32 research outputs found

    Participation of UGMU dental students in the faculty's volunteer movement

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    In 2017, the Happy Smile project was developed at the dental faculty of Ural State Medical University and its active implementation began, during which teachers and students conduct preventive measures in educational institutions shopping centers, and hospitals in the city. Studied the involvement of students in the implementation of this, and identified factors affecting the development of this activit

    Molecular genetic characteristics of colorectal cancer depending on the status of microsatellite instability

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    Introduction. The emergence of new markers that determine the choice of therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) has led to an increase in overall survival. The optimal treatment tactics now take into account both clinical and molecular-genetic characteristics of the tumor.Aim. Investigation of the features of the KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutations and amplification of the HER2 gene depending on microsatellite instability (MSI) in CRC.Materials and methods. The study included 400 patients with CRC. MSI, BRAF V600E mutation, mutations in the KRAS and NRAS genes was identified to them. MSI was determined by fragment analysis, and mutations in the KRAS, NRAS, BRAF genes by realtime PCR. HER2 amplification was determined in 100 patients with a negative RAS/BRAF. NTRK translocations were determined in all patients with MSI. Data on preoperative levels of CEA and CA19-9 were obtained from 185 patients.Results and discussion. The prevalence of MSI was 6.8%. The prevalence of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF mutations in CRC with MSI was 66.7%, and in CRC with MSS - 52.3%. In patients with MSI, the level of CEA was lower than in MSS (p = 0.0061). The overall prevalence of KRAS and NRAS mutations was 45% and 2.5%. The overall prevalence of the BRAF V600E mutation was 5.8% and was more common in MSI-positive tumors (p < 0.0001). Regardless of MSI, BRAF-positive tumors were characterized by right-sided localization (p < 0.0001), category T3-4 (p = 0.013), lymph node involvement (p = 0.004), carcinomatosis (p = 0.046), high levels of CA19-9 (p = 0.014). HER2 amplification was found in 7% of wild-type RAS/BRAF cases and was associated with rectal cancer (p = 0.044), category T3-4 (p = 0.041), and distant metastases (p = 0.038). HER2 amplifications and NTRK translocations were not detected in cases with MSI.Conclusion. MSI-positive CRC had a higher prevalence of mutations in major genes. CRC with the BRAF V600E mutation and HER2 amplification had aggressive clinical and morphological parameters

    Study of the effectiveness of a combination of laser curettage and injections of hyaluronic acid-based gel (experiment on laboratory animals)

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    Study of the effectiveness of a combination of laser curettage and injections of hyaluronic acid-based gel (experiment on laboratory animals

    Involvement of students of the dental faculty in the implementation of the project "Happy smile"

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    According to WHO, the prevalence of dental diseases does not tend to decrease. An urgent task today is the development of programs and projects aimed at the health of bearing. Earlier we developed the project "HAPPY SMILE". The aim of this study was to study the involvement of students of the faculty of dentistry in the implementation of this project, and to identify the factors affecting the development of this activity. We have created a questionnaire on the platform "Google Forms". 55 volunteers aged from 18 to 24 years with an equal ratio on a gender basis were interviewed. All respondents are students of dental faculty of 2–5 courses of Ural state medical university. High interest of students of stomatological faculty in carrying out preventive actions is revealed. Participation in the project contributes to the formation of significant professional competencies of students, which improves the quality of training of future dentists.По данным ВОЗ, распространенность стоматологических заболеваний не имеет тенденцию к снижению. Актуальной задачей на сегодняшний день является разработка программ и проектов, направленных на здоровьесбережение несения. Ранее нами был разработан проект «Счастливая улыбка». Целью исследования стало изучение вовлеченности студентов стоматологического факультета в реализацию проекта и выявление факторов, влияющих на развитие данной деятельности. На платформе «Google Forms» нами была создана анкета. Опрошено 55 волонтеров в возрасте от 18 до 24 лет с равным соотношением по половому признаку. Все респонденты являются студентами стоматологического факультета 2–5 курса УГМУ. Выявлена высокая заинтересованность студентов стоматологического факультета в проведении профилактических мероприятий. Участие в проекте способствует формированию значимых профессиональных компетенций студентов, что способствует повышению качества подготовки будущих врачей-стоматологов

    Participation of UGMU dental students in the faculty's volunteer movement

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    In 2017, the Happy Smile project was developed at the dental faculty of Ural State Medical University and its active implementation began, during which teachers and students conduct preventive measures in educational institutions, shopping centers, and hospitals in the city. Studied the involvement of students in the implementation of this, and identified factors affecting the development of this activity.В 2017 году на стоматологическом факультете УГМУ разработан проект «Счастливая улыбка» и началась его активная реализация, в ходе которой преподаватели и студенты проводят профилактические мероприятия в образовательных учреждениях, торгово-развлекательных центрах, больницах города. Изучена вовлеченности студентов в реализацию данного, и выявлены факторы, влияющие на развитие данной деятельности

    Application of enriched autoplasma injections after laser decontamination (animal experiment)

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    The article presents the results of complex treatment of experimental periodontitis on the author's model of the disease. The animals underwent the LANAP procedure using a SiroLaser diode laser. Then they were divided into two groups: the control group and the study group, which was treated with injections of enriched autoplasma. The positive dynamics of the periodontitis course in the group with the course of plasmolifting was revealedВ статье представлены результаты комплекснoго лечения экспериментального пародонтита на авторской модели заболевания. Животным проводили процедуру LANAP с помощью диодного лазера SiroLaser. Затем они были разделены на две группы: контрольную и исследуемую, в курсе лечения которой были инъекции обогащенной аутоплазмы. Выявлена положительная динамика течения пародонтита в группе с курсом плазмолифтинг

    The challenge of our days: youth initiative and volunteering at the dental faculty of USMU

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    Since 2017, a volunteer project «Happy Smile» has been implemented at the dental faculty of USMU, during which tutors and students of the faculty carry out preventive measures in educational institutions, shopping and entertainment centers, hospitals of the city. The events are aimed at promoting health-saving technologies among the population of different ages and increasing literacy in relation to the prevention of oral diseases, improving the quality of life of the population by reducing the level of dental morbidity, developing professional and supraprofessional competencies of a modern graduate dentistС 2017 года на стоматологическом факультете УГМУ реализуется волонтерский проект «Счастливая улыбка», в ходе которого преподаватели и студенты факультета проводят профилактические мероприятия в образовательных учреждениях, торгово-развлекательных центрах, больницах города. Мероприятия направлены на продвижение здоровьесберегающих технологий среди населения разного возраста и повышение грамотности в отношении профилактики заболеваний полости рта, повышение качества жизни населения посредством снижения уровня стоматологической заболеваемости, формирование профессиональных и надпрофессиональных компетенций современного выпускника-стоматолог

    Investigation of possible acute, subchronic toxicity of composition based on cellular products and safety of its applications in experiment on animals

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    The aim of our study was to identify possible acute and subchronic toxicity, to establish the safety of the use of a composition based on cell products under experimental conditions in three types of laboratory animals, with different routes of administration. The studies were carried out on white mongrel mice weighing 19-21 g, white rats of the Wistar lineage weighing 190-240, rabbits of the Chinchilla breed with a mass of 2.8-3.6 kg of both sexes. The results of the conducted studies showed that the composition based on cell products in native form and as a 10% suspension does not cause acute and subchronic toxicity. The different degree of expression of motor activity and behavior, before and after administration of 0.4 ml of a 10% suspension of the test composition, became the main criterion for the separation of this population of females and males into subpopulations by the level of anxiety. The composition based on cell products does not cause a local irritant effect on mucous membranes and skin of rabbits. The test composition with subchronic application does not show sensitizing properties.Целью нашего исследования было выявление возможной острой и субхронической токсичности, установление безопасности применения композиции на основе клеточных продуктов в экспериментальных условиях на трёх видах лабораторных животных при различных путях её введения. Исследования проведены на белых беспородных мышах массой 19-21 г, белых крысах популяции линии Wistar массой 190-240, кроликах породы Шиншилла массой 2,8-3,6 кг обоего пола. результаты проведенных исследований показали, что композиция на основе клеточных продуктов в нативном виде и в виде 10% суспензии не вызывает острой и субхронической токсичности. различная степень выраженности показателей двигательной активности и исследуемого поведения, до и после ведения 0.4 мл 10 % суспензии исследуемой композиции, стала основным критерием для разделения данной популяции самок и самцов на субпопуляции по уровню тревожности. композиция на основе клеточных продуктов не вызывает местного раздражающего действия на слизистые и кожные покровы кроликов. Исследуемый состав при субхроническом применении не проявляет сенсибилизирующих свойств