89 research outputs found

    Physics of a clumpy lensed galaxy at z=1.6

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    Observations have shown that massive star-forming clumps are present in the internal structure of high-redshift galaxies. One way to study these clumps in detail with a higher spatial resolution is by exploiting the power of strong gravitational lensing which stretches images on the sky. In this work, we present an analysis of the clumpy galaxy A68-HLS115 at z=1.5858z=1.5858, located behind the cluster Abell 68, but strongly lensed by a cluster galaxy member. Resolved observations with SINFONI/VLT in the near-infrared show Ha, Hb, [NII], and [OIII] emission lines. Combined with images covering the B band to the far-infrared and CO(2-1) observations, this makes this galaxy one of the only sources for which such multi-band observations are available and for which it is possible to study the properties of resolved star-forming clumps and to perform a detailed analysis of the integrated properties, kinematics, and metallicity. We obtain a stability of υrot/σ0=2.73\upsilon_{rot}/\sigma_0 = 2.73 by modeling the kinematics, which means that the galaxy is dominated by rotation, but this ratio also indicates that the disk is marginally stable. We find a high intrinsic velocity dispersion of 80±1080\pm10 km s1^{-1} that could be explained by the high gas fraction of fgas=0.75±0.15f_{gas}=0.75\pm0.15 observed in this galaxy. This high fgasf_{gas} and the observed sSFR of 3.12Gyr1\rm 3.12 \, Gyr^{-1} suggest that the disk turbulence and instabilities are mostly regulated by incoming gas. The direct measure of the Toomre stability criterion of Qcrit=0.70Q_{crit}=0.70 could also indicate the presence of a quasi-stable thick disk. Finally, we identify three clumps in the Ha map which have similar velocity dispersions, metallicities, and seem to be embedded in the rotating disk. These three clumps contribute together to 40%40\% on the SFR(Ha) of the galaxy and show a SFR density about 100100 times higher than HII regions in the local Universe.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 10 pages, 7 figure

    Probing the ISM Near Star Forming Regions with GRB Afterglow Spectroscopy: Gas, Metals, and Dust

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    We study the chemical abundances of the interstellar medium surrounding high z gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) through analysis of the damped Lya systems (DLAs) identified in afterglow spectra. These GRB-DLAs are characterized by large HI column densities N(HI) and metallicities [M/H] spanning 1/100 to nearly solar, with median [M/H]>-1. The majority of GRB-DLAs have [M/H] values exceeding the cosmic mean metallicity of atomic gas at z>2, i.e. if anything, the GRB-DLAs are biased to larger metallicity. We also observe (i) large [Zn/Fe] values (>+0.6) and sub-solar Ti/Fe ratios which imply substantial differential depletion, (ii) large a/Fe ratios suggesting nucleosynthetic enrichment by massive stars, and (iii) low C^0/C^+ ratios (<10^{-4}). Quantitatively, the observed depletion levels and C^0/C^+ ratios of the gas are not characteristic of cold, dense HI clouds in the Galactic ISM. We argue that the GRB-DLAs represent the ISM near the GRB but not gas directly local to the GRB (e.g. its molecular cloud or circumstellar material). We compare these observations with DLAs intervening background quasars (QSO-DLAs). The GRB-DLAs exhibit larger N(HI) values, higher a/Fe and Zn/Fe ratios, and have higher metallicity than the QSO-DLAs. We argue that the differences primarily result from galactocentric radius-dependent differences in the ISM: GRB-DLAs preferentially probe denser, more depleted, higher metallicity gaslocated in the inner few kpc whereas QSO-DLAs are more likely to intersect the less dense, less enriched, outer regions of the galaxy. Finally, we investigate whether dust obscuration may exclude GRB-DLA sightlines from QSO-DLA samples; we find that the majority of GRB-DLAs would be recovered which implies little observational bias against large N(HI) systems.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Correlation analysis of vibration modes in physical vapour deposited Bi2Se3 thin films probed by the Raman mapping technique

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    In this work, the Raman spectroscopy mapping technique is used for the analysis of mechanical strain in Bi2Se3 thin films of various (3-400 nm) thicknesses synthesized by physical vapour deposition on amorphous quartz and single-layer graphene substrates. The evaluation of strain effects is based on the correlation analysis of in-plane (E2g) and out-of-plane (A21g) Raman mode positions. For Bi2Se3 films deposited on quartz, experimental datapoints are scattered along the line with a slope of similar to 0.85, related to the distribution of hydrostatic strain. In contrast to quartz/Bi2Se3 samples, for graphene/Bi2Se3 heterostructures with the same thicknesses, an additional negative slope of similar to-0.85, which can be associated with the distribution of the in-plane (a-b) biaxial tensile strain due to the film-substrate lattice mismatch, is observed. The algorithm of phonon deformation potential (PDP) calculation based on the proposed strain analysis for the 3 nm thick Bi2Se3 film deposited on the graphene substrate, where the strain is considered to be coherent across the thickness, is demonstrated. The PDPs for biaxial in-plane strain of the Bi2Se3 3 nm film in in-plane and out-of-plane modes are equal to -7.64 cm(-1)/% and -6.97 cm(-1)/%, respectively

    ALMA observations of a metal-rich damped Ly{\alpha} absorber at z = 2.5832: evidence for strong galactic winds in a galaxy group

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    We report on the results of a search for CO(3-2) emission from the galaxy counterpart of a high-metallicity Damped Ly-alpha Absorber (DLA) at z=2.5832 towards the quasar Q0918+1636. We do not detect CO emission from the previously identified DLA galaxy counterpart. The limit we infer on M_gas / M_star is in the low end of the range found for DLA galaxies, but is still consistent with what is found for other star-forming galaxies at similar redshifts. Instead we detect CO(3-2) emission from another intensely star-forming galaxy at an impact parameter of 117 kpc from the line-of-sight to the quasar and 131 km s^-1 redshifted relative to the velocity centroid of the DLA in the quasar spectrum. In the velocity profile of the low- and high-ionisation absorption lines of the DLA there is an absorption component consistent with the redshift of this CO-emitting galaxy. It is plausible that this component is physically associated with a strong outflow in the plane of the sky from the CO-emitting galaxy. If true, this would be further evidence, in addition to what is already known from studies of Lyman-break galaxies, that galactic outflows can be traced beyond 100 kpc from star-forming galaxies. The case of this z=2.583 structure is an illustration of this in a group environment.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the Incidence of Strong MgII Absorbers Along GRB Sightlines

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    We report on a survey for strong (rest equivalent width W_r >= 1A), intervening MgII systems along the sightlines to long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The GRB spectra which comprise the survey have a heterogeneous mix of resolution and wavelength coverage, but we implement a strict, uniform set of search criteria to derive a well-defined statistical sample. We identify 15 strong MgII absorbers along 14 GRB sightlines (nearly every sightline exhibits at least one absorber) with spectra covering a total pathlength Delta z = 15.5 at a mean redshift = 1.1. In contrast, the predicted incidence of such absorber systems along the same path length to quasar sightlines is only 3.8. The roughly four times higher incidence along GRB sightlines is inconsistent with a statistical fluctuation at greater than 99.9% c.l. Several effects could explain the result: (i) dust within the MgII absorbers obscures faint quasars giving a lower observed incidence along quasar sightlines; (ii) the gas is intrinsic to the GRB event; (iii) the GRB are gravitationally lensed by these absorbers. We present strong arguments against the first two effects and also consider lensing to be an unlikely explanation. The results suggest that at least one of our fundamental beliefs on absorption line research is flawed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to ApJ

    The KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey (KLASS): Kinematics and clumpiness of low-mass galaxies at cosmic noon

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    We present results from the KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey (KLASS), an ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) large program using gravitational lensing to study the spatially resolved kinematics of 44 star-forming galaxies at 0.6<z<2.3 with a stellar mass of 8.1<log(M_\star/M_{\odot})<11.0. These galaxies are located behind six galaxy clusters selected from the HST Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS). We find that the majority of the galaxies show a rotating disk, but most of the rotation-dominated galaxies only have a low υrot/σ0\upsilon_{rot}/\sigma_0 ratio (median of υrot/σ02.5\upsilon_{rot}/\sigma_0\sim2.5). We explore the Tully-Fisher relation by adopting the circular velocity, Vcirc=(υrot2+3.4σ02)1/2V_{circ}=(\upsilon_{rot}^2+3.4\sigma_0^2)^{1/2}, to account for pressure support. We find that our sample follows a Tully-Fisher relation with a positive zero-point offset of +0.18 dex compared to the local relation, consistent with more gas-rich galaxies that still have to convert most of their gas into stars. We find a strong correlation between the velocity dispersion and stellar mass in the KLASS sample. When combining our data to other surveys from the literature, we also see an increase of the velocity dispersion with stellar mass at all redshift. We obtain an increase of υrot/σ0\upsilon_{rot}/\sigma_0 with stellar mass at 0.5<z<1.0. This could indicate that massive galaxies settle into regular rotating disks before the low-mass galaxies. For higher redshift (z>1), we find a weak increase or flat trend. We investigate the relation between the rest-frame UV clumpiness of galaxies and their global kinematic properties. We find no clear trend between the clumpiness and the velocity dispersion and υrot/σ0\upsilon_{rot}/\sigma_0. This could suggest that the kinematic properties of galaxies evolve after the clumps formed in the galaxy disk or that the clumps can form in different physical conditions.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Chemical diversity of gas in distant galaxies: The metal and dust enrichment and variations within absorbing galaxies

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    The chemical composition of gas in galaxies can be measured in detail from absorption spectroscopy. By studying gas in galaxies in this way, it is possible to investigate the small and faint galaxies, which are the most numerous in the universe. In particular, the chemical distribution of gas in absorbing systems gives us insight into cycles of gas in and around galaxies. Here we study chemical enrichment within 64 Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption (DLA) systems between 1.7<z<4.21.7 < z < 4.2. We use high-resolution spectra from VLT/UVES to infer dust depletion from relative abundances of several metals. We perform a component-by-component analysis within DLAs, and characterise variations in their chemical enrichment. Unlike hydrogen, the metal columns can be characterised for individual components. We use them to derive the dust depletion ([Zn/Fe]fit), as an indicator for chemical enrichment. We find that some DLAs are chemically diverse within themselves, with [Zn/Fe]fit ranging up to 0.62 dex within a single system. This suggests that absorbing gas within these galaxies is chemically diverse. Although we do not find a clear trend of decreasing dust depletion with redshift, we do see that the most chemically enriched systems are at lower redshifts. We also observe evidence for dust-poor components at all redshifts, which may be due to the accretion of pristine gas onto galaxies. We combine the chemical and kinematic properties of the individual gas components and observe potential signatures of infalling gas, with low depletion at velocities below \sim100km/s, and outflows, with high depletion and velocities of \sim600km/s. We find over-abundances of alpha-elements (an enhancement of \sim0.3dex) and under-abundances of Mn in several components, which is likely a signature of core-collapse SNe nucleosythesis in the ISM. We observe these effects mostly at lower levels of chemical enrichment.Comment: 56 pages, 99 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A, Abstract abridged for arXi

    Gas Accretion Traced in Absorption in Galaxy Spectroscopy

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    The positive velocity shift of absorption transitions tracing diffuse material observed in a galaxy spectrum is an unambiguous signature of gas flow toward the host system. Spectroscopy probing, e.g., NaI D resonance lines in the rest-frame optical or MgII and FeII in the near-ultraviolet is in principle sensitive to the infall of cool material at temperatures ~ 100-10,000 K anywhere along the line of sight to a galaxy's stellar component. However, secure detections of this redshifted absorption signature have proved challenging to obtain due to the ubiquity of cool gas outflows giving rise to blueshifted absorption along the same sightlines. In this chapter, we review the bona fide detections of this phenomenon. Analysis of NaI D line profiles has revealed numerous instances of redshifted absorption observed toward early-type and/or AGN-host galaxies, while spectroscopy of MgII and FeII has provided evidence for ongoing gas accretion onto >5% of luminous, star-forming galaxies at z ~ 0.5-1. We then discuss the potentially ground-breaking benefits of future efforts to improve the spectral resolution of such studies, and to leverage spatially-resolved spectroscopy for new constraints on inflowing gas morphology.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springe