters approval of the 2008 DAS was subject to numerous conditions specified in the document. Two of those conditions are to update the ELLWF closure plan and monitoring plan to align with the conceptual model analyzed in the PA. Both of these conditions were met with the issuance of the PA Monitoring Plan (Millings, 2009a) and the Closure Plan (Phifer et al, 2009a). The PA Monitoring Plan was approved by DOE on July 22, 2009 and the Closure Plan was approved by DOE on May 21, 2009. Both will be updated as needed to remain consistent with the PA. The DAS also specifies that the maintenance plan include activities to resolve each of the secondary issues identified in the DOEHQ review of the 2008 PA that were not completely addressed either with supplemental material provided to the review team or in final revisions to the PA. These outstanding issues were originally documented in the 2008 update of the PA/CA Maintenance Plan (WSRC, 2008a) and in subsequent PA/CA Maintenance Plans (most recently SRNS, 2010a) as required and are actively being worked

    Multispecies genetic objectives in spatial conservation planning.

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    The growing threats to biodiversity and global alteration of habitats and species distributions make it increasingly necessary to consider evolutionary patterns in conservation decision-making. Yet there is no clear-cut guidance on how genetic features can be incorporated into conservation planning processes, with multiple molecular markers and several genetic metrics for each marker type to choose from. Genetic patterns also differ between species, but the potential trade-offs amongst genetic objectives for multiple species in conservation planning are currently understudied. This study compares spatial conservation prioritizations derived from two metrics of both genetic diversity (nucleotide and haplotype diversity) and genetic isolation (private haplotypes and local genetic differentiation) for mitochondrial DNA for five marine species. The findings show that conservation plans based solely on habitat representation noticeably differ from those additionally including genetic data, with habitat-based conservation plans selecting fewer conservation priority areas. Furthermore, all four genetic metrics selected approximately similar conservation priority areas, which is likely a result of prioritizing genetic patterns across a genetically diverse array of species. Largely, the results suggest that multi-species genetic conservation objectives are vital to create protected area networks that appropriately preserve community-level evolutionary patterns. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Practical actions to strengthen capacity for deep-water research in Africa

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    While Africa's deep marine biodiversity offers economic prospects it also supports crucial ecosystem services and sustainable development is dependent on knowledge of these systems. Building understanding of deep-water ecosystems is key, but there are substantial discrepancies in countries' abilities to achieve this. Coinciding with the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, the Challenger 150 African Network of Deep-water Researchers is pleased to release a report on “Practical Actions to Strengthen Capacity for Deep-water Research in Africa”. Through a series of online workshops, the ANDR brought together 98 individuals from 19 African nations to discuss challenges for deep-water research in Africa, identify solutions to overcome these and propose practical actions going forward