224 research outputs found

    Dilute ferrimagnetic semiconductors in Fe-substituted spinel ZnGa2_2O4_4

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    Solid solutions of nominal composition [ZnGa2_2O4_4]1x_{1-x}[Fe3_3O4_4]x_x, of the semiconducting spinel ZnGa2_2O4_4 with the ferrimagnetic spinel Fe3_3O4_4 have been prepared with xx = 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15. All samples show evidence for long-range magnetic ordering with ferromagnetic hysteresis at low temperatures. Magnetization as a function of field for the xx = 0.15 sample is S-shaped at temperatures as high as 200 K. M\"ossbauer spectroscopy on the xx = 0.15 sample confirms the presence of Fe3+^{3+}, and spontaneous magnetization at 4.2 K. The magnetic behavior is obtained without greatly affecting the semiconducting properties of the host; diffuse reflectance optical spectroscopy indicates that Fe substitution up to xx = 0.15 does not affect the position of the band edge absorption. These promising results motivate the possibility of dilute ferrimagnetic semiconductors which do not require carrier mediation of the magnetic moment.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figure

    Avaliação e perspectivas da abordagem à conservação do patrimônio organístico no Brasil

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    Órgãos de tubos são construídos no Brasil, ou importados do exterior, desde as primeiras décadas do período colonial. Estes instrumentos, apesar de constituírem um conjunto relativamente exíguo, representam um testemunho histórico e musical de valor inestimável. No entanto, de um modo geral, encontram-se em condições precárias de funcionamento e, em parte, mais ou menos descaracterizados profundamente, quanto à sua estrutura e configuração original, às vezes em estado de abandono e, por incrível que pareça, ainda sujeitos ao risco de intervenções arbitrárias e desprovidas de bases técnicas e de preocupação histórica e musicológica. Neste artigo, busca-se percorrer o caminho que levou à atual situação e discutem-se os princípios e os critérios de processos de recuperação, manutenção e conservação preventiva desse patrimônio, partindo dos pressupostos do respeito à sua originalidade e do direito a restauros segundo os rigorosos cânones já definidos para objetos com plena condição de bem cultural, cujo reconhecimento para os órgãos de qualquer época deve ser urgentemente garantido.Pipe organs have been built in Brazil or imported from elsewhere since the very first decades of the colonial period. Albeit relatively small in number, such instruments have inestimable historical and musical value. Notwithstanding, they are generally in very poor working condition and some have lost much of their original structure and configuration; they are often found in a state of abandonment and, incredible as it may seem, still under the threat of arbitrary interventions performed with no technical expertise or any concern for their historical and musicological significance. This article is an effort to understand how this state of affairs came to be, and discusses principles and criteria for the restoration, maintenance and preventive conservation of this legacy, based on assumptions regarding its original conditions and entitlement to restoration in accordance with the stringent standards already set for artifacts that enjoy the full status of cultural assets, which should also be urgently granted to pipe organs of any time and age

    Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cu-Pt System

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    A CALPHAD assessment of the Cu-Pt system has been carried out. Two and four sublattice models were applied to describe the Gibbs free energies of ordered phases where the contribution of SRO is taken explicitly into account through the reciprocal parameters. The disordered fcc A1 and liquid phases were treated as substitutional solutions. A consistent set of parameters for the phases in the Cu-Pt system as obtained, and those parameters can satisfactorily reproduce the experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties, such as enthalpies, activity of Cu, and long-range order parameters

    Linear stability of periodic three-body orbits with zero angular momentum and topological dependence of Kepler's third law: a numerical test

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    We test numerically the recently proposed linear relationship between the scale-invariant period Ts.i. = T|E| 3/2, and the topology of an orbit, on several hundred planar Newtonian periodic three-body orbits. Here T is the period of an orbit, E is its energy, so that Ts.i. is the scale-invariant period, or, equivalently, the period at unit energy |E| = 1. All of these orbits have vanishing angular momentum and pass through a linear, equidistant configuration at least once. Such orbits are classified in ten algebraically well-defined sequences. Orbits in each sequence follow an approximate linear dependence of Ts.i., albeit with slightly different slopes and intercepts. The orbit with the shortest period in its sequence is called the ‘progenitor’: six distinct orbits are the progenitors of these ten sequences. We have studied linear stability of these orbits, with the result that 21 orbits are linearly stable, which includes all of the progenitors. This is consistent with the Birkhoff–Lewis theorem, which implies existence of infinitely many periodic orbits for each stable progenitor, and in this way explains the existence and ensures infinite extension of each sequence

    Histology of the Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Non-Syndromic Children with Velopharyngeal Insufficiency

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    Plastic surgeons aim to correct velopharyngeal insufficiency manifest by hypernasal speech with a velopharyngoplasty. The functional outcome has been reported to be worse in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome than in patients without the syndrome. A possible explanation is the hypotonia that is often present as part of the syndrome. To confirm a myogenic component of the etiology of velopharyngeal insufficiency in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, specimens of the pharyngeal constrictor muscle were taken from children with and without the syndrome. Histologic properties were compared between the groups. Specimens from the two groups did not differ regarding the presence of increased perimysial or endomysial space, fiber grouping by size or type, internalized nuclei, the percentage type I fibers, or the diameters of type I and type II fibers. In conclusion, a myogenic component of the etiology of velopharyngeal insufficiency in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome could not be confirmed

    Review of the anatase to rutile phase transformation

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    A transformation of the two-body problem

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