1,343 research outputs found

    Charged pion production in 4496^{96}_{44}Ru+4496^{96}_{44}Ru collisions at 400A and 1528A MeV

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    We present transverse momentum and rapidity spectra of charged pions in central Ru + Ru collisions at 400AA and 1528AA MeV. The data exhibit enhanced production at low transverse momenta compared to the expectations from the thermal model that includes the decay of Δ(1232)\Delta(1232)-resonances and thermal pions. Modification of the Δ\Delta-spectral function and the Coulomb interaction are necessary to describe the detailed shape of the transverse momentum spectra. Within the framework of the thermal model, the freeze-out radii of pions are similar at both beam energies. The IQMD model reproduces the shapes of the transverse momentum and rapidity spectra of pions, but the predicted absolute yields are larger than in the measurements, especially at lower beam energy.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Massa de forragem e características morfológicas de gramíneas do gênero Brachiaria na região do Arenito Caiuá/PR

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    Na região Noroeste do Paraná, assim como em boa parte do Brasil, as espécies forrageiras mais utilizadas são as gramíneas do gênero Brachiaria, com destaque para a Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Contudo, existem novas cultivares que precisam ser avaliadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a massa de forragem, características morfológicas e alturas de manejo (95% interceptação luminosa do dossel) de cinco cultivares de Brachiaria brizantha (Marandu, Xaraés, Piatã, Paiaguás e MG-4) e a Brachiaria híbrida Convert HD 364. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados a altura e interceptação luminosa do dossel, massa de forragem e composição morfológica das plantas. As cultivares Xaraés, Paiaguás e MG-4 destacaram-se pela maior massa de forragem total e de folhas, particularmente na época seca, e são boas alternativas para a cultivar Marandu. . A altura do dossel forrageiro de entrada preconizada para as cultivares Marandu e Piatã está em torno de 25 cm, para Xaraés e MG- 30 cm, Paiaguás 34 cm, e Convert 23 cm

    an inclusive view of saharan dust advections to italy and the central mediterranean

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    Abstract We address observations of physical and chemical properties of Saharan dust advections (SDA) as observed in the Central Mediterranean basin, within the framework of the LIFE+10, DIAPASON project ( www.diapason-life.eu ). DIAPASON aimed at the definition of best practices and tools to detect and evaluate the contribution of Saharan dust to ground particulate matter (PM) loads. Polarization-sensitive, automated lidar-ceilometers (PLC) are one of the tools prototyped and used in the Rome area to reach this goal. The results presented in this study focus on: 1) the effectiveness of various observational tools at detecting and characterizing atmospheric dust plumes, and 2) processes and properties of Saharan dust advections reaching the central Mediterranean region. In this respect, the combination of numerical model forecasts and time-resolved (at least hourly) PLC or chemical observations was found to constitute an efficient way to predict and confirm the presence of Saharan dust. In the period 2011–2014, Saharan dust advections were observed to reach over Rome on about 32% of the days. In some 70% of these days the dust reached the ground in dry conditions, while 30% of advection days involved wet deposition. Dry (wet) deposition was found to maximize (minimize) in summer. The northern Sahara between Algeria and Tunisia (Grand Erg Oriental), was confirmed as the most frequent region of origin of the dust mobilized towards central Italy. Secondary source regions include northern Morocco and Libya. On a statistical basis, Saharan advections to Rome were preceded by increasing atmospheric pressure and stability. These conditions were found to favor the accumulation of aerosols related to local emission sources before the SDA reached the ground. Meteorology (precipitation and turbulence in primis) resulted to be an important modulator of PM concentrations during SDAs. Magnitude and timing of these factors should be well considered to correctly evaluate the dust share in PM loads or the related health effects. Saharan advections observed during DIAPASON affected particle concentrations down to diameters of about 0.6–1 μm, with number concentrations peaking at the 2.5 μm diameter range. These advections were associated with a significant increase in Si-rich particles containing a non-negligible fraction of water. Rainfall was observed to preferentially remove dust particles larger than 2 μm, causing a significant depletion in the Ca-rich fraction with respect to the Si-rich one. The increase in PLC depolarization ratios above 5%, as well as the hourly PIXE records of the Si/Ca ratio increasing above 1 were found to represent good markers for the actual presence of Saharan dust particulate matter, when Saharan advection conditions are occurring

    Strong Decays of QQˉQ \bar Q Mesons

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    We present a detailed study of the two-body strong decays of light mesons. Both the space part and the spin-flavor-color part of the wave functions are generated algebraically and closed forms are obtained for all decays. Experimental deviations from our systematics are seen to be suggestive of both missing mesons and exotic QCD configurations.Comment: 24 pages (+6 figures, available from the authors), LATEX file, Yale preprint YCTP-N18-9

    Differential directed flow in Au+Au collisions

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    We present experimental data on directed flow in semi-central Au+Au collisions at incident energies from 90 to 400 A MeV. For the first time for this energy domain, the data are presented in a transverse momentum differential way. We study the first order Fourier coefficient v1 for different particle species and establish a gradual change of its patterns as a function of incident energy and for different regions in rapidity.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C (Rapid Communications). Data files available at http://www-linux.gsi.de/~andronic/fopi/v1.htm