197 research outputs found

    Universality of the p process

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    The solar abundances provide a concept of universality that the abundance ratios of the p-nucleus to the s-nucleus with the same atomic number are almost constant with the wide region for materials produced by individual stellar nucleosynthesis episode. We study this universality using g -process calculations with core-collapse supernova explosions under various conditions. The calculated results show that the g -process under the various conditions can occur but the ratios are almost constant with the wide region independent of the conditions. The shift of g -process layers, weak s-process and the b -decay after the g -process contribute to the manifestation of the universality

    RPA calculations with Gaussian expansion method

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    The Gaussian expansion method (GEM) is extensively applied to the calculations in the random-phase approximation (RPA). We adopt the mass-independent basis-set that has been tested in the mean-field calculations. By comparing the RPA results with those obtained by several other available methods for Ca isotopes, using a density-dependent contact interaction and the Woods-Saxon single-particle states, we confirm that energies, transition strengths and widths of their distribution are described by the GEM bases to good precision, for the 11^-, 2+2^+ and 33^- collective states. The GEM is then applied to the self-consistent RPA calculations with the finite-range Gogny D1S interaction. The spurious center-of-mass motion is well separated from the physical states in the E1E1 response, and the energy-weighted sum rules for the isoscalar transitions are fulfilled reasonably well. Properties of low-energy transitions in 60^{60}Ca are argued in some detail.Comment: 30 pages including 12 figure

    Photo-disintegration cross section measurements on 186^{186}W, 187^{187}Re and 188^{188}Os: Implications for the Re-Os cosmochronology

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    Cross sections of the 186^{186}W, 187^{187}Re, 188^{188}Os(γ,n\gamma,n) reactions were measured using quasi-monochromatic photon beams from laser Compton scattering (LCS) with average energies from 7.3 to 10.9 MeV. The results are compared with the predictions of Hauser-Feshbach statistical calculations using four different sets of input parameters. In addition, the inverse neutron capture cross sections were evaluated by constraining the model parameters, especially the E1E1 strength function, on the basis of the experimental data. The present experiment helps to further constrain the correction factor FσF_{\sigma} for the neutron capture on the 9.75 keV state in 187^{187}Os. Implications of FσF_{\sigma} to the Re-Os cosmochronology are discussed with a focus on the uncertainty in the estimate of the age of the Galaxy.Comment: 11 page

    41Ca in tooth enamel. part I: A biological signature of neutron exposure in atomic bomb survivors

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    The detection of 41Ca atoms in tooth enamel using accelerator mass spectrometry is suggested as a method capable of reconstructing thermal neutron exposures from atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In general, 41Ca atoms are produced via thermal neutron capture by stable 40Ca. Thus any 41Ca atoms present in the tooth enamel of the survivors would be due to neutron exposure from both natural sources and radiation from the bomb. Tooth samples from five survivors in a control group with negligible neutron exposure were used to investigate the natural 41Ca content in tooth enamel, and 16 tooth samples from 13 survivors were used to estimate bomb-related neutron exposure. The results showed that the mean 41Ca/Ca isotope ratio was (0.17 ± 0.05) × 10-14 in the control samples and increased to 2 × 10-14 for survivors who were proximally exposed to the bomb. The 41Ca/Ca ratios showed an inverse correlation with distance from the hypocenter at the time of the bombing, similar to values that have been derived from theoretical free-in-air thermal-neutron transport calculations. Given that γ-ray doses were determined earlier for the same tooth samples by means of electron spin resonance (ESR, or electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR), these results can serve to validate neutron exposures that were calculated individually for the survivors but that had to incorporate a number of assumptions (e.g. shielding conditions for the survivors).Fil: Wallner, A.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemania. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemania. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Ruhm, W.. Helmholtz Center Munich German Research Center For Environmental Health; Alemania. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Rugel, G.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemania. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Nakamura, N.. Radiation Effects Research Foundation; JapónFil: Arazi, Andres. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Faestermann, T.. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Knie, K.. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemania. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Maier, H. J.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Korschinek, G.. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemani

    Superdeformation in Asymmetric N>>Z Nucleus 40^{40}Ar

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    A rotational band with five γ\gamma-ray transitions ranging from 2+^{+} to 12+^{+} states was identified in 40^{40}Ar. This band is linked through γ\gamma transitions from the excited 2+^{+}, 4+^{+} and 6+^{+} levels to the low-lying states; this determines the excitation energy and the spin-parity of the band. The deduced transition quadrupole moment of 1.450.31+0.49eb^{+0.49}_{-0.31} eb indicates that the band has a superdeformed shape. The nature of the band is revealed by cranked Hartree--Fock--Bogoliubov calculations and a multiparticle--multihole configuration is assigned to the band

    Nuclear structure of 30S and its implications for nucleosynthesis in classical novae

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    The uncertainty in the 29P(p,gamma)30S reaction rate over the temperature range of 0.1 - 1.3 GK was previously determined to span ~4 orders of magnitude due to the uncertain location of two previously unobserved 3+ and 2+ resonances in the 4.7 - 4.8 MeV excitation region in 30S. Therefore, the abundances of silicon isotopes synthesized in novae, which are relevant for the identification of presolar grains of putative nova origin, were uncertain by a factor of 3. To investigate the level structure of 30S above the proton threshold (4394.9(7) keV), a charged-particle spectroscopy and an in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments were performed. Differential cross sections of the 32S(p,t)30S reaction were measured at 34.5 MeV. Distorted wave Born approximation calculations were performed to constrain the spin-parity assignments of the observed levels. An energy level scheme was deduced from gamma-gamma coincidence measurements using the 28Si(3He,n-gamma)30S reaction. Spin-parity assignments based on measurements of gamma-ray angular distributions and gamma-gamma directional correlation from oriented nuclei were made for most of the observed levels of 30S. As a result, the resonance energies corresponding to the excited states in 4.5 MeV - 6 MeV region, including the two astrophysically important states predicted previously, are measured with significantly better precision than before. The uncertainty in the rate of the 29P(p,gamma)30S reaction is substantially reduced over the temperature range of interest. Finally, the influence of this rate on the abundance ratios of silicon isotopes synthesized in novae are obtained via 1D hydrodynamic nova simulations.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    s -process branching at W 185 revised

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    The neutron capture cross section of the unstable s-process branching nucleus 185W has been derived from experimental data of the inverse 186W(g,n)185W photodisintegration taken with monochromatic photon beams from laser Compton scattering. The result of sigma = 553 +- 60 mb at kT = 30 keV leads to a relatively high effective neutron density in the classical s-process of N_n = 4.7 \times 10^8 cm^-3. A realistic model for the s-process in thermally pulsing AGB stars overestimates the abundance of 186Os significantly because of the relatively small neutron capture cross section of 185W.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure