22 research outputs found

    Medical support of drivers of commercial transport in Ukraine – reformation is necessary

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    Mikhaylenko V. L., Gvantseladze K. R., Sheikh Ali D. H., Panov B. V. Medical support of drivers of commercial transport in Ukraine – reformation is necessary. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(1):333-345. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.267183http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4221    The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016).754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2017;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.01.2017. Revised 16.01.2017. Accepted: 24.01.2017. Medical support of drivers of commercial transport in Ukraine – reformation is necessary V. L. Mikhaylenko, K. R. Gvantseladze, D. H. Sheikh Ali,  * B. V. Panov  Odessa National Medical University* Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Medicine of Transport of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odessa Article            The article provides substantiation of actions for the formation of the medical prevention system and for the medical support of professional activity of commercial transport drivers on the example of shuttle taxi drivers. Information about the work conditions of the shuttle passenger transport drivers, the results of psycho-physiological and clinical examinations of drivers are presented in the article. The health condition of 200 shuttle taxi drivers and 100 non-commercial transport drivers was examined. The conclusions about the necessity of reformation of the existing system of medical provision of commercial transport drivers in accordance with European standards are made. The necessity of further research in the field of medical support of commercial transport drivers is demonstrated.Keywords: commercial transport, occupational health, working conditions and health of drivers, health monitoring

    The rs11385942 and rs657152 variants are not associated with COVID-19 severity and outcomes in patients treated with favipiravir and remdesivir

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    Background. There is a mounting evidence in the scientific literature that susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection could vary. The severity of COVID-19 symptoms can  range from asymptomatic to severe respiratory failure, requiring prolonged artificial ventilation. The underlying causes of this range of clinical manifestations remain unclear. Identification of the risk factors that may cause this variation in clinical symptoms is important for identifying the most susceptible populations at highest risk. This should help improve prevention measures, reduce hospitalizations, and decrease the mortality rate of the disease. Previously, an association has been found between the severity of COVID-19 and the genetic markers rs11385942 G>GA and rs657152 A>C.The aim. To assess the impact of carrying polymorphic markers rs11385942 G>GA and rs657152 A>C on the severity of COVID-19 in patients undergoing specific therapy. Materials and methods. A total of 240 patients hospitalized with a coronavirus infection were included in the study. All patients received therapy with favipiravir or remdesivir. The presence of the rs11385942 G>GA and rs657152 A>C variants was determined in all patients. The study compared the length of hospital stays, frequency of patient transfers to the intensive care unit (ICU), and frequency of clinical outcomes (recovery or death) among carriers of allelic variants of the markers under investigation.Results. There were no significant associations between the carriage of variants rs11385942 G>GA and rs657152 A>C and the duration of patients’ hospitalization, frequency of patient transfers to the ICU, and patient outcomes.Conclusion. The carriage of rs11385942 G>GA and rs657152 A>C variants did not affect the severity or type of clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19

    Роль молекулярно-генетических изменений в прогнозе эффективности адъювантной внутрипузырной терапии немышечно-инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря

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    Bladder cancer (BC) is represented by non-muscle-invasive forms at the stage Ta, T1, CIS (NMBC) in 75 % of cases. The gold standard of treatment of NMBC patients is transurethral resection, but its implementation does not always allow the patient to be relieved of the recurrence of the disease. In this regard, patients with a low risk of progression after transurethral resection are administered by intravesical chemotherapy, with high risk (T1G2/3) – using instillation with BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guerin) vaccine. Searching of NMBC markers for laboratory diagnostics, which would help to determine sensitivity or resistance to the planned type of adjuvant therapy remains an actual problem. The data published mainly in the last 5–7 years about genetic predictors of the response to adjuvant chemotherapy and, to a greater extent, immunotherapy with BCG vaccine, are reviewed in this work. Allele combinations in the genes involved in immune response, xenobiotic biotransformation and other loci that are associated with the response to the adjuvant NMBC therapy in meta-analyzes are systematized. Also, expression profiles of mRNA, microRNA and proteins, as well as panels of methylated loci associated with the effectiveness of chemotherapy and immunotherapy of NMBC are considered. It was demonstrated that the somatic mutations sequencing in the primary tumor and the total mutational load using high-throughput sequencing technologies (NGS) identified a number of potential prognostic markers. Perhaps, the mutational load will be more widely used as a highly informative predictor of immunotherapeutic effect in BC: BCG therapy of NMBC and BC targeted therapy using the inhibitors of immune control points, after the standardization of the analysis. This review is intended to oncologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, urologists, pathologists and other specialists working in the field of molecular genetics in oncological urology.Рак мочевого пузыря (РМП) в 75 % случаев представлен немышечно-инвазивными формами на стадии Та, Т1, CIS. При немышечно-инвазивном РМП (НМРМП) «золотым стандартом» лечения является трансуретральная резекция мочевого пузыря, однако ее проведение далеко не всегда позволяет избавить пациента от рецидива заболевания. В связи с этим пациентам с низким риском прогрессирования после трансуретральной резекции назначают внутрипузырную химиотерапию, с высоким риском (T1G2/3) — инстилляции вакциной БЦЖ (бацилла Кальметта-Герена). Остается актуальным вопрос о поиске маркеров для лабораторной диагностики, которые помогли бы заблаговременно определить чувствительность или резистентность к планируемому виду адъювантной терапии НМРМП. В настоящей работе рассмотрены опубликованные преимущественно в последние 5-7лет данные о генетических предикторах ответа на адъювантную химиотерапию и, в большей мере, иммунотерапию вакциной БЦЖ. Систематизированы подтвержденные в метаанализах сочетания аллелей в генах иммунного ответа, детоксикации ксенобиотиков и других локусах, которые ассоциированы с ответом на адъювантную терапию НМРМП. Отдельно рассмотрены экспрессионные профили на уровнях матричных РНК, микро-РНК и белков, панели метилированных локусов, ассоциированные с эффективностью химио- и иммунотерапии НМРМП. Показано, что определение соматических мутаций в первичной опухоли и общей мутационной нагрузки с помощью технологий высокопроизводительного секвенирования (NGS) также позволило выявить ряд потенциальных прогностических маркеров. Возможно, после стандартизации анализа мутационной нагрузки он будет шире использоваться как высокоинформативный предиктор иммунотерапии РМП: БЦЖ-терапии НМРМП и схем лечения РМП с назначением таргетных ингибиторов иммунных контрольных точек. Обзор ориентирован на онкологов, генетиков, молекулярных биологов, урологов, патоморфологов и других специалистов, работающих в области молекулярной генетики онкоурологических заболеваний

    Сравнение экспрессии гена РСА3 в осадках и экзосомах мочи при раке предстательной железы

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    Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the common oncological diseases in men. Expression of the PCA3 gene in urine is currently used as a molecular genetic marker of PCa.Objective: to comparative analysis of the PCA3 expression in urine sediments and exosomes for the determination of the biomaterial, which allows detecting the PCA3 expression in more efficient manner.Materials and methods. The 12 patients with different stages of PCa and 8 control samples were examined.Results. The diagnostic accuracy of the PCA3 gene expression analysis in this cohort exceeded 90 %. We had not obtained significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the PCA3 hyperexpression in the urine sediments compared with exosomes. This result indicates in favor to using urine sediment for the PCA3 analysis as a biomaterial with less time-consuming sample preparation, although the possible advantage of exosomes for the analysis of the expression marker panels requires further studies.Введение. Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) является одним из наиболее частых онкологических заболеваний у мужчин. В качестве молекулярно-генетического маркера РПЖ в настоящее время используют определение экспрессии гена РСА3 в моче.Цель работы – сравнительный анализ экспрессии гена РСА3 в осадках и в экзосомах мочи для определения биоматериала, позволяющего более эффективно проводить определение экспрессии этого гена.Материалы и методы. Были исследованы данные 12 пациентов с различными стадиями РПЖ и 8 контрольных образцов.Результаты. Диагностическая точность анализа экспрессии РСА3 в этой выборке превысила 90 %. Не выявлено достоверных различий чувствительности и специфичности гиперэкспрессии РСА3 при анализе осадков по сравнению с экзосомами мочи. Это указывает на целесообразность использования осадков мочи для анализа РСА3 как биоматериала с менее трудоемкой пробоподготовкой, однако возможные преимущества экзосом для анализа панелей экспрессионных маркеров требуют дальнейшего изучения

    Correction of algocenosis by the preparation of komplezim in experimental ponds of fish-farm Nyvka

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    Purpose. To investigate the effect of the bacterial preparation "Komplezim", which is recommended for the prevention of mass reproduction of blue-green algae through algocoenosis correction, water cleaning and sanitary regime restoration, for the biological balance and self-purification of natural and farmed fish ponds of all sizes exposed to artificial or natural pollution. Methodology. The studies were carried out during 30 days in a 0.01 hectare pond with a depth of 1.0–1.5 m. The doses of the bacterial preparation "Komplezim" in the form of a solution were applied over the water surface of the experimental pond. The conventional techniques of hydrochemistry and hydrobiology were used to perform hydroecological studies. Findings. The study results showed that after the exposure of the bacterial preparation "Komplezim", pH level of water and oxidation rates were within the acceptable limits. Permanganate and dichromate oxidation decreased in the same manner in the middle and end of the experiment compared to initial values. Calcium, magnesium, and sulfate levels were lower compared to control values. This effect can be explained by the fact that bacteria from the “Komplezim” composition in aquatic medium started intensive metabolizing the products of organic decomposition enriched in calcium, magnesium and sulfates. The consequence of the application of "Komplezim" was an increase in the concentration of organic chlorides simultaneously with nitrites. The obtained results indicate that bacteria strains included in the “Komplezim” composition inhibit the processes of cyanobacteria reproduction by algocenosis correction and contributes to the optimization of hydrochemical conditions for pond fish rearing. Originality. The effect of the bacterial preparation "Komplezim" on the reproduction of blue-green algae and hydro-chemical composition of the water has been investigated for the first time. Practical value. Application of the bacterial preparation "Komplezim" results in the balanced development of blue-green bacteria, which are developed in large amounts in intact water bodies that largely resolves operational and environmental problems and allows achieving accelerated processes of the purification of water bodies

    The role of molecular genetic alterations in sensitivity of the adjuvant intravesical therapy for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer

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    Bladder cancer (BC) is represented by non-muscle-invasive forms at the stage Ta, T1, CIS (NMBC) in 75 % of cases. The gold standard of treatment of NMBC patients is transurethral resection, but its implementation does not always allow the patient to be relieved of the recurrence of the disease. In this regard, patients with a low risk of progression after transurethral resection are administered by intravesical chemotherapy, with high risk (T1G2/3) – using instillation with BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guerin) vaccine. Searching of NMBC markers for laboratory diagnostics, which would help to determine sensitivity or resistance to the planned type of adjuvant therapy remains an actual problem. The data published mainly in the last 5–7 years about genetic predictors of the response to adjuvant chemotherapy and, to a greater extent, immunotherapy with BCG vaccine, are reviewed in this work. Allele combinations in the genes involved in immune response, xenobiotic biotransformation and other loci that are associated with the response to the adjuvant NMBC therapy in meta-analyzes are systematized. Also, expression profiles of mRNA, microRNA and proteins, as well as panels of methylated loci associated with the effectiveness of chemotherapy and immunotherapy of NMBC are considered. It was demonstrated that the somatic mutations sequencing in the primary tumor and the total mutational load using high-throughput sequencing technologies (NGS) identified a number of potential prognostic markers. Perhaps, the mutational load will be more widely used as a highly informative predictor of immunotherapeutic effect in BC: BCG therapy of NMBC and BC targeted therapy using the inhibitors of immune control points, after the standardization of the analysis. This review is intended to oncologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, urologists, pathologists and other specialists working in the field of molecular genetics in oncological urology

    Comparative analysis of the PCA3 gene expression in sediments and exosomes isolated from urine

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    Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the common oncological diseases in men. Expression of the PCA3 gene in urine is currently used as a molecular genetic marker of PCa.Objective: to comparative analysis of the PCA3 expression in urine sediments and exosomes for the determination of the biomaterial, which allows detecting the PCA3 expression in more efficient manner.Materials and methods. The 12 patients with different stages of PCa and 8 control samples were examined.Results. The diagnostic accuracy of the PCA3 gene expression analysis in this cohort exceeded 90 %. We had not obtained significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the PCA3 hyperexpression in the urine sediments compared with exosomes. This result indicates in favor to using urine sediment for the PCA3 analysis as a biomaterial with less time-consuming sample preparation, although the possible advantage of exosomes for the analysis of the expression marker panels requires further studies

    Gene-enriched draft genome of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus: Assembly by the hybrid Pacific Biosciences/Illumina approach enabled analysis of the highly repetitive genome

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    The genome of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus, an ectoparasite with global distribution, is estimated to be 7.1. Gbp in length and consists of approximately 70% repetitive DNA. We report the draft assembly of a tick genome that utilized a hybrid sequencing and assembly approach to capture the repetitive fractions of the genome. Our hybrid approach produced an assembly consisting of 2.0. Gbp represented in 195,170 scaffolds with a N50 of 60,284. bp. The Rmi v2.0 assembly is 51.46% repetitive with a large fraction of unclassified repeats, short interspersed elements, long interspersed elements and long terminal repeats. We identified 38,827 putative R. microplus gene loci, of which 24,758 were protein coding genes (=100 amino acids). OrthoMCL comparative analysis against 11 selected species including insects and vertebrates identified 10,835 and 3,423 protein coding gene loci that are unique to R. microplus or common to both R. microplus and Ixodes scapularis ticks, respectively. We identified 191 microRNA loci, of which 168 have similarity to known miRNAs and 23 represent novel miRNA families. We identified the genomic loci of several highly divergent R. microplus esterases with sequence similarity to acetylcholinesterase. Additionally we report the finding of a novel cytochrome P450 CYP41 homolog that shows similar protein folding structures to known CYP41 proteins known to be involved in acaricide resistance

    Medical support of drivers of commercial transport in Ukraine – reformation is necessary

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    Транспортная отрасль является важнейшей составляющей экономического развития Украины, а автомобильный коммерческий транспорт занимает одно из ведущих положений в отрасли. В то же время, транспортная инфраструктура в настоящее время находится в экономическом кризисе – физический и моральный износ материально-технической базы, диспропорции размещения инвестиций, выделяемых на ее развитие, несовершенство рыночного механизма функционирования и управления отраслью. Работающие в транспортной инфраструктуре в настоящее время составляют существенную часть работающего населения любого современного города. По данным социально - гигиенического мониторинга (2010–2013 гг.), лишь на территории Одесской области количество работающих в отрасли автоперевозок составляли до 10,0% работающего населения, и наблюдалась тенденция к росту. Даже при условиях экономического и социально-политического кризиса последних двух лет интенсивность автоперевозок не снижалась. Не смотря на существенную роль транспорта в обеспечении экономической состоятельности государства, научное обеспечение деятельности транспортной инфраструктуры еще не находится на должном уровне. Так, не смотря на научно обоснованное подтверждение вредного влияния на здоровье водителей коммерческого транспорта условий их труда, медицинское обеспечение деятельности коммерческого транспорта не предусматривает оценку их здоровья как работающих во вредных и опасных условиях. В то же время медицина транспорта выполняет особые функции не только сугубо медицинского значения, но и важнейшие аспекты политического, стратегического и морального значения и связано это с неоспоримой зависимостью успешной работы транспорта от медицинских мер по обеспечению его безопасности. Отсутствие нормативно обоснованной возможности получения статистических сведений о состоянии здоровья и условиях труда водителей коммерческого автотранспорта существенно осложняет медицинское обеспечение деятельности автотранспортной отрасли. Одной из важных, с точки зрения экономики и безопасного управления транспортом, проблем, является проблема медицинского обеспечения профессиональной деятельности водителей маршрутных такси. В том числе и вопросы психологической и психофизиологической реабилитации водителей маршрутных пассажирских транспортных средств после ДТП или иных стрессовых ситуаций в процессе профессиональной деятельности. Цель работы: Научное обоснование мероприятий по формированию системы медицинской профилактики и медицинскому обеспечению профессиональной деятельности водителей коммерческого транспорта на примере водителей маршрутных такси.У статті виконано обґрунтування заходів з формування системи медичної профілактики та медичного забезпечення професійної діяльності водіїв комерційного транспорту на прикладі водіїв маршрутних таксі. Представлені відомості щодо умов праці водіїв маршрутного пасажирського транспорту, результати психофізіологічного та клінічного обстеження водіїв. Досліджено стан здоров’я 200 водіїв маршрутних таксі та 100 водіїв некомерційного транспорту. Зроблено висновки щодо необхідності реформування існуючої системи медичного забезпечення водіїв комерційного транспорту відповідно до європейських нормативів. Показано необхідність подальших досліджень у галузі медичного забезпечення водіїв комерційного транспорту.The article provides substantiation of actions for the formation of the medical prevention system and for the medical support of professional activity of commercial transport drivers on the example of shuttle taxi drivers. Information about the work conditions of the shuttle passenger transport drivers, the results of psycho-physiological and clinical examinations of drivers are presented in the article. The health condition of 200 shuttle taxi drivers and 100 non-commercial transport drivers was examined. The conclusions about the necessity of reformation of the existing system of medical provision of commercial transport drivers in accordance with European standards are made. The necessity of further research in the field of medical support of commercial transport drivers is demonstrated