200 research outputs found

    A telemática do seguro como uma ferramenta para melhorar a segurança rodoviária no contexto do mercado russo de auto-seguro

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    The relevance of the research is determined by the objective need for innovative technological solutions for traffic safety. The paper studies the main trends in the Russian auto market. The characteristics of the types of technological innovation in insurance. It is studied in detail the company's telematics product Raxel Telematics, which allows comprehensively influence the risks arising from the driver, such as the number of accident rate driving style, car parts wear and increased risk of the use of vehicle on the road. An attempt is made in practice to assess the effectiveness of this product in the Russian market. In particular, it was found that the number of road accidents with victims after the application of customer notification system about the need to be serviced decreased 3 times and considerably lower in relation to the global statistics. Identified the drivers of grows and barriers to the development of smart insurance in Russia. The study confirms the need for the insurance telematics in the Russian market with the aim of revitalizing the auto insurance and reduce road traffic injuries and deaths.La relevancia de la investigación está determinada por la necesidad objetiva de soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras para la seguridad del tráfico. El artículo estudia las principales tendencias en el mercado automovilístico ruso. Las características de los tipos de innovación tecnológica en seguros. Es estudiado en detalle el producto telemático de la compañía, Raxel Telematics, que permite influir de manera integral en los riesgos derivados del conductor, como el número de accidentes, el desgaste de las piezas del automóvil y el mayor riesgo de uso del vehículo en la carretera. En la práctica, se intenta evaluar la efectividad de este producto en el mercado ruso. En particular, se encontró que el número de accidentes de tráfico con víctimas después de la aplicación del sistema de notificación al cliente sobre la necesidad de recibir servicio disminuyó 3 veces y fue considerablemente menor en relación con las estadísticas globales. Identificó los impulsores del crecimiento y las barreras para el desarrollo de seguros inteligentes en Rusia. El estudio confirma la necesidad de la telemática del seguro en el mercado ruso con el objetivo de revitalizar el seguro de automóviles y reducir las lesiones y muertes causadas por el tránsito.A relevância da pesquisa é determinada pela necessidade objetiva de soluções tecnológicas inovadoras para a segurança no trânsito. O artigo estuda as principais tendências do mercado automobilístico russo. As características dos tipos de inovação tecnológica em seguros. Estudou em detalhe o produto telemático da empresa Raxel Telematics, que permite influenciar de forma abrangente os riscos decorrentes do condutor, tais como o número de acidentes com o estilo de condução, o desgaste das peças e o aumento do risco de utilização do veículo na estrada. Uma tentativa é feita na prática para avaliar a eficácia deste produto no mercado russo. Em particular, verificou-se que o número de acidentes rodoviários com vítimas após a aplicação do sistema de notificação ao cliente sobre a necessidade de ser atendido diminuiu 3 vezes e consideravelmente menor em relação às estatísticas globais. Identificou os drivers de crescimentos e barreiras para o desenvolvimento de seguro inteligente na Rússia. O estudo confirma a necessidade da telemática de seguros no mercado russo com o objetivo de revitalizar o seguro de automóveis e reduzir as lesões e mortes no trânsito

    Evaluation of approaches to increase the effectiveness of various disinfectants against biofilm communities of different ages

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    Disinfectants are used as the main agents against microorganisms circulating on the surfaces of food enterprises. However, the adaptive ability of microorganisms to form biofilms complicates the process of surface cleaning and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants. Modern disinfectants act against freely circulating microflora, but it is known that they are not always effective against biofilms. The purpose of this study was to investigate effective disinfectant compositions with bactericidal effect on binary bacterial biofilms of different ages. The article describes the effects of disinfectants based on chlorine, peracetic acid and quaternary ammonium compounds with enzymes in concentrations recommended by the manufacturer and increased several times on Salmonella 38, Brochothrix thermosphacta 2726 and Staphylococcus equorum 2736 planktonic cultures and binary biofilms. Binary biofilms of different ages (2 and 9 days old) were exposed to disinfectants with various active ingredients in combination with adjuvants, i. e. hydrogen peroxide 6% and various concentrations of isopropyl alcohol (30%). All products in concentrations recommended by the manufacturer did not have a disinfectant effect against the studied biofilm cultures. As a result of the work, it was found that the most effective disinfectants against multispecies biofilms were quaternary ammonium compounds in combination with enzymes and chlorine in combination with isopropyl alcohol (30%). The results obtained allow to expand knowledge about effective methods for controlling biofilms.Disinfectants are used as the main agents against microorganisms circulating on the surfaces of food enterprises. However, the adaptive ability of microorganisms to form biofilms complicates the process of surface cleaning and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants. Modern disinfectants act against freely circulating microflora, but it is known that they are not always effective against biofilms. The purpose of this study was to investigate effective disinfectant compositions with bactericidal effect on binary bacterial biofilms of different ages. The article describes the effects of disinfectants based on chlorine, peracetic acid and quaternary ammonium compounds with enzymes in concentrations recommended by the manufacturer and increased several times on Salmonella 38, Brochothrix thermosphacta 2726 and Staphylococcus equorum 2736 planktonic cultures and binary biofilms. Binary biofilms of different ages (2 and 9 days old) were exposed to disinfectants with various active ingredients in combination with adjuvants, i. e. hydrogen peroxide 6% and various concentrations of isopropyl alcohol (30%). All products in concentrations recommended by the manufacturer did not have a disinfectant effect against the studied biofilm cultures. As a result of the work, it was found that the most effective disinfectants against multispecies biofilms were quaternary ammonium compounds in combination with enzymes and chlorine in combination with isopropyl alcohol (30%). The results obtained allow to expand knowledge about effective methods for controlling biofilms

    Micro-holographic methods for sub-micrometer grating fabrication in fused silica with UV femtosecond laser

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    The optical layouts incorporating binary phase diffractive grating and a standard micro-objective were used for femtosecond microfabrication of periodical structures in fused silica. Two beams, generated in Talbot type interferometer, interfered on a surface and in the bulk of the sample. The method suggested allows better control over the transverse size of the grating pitch, and thus control the reflection strength of the waveguide or fibre grating. We present the examples of direct inscription of the sub-micrometer periodical structures using a 267 nm femtosecond laser radiation

    Evaluating the effect of various types of disinfectants on bacterial biofilms

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    Biofilm formation on equipment surfaces is a potential food safety hazard, providing increased resistance and persistence of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in food production environments. The issue of preventing the biofilm formation is extremely important, since a wide range of disinfectants does not always provide the proper effect. The article discusses the antimicrobial effectiveness of disinfectants with various active ingredients (based on active chlorine, peracetic acid and quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) with enzymatic substances) on binary biofilms. The objects of the study were the strains of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms isolated from abiotic surfaces of food production environments and food products. Different effects of disinfectants on biofilms formed by bacteria have been established. Disinfectant based on peracetic acid and chlorine had the greatest effect on binary biofilms of Brochothrix thermosphacta/Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus equorum/Salmonella spp. The greatest antimicrobial effect on biofilm of Listeria monocytogenes 12/Pseudomonas azotoformans 6 was shown by a chlorine-based disinfectant. Disinfectants based on chlorine and QAC with enzymatic substances were most effective against the binary biofilm of L. monocytogenes 12/Salmonella spp. 14. However, none of the disinfectants had absolute antimicrobial effectiveness against the studied binary biofilms. Biofilm-forming microorganisms have shown resistance to the recommended concentrations of disinfectants. Therefore, currently, it is extremely important to revise approaches to hygiene at enterprises by finding working concentrations of new antimicrobial agents and new procedure that are effective for destroying biofilms

    Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method for fast detection of Campylobacter spp in meat food products and environmental objects of a processing plant’s

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    There is constant necessity of developing the accurate and fast methods for detection of foodborne pathogens. Microorganisms of Campylobacter genus are one of the main causes of foodborne diseases worldwide. Fast identification of Campylobacter at all stages of the food life cycle is an efficient strategy to control foodborne campylobacteriosis. This article the authors evaluated a commercial loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) system with bioluminescence, called as the 3M™ Molecular Detection Analysis (MDA), which was used to find Campylobacter in food products with the help of a certain standard method, which is referred to as the reference method. The results of this study showed that the commercial LAMP based method is as efficient as the reference method, and features high specificity and minimum determinability (sensitivity). The LAMP based method has been shown to be a fast and reliable method for detection of Campylobacter spp. scarce presence (10 CFU/25 g) in meat, meat products, as well as carcass swabs and production facilities’ environment. The LAMP analysis required about 24–27 hours to achieve a result. However the LAMP based method will facilitate the detection of Campylobacter, as it provides much easier and faster detection of Cam  pylobacter spp., including Campylobacter jejuni/Campylobacter coli, than standard microbiological methods. The LAMP based method is an efficient tool to prevent the spreading of Campylobacter spp. contamination in food products.There is constant necessity of developing the accurate and fast methods for detection of foodborne pathogens. Microorganisms of Campylobacter genus are one of the main causes of foodborne diseases worldwide. Fast identification of Campylobacter at all stages of the food life cycle is an efficient strategy to control foodborne campylobacteriosis. This article the authors evaluated a commercial loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) system with bioluminescence, called as the 3M™ Molecular Detection Analysis (MDA), which was used to find Campylobacter in food products with the help of a certain standard method, which is referred to as the reference method. The results of this study showed that the commercial LAMP based method is as efficient as the reference method, and features high specificity and minimum determinability (sensitivity). The LAMP based method has been shown to be a fast and reliable method for detection of Campylobacter spp. scarce presence (10 CFU/25 g) in meat, meat products, as well as carcass swabs and production facilities’ environment. The LAMP analysis required about 24–27 hours to achieve a result. However the LAMP based method will facilitate the detection of Campylobacter, as it provides much easier and faster detection of Cam  pylobacter spp., including Campylobacter jejuni/Campylobacter coli, than standard microbiological methods. The LAMP based method is an efficient tool to prevent the spreading of Campylobacter spp. contamination in food products

    Optical characterization of antirelaxation coatings

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    Antirelaxation coatings (ARC) are used in optical cells containing alkali metal vapor to reduce the depolarization of alkali atoms after collisions with the cell walls. The long-lived ground state polarization is a basis for development of atomic clocks, magnetometers, quantum memory, slow light experiments, precision measurements of fundamental symmetries etc. In this work, a simple method for measuring the number of collisions of the alkali atoms with the cell walls without atomic spin randomization (Nasyrov et al., Proc. SPIE (2015)) was applied to characterize the AR properties of two PDMS coatings prepared from different solutions in ether (PDMS 2% and PDMS 5%). We observed influence of the light-induced atomic desorption (LIAD) on the AR properties of coatings

    Modeling the charge transport mechanism in amorphous Al 2 O 3 with multiphonon trap ionization effect

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    a b s t r a c t The charge transport mechanism in amorphous alumina, Al 2 O 3 , is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. We found that the experimental current-field-temperature dependencies can hardly be understood based on the commonly used Frenkel effect or the thermally-assisted tunneling model. Instead, we suggest that the charge transport in Al 2 O 3 is related to the ionization of the deep trap by multiphonon tunneling. Excellent agreements between the predicted, the measured data were obtained by using the proposed multiphoton model with the following values of trapping parameters: thermal ionization energy of 1.5 eV, optical ionization energy of 3.0 eV, phonon energy of 0.05 eV, electron effective mass of 0.4m e . The density of electron trap and electron capture cross-section of neutral traps are 2 Â 10 20 cm À3 and 5 Â 10 À15 cm 2 , respectively

    Cosmogenic 11C production and sensitivity of organic scintillator detectors to pep and CNO neutrinos

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    Several possible background sources determine the detectability of pep and CNO solar neutrinos in organic liquid scintillator detectors. Among such sources, the cosmogenic 11C nuclide plays a central role. 11C is produced underground in reactions induced by the residual cosmic muon flux. Experimental data available for the effective cross section for 11C by muons indicate that 11C will be the dominant source of background for the observation of pep and CNO neutrinos. 11C decays are expected to total a rate 2.5 (20) times higher than the combined rate of pep and CNO neutrinos in Borexino (KamLAND) in the energy window preferred for the pep measurement, between 0.8 and 1.3 MeV. This study examines the production mechanism of 11C by muon-induced showers in organic liquid scintillators with a novel approach: for the first time, we perform a detailed ab initio calculation of the production of a cosmogenic nuclide, 11C, taking into consideration all relevant production channels. Results of the calculation are compared with the effective cross sections measured by target experiments in muon beams. This paper also discusses a technique for reduction of background from 11C in organic liquid scintillator detectors, which allows to identify on a one-by-one basis and remove from the data set a large fraction of 11C decays. The background reduction technique hinges on an idea proposed by Martin Deutsch, who suggested that a neutron must be ejected in every interaction producing a 11C nuclide from 12C. 11C events are tagged by a three-fold coincidence with the parent muon track and the subsequent neutron capture on protons.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; added one section detailing comparison with previous estimates; added reference

    Fragmentation and Multifragmentation of 10.6A GeV Gold Nuclei

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    We present the results of a study performed on the interactions of 10.6A GeV gold nuclei in nuclear emulsions. In a minimum bias sample of 1311 interac- tions, 5260 helium nuclei and 2622 heavy fragments were observed as Au projec- tile fragments. The experimental data are analyzed with particular emphasis of target separation interactions in emulsions and study of criticalexponents. Multiplicity distributions of the fast-moving projectile fragments are inves- tigated. Charged fragment moments, conditional moments as well as two and three -body asymmetries of the fast moving projectile particles are determined in terms of the total charge remaining bound in the multiply charged projectile fragments. Some differences in the average yields of helium nuclei and heavier fragments are observed, which may be attributed to a target effect. However, two and three-body asymmetries and conditional moments indicate that the breakup mechanism of the projectile seems to be independent of target mass. We looked for evidence of critical point observable in finite nuclei by study the resulting charged fragments distributions. We have obtained the values for the critical exponents gamma, beta and tau and compare our results with those at lower energy experiment (1.0A GeV data). The values suggest that a phase transition like behavior, is observed.Comment: latex, revtex, 28 pages, 12 figures, 3tables, submitted to Europysics Journal

    Local particle densities and global multiplicities in central heavy ion interactions at 3.7, 14.6, 60 and 200A GeV

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