39 research outputs found

    Quantitative localized proton-promoted dissolution kinetics of calcite using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)

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    Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) has been used to determine quantitatively the kinetics of proton-promoted dissolution of the calcite (101̅4) cleavage surface (from natural “Iceland Spar”) at the microscopic scale. By working under conditions where the probe size is much less than the characteristic dislocation spacing (as revealed from etching), it has been possible to measure kinetics mainly in regions of the surface which are free from dislocations, for the first time. To clearly reveal the locations of measurements, studies focused on cleaved “mirror” surfaces, where one of the two faces produced by cleavage was etched freely to reveal defects intersecting the surface, while the other (mirror) face was etched locally (and quantitatively) using SECM to generate high proton fluxes with a 25 μm diameter Pt disk ultramicroelectrode (UME) positioned at a defined (known) distance from a crystal surface. The etch pits formed at various etch times were measured using white light interferometry to ascertain pit dimensions. To determine quantitative dissolution kinetics, a moving boundary finite element model was formulated in which experimental time-dependent pit expansion data formed the input for simulations, from which solution and interfacial concentrations of key chemical species, and interfacial fluxes, could then be determined and visualized. This novel analysis allowed the rate constant for proton attack on calcite, and the order of the reaction with respect to the interfacial proton concentration, to be determined unambiguously. The process was found to be first order in terms of interfacial proton concentration with a rate constant k = 6.3 (± 1.3) × 10–4 m s–1. Significantly, this value is similar to previous macroscopic rate measurements of calcite dissolution which averaged over large areas and many dislocation sites, and where such sites provided a continuous source of steps for dissolution. Since the local measurements reported herein are mainly made in regions without dislocations, this study demonstrates that dislocations and steps that arise from such sites are not needed for fast proton-promoted calcite dissolution. Other sites, such as point defects, which are naturally abundant in calcite, are likely to be key reaction sites

    Directed emission of CdSe nanoplatelets originating from strongly anisotropic 2D electronic structure

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    ntrinsically directional light emitters are potentially important for applications in photonics including lasing and energy-efficient display technology. Here, we propose a new route to overcome intrinsic efficiency limitations in light-emitting devices by studying a CdSe nanoplatelets monolayer that exhibits strongly anisotropic, directed photoluminescence. Analysis of the two-dimensional k-space distribution reveals the underlying internal transition dipole distribution. The observed directed emission is related to the anisotropy of the electronic Bloch states governing the exciton transition dipole moment and forming a bright plane. The strongly directed emission perpendicular to the platelet is further enhanced by the optical local density of states and local fields. In contrast to the emission directionality, the off-resonant absorption into the energetically higher 2D-continuum of states is isotropic. These contrasting optical properties make the oriented CdSe nanoplatelets, or superstructures of parallel-oriented platelets, an interesting and potentially useful class of semiconductor-based emitters

    Wave instabilities in the presence of non vanishing background in nonlinear Schrodinger systems

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    We investigate wave collapse ruled by the generalized nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) equation in 1+1 dimensions, for localized excitations with non-zero background, establishing through virial identities a new criterion for blow-up. When collapse is arrested, a semiclassical approach allows us to show that the system can favor the formation of dispersive shock waves. The general findings are illustrated with a model of interest to both classical and quantum physics (cubic-quintic NLS equation), demonstrating a radically novel scenario of instability, where solitons identify a marginal condition between blow-up and occurrence of shock waves, triggered by arbitrarily small mass perturbations of different sign

    Observation of a Microscopic Cascaded Contribution to the Fifth-¬Order Nonlinear Susceptibility

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    Typically, low-order nonlinearities are much stronger than high-order nonlinearities. In this Letter, we demonstrate a procedure by which strong high-order nonlinearities can be synthesized out of low-order nonlinearities. Our procedure involves the use of the previously largely overlooked process of microscopic cascading, which results from local-field effects. We have performed an experiment that allows us to distinguish the influence of microscopic cascading from the more-well-known process of macroscopic cascading, and we find conditions under which microscopic cascading can be the dominant effect. The ability to create a large high-order nonlinear response could prove useful for applications in quantum-information science that require the detection of the simultaneous presence of N entangled photons.open113538sciescopu


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    Broadband and High-Sensitivity Time-Resolved THz System Using Grating-Assisted Tilted-Pulse-Front Phase Matching

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    A broadband and sensitive time-resolved terahertz (THz) configuration relying on noncollinear optical interactions is presented. This noncollinear scheme enables a higher THz generation and detection efficiency in nonlinear crystals. The concept relies on a pair of thick (2 mm) GaP crystals with a phase grating etched on their surface to achieve phase matching between a diffracted near-infrared pulse and a THz wave propagating at normal incidence. This system is compared to a standard collinear scheme based on thin (0.2 mm) crystals and, while both systems provide access to a spectral bandwidth extending up to 6.5 THz, it is found that the noncollinear configuration improves the THz signal by more than a factor of 400 and the dynamic range of the system by 30 dB at a frequency of 3 THz

    Broadband self-phase modulation, cross-phase modulation, and four-wave mixing in 9-mm-long AlGaAs waveguides

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    We demonstrate efficient self-phase modulation with a nonlinear phase shift of up to 3π, broadband cross-phase modulation, and four-wave mixing with a 14nm tunability range in AlGaAs waveguides with a specially designed composition. The length of our sample is only 9mm, but the efficiency of the observed effects is high

    Continuous-wave quasi-phase-matched waveguide correlated photon pair source on a III–V chip

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    We report on the demonstration of correlated photon pair generation in a quasi-phase-matched superlattice GaAs/AlGaAs waveguide using a continuous-wave pump. Our photon pair source has a low noise level and achieves a high coincidence-to-accidental ratio greater than 100, which is the highest value reported in III–V chips so far. This correlated photon pair source has the potential to be monolithically integrated with on-chip pump laser sources fabricated on the same superlattice wafer structure, enabling direct correlated/entangled photon pair production from a compact electrically powered chip

    Optical activity in diffraction from a planar array of achiral nanoparticles

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    We prepare diffractive planar arrays of metal nanoparticles that are chiral because of either the shape of individual particles (“molecular” chirality) or the orientation of achiral particles in the array (“structural” chirality). Both sorts of samples are shown to lead to comparable polarization changes in the diffracted light. For the case of structural chirality, one might assume that these effects can occur only through interparticle interactions, as would be the case for transmission measurements (zero-order diffraction). However, we show that the results can be explained by a simple model in which the polarization effects are based on independent scattering by individual particles, with no interparticle coupling, and with the array structure simply determining the direction of the diffraction maximum. We thus conclude that structural and molecular chiralities are indistinguishable in diffraction experiments.Peer reviewe