118 research outputs found

    Maallikkohypnoosiin liittynyt akuutti skitsofreenistyyppinen psykoosi

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    Vaik­ka hyp­noosia pi­detään var­sin haitat­to­mana hoito­muo­tona, kirjal­li­suu­dessa on ku­vattu sen varo­mat­tomaan käyt­töön liitty­neitä kompli­kaa­tioita, ku­ten disso­sia­tii­visia ja lyhyt­kes­toisia psy­koot­tisia ti­loja. Yli 50-vuotiaan aiem­min ter­veen ja työelä­mässä menes­tyneen nai­sen akuutti skit­sof­ree­nis­tyyp­pinen ­psy­koot­tinen häi­riö al­koi varo­mat­to­masti käy­tetyn maallik­ko­hyp­noosin yhtey­dessä. Po­tilas ko­keili sel­laista ensim­mäistä ker­taa, ja hä­nen koke­mansa hallu­si­naatiot ja harha­luulot liit­tyivät yksi­nomaan hyp­noosiin. Po­tilaan oi­reistoon liit­tyi vaaral­lisia piir­teitä, ku­ten har­haääniä, jot­ka kehot­tivat hän­tä riski­käyt­täy­ty­miseen liiken­teessä. Ly­hyen sairaa­la­hoidon jäl­keen po­tilas voi seuran­nassa hy­vin. Hyp­noosia tu­lisi käyt­tää vain valvo­tusti tervey­den­huol­lossa.Peer reviewe

    Maallikkohypnoosiin liittynyt akuutti skitsofreenistyyppinen psykoosi

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    Vaik­ka hyp­noosia pi­detään var­sin haitat­to­mana hoito­muo­tona, kirjal­li­suu­dessa on ku­vattu sen varo­mat­tomaan käyt­töön liitty­neitä kompli­kaa­tioita, ku­ten disso­sia­tii­visia ja lyhyt­kes­toisia psy­koot­tisia ti­loja. Yli 50-vuotiaan aiem­min ter­veen ja työelä­mässä menes­tyneen nai­sen akuutti skit­sof­ree­nis­tyyp­pinen ­psy­koot­tinen häi­riö al­koi varo­mat­to­masti käy­tetyn maallik­ko­hyp­noosin yhtey­dessä. Po­tilas ko­keili sel­laista ensim­mäistä ker­taa, ja hä­nen koke­mansa hallu­si­naatiot ja harha­luulot liit­tyivät yksi­nomaan hyp­noosiin. Po­tilaan oi­reistoon liit­tyi vaaral­lisia piir­teitä, ku­ten har­haääniä, jot­ka kehot­tivat hän­tä riski­käyt­täy­ty­miseen liiken­teessä. Ly­hyen sairaa­la­hoidon jäl­keen po­tilas voi seuran­nassa hy­vin. Hyp­noosia tu­lisi käyt­tää vain valvo­tusti tervey­den­huol­lossa.Peer reviewe

    Biomarkers and prediction of myocardial triglyceride content in non-diabetic men

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    Background and aims: Lipid oversupply to cardiomyocytes or decreased utilization of lipids leads to cardiac steatosis. We aimed to examine the role of different circulating metabolic biomarkers as predictors of myocardial triglyceride (TG) content in non-diabetic men. Methods and results: Myocardial and hepatic TG contents were measured with 1.5 T magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy, and LV function, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), abdominal subcutaneous tissue (SAT), epicardial and pericardial fat by MR imaging in 76 non-diabetic men. Serum concentration of circulating metabolic biomarkers [adiponectin, leptin, adipocyte-fatty acid binding protein 4 (A-FABP 4), resistin, and lipocalin-2] including beta-hydroxybuturate (beta-OHB) were measured. Subjects were stratified by tertiles of myocardial TG into low, moderate, and high myocardial TG content groups. Concentrations of beta-OHB were lower (p = 0.003) and serum levels of A-FABP 4 were higher (p <0.001) in the group with high myocardial TG content compared with the group with low myocardial TG content. beta-OHB was negatively correlated with myocardial TG content (r = -0.316, p = 0.006), whereas A-FABP 4 was not correlated with myocardial TG content (r = 0.192, p = 0.103). In multivariable analyses beta-OHB and plasma glucose levels were the best predictors of myocardial TG content independently of VAT and hepatic TG content. The model explained 58.8% of the variance in myocardial TG content. Conclusion: Our data showed that beta-OHB and fasting glucose were the best predictors of myocardial TG content in non-diabetic men. These data suggest that hyperglycemia and alterations in lipid oxidation may be associated with cardiac steatosis in humans. (C) 2015 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Brain Basis of Psychopathy in Criminal Offenders and General Population.

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    Psychopathy is characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy, and egotistical traits. These traits vary also in normally functioning individuals. Here, we tested whether such antisocial personalities are associated with similar structural and neural alterations as those observed in criminal psychopathy. Subjects were 100 non-convicted well-functioning individuals, 19 violent male offenders, and 19 matched controls. Subjects underwent T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and viewed movie clips with varying violent content during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Psychopathic traits were evaluated with Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (controls) and Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (offenders). Psychopathic offenders had lower gray matter density (GMD) in orbitofrontal cortex and anterior insula. In the community sample, affective psychopathy traits were associated with lower GMD in the same areas. Viewing violence increased brain activity in periaqueductal grey matter, thalamus, somatosensory, premotor, and temporal cortices. Psychopathic offenders had increased responses to violence in thalamus and orbitofrontal, insular, and cingulate cortices. In the community sample, impulsivity-related psychopathy traits were positively associated with violence-elicited responses in similar areas. We conclude that brain characteristics underlying psychopathic spectrum in violent psychopathy are related to those observed in well-functioning individuals with asocial personality features

    Angiographic correlations of patients with small vessel disease diagnosed by adenosine-stress cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

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    Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) with adenosine-stress myocardial perfusion is gaining importance for the detection and quantification of coronary artery disease (CAD). However, there is little knowledge about patients with CMR-detected ischemia, but having no relevant stenosis as seen on coronary angiography (CA). The aims of our study were to characterize these patients by CMR and CA and evaluate correlations and potential reasons for the ischemic findings. 73 patients with an indication for CA were first scanned on a 1.5T whole-body CMR-scanner including adenosine-stress first-pass perfusion. The images were analyzed by two independent investigators for myocardial perfusion which was classified as subendocardial ischemia (n = 22), no perfusion deficit (n = 27, control 1), or more than subendocardial ischemia (n = 24, control 2). All patients underwent CA, and a highly significant correlation between the classification of CMR perfusion deficit and the degree of coronary luminal narrowing was found. For quantification of coronary blood flow, corrected Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) frame count (TFC) was evaluated for the left anterior descending (LAD), circumflex (LCX) and right coronary artery (RCA). The main result was that corrected TFC in all coronaries was significantly increased in study patients compared to both control 1 and to control 2 patients. Study patients had hypertension or diabetes more often than control 1 patients. In conclusion, patients with CMR detected subendocardial ischemia have prolonged coronary blood flow. In connection with normal resting flow values in CAD, this supports the hypothesis of underlying coronary microvascular impairment. CMR stress perfusion differentiates non-invasively between this entity and relevant CAD

    COVID-19 pandemic and allergen immunotherapy—an EAACI survey

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    Background: As in many fields of medical care, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) resulted in an increased uncertainty regarding the safety of allergen immunotherapy (AIT). Therefore, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) aimed to analyze the situation in different countries and to systematically collect all information available regarding tolerability and possible amendments in daily practice of sublingual AIT (SLIT), subcutaneous AIT (SCIT) for inhalant allergies and venom AIT. Methods: Under the framework of the EAACI, a panel of experts in the field of AIT coordinated by the Immunotherapy Interest Group set-up a web-based retrospective survey (SurveyMonkey®) including 27 standardized questions on practical and safety aspects on AIT in worldwide clinical routine. Results: 417 respondents providing AIT to their patients in daily routine answered the survey. For patients (without any current symptoms to suspect COVID-19), 60% of the respondents informed of not having initiated SCIT (40% venom AIT, 35% SLIT) whereas for the maintenance phase of AIT, SCIT was performed by 75% of the respondents (74% venom AIT, 89% SLIT). No tolerability concern arises from this preliminary analysis. 16 physicians reported having performed AIT despite (early) symptoms of COVID-19 and/or a positive test result for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Conclusions: This first international retrospective survey in atopic diseases investigated practical aspects and tolerability of AIT during the COVID-19 pandemic and gave no concerns regarding reduced tolerability under real-life circumstances. However, the data indicate an undertreatment of AIT, which may be temporary, but could have a long-lasting negative impact on the clinical care of allergic patients