365 research outputs found

    Myotis Nattereri Kuhl in Ukraine

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    Наведено інформацію про місця знахідок нічниці Наттерера в Україні; якісний та кількісний склад кормів на основі аналізу екскрементів цього виду, досліджених на території Середнього Придніпров’я; подано морфометричні показники новонароджених малят порівняно з такими у дорослих особин. It communicates about the places of findings of the cutworm moth of Myotis nattereri in Ukraine; the qualitative and quantitative composition of fodders according to the analisis of the excrements of this form, are investigated in the territory of the Middle Dnepr Region; the morphometric indices of the newborns in the comparison with the same in adult individuals.Роботу виконано на кафедрі зоології ВНУ ім. Лесі Українк

    A connection between inclusive semileptonic decays of bound and free heavy quarks

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    A relativistic constituent quark model, formulated on the light-front, is used to derive a new parton approximation for the inclusive semileptonic decay width of the B-meson. A simple connection between the decay rate of a free heavy-quark and the one of a heavy-quark bound in a meson or in a baryon is established. The main features of the new approach are the treatment of the b-quark as an on-mass-shell particle and the inclusion of the effects arising from the b-quark transverse motion in the B-meson. In a way conceptually similar to the deep-inelastic scattering case, the B-meson inclusive width is expressed as the integral of the free b-quark partial width multiplied by a bound-state factor related to the b-quark distribution function in the B-meson. The non-perturbative meson structure is described through various quark-model wave functions, constructed via the Hamiltonian light-front formalism using as input both relativized and non-relativistic potential models. A link between spectroscopic quark models and the B-meson decay physics is obtained in this way. Our predictions for the B -> X_c l nu_l and B -> X_u l nu_l decays are used to extract the CKM parameters |V_cb| and |V_ub| from available inclusive data. After averaging over the various quark models adopted and including leading-order perturbative QCD corrections, we obtain |V_cb| = (43.0 +/- 0.7_exp +/- 1.8_th) 10^-3 and |V_ub| = (3.83 +/- 0.48_exp +/- 0.14_th) 10^-3, implying |V_ub / V_cb| = 0.089 +/- 0.011_exp +/- 0.005_th, in nice agreement with existing predictions.Comment: revised version with pQCD corrections included, to appear in Physical Review

    Chronic comorbidity of internal organs as a risk factor of complications and fatal outcome of community-acquired pneumonia.

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    With the purpose to estimate influence of comorbidity at the risk of complications and death due to community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) the retrospective analysis of 1587 case histories of inpatients with CAP (mean age – 48.5±18.4, males – 815 (51.4%), women – 772 (48,6%)) was performed. Comorbidity was observed in 1114 (70.2%). More frequently complications of CAP were developed in patients with chronic diseases than without them (p=0.013). Increased risk of pleural effusion was associated with chronic diseases of digestive system (OR=1.85 (95%CI 1.30-2.26)) and diabetes mellitus (OR=2.35 (95%CI 1.40-3.96)). Risk of sepsis development is higher in patients with nervous system diseases (OR=3.62 (95%CI 1.37-9.56) and drug or alcohol addiction (OR=19.08 (95%CI 7.30-49.82). Risk of pulmonary edema rose in patients with drug or alcohol addiction (OR=24.16; 95%CI 8.07-72.34), malignancy (OR=8.97; 95%CI 1.94-41.49), diabetes mellitus (OR=4.04; 95%CI 1.48-11.01), diseases of nervous (OR=4.04; 95%CI 1.17-13.94), urinary (OR=3.39; 95%CI 1.33-8.64) and cardiovascular (OR=2.29, 95%CI 0.98-5.34) systems. Higher risk of death in patients with CAP was associated with the presence of cardiovascular diseases (OR=2.17; 95%CI 1.11-4.25), diabetes mellitus (OR=2.95; 95%CI 1.20-7.21), drug or alcohol addiction (OR=38.40; 95%CI 15.05-97.98).

    HERMES-24 Score Derivation and Validation for Simple and Robust Outcome Prediction After Large Vessel Occlusion Treatment

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    \ua9 2024 American Heart Association, Inc. BACKGROUND: Clinicians need simple and highly predictive prognostic scores to assist practical decision-making. We aimed to develop a simple outcome prediction score applied 24 hours after anterior circulation acute ischemic stroke treatment with endovascular thrombectomy and validate it in patients treated both with and without endovascular thrombectomy. METHODS: Using the HERMES (Highly Effective Reperfusion Evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials) collaboration data set (n=1764), patients in the endovascular thrombectomy arm were divided randomly into a derivation cohort (n=430) and a validation cohort (n=441). From a set of candidate predictors, logistic regression modeling using forward variable selection was used to select a model that was both parsimonious and highly predictive for modified Rankin Scale (mRS) ≤2 at 90 days. The score was validated in validation cohort, control arm (n=893), and external validation cohorts from the ESCAPE-NA1 (Efficacy and Safety of Nerinetide for the Treatment of Acute Ischaemic Stroke; n=1066) and INTERRSeCT (Identifying New Approaches to Optimize Thrombus Characterization for Predicting Early Recanalization and Reperfusion With IV Alteplase and Other Treatments Using Serial CT Angiography; n=614). RESULTS: In the derivation cohort, we selected 2 significant predictors of mRS ≤2 (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score at 24 hours and age [β-coefficient, 0.34 and 0.06]) and derived the HERMES-24 score: age (years)/10+National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score at 24 hours. The HERMES-24 score was highly predictive for mRS ≤2 (c-statistic 0.907 [95% CI, 0.879–0.935]) in the derivation cohort. In the validation cohort and the control arm, the HERMES-24 score predicts mRS ≤2 (c-statistic, 0.914 [95% CI, 0.886–0.944] and 0.909 [95% CI, 0.887–0.930]). Observed provability of mRS ≤2 ranged between 3.1% and 3.4% when HERMES-24 score ≥25, while it ranged between 90.6% and 93.0% when HERMES-24 score <10 in the derivation cohort, validation cohort, and control arm. The HERMES-24 score also showed c-statistics of 0.894 and 0.889 for mRS ≤2 in the ESCAPE-NA1 and INTERRSeCT populations. CONCLUSIONS: The post-treatment HERMES-24 score is a simple validated score that predicts a 3-month outcome after anterior circulation large vessel occlusion stroke regardless of intervention, which helps prognostic discussion with families on day 2

    Predicting outcome in acute stroke with large vessel occlusion:application and validation of MR PREDICTS in the ESCAPE-NA1 population

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    Background: Predicting outcome after endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke is challenging. We aim to investigate differences between predicted and observed outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with endovascular treatment and to evaluate the performance of a validated outcome prediction score. Patients and methods: MR PREDICTS is an outcome prediction tool based on a logistic regression model designed to predict the treatment benefit of endovascular treatment based on the MR CLEAN and HERMES populations. ESCAPE-NA1 is a randomized trial of nerinetide vs. placebo in patients with acute stroke and large vessel occlusion. We applied MR PREDICTS to patients in the control arm of ESCAPE-NA1. Model performance was assessed by calculating its discriminative ability and calibration. Results: Overall, 556/1105 patients (50.3%) in the ESCAPE-NA1-trial were randomized to the control arm, 435/556 (78.2%) were treated within 6 h of symptom onset. Good outcome (modified Rankin scale 0–2) at 3 months was achieved in 275/435 patients (63.2%), the predicted probability of good outcome was 52.5%. Baseline characteristics were similar in the study and model derivation cohort except for age (ESCAPE-NA1: mean: 70 y vs. HERMES: 66 y), hypertension (72% vs. 57%), and collaterals (good collaterals, 15% vs. 44%). Compared to HERMES we observed higher rates of successful reperfusion (TICI 2b-3, ESCAPE-NA1: 87% vs. HERMES: 71%) and faster times from symptom onset to reperfusion (median: 201 min vs. 286 min). Model performance was good, indicated by a c-statistic of 0.76 (95%confidence interval: 0.71–0.81). Conclusion: Outcome-prediction using models created from HERMES data, based on information available in the emergency department underestimated the actual outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke and large vessel occlusion receiving endovascular treatment despite overall good model performance, which might be explained by differences in quality of and time to reperfusion. These findings underline the importance of timely and successful reperfusion for functional outcomes in acute stroke patients.</p

    Predicting outcome in acute stroke with large vessel occlusion:application and validation of MR PREDICTS in the ESCAPE-NA1 population

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    Background: Predicting outcome after endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke is challenging. We aim to investigate differences between predicted and observed outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with endovascular treatment and to evaluate the performance of a validated outcome prediction score. Patients and methods: MR PREDICTS is an outcome prediction tool based on a logistic regression model designed to predict the treatment benefit of endovascular treatment based on the MR CLEAN and HERMES populations. ESCAPE-NA1 is a randomized trial of nerinetide vs. placebo in patients with acute stroke and large vessel occlusion. We applied MR PREDICTS to patients in the control arm of ESCAPE-NA1. Model performance was assessed by calculating its discriminative ability and calibration. Results: Overall, 556/1105 patients (50.3%) in the ESCAPE-NA1-trial were randomized to the control arm, 435/556 (78.2%) were treated within 6 h of symptom onset. Good outcome (modified Rankin scale 0–2) at 3 months was achieved in 275/435 patients (63.2%), the predicted probability of good outcome was 52.5%. Baseline characteristics were similar in the study and model derivation cohort except for age (ESCAPE-NA1: mean: 70 y vs. HERMES: 66 y), hypertension (72% vs. 57%), and collaterals (good collaterals, 15% vs. 44%). Compared to HERMES we observed higher rates of successful reperfusion (TICI 2b-3, ESCAPE-NA1: 87% vs. HERMES: 71%) and faster times from symptom onset to reperfusion (median: 201 min vs. 286 min). Model performance was good, indicated by a c-statistic of 0.76 (95%confidence interval: 0.71–0.81). Conclusion: Outcome-prediction using models created from HERMES data, based on information available in the emergency department underestimated the actual outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke and large vessel occlusion receiving endovascular treatment despite overall good model performance, which might be explained by differences in quality of and time to reperfusion. These findings underline the importance of timely and successful reperfusion for functional outcomes in acute stroke patients.</p

    A consistent treatment for pion form factors in space-like and time-like regions

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    We write down some relevant matrix elements for the scattering and decay processes of the pion by considering a quark-meson vertex function. The pion charge and transition form factors FπF_\pi, FπγF_{\pi\gamma}, and FπγF_{\pi\gamma^*} are extracted from these matrix elements using a relativistic quark model on the light-front. We found that, the form factors FπF_\pi and FπγF_{\pi\gamma} in the space-like region agree well with experiment. Furthermore, the branching ratios of all observed decay modes of the neutral pion, that are related to the form factors FπγF_{\pi\gamma} and FπγF_{\pi\gamma^*} in the time-like region, are all consistent with the data as well. Additionally, FπF_\pi in the time-like region, which deals with the nonvalence contribution, is also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Comparison among Hamiltonian light-front formalisms at q+ = 0 and q+ <> 0: space-like elastic form factors of pseudoscalar and vector mesons

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    The electromagnetic elastic form factors of pseudoscalar and vector mesons are analyzed for space-like momentum transfers in terms of relativistic quark models based on the Hamiltonian light-front formalism elaborated in different reference frames (q+ 0 and q+ 0). As far as the one-body approximation for the electromagnetic current operator is concerned, it is shown that the predictions of the light-front approach at q+=0 should be preferred, particularly in case of light hadrons, because of: i) the relevant role played by the Z-graph at q+ 0, and ii) the appropriate elimination of spurious effects, related to the orientation of the null hyperplane where the light-front wave function is defined.Comment: version to appear in Phys. Rev. C. No change in the results and in the conclusion