63 research outputs found

    37/Okołooperacyjna brachyterapia pulsacyjna (BT PDR) jako metoda podwyższenia dawki na lożę po guzie u chorych na raka piersi leczonych z zachowaniem narządu

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    Cel pracyWstępna ocena okołooperacyjnej BT PDR ze śródoperacyjnym umieszczeniem prowadnic w obszarze loży po usuniętym guzie u chorych na raka piersi leczonych z zachowaniem narządu (ang. breast-conserving therapy, BCT).Materiał i metodyPrzedstawiono materiał 53 chorych na raka piersi (T1-3N0-1M0, w wieku 38–64 lat) poddanych BCT, u których jako boost na lożę po usuniętym guzie zastosowano BT ze śródoperacyjnym wprowadzeniem miękkich prowadnic. U 7 chorych z guzem T2-3 przed BCT zastosowano chemioterapię. Zabieg operacyjny stanowił pierwotne leczenie (30 chorych) lub poszerzenie marginesu po uprzedniej biopsji ekscyzyjnej (23 chorych). Za wyjątkiem 9 chorych, u których nie stwierdzono w czasie zabiegu zmian przerzutowych w węźle wartowniczym, równocześnie dokonano usunięcia pachowych węzłów chłonnych. Podczas zabiegu dokonywano rekonstrukcji gruczołu. BT w dawce 15 Gy (1 Gy/puls/godz.) rozpoczynano następnego dnia, a napromienianie piersi wiązką zewnętrzną (RT) - po 1–4 tygodniach. Stosowano aparat microSelectron PDR zawierający źródło 192 Ir. Rozkład dawki w obszarze implantu wyznaczano komputerowo przy użyciu systemu planowania PLATO, stosując optymalizację geometryczną objętościową. Plany leczenia oceniano na podstawie naturalnego histogramu.WynikiUmieszczenie prowadnic do BT przedłużało zabieg o ok. 20 minut. U 51 chorych (96%) zastosowano implant 2-płaszczyznowyz użyciem 5–13 prowadnic (mediana 9). Średnia objętość leczona (V100) wynosiła 34.4 cm3. Zabiegowi nie towarzyszyło zwiększone krwawienie. BT PDR była bardzo dobrze tolerowana. Martwica tłuszczowa z koniecznością powtórnego wycięcia tkanek wystąpiła u 1 chorej, co spowodowało opóźnienie RT wiązką zewnętrzną o miesiąc. W okresie obserwacji od 3 do 25 miesięcy nie ujawniono nawrotu miejscowego raka, u 2 chorych wystąpiły przerzuty odległe i u 1 chorej - rak w drugiej piersi.WnioskiOkołooperacyjna BT PDR jest prostą, dobrze tolerowaną metodą podania dodatkowej dawki w BCT. Śródoperacyjne umieszczenie prowadnic umożliwia dokładne wyznaczenie obszaru wysokiej dawki, co zmniejsza ryzyko błędu lokalizacyjnego

    Characterizing and targeting PDGFRA alterations in pediatric high-grade glioma.

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    Pediatric high-grade glioma (HGG, WHO Grade III and IV) is a devastating brain tumor with a median survival of less than two years. PDGFRA is frequently mutated/ amplified in pediatric HGG, but the significance of this finding has not been fully characterized. We hypothesize that alterations of PDGFRA will promote distinct prognostic and treatment implications in pediatric HGG. In order to characterize the impact of PDGFR pathway alterations, we integrated genomic data from pediatric HGG patients (n=290) from multiple pediatric datasets and sequencing platforms. Integration of multiple human datasets showed that PDGFRA mutation, but not amplification, was associated with older age in pediatric HGG (P= <0.0001). In multivariate analysis, PDGFRA mutation was correlated with worse prognosis (P = 0.026), while PDGFRA amplification was not (P = 0.11). By Kaplan-Meier analysis, non-brainstem HGG with PDGFRA amplification carried a worse prognosis than non-brainstem HGG without PDGFRA amplification (P = 0.021). There were no pediatric patients with PDGFRA-amplified HGG that survived longer than two years. Additionally, we performed paired molecular profiling (germline / tumor / primary cell culture) and targeting of an infant thalamic HGG with amplification and outlier increased expression of PDGFRA. Dasatinib inhibited proliferation most effectively. In summary, integration of the largest genomic dataset of pediatric HGG to date, allowed us to highlight that PDGFRA mutation is found in older pediatric patients and that PDGFRA amplification is prognostic in non-brainstem HGG. Future precision-medicine based clinical trials for pediatric patients with PDGFRA-altered HGG should consider the optimized delivery of dasatinib

    Hemangiopericytomas of the spine: case report and review of the literature

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    We describe a rare case of a primary intracranial meningeal hemangiopericytoma (HPC) with late metastasis to the cervical spine. A 36-year-old woman had a left occipital lesion that was histopathologically identified as HPC. Fourteen years after resection, the tumor recurred and was treated with radiotherapy. Three years later, CT imaging showed a large mass in the liver consistent with metastatic HPC, and MRI of the cervical spine showed an extensive lesion of the C3 vertebral body. The patient underwent C3 corpectomy with en-bloc tumor removal and follow-up radiation with no local recurrence or other spinal metastasis for the following 4 years. Regardless of the subtype of spinal HPC, complete surgical removal and radiotherapy appear to be treatment of choice

    Therapeutic impact of cytoreductive surgery and irradiation of posterior fossa ependymoma in the molecular era: a retrospective multicohort analysis

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    PURPOSE: Posterior fossa ependymoma comprises two distinct molecular variants termed EPN_PFA and EPN_PFB that have a distinct biology and natural history. The therapeutic value of cytoreductive surgery and radiation therapy for posterior fossa ependymoma after accounting for molecular subgroup is not known. METHODS: Four independent nonoverlapping retrospective cohorts of posterior fossa ependymomas (n = 820) were profiled using genome-wide methylation arrays. Risk stratification models were designed based on known clinical and newly described molecular biomarkers identified by multivariable Cox proportional hazards analyses. RESULTS: Molecular subgroup is a powerful independent predictor of outcome even when accounting for age or treatment regimen. Incompletely resected EPN_PFA ependymomas have a dismal prognosis, with a 5-year progression-free survival ranging from 26.1% to 56.8% across all four cohorts. Although first-line (adjuvant) radiation is clearly beneficial for completely resected EPN_PFA, a substantial proportion of patients with EPN_PFB can be cured with surgery alone, and patients with relapsed EPN_PFB can often be treated successfully with delayed external-beam irradiation. CONCLUSION: The most impactful biomarker for posterior fossa ependymoma is molecular subgroup affiliation, independent of other demographic or treatment variables. However, both EPN_PFA and EPN_PFB still benefit from increased extent of resection, with the survival rates being particularly poor for subtotally resected EPN_PFA, even with adjuvant radiation therapy. Patients with EPN_PFB who undergo gross total resection are at lower risk for relapse and should be considered for inclusion in a randomized clinical trial of observation alone with radiation reserved for those who experience recurrence

    Therapeutic Impact of Cytoreductive Surgery and Irradiation of Posterior Fossa Ependymoma in the Molecular Era: A Retrospective Multicohort Analysis

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    Posterior fossa ependymoma comprises two distinct molecular variants termed EPN_PFA and EPN_PFB that have a distinct biology and natural history. The therapeutic value of cytoreductive surgery and radiation therapy for posterior fossa ependymoma after accounting for molecular subgroup is not known

    Cytogenetic Prognostication Within Medulloblastoma Subgroups

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    PURPOSE: Medulloblastoma comprises four distinct molecular subgroups: WNT, SHH, Group 3, and Group 4. Current medulloblastoma protocols stratify patients based on clinical features: patient age, metastatic stage, extent of resection, and histologic variant. Stark prognostic and genetic differences among the four subgroups suggest that subgroup-specific molecular biomarkers could improve patient prognostication. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Molecular biomarkers were identified from a discovery set of 673 medulloblastomas from 43 cities around the world. Combined risk stratification models were designed based on clinical and cytogenetic biomarkers identified by multivariable Cox proportional hazards analyses. Identified biomarkers were tested using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on a nonoverlapping medulloblastoma tissue microarray (n = 453), with subsequent validation of the risk stratification models. RESULTS: Subgroup information improves the predictive accuracy of a multivariable survival model compared with clinical biomarkers alone. Most previously published cytogenetic biomarkers are only prognostic within a single medulloblastoma subgroup. Profiling six FISH biomarkers (GLI2, MYC, chromosome 11 [chr11], chr14, 17p, and 17q) on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, we can reliably and reproducibly identify very low-risk and very high-risk patients within SHH, Group 3, and Group 4 medulloblastomas. CONCLUSION: Combining subgroup and cytogenetic biomarkers with established clinical biomarkers substantially improves patient prognostication, even in the context of heterogeneous clinical therapies. The prognostic significance of most molecular biomarkers is restricted to a specific subgroup. We have identified a small panel of cytogenetic biomarkers that reliably identifies very high-risk and very low-risk groups of patients, making it an excellent tool for selecting patients for therapy intensification and therapy de-escalation in future clinical trials

    Diphtheria toxin mutant selectively kills cerebellar Purkinje neurons.

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    The Role of Ergosterol and Sphingolipids in the Localization and Activity of <i>Candida albicans</i>’ Multidrug Transporter Cdr1p and Plasma Membrane ATPase Pma1p

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    Opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans causes systemic infections named candidiasis. Due to the increasing number of multi-drug resistant clinical isolates of Candida sp., currently employed antifungals (e.g., azoles) are insufficient for combating fungal infection. One of the resistance mechanisms toward azoles is increased expression of plasma membrane (PM) transporters (e.g., Cdr1p), and such an effect was observed in C. albicans clinical isolates. At the same time, it has been proven that a decrease in PMs sphingolipids (SLs) content correlates with altered sensitivity to azoles and diminished Cdr1p levels. This indicates an important role for SL in maintaining the properties of PM and gaining resistance to antifungal agents. Here, we prove using a novel spot variation fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (svFCS) technique that CaCdr1p localizes in detergent resistant microdomains (DRMs). Immunoblot analysis confirmed the localization of CaCdr1p in DRMs fraction in both the C. albicans WT and erg11Δ/Δ strains after 14 and 24 h of culture. We also show that the C. albicanserg11Δ/Δ strain is more sensitive to the inhibitor of SLs synthesis; aureobasidin A (AbA). AbA treatment leads to a diminished amount of SLs in C. albicans WT and erg11Δ/Δ PM, while, for C. albicanserg11Δ/Δ, the general levels of mannose-inositol-P-ceramide and inositol-P-ceramide are significantly lower than for the C. albicans WT strain. Simultaneously, the level of ergosterol in the C. albicans WT strain after adding of AbA remains unchanged, compared to the control conditions. Analysis of PM permeabilization revealed that treatment with AbA correlates with the disruption of PM integrity in C. albicanserg11Δ/Δ but not in the C. albicans WT strain. Additionally, in the C. albicans WT strain, we observed lower activity of H+-ATPase, correlated with the delocalization of both CaCdr1p and CaPma1p