103 research outputs found

    Anxious Personality and Breast Cancer: Possible Negative Impact on Quality of Life After Breast-Conserving Therapy

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    Background Quality of Life (QoL) is an important outcome measure in oncology. To assess the influence of surgical treatment and personality on QoL in women with breast cancer, a longitudinal prospective cohort study was done. Methods Women (n = 222) completed questionnaires concerning QoL (WHOQOL 100) and personality (NEO-FFI and STAI) prior to the diagnosis of breast cancer and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after diagnosis and treatment. One hundred five women were treated with breast-conserving therapy (BCT) and 117 women underwent mastectomy (MTC). Results The two treatment groups did not differ on overall QoL. At all measurement times the influence of trait anxiety on overall QoL was substantial in the BCT group. Women with a high score on trait anxiety were seven times more likely to have a low overall QoL 1 year after BCT. In the MTC group overall QoL was influenced mainly by neuroticism. Conclusions Personality, especially trait anxiety and neuroticism, determined patients' overall QoL scores. Women with an anxious personality fared worse concerning QoL after breast conserving therap

    "Let us join our hearts!" - The Role and Meaning of Constructing Kinship and Friendship in Republican Rome

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    Harders A-C. "Let us join our hearts!" - The Role and Meaning of Constructing Kinship and Friendship in Republican Rome. In: Mustakallio K, Krötzl C, eds. Di Amicitia - Social Networks and Relationships. Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages III. Acta Instituti Romani Finlaniae, 36. Rome: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae; 2010: 33-47