319 research outputs found

    Large Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects in High Curie-Temperature Iron-Based Heusler Compounds

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    Abstract The interplay between topology and magnetism has recently sparked the frontier studies of magnetic topological materials that exhibit intriguing anomalous Hall and Nernst effects owning to the large intrinsic Berry curvature (BC). To better understand the anomalous quantum transport properties of these materials and their implications for future applications such as electronic and thermoelectric devices, it is crucial to discover more novel material platforms for performing anomalous transverse transport studies. Here, it is experimentally demonstrated that low-cost Fe-based Heusler compounds exhibit large anomalous Hall and Nernst effects. An anomalous Hall conductivity of 250?750 S cm?1 and Nernst thermopower of above 2 µV K?1 are observed near room temperature. The positive effect of anti-site disorder on the anomalous Hall transport is revealed. Considering the very high Curie temperature (nearly 1000 K), larger Nernst thermopowers at high temperatures are expected owing to the existing magnetic order and the intrinsic BC. This work provides a background for developing low-cost Fe-based Heusler compounds as a new material platform for anomalous transport studies and applications, in particular, near and above room temperature

    The pursuit of happiness: the social and scientific origins of Hans Selye’s natural philosophy of life

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    © The Author(s) 2012. Open access article.In 1956, Hans Selye tentatively suggested that the scientific study of stress could ‘help us to formulate a precise program of conduct’ and ‘teach us the wisdom to live a rich and meaningful life’. Nearly two decades later, Selye expanded this limited vision of social order into a full-blown philosophy of life. In Stress without Distress, first published in 1974, he proposed an ethical code of conduct designed to mitigate personal and social problems. Basing his arguments on contemporary understandings of the biological processes involved in stress reactions, Selye referred to this code as ‘altruistic egotism’. This article explores the origins and evolution of Selye’s ‘natural philosophy of life’, analysing the links between his theories and adjacent intellectual developments in biology, psychosomatic and psychosocial medicine, cybernetics and socio-biology, and situating his work in the broader cultural framework of modern western societies.Wellcome Trus

    Recent advances in organic synthesis using light-mediated n-heterocyclic carbene catalysis

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    The combination of photocatalysis with other ground state catalytic systems have attracted much attention recently due to the enormous synthetic potential offered by a dual activation mode. The use of N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) as organocatalysts emerged as an important synthetic tool. Its ability to harness umpolung reactivity by the formation of the Breslow intermediate has been employed in the synthesis of thousands of biologically important compounds. However, the available coupling partners are relatively restricted, and its combination with other catalytic systems might improve its synthetic versatility. Thus, merging photoredox and N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) catalysis has emerged recently as a powerful strategy to develop new transformations and give access to a whole new branch of synthetic possibilities. This review compiles the NHC catalyzed methods mediated by light, either in the presence or absence of an external photocatalyst, that have been described so far, and aims to give an accurate overview of the potential of this activation modeL.M. acknowledges the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) for the financial support (PEJD-2019-PRE/AMB-16640 and SI1/PJI/ 2019-00237) and for an “Atracción de Talento Investigador” contract (2017-T2/AMB-5037

    Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Papillary Renal-Cell Carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND Papillary renal-cell carcinoma, which accounts for 15 to 20% of renal-cell carcinomas, is a heterogeneous disease that consists of various types of renal cancer, including tumors with indolent, multifocal presentation and solitary tumors with an aggressive, highly lethal phenotype. Little is known about the genetic basis of sporadic papillary renal-cell carcinoma, and no effective forms of therapy for advanced disease exist. METHODS We performed comprehensive molecular characterization of 161 primary papillary renal-cell carcinomas, using whole-exome sequencing, copy-number analysis, messenger RNA and microRNA sequencing, DNA-methylation analysis, and proteomic analysis. RESULTS Type 1 and type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas were shown to be different types of renal cancer characterized by specific genetic alterations, with type 2 further classified into three individual subgroups on the basis of molecular differences associated with patient survival. Type 1 tumors were associated with MET alterations, whereas type 2 tumors were characterized by CDKN2A silencing, SETD2 mutations, TFE3 fusions, and increased expression of the NRF2'antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway. A CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was observed in a distinct subgroup of type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas that was characterized by poor survival and mutation of the gene encoding fumarate hydratase (FH). CONCLUSIONS Type 1 and type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas were shown to be clinically and biologically distinct. Alterations in the MET pathway were associated with type 1, and activation of the NRF2-ARE pathway was associated with type 2; CDKN2A loss and CIMP in type 2 conveyed a poor prognosis. Furthermore, type 2 papillary renalcell carcinoma consisted of at least three subtypes based on molecular and phenotypic features

    Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Surface Functionalization Strategies

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    Surface functionalized magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) are a kind of novel functional materials, which have been widely used in the biotechnology and catalysis. This review focuses on the recent development and various strategies in preparation, structure, and magnetic properties of naked and surface functionalized iron oxide NPs and their corresponding application briefly. In order to implement the practical application, the particles must have combined properties of high magnetic saturation, stability, biocompatibility, and interactive functions at the surface. Moreover, the surface of iron oxide NPs could be modified by organic materials or inorganic materials, such as polymers, biomolecules, silica, metals, etc. The problems and major challenges, along with the directions for the synthesis and surface functionalization of iron oxide NPs, are considered. Finally, some future trends and prospective in these research areas are also discussed

    Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours

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    This Article from the Cancer Genome Atlas consortium describes a multifaceted analysis of primary breast cancers in 825 people. Exome sequencing, copy number variation, DNA methylation, messenger RNA arrays, microRNA sequencing and proteomic analyses were performed and integrated to shed light on breast-cancer heterogeneity. Just three genes — TP53, PIK3CA and GATA3 — are mutated at greater than 10% frequency across all breast cancers. Many subtype-associated and novel mutations were identified, as well as two breast-cancer subgroups with specific signalling-pathway signatures. The analyses also suggest that much of the clinically observable plasticity and heterogeneity occurs within, and not across, the major subtypes of breast cancer

    Solid-state synthesis of NASICON (Na3Zr2Si2PO12) using nanoparticle precursors for optimisation of ionic conductivity

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    In this work, the effect of varying the size of the precursor raw materials SiO2 and ZrO2 in the solid-state synthesis of NASICON in the form Na3Zr2Si2PO12 was studied. Nanoscale and macro-scale precursor materials were selected for comparison purposes, and a range of sintering times were examined (10, 24 and 40 h) at a temperature of 1230 °C. Na3Zr2Si2PO12 pellets produced from nanopowder precursors were found to produce substantially higher ionic conductivities, with improved morphology and higher density than those produced from larger micron-scaled precursors. The nanoparticle precursors were shown to give a maximum ionic conductivity of 1.16 × 10−3 S cm−1 when sintered at 1230 °C for 40 h, in the higher range of published solid-state Na3Zr2Si2PO12 conductivities. The macro-precursors gave lower ionic conductivity of 0.62 × 10−3 S cm−1 under the same processing conditions. Most current authors do not quote or consider the precursor particle size for solid-state synthesis of Na3Zr2Si2PO12. This study shows the importance of precursor powder particle size in the microstructure and performance of Na3Zr2Si2PO12 during solid-state synthesis and offers a route to improved predictability and consistency of the manufacturing process