2,301 research outputs found

    Stories as personal coaching philosophy

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    The importance of coaches developing and articulating a personal coaching philosophy which encapsulates their values and beliefs is widely recognised. Yet it is also acknowledged that many coaches resist what appears an abstract task or find it to be of limited use in their day-to-day practice. In this paper we explore the potential of an alternative approach to developing and articulating a personal coaching philosophy: storytelling. Following a discussion of the potential of stories, we present a story written by one coach which expresses her personal philosophy in a way that is firmly rooted in her coaching practice. Storytelling approaches, we suggest, can reveal the connections between abstract/general philosophy and the personal embodied experience of coaching. We reflect on the possibilities and problems of using stories as philosophy and offer some suggestions for how coaches may be supported in developing their coaching philosophy through storytelling

    Symposium: Law and Education. Editor\u27s Note

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    In recent years the interface between law and education has become increasingly important. The large number of recent United States Supreme Court opinions involving education issues is indicative of this trend. Recognizing the increasing significance of this area of law, the current editors of the Review determined to dedicate a portion of one book in Volume 50 to a symposium on Law and Education

    A Preliminary Investigation of the Validity of the Emme Home Adjustment Scale

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    There is a great deal of interest at present in personality and adjustment inventories. They are looked upon by educators as a very promising technique both in counseling and in vocational guidance. Probably the present interest in personality tests has been stimulated by the comparatively recent appearance and use of two particular tests, namely the Bernreuter Personality Inventory and the Bell Adjustment Inventory. Each of these tests measures four attributes of the individual and provides weighted scoring of the items. There are several difficulties, however, in regard to the use and interpretation of personality tests. For one thing there is considerable disagreement in regard to the value of the various tests. A prominent psychologist from a midwestern university recently stated that he was abandoning the Bernreuter in favor of the Bell, while a counselor in another midwestern institution told the writer that the Bell was unsatisfactory because everyone turned out to be perfectly adjusted. Another matter requiring investigation is the system of scoring. For example, Bell has a weighted scoring but the correlation with the unweighted is so high that its use is not recommended except for experimental purposes. The present study encounters a problem similar to these, namely the validation of a home adjustment scale

    The Relation of Aptitude Test Data to Fall Quarter Grades - 998 Cases - Fall 1931

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    This is a further study of the scholastic aptitude test which is given to entering students at Iowa State College. Research on this problem has been presented before the Academy of Science from time to time. Vance, in 1925, reported the correlations of parts of the test to quarter grades. In 1931, Cox, reporting on a revised form of the test, showed that tests 2 and 6, that is, tests on arithmetical reasoning and artificial language were most closely related with abilities in Chemistry, English and Mathematics as required of Freshman Engineers at Iowa State College

    A Laboratory Investigation of Problem Solving in Plane Geometry

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    In investigating the mental processes involved in geometry problem solving the present study attempted to eliminate some of the inadequacies of paper and pencil analyses by the following procedure: 1. The stimuli were arranged according to increasing degrees of elaboration and presented to subjects, individually, through an exposure apparatus for a timed interval. 2. The subject expressed his ideas verbally, as they occurred, and these were recorded by a microphone-dictaphone unit. 3. The meanings of the responses were ascertained by cross reference and by use of a controlled set of questions. The data obtained throw light on the status of insight and meaning in this field of subject matter

    The relationship between pro-inflammatory cytokines, prostaglandins, and fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation in mares with infective pre-term delivery

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    Ascending placentitis is a significant cause of abortions, stillbirths, and perinatal loss in horses. A technique for laparoscopic-guided catheterization of the allantoic space was developed and utilized in an experimental model of streptococcal infective pre-term delivery in pony mares. Mares received either 1 x 107 CFU live S. zooepidemicus (n=3), 5.1 x 108 CFU live S. zooepidemicus (n=1), 1 x 107 heat-killed S. zooepidemicus (n=3), 1 mL sterile PBS (n=3). Sham control mares did not receive a transcervical inoculation (n=3). One mare not instrumented with an allantoic catheter received 5.1 x 108 CFU live S. zooepidemicus. Mares with spontaneous abortion had significantly increased CTUP compared to mares in which delivery was induced. There was not a significant effect of infection within the allantoic space on CTUP. Intrauterine infection increased the expression of IL-1â, IL-18, IL-15, and IFN-ã in a site-dependant manner. Spontaneous abortion also increased the expression of IL-1â, IL-18, IFN-ã, and iNOS in a site dependant manner. Soluble TNF-á was detected in only a few samples of fetal fluids. The concentrations of PGE2 and PGF2á in fetal fluids were increased within 24 h of delivery in mares with spontaneous abortion or intrauterine infection. Increased cortisol concentrations were observed in fetal fluid in some mares with infection or with histologic inflammation of the chorioallantois. None of the fetal fluids from mares induced to deliver or without inflammation of the chorioallantois had increased cortisol concentrations. This data suggests that the equine fetal adrenal gland less than 295 d may be capable of response to stimuli. Based on these findings, the following sequence of events leading from intrauterine infection to infective pre-term delivery is proposed. Following infection of the chorioallantois, IL-1â, IL-18, IL-15, and IFN-ã are upregulated in a site-dependant manner. IL-1â causes increased PGHS-2 (COX-2) expression, resulting in increased PGE2 and PGF2á production, and ultimately labor. IL-1â may also accelerate fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) activation, thereby promoting precocious in utero fetal maturation. The eventual outcome of pre-term labor, i.e., neonatal survivability, will depend on the degree of HPAA activation at the onset of labor

    Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317/319 Scientific Prospectus: Pacific Equatorial Age Transect

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    As the world's largest ocean, the Pacific is intricately linked to major changes in the global climate system. Throughout the Cenozoic, Pacific plate motion has had a northward component. Thus, the Pacific is unique in that the thick sediment bulge of biogenic-rich deposits from the currently narrowly focused zone of equatorial upwelling is slowly moving away from the Equator. Hence, older sections are not deeply buried and can be recovered by drilling. Previous drilling in this area during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 138 and 199 was remarkably successful in giving us new insights into the workings of the climate and carbon system, productivity changes across the zone of divergence, time-dependent calcium carbonate dissolution, bio- and magnetostratigraphy, the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and evolutionary patterns for times of climatic change and upheaval. Together with older Deep Sea Drilling Project drilling in the eastern equatorial Pacific, both legs also helped to delineate the position of the paleoequator and variations in sediment thickness from ~150°W to 110°W.The Pacific equatorial age transect (PEAT) science program is based on Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Proposal 626 and consists of Expeditions 317 and 319, grouped into one science program. The goal is to recover a continuous Cenozoic record of the equatorial Pacific by drilling at the paleoposition of the Equator at successive crustal ages on the Pacific plate. Records collected from Expeditions 317 and 319 are to be joined with records of previous drilling during ODP Legs 138 and 199 to make a complete equatorial Pacific record from 0 to 55 Ma. Previously, ODP Legs 138 and 199 were designed as transects across the paleoequator in order to study the changing patterns of sediment deposition across equatorial regions at critical time intervals. As we have gained more information about the past movement of plates and when in Earth's history "critical" climate events took place, it becomes possible to drill an age transect ("flow-line") along the position of the Pacific paleoequator. The goal of this transect is to target important time slices where calcareous sediments have been best preserved and the sedimentary archive will allow us to reconstruct past climatic and tectonic conditions. Leg 199 enhanced our understanding of extreme changes of the calcium carbonate compensation depth (CCD) across major geological boundaries during the last 55 m.y. A very shallow CCD during most of the Paleogene makes it difficult to obtain well-preserved sediments during these stratigraphic intervals, but the strategy of site locations for the current two expeditions is designed to occupy the most promising sites and to obtain a unique sedimentary biogenic sediment archive for time periods just after the Paleocene/Eocene boundary event, Eocene cooling, the Eocene–Oligocene transition, the "one cold pole" Oligocene, the Oligocene–Miocene transition, and the Miocene. These new cores and data will significantly contribute to the objectives of the IODP Extreme Climates Initiative and will provide material that the previous legs were not able to recover.For logistical reasons, the PEAT science program is composed of two expeditions but is being implemented as a single science program to best achieve the overall objectives of Proposal 626. Participants on both expeditions (as well as approved shore-based scientists) will comprise a single science party with equal access to data and materials from both cruises. Sampling aboard the ship will be minimal, and the bulk of the sampling will be completed postcruise.The operational plan is to occupy eight sites along the age transect with the goal of recovering as complete a sedimentary succession as possible. This will probably require three holes to be cored at each site with wireline logging operations in one hole. Basement will be tagged in at least one of the holes. Expedition 317 will be directed primarily to sample the Neogene sites (proposed Sites PEAT-2C, 6C, and 7C, in priority order). The second expedition (319) will primarily sample the Paleogene sites (proposed Sites PEAT-1C, 3C, 4C, and possibly 5C, in priority order)
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