846 research outputs found

    Umjetnost u medicini: retrospektiva anatomskih crteža Charlesa Bella

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    Perhaps best known for his discovery of the eponymous syndrome ‘Bell’s Palsy’, Charles Bell (1774-1842) made significant contributions to neuroscience, medical education and philosophy. Our aim was to examine his neuroanatomical drawings in the context of the era in which they were produced and their influence on future scholars. Emphasis is placed on analysing the artistic techniques employed and Bell’s unique manner of conveying both structure and function. The images discussed include those featured in his book entitled The Anatomy of the Brain: Explained in a Series of Engravings. These images can be viewed in parallel with his writing on the anatomy of the brain, in which he describes the usual manner of demonstrating neuroanatomy as ‘dull’ and ‘unmeaning’. His mastery of artistic technique complements his insightful descriptions of this prodigiously complex organ. The result is a more engaging account of neuroanatomy and an impressive display of his skill as an artist, anatomist and physician. Examining these expressive portrait-like diagrams provides greater insight into the mind of the pioneer of modern neuroscience.Iako je možda najpoznatiji po otkriću sindroma koji je po njemu nazvan Bellova paraliza, nemjerljiv je doprinos Charlesa Bella (1774.-1842.) neuroznanosti, medicinskoj izobrazbi i filozofiji. Cilj je bio istražiti neuroanatomske crteže u kontekstu vremena u kojem su nastali te njihov utjecaj na buduće znanstvenike. Naglasak je na analizi primijenjenih umjetničkih tehnika te na Bellovu jedinstvenom načinu prikazivanja strukture i funkcije. Raspravlja se o slikama koje se nalaze u njegovoj knjizi “Anatomija mozga: objašnjenje kroz niz gravura” (The Anatomy of the Brain: Explained in a Series of Engravings). Ove slike mogu se promatrati usporedno s njegovim tekstovima o anatomiji mozga u kojima on opisuje uobičajeni način prikazivanja neuroanatomije kao “dosadne” i “besmislene”. Njegova majstorska umjetnička tehnika dopunjava njegove pronicave opise ovoga silno složenoga organa. Rezultat je znatno privlačniji pogled na neuroanatomiju i dojmljiv prikaz njegove vještine kao umjetnika, anatoma i liječnika. Izučavanje ovih izražajnih dijagrama nalik portretima omogućava bolji uvid u um ovoga pionira suvremene neuroznanosti

    Leadership and Teamwork in Trauma and Resuscitation.

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    Leadership skills are described by the American College of Surgeons' Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course as necessary to provide care for patients during resuscitations. However, leadership is a complex concept, and the tools used to assess the quality of leadership are poorly described, inadequately validated, and infrequently used. Despite its importance, dedicated leadership education is rarely part of physician training programs. The goals of this investigation were the following: 1. Describe how leadership and leadership style affect patient care; 2. Describe how effective leadership is measured; and 3. Describe how to train future physician leaders. We searched the PubMed database using the keywords "leadership" and then either "trauma" or "resuscitation" as title search terms, and an expert in emergency medicine and trauma then identified prospective observational and randomized controlled studies measuring leadership and teamwork quality. Study results were categorized as follows: 1) how leadership affects patient care; 2) which tools are available to measure leadership; and 3) methods to train physicians to become better leaders. We included 16 relevant studies in this review. Overall, these studies showed that strong leadership improves processes of care in trauma resuscitation including speed and completion of the primary and secondary surveys. The optimal style and structure of leadership are influenced by patient characteristics and team composition. Directive leadership is most effective when Injury Severity Score (ISS) is high or teams are inexperienced, while empowering leadership is most effective when ISS is low or teams more experienced. Many scales were employed to measure leadership. The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) was the only scale used in more than one study. Seven studies described methods for training leaders. Leadership training programs included didactic teaching followed by simulations. Although programs differed in length, intensity, and training level of participants, all programs demonstrated improved team performance. Despite the relative paucity of literature on leadership in resuscitations, this review found leadership improves processes of care in trauma and can be enhanced through dedicated training. Future research is needed to validate leadership assessment scales, develop optimal training mechanisms, and demonstrate leadership's effect on patient-level outcome

    The role of artificial intelligence in surgical simulation

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an integral role in enhancing the quality of surgical simulation, which is increasingly becoming a popular tool for enriching the training experience of a surgeon. This spans the spectrum from facilitating preoperative planning, to intraoperative visualisation and guidance, ultimately with the aim of improving patient safety. Although arguably still in its early stages of widespread clinical application, AI technology enables personal evaluation and provides personalised feedback in surgical training simulations. Several forms of surgical visualisation technologies currently in use for anatomical education and presurgical assessment rely on different AI algorithms. However, while it is promising to see clinical examples and technological reports attesting to the efficacy of AI-supported surgical simulators, barriers to wide-spread commercialisation of such devices and software remain complex and multifactorial. High implementation and production costs, scarcity of reports evidencing the superiority of such technology, and intrinsic technological limitations remain at the forefront. As AI technology is key to driving the future of surgical simulation, this paper will review the literature delineating its current state, challenges, and prospects. In addition, a consolidated list of FDA/CE approved AI-powered medical devices for surgical simulation is presented, in order to shed light on the existing gap between academic achievements and the universal commercialisation of AI-enabled simulators. We call for further clinical assessment of AI-supported surgical simulators to support novel regulatory body approved devices and usher surgery into a new era of surgical education

    Long-term mental wellbeing and functioning after surgery for cauda equina syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) can cause persisting life-changing dysfunction. There is scarce literature regarding the long-term assessment of CES symptoms, and rarer still is the impact of these symptoms on mental wellbeing investigated. This study assessed the long-term patient reported mental wellbeing outcomes of post-operative CES patients. METHODS: Patients who underwent surgery for CES between August 2013 and November 2014 were identified using an ethically approved database. They then completed validated questionnaires over the telephone assessing their mental and physical functioning (Short-Form 12 Questionnaire), generating the Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS). Bladder, bowel and sexual function were also assessed using validated questionnaires. MCS scores were compared to both the Scottish mean and previously published cut-offs indicating patients at risk of depression. Correlations of MCS with bladder, bowel, sexual and physical dysfunction were examined and multifactorial regression to predict MCS from these variables analysed. Independent t-tests assessed the mean difference in MCS between patients presenting with incomplete CES (CES-I) and CES with retention (CES-R) and between those with radiologically confirmed and impending CES. RESULTS: Forty-six participants with a mean follow-up time of 43 months completed the study. The mean (±SD) MCS was 49 (±11.8) with 22% demonstrating poor mental health related quality of life in comparison to the Scottish mean. Overall, 37% had scores consistent with being at risk for depression with in the last 30 days, and 45% within the last 12 months. MCS was significantly correlated with Urinary Symptoms Profile (USP) score (-0.608), NBDS score (-0.556), ASEX score (-0.349) and PCS score (0.413) with worse bladder, bowel, sexual and physical dysfunction associated with worse MCS score. Multifactorial regression analysis demonstrated both urinary (USP score p = 0.031) and bowel function (NBDS score p = 0.009) to be significant predictive variables of mental health related quality of life. There were no significant mean differences in MCS between those presenting with CES-I and CES-R or those with radiologically complete and impending CES. DISCUSSION: This study demonstrates a high frequency of being at risk for depression in patients with CES and identifies outcome measures (physical, sexual and more so bladder and bowel dysfunction) associated with poorer mental wellbeing. Our large cohort and long follow-up highlight that CES patients should be considered at risk of depression, and the need to consider mental health outcomes following CES surgery

    Corporate social responsibility and firm performance in South Africa

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be viewed from two different perspectives: that of the business; and that of the individual investor (Socially Responsible Investing, SRI). In this study regression analysis as well as an event study was used to examine the link between CSR and firm performance. The results suggested that in the short-term there were no significant price effects on the SRI shares. In contrast, the returns of SRI portfolios over the sample period seemed to be superior to those of conventional firms. The regression analysis found that generally the SRI coefficients were insignificant; however using one of the models during the fifteen year sample period, SRI constituents attained a ROE that was 11.18% higher (as well as a ROA that was 1.824% lower) than conventional firms. When the period was restricted to 2004-2009 it was found that social performance was positively - and sometimes significantly - correlated with ROE

    Secondary damage management of acute traumatic spinal cord injury in low and middle-income countries: A survey on a global scale (Part III)

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    In LMICs, several factor may affect the applicability of guidelines for secondary damage control of spinal cord injury.•In LMICs, the use of steroids for spinal cord injury is heterogeneous and admissions to an intensive care units are limited.•The delays for surgical decompression of spinal cord injury can be significan and vary across income and geographic region.•Transfer times seem to be the most common reason for surgical delay in all income and geographic regions.•Costs for surgery for spinal trauma may be a significant barrier to guideline adherence, especially in low-resource settings