There is a great deal of interest at present in personality and adjustment inventories. They are looked upon by educators as a very promising technique both in counseling and in vocational guidance. Probably the present interest in personality tests has been stimulated by the comparatively recent appearance and use of two particular tests, namely the Bernreuter Personality Inventory and the Bell Adjustment Inventory. Each of these tests measures four attributes of the individual and provides weighted scoring of the items. There are several difficulties, however, in regard to the use and interpretation of personality tests. For one thing there is considerable disagreement in regard to the value of the various tests. A prominent psychologist from a midwestern university recently stated that he was abandoning the Bernreuter in favor of the Bell, while a counselor in another midwestern institution told the writer that the Bell was unsatisfactory because everyone turned out to be perfectly adjusted. Another matter requiring investigation is the system of scoring. For example, Bell has a weighted scoring but the correlation with the unweighted is so high that its use is not recommended except for experimental purposes. The present study encounters a problem similar to these, namely the validation of a home adjustment scale